I saw the addresses of Sword Emperor Sect and Spirit Talisman Sect, Ye Yu and Ye Qingxuan had already faced off, and everyone stood there to see that these two are the best magic weapons among spiritual weapons, fighting constantly in the air.

Everyone saw the two spirit weapons of Ye Yu and Ye Qingxuan continuously flying in the air, surrounded by colorful auras, the scene seemed to make everyone stunned.

At this time, I heard the disciples of the Sword Emperor Zhonghe and the Lingfu Sect below, and couldn't help but comment on the battle between Ye Yu and Ye Qingxuan.

"Who is that woman? I didn't expect him to be so simple! The Tianjue Sword in his hand is a top-notch spiritual weapon."

"I heard that even if Tianzun of the Sword Emperor Sect wanted to obtain this Heavenly Absolute Sword, he tried all kinds of hardships, but he still didn't get it in the end."

"Is this woman a disciple of the Sword Emperor Sect? How is he destined to obtain the Heavenly Absolute Sword?"

At this time, several addresses of Sword Emperor Sect were received there.

"Do you think that woman is Ye Yu's sword servant back then? I heard that he has practiced swords with Ye Yu for many years and has not reached the level of a Taoist priest. He is just an ordinary person."

"I didn't expect this woman to want to murder amateurs, but Ye Yu killed her with a sword and threw her down the cliff."

"You said how could he be resurrected before he reached the level of a fairy? Is this person above Ye Qingxuan?"

At this time, a disciple of the Sword Emperor Sect next to him continued.

"The woman above looks quite similar to Ye Yu's Jianfu Ye Qingxuan, but no matter how you look at them, they are two people."

"I remember that Ye Qingxuan back then. He was the sword servant who accompanied Ye Yu to practice swords. He was thin and short, and he was only a little servant?"

"Look at this woman flying in the sky, she doesn't look like a servant at all, she looks like a fairy-level fairy."

"However, although he looks like an immortal at the level of a fairy, we can feel that he is only at an intermediate level, but this person's mana is really strong."

At this time, Ye Qingxuan and Ye Yu were fighting very fiercely in the air. Although Ye Qingxuan has reached the level of Zhongxian, and his mana and skill are also very strong, but after all, Ye Yu is the successor of the Sword Emperor Sect. He has now reached the top line His level, mana and skill also continued to soar.

Although Ye Qingxuan's ability and magic power developed rapidly, he was still a step behind Ye Yu. At this moment, everyone saw Ye Yu's invincible body protection sword stabbing into Ye Qingxuan's body.

At this time, I heard Ye Yu say proudly there.

"Ye Qingxuan, you will never escape from my palm. No matter what reason you can achieve resurrection, you will still die in my hands again."

Unexpectedly, Ye Yu's invincible body protection sword pierced into Ye Qingxuan's body, Ye Qingxuan didn't feel any harm or feeling, but gently pulled out Ye Yu's invincibility body protection sword with his hand.

At this time, Ye Yu and the addresses of the Sword Emperor Sect and the Spirit Talisman Sect underground were all shocked by this scene.

"The body of the mysterious spirit."

Everyone was saying these words. It turned out that Ye Qingxuan had cultivated in the previous Xuanling illusion and reached the body of Xuanling.

If the Mystic Spirit Body wasn't a spirit weapon at the level of a celestial being, it would be impossible to hurt her at all. Ye Qingxuan didn't expect that he had actually trained the Mystic Spirit Body.


Seeing that his invincible bodyguard and sword did not hurt Ye Qingxuan, Ye Yu couldn't help being a little surprised and even a little timid.

But now that so many people were watching him from below, he had no choice but to continue to fight Ye Qingxuan. At this time, Ye Yu increased his mana and told himself that Ye Qingxuan must be eliminated.

Although Ye Qingxuan here has cultivated the body of the mysterious spirit and cannot be injured by ordinary spiritual weapons, but after several rounds of fighting against such a formidable opponent as Ye Yu, Ye Qingxuan still bowed to the disadvantage.

At this time, Ye Qingxuan called out his dragon and two fog beasts from the spiritual power space to fight against Ye Yu. Unexpectedly, Ye Yu also adopted his spiritual pet in this secret realm.


Seeing Ye Qingxuan release his three spiritual pets, Ye Yu rushed towards him, and Ye Yu also quickly released his own spiritual pets.

Ye Yu's two spiritual pets, one is the Flying Kirin, and the other is the Haotian Jiaolong. Unexpectedly, Ye Yu's two spiritual pets are both very high-level.

Although Ye Qingxuan's ancient dragon and two fog beasts are three against Ye Yu's two, Ye Qingxuan's three spiritual pets seem to be of a low level.

Their energy cultivation still needs to be experienced, Ye Qingxuan continuously input his spiritual power to the three spiritual pets.

But Ye Qingxuan was defeated after seeing his three spiritual pets?

At this time, Ye Qingxuan was afraid that the two high-level spiritual pets of the three spiritual pets Ye Yu would be locked, so he quickly sent the ancient flood dragon and the two fog beasts into his spiritual power space with his thoughts.

Ye Qingxuan saw it. With his own strength and the strength of the spirit pet, if he continued to fight like this, he would have no way to eliminate Ye Yu.

Although he now has the body of Immortal Valley and Xuanling, Ye Qingxuan will not be able to wipe him out like before.

But if his fatigue and skill still have these two points of loss, it will be more difficult for him to continue to practice and improve in the future.

So at this time, Ye Qingxuan thought about it, and found an opportunity to escape, and found some magic tools and magic weapons in this secret realm, so as to raise his immortal rank to a higher level of mana and skills, and he was also on the upper level, with full confidence It's time to find Ye Yu again.

Chapter 268 Escape in the middle (please subscribe!)

Ye Qingxuan seems to be much smarter now than before. At this time, Ye Qingxuan used a little spiritual power to create a miasma of spiritual mist, took a cover, turned around and flew away from here.

Seeing Ye Qingxuan fly away from here, Ye Yu could not help but breathe a sigh of relief. In fact, when Ye Yu was fighting Ye Qingxuan, he didn't have the confidence in his heart.

He has tried his best and used all his mana and spiritual power in this battle. After all, so many disciples of the Spirit Talisman Sect and the Sword Emperor are watching him.

And now it is still in the Herbal Garden of the Pill Sect, where the three largest Zhongtai are all here. If Ye Yu worships in front of Ye Qingxuan this time, he will laugh for thousands of years!

Therefore, Ye Yu can be said to use his spiritual power and magic power in a super complex way. If Ye Qingxuan is dealing with him for a while, Ye "150" Yu may feel that he may not really be Ye Qingxuan's opponent.

It's just Ye Yu, after all, as the highest address of Sword Emperor Sect, he will also be the position of Sword Emperor Sect Tianzun in the future.

Ye Yu is regarded as the highest head of the Sword Emperor Sect. If they lose to a girl like this in front of the Shanda Sect, then their face among the Sword Emperors will really be lost.

In the future, the Sword Emperor Sect will also lose face among the major sects. Fortunately, Ye Yu lasted until the last moment, so that his internal organs are already churning at this time, but he still has to behave in front of the disciples of the major sects. .

Taking advantage of these people's inattention at this time, Ye Yu secretly took out a large amount of pills from his spiritual power space, and quickly reorganized his body.

These people on the ground saw Ye Qingxuan running away in a despicable manner, and they all cursed loudly there.

"With just this little bit of martial arts, I dare to come here to find trouble."

"This dead girl, the next time we see him, we will definitely see his immortal bones discounted, so that he can no longer practice immortality."

Ye Yu saw these addresses of other sects, each with a hypocritical face, and couldn't help but secretly breathed out fragrance in his heart.

When Ye Yu fought against Ye Qingxuan by himself just now, these people just watched the fun from below and did not help him.

At this time, Ye Yu beat Ye Qingxuan away, and they all came here one by one, making irresponsible remarks, which made Ye Yu feel very annoying now.

But as the current head of the Sword Emperor Sect, he couldn't do this, even though he was very unhappy in his heart, he still had to have a pleasant face.

In fact, the other addresses of the Spirit Talisman Sect and the Sword Emperor Sect had always attacked Ye Qingxuan together in the beginning.

However, when they fought against Ye Qingxuan, they found that Ye Qingxuan's mana and skill were very strong, and their skills were no match for Ye Qingxuan at all.

Moreover, among these disciples, many were also impressed by Ye Qingxuan's beauty, and felt that it seemed unreasonable for so many people to deal with a woman together.

So many people saw Ye Yu stop when Ye Qingxuan was fighting each other. Others saw someone stop and heard other people's conversations before, and wondered if there was something personal between Ye Qingxuan and Ye Yu. grievances, want to solve alone.

Therefore, the other addresses in the Spirit Talisman Sect and Sword Emperor did not help Ye Yu, they all saw Ye Yu and Ye Qingxuan fighting there.

At this time, Ye Yu came lightly and received it at the addresses of the Spirit Talisman Sect and the Sword Emperor Sect.

"It's really arrogant for such a little girl who doesn't know the sect to dare to fight here."

At this time, the current head of the Spirit Talisman Sect came to Ye Yu and said to Ye Yu.

"Master Ye heard that this little girl was your sword servant, why is she now a rival to you?"

When Ye Yu heard the question from the head of the Spirit Talisman Sect, he secretly scolded the head of the Spirit Talisman Sect. He didn't expect the head of the Spirit Talisman Sect to really gossip.

However, although Ye Ye Yuli was not happy, he couldn't be seen on the surface. At this time, Ye Yu said to the head of the Spirit Talisman Sect with a smile.

"The sword servant I was training with back then has long been wiped out. This person just looks like her, not my sword servant back then."

"I don't know where this came from. A rotten woman with no background dares to compete with us for treasures. He ran too fast just now, otherwise I would have taken the spirit of the spirit fog in her body from him." **** it back..."

At this time, the head of the Spirit Talisman Sect continued to speak flatteringly like Ye Yu.

"Master Ye is still very powerful. I didn't expect this rotten woman to use some dirty tricks. Otherwise, we must all take back the Lingwu Spiritual Orb in his body."

In fact, Ye Yu and the head of the zero service center are just talking about it, and if they really win back, the two sects may have to live and kill each other again.

After all, there is only one spiritual mist bead, which is what every immortal practitioner wants to obtain. It can continuously replenish the spiritual power and energy of one's body.

If they really snatched this spirit mist orb back from Ye Qingxuan's body, then the other sects would definitely compete with each other.

Because many magical artifacts needed for leisure can be obtained through different channels in different secret realms, and various magic artifacts of different classes can be obtained, but the Lingwu Spirit Orb is the upper-level spiritual artifact for the immortal cultivators.

Therefore, the Lingwu Spiritual Orb cannot be replaced by other magic tools. If you want to cultivate immortality, you must have sufficient spiritual power to practice, so that you can raise your immortal rank to a higher level.

However, it can make one's body spontaneously radiate spiritual power, and can hold more spiritual energy in the body. Only this spirit mist spirit pearl can achieve this effect.

5.6 Therefore, this comprehension spiritual aid is a magic weapon that all cultivators want to obtain, but Ye Qingxuan did not expect this magic weapon to be obtained.

So many immortal cultivators were very angry when they heard the news, and they all wanted to **** the Lingwu spirit pearl from Ye Qingxuan's body and get it into their own hands.

The addresses of the Spirit Talisman Sect just now included the head of the Spirit Talisman Sect. When Ye Yu and Ye Qingxuan were fighting, each of them could see that Ye Qingxuan's ability and mana were very strong.

In fact, they wanted to wait for Ye Yu and Ye Qingxuan to go up and help beat Ye Qingxuan when they were so weak that they couldn't be frightened, and when they couldn't protect their bodies, they wanted to take back the spirit comprehension pearl from Ye Qingxuan's body.

Unexpectedly, Ye Qingxuan used Miasma to escape on the way, which these people did not expect.

Chapter 269 Spirit Beast Garden (Please Subscribe!)

In fact, Ye Qingxuan was able to escape halfway because Yang Xuan secretly used supernatural powers to let Ye Qingxuan leave here as soon as possible.

Because when Ye Qingxuan was fighting with Ye Yu, Yang Xuan had been observing secretly. Although Ye Qingxuan had entered the secret realm, his spiritual and mana powers had also increased after entering the secret realm, and by chance, he also practiced the mysterious body.

If Ye Qingxuan's current spiritual power, magic power and his immortal rank can't be better integrated together, if Yang Xuan helps, Ye Qingxuan will definitely beat Ye Yu.

However, Yang Xuan couldn't get out at the bottom of the long river of fate for the time being. Yang Xuan saw the maze that Ye Qingxuan entered, and it seemed that there were many opportunities in this maze.

Yang Xuan wanted Ye Qingxuan to continue to preserve his energy, to get a higher level of cultivation in this secret realm, get more magic tools, and spiritual pets.

If Ye Qingxuan defeats Ye Yu, Ye Qingxuan's strong desire for revenge seems to be defeated. I don't know if he can continue to work hard in the secret realm to get more initiations and spiritual pets, and improve his immortal rank.

After all, the moment Ye Qingxuan killed him by Ye Yu22, he was completely destroyed. Yang Xuan just used Ye Qingxuan's body to transfer most of his true power and some supernatural powers into Ye Qingxuan's body.

Relying on the last sliver of hatred in Ye Qingxuan's body, most of the true spirits and supernatural powers that were transported to Ye Qingxuan's body from Yang Point were completely integrated into his body.

If Yang Xuan helped Ye Qingxuan to eliminate Ye Yu now, I don't know if Ye Qingxuan's vengeful power could still stand up to his body.

Moreover, Yang Xuan found out that he saved Ye Qingxuan by using his psychic power plus a part of his true strength, but although Ye Qingxuan had lost his immortal bones, he was bestowed with a unique predestined relationship to cultivate immortality.

If you want to practice immortality to reach the level of a celestial being, you can't reach the level of a celestial being without going through too many hardships and cultivation.

You can't reach the level of a celestial being because of how good the bones, spiritual power, and magical tools you have. If you don't have too much suffering and experience, it is impossible to reach the level of a celestial being.

So Yang Xuan did not help Ye Qingxuan eliminate Ye Yu this time, hoping that Ye Qingxuan could continue to practice in this secret realm.

So Yang Xuan just sent a little bit of power to Ye Qingxuan, so that Ye Qingxuan had a way to retain his true strength, and he would come to Ye Yu for revenge when he was fully sure to destroy Ye Yu.

So Yang Xuan helped Ye Qingxuan, conveyed a trace of miasma, and Ye Qingxuan escaped smoothly under Ye Yu's hands.

Ye Qingxuan, after escaping from Ye Yu's men, continued to search forward in this secret realm, and saw a mountain range with swaying purple air, and a quiet valley there.

The purple and rich spirits in this valley are very strong, and it is a good place to meditate. Ye Qingxuan hurriedly flew there and found a suitable place to meditate.

When Ye Qingxuan calmed down and sat here, the dragon and fog beast in his spiritual power space were also injured, panting continuously in his spiritual power space.

Due to Ye Qingxuan's fight with Ye Yu just now, his body lost a lot of aura and magic power. Although Ye Qingxuan has a spiritual mist orb in his body, it can continuously send aura to Ye Qingxuan's body.

However, the various instruments and spiritual pets carried by each person who cultivates immortals will become stronger or weaker as his physique changes.

Because the fight between Ye Qingxuan and Ye Yu consumed too much of his energy and Yuanshen, the energy emission of the Spiritual Mist Spirit Orb in Ye Qingxuan's body has become much weaker now.

Therefore, Ye Qingxuan now needs to find a training place with huge aura, and use his mana and physical energy to continuously repair and train his body.

Only in this way can the spirit orbs in your body release more spiritual power, and let the herbs and its spiritual pets in your spiritual power space get more spiritual energy.

So Ye Qingxuan became the younger brother of this quiet mountain country, and quickly took out some elixir that he had refined from his spiritual power space, unexpectedly these elixir finally came in handy.

Ye Qingxuan swallowed a large amount of elixir, and began to meditate. After a while, Ye Qingxuan's body slowly recovered, and he saw the sea of ​​pills in Ye Qingxuan's body, slowly entangled with purple qi, and the qi in his dantian slowly grew.

At this time, the dragon and the two fog beasts in the spiritual power space also slowly panted and became stable.

After a period of practice, Ye Qingxuan's physical fitness slowly recovered after meditating. Finally, Ye Qingxuan protruded the last turbid air in his body, slowly opened his eyes and stood up.

At this time, Ye Qingxuan's body had completely recovered to its original state. With a slight jump, Ye Qingxuan leaped into the sky, and carefully inspected the mountain range.

Seeing that there was a place at the other end of the mountain where the purple energy seemed to be jumping very powerfully, Ye Qingxuan knew that there must be a big mystery in that place.

Ye Qingxuan gently flew to the other end of the mountain range, Ye Qingxuan came to the mountain range, flew down gently, and came to the valley below the mountain range, looking for the mystery under the purple air in the valley.

At this time, Ye Qingxuan saw a cave in the distance, on which was written "Spiritual Beast Garden", in front of the gate of this cave, there was a tiger spirit beast 153 lazily basking in the sun, as if it was watching them there The gate of the spirit beast garden.

At this time, Ye Qingxuan checked this spirit beast with his mind, and found that the immortal level of this fierce tiger spirit beast had reached the same level as Zhongxian and him.

Ye Qingxuan couldn't help but see him from a distance for a while, he was just an ordinary spirit beast, but when he inquired about the tiger spirit beast fairy world with his mind, he found that he had already reached the level of a middle immortal .

Ye Qingxuan took a look, this tiger spirit beast didn't want to move, he wanted to pass by him quietly, because Ye Qingxuan knew that although this place is a retailer, there must be a human being in charge of the retailer here.

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