This spirit beast garden should be managed by the immortal. Since he came here by chance, he wanted to tame more spirit beasts.

So these things need to be accommodated by the manager of the spirit beast member. This tiger spirit beast is just to open the door and protect the courtyard for this cave.

If Ye Qingxuan directly fights against the tiger spirit beast guarding the gate, he will definitely offend the manager of the spirit beast garden, and then it will not be so easy to get more retail sales and happiness here.

So Ye Qingxuan is going to fly past this spirit beast quietly.

Chapter 270 Tiger Spirit Beast (please subscribe!)

At this time, Ye Qingxuan quietly looked at the tiger spirit beast in front of the cave, and saw that the tiger spirit beast raised its head and looked at Ye Qingxuan, as if it didn't take Ye Qingxuan seriously, and continued to lie there basking in the sun.

Ye Qingxuan calmed down a little at this moment, secretly thinking in his heart that this spirit beast had no intention of attacking him at all.

Ye Qingxuan wanted to use lightness kung fu to fly in from his side quietly.

Unexpectedly, the tiger spirit beast actually used its mind to talk to Ye Qingxuan and asked Ye Qingxuan.

"Who are you? Why did you come to us?"

Ye Qingxuan couldn't help being startled in his heart, he didn't expect that the tiger spirit beast's intelligence had reached such a high level, it actually had its own thoughts and consciousness, and was able to have a mental dialogue with the cultivator.

Ye Qingxuan said to the tiger spirit beast.

"My name is Ye Qingxuan. I came here to track down Ye Yu of the Sword Emperor Sect. I don't know why! I came here?"

"It should be to come here to look for opportunities! Cultivate the immortal method to improve the immortal rank."

"Since it is destined to come here, then this place must be destined to me, so I want to come in to find the opportunity!"

I saw that spirit beast continued to speak to Ye Qingxuan with his thoughts.

"Our spirit beast garden used to be managed by a Taoist cultivating immortals here, and I don't know which sect it is from."

"But many years ago, this Taoist cultivating immortals died for unknown reasons!"

"Now this spirit beast garden has become a good place for our beast race to cultivate immortality."

"I can tell you with certainty that many warriors who have attained Taoism and cultivated immortality have entered this spirit beast garden."

"But those warriors who have attained Taoism and cultivated immortality, I haven't seen them come out."

"These immortals always want to conquer our spirit beasts and become their spiritual pets when they come here."

"But if you want to conquer us, you must have a certain amount of immortal power and magic power〃."

"If you don't have a certain level of immortality and Taoism, you can't conquer the spirit beasts in our spirit beast garden."

"So even though you are destined to come here, I don't know if you can get out alive. Please think carefully before entering our spirit beast garden."

"After all, the spirit beasts in our Spirit Beast Garden all have a certain level of immortality. Seeing that your immortal level has only reached the middle immortal level."

"The lowest level of the spirit beasts in our spirit beast garden is higher than yours."

"Based on your immortal rank, I advise you to go back earlier! Don't go here and die, otherwise the immortal bones you have worked so hard to perish like this are really not worth it!"

Ye Qingxuan heard the spirit beast in front of the door say that there are many high-quality spirit beasts here, and thinking that when he was fighting Ye Yu, his two spirit beasts were not as powerful as Ye Yu's spirit beast, Ye Qingxuan felt nervous Not a taste.

So Ye Qingxuan was thinking in his heart, since he was destined to come to this spirit beast garden, he must go there to tame stronger spirit beasts.

At this time, Ye Qingxuan said to the tiger spirit beast in front of the door.

"I also know that many of the spirit beasts inside have high mana and high immortal rank, but since I have a destiny to come here, I want to try it out to see if I have a destiny with the spirit beasts here?"

At this time, the tiger spirit beast in front of the spirit beast garden saw that Ye Qingxuan wanted to stay here since he didn't want to leave, so he told him.

"Since you really want to enter our spirit beast garden, then you have to pass my level first."

At this time, I saw this fierce tiger spirit beast, transformed into a purple light, and rushed towards Ye Qingxuan.

I saw Ye Qingxuan jumped up lightly, then flew into the air, avoiding the capture of this fierce tiger spirit beast.

The fierce tiger spirit beast continued to pursue Ye Qingxuan in the sky, and attacked Ye Qingxuan. Ye Qingxuan, the tiger and the spirit beast fought fiercely in midair.

Although the immortal level of this fierce tiger spirit beast is similar to that of Ye Qingxuan, but with the help of Yang Xuan, Ye Qingxuan's internal strength, magic power and true spirit are much higher than this spirit beast.

So within a few rounds, the tiger spirit beast was defeated. After a while, Ye Qingxuan held the Tianjue sword and placed it on the tiger spirit beast's neck.

Ye Qingxuan said to the tiger spirit beast at this time.

"As you said, it's not easy to cultivate a fairy bone, so I don't want your fairy bone to perish. I feel very honored to be able to learn skills with you today."

"The spiritual power space in my body is very wide. There are two fog beasts and an ancient dragon in the space. If you are willing to become friends with him, I can subdue you and send you to my spiritual power space to practice. "

In fact, this fierce tiger spirit beast has been in the spirit beast garden for hundreds of years, so it could have continued to cultivate in the spirit beast garden.

However, this fierce tiger spirit beast felt that the aura in the spirit beast garden and the training ground had already promoted it, and it could no longer rise to the current level.

The reason why this fierce tiger spirit beast came to the gate of the spirit beast garden was also to find a destined person who could take him to continue to practice the immortal rank and become an immortal as soon as possible.

Unexpectedly, not long after he came here, he would run into Ye Qingxuan. He had also met disciples from other sects before, but those disciples were all convinced by him, so they couldn't enter the spirit beast garden. So far no one has been able to get in from under their noses.

I didn't expect to meet Ye Qingxuan this time. Seeing that Ye Qingxuan's immortal rank was not high, this fierce tiger spirit beast didn't take Ye Qingxuan seriously. I didn't expect that after several battles, this Ye Qingxuan's mana and internal strength were really high. of.

Seeing that Ye Qingxuan had subdued him, and did not take his fairy bone, this tiger spirit beast knew that Ye Qingxuan came here also to tame his own spiritual pet.

As the spirit (De Li Hao) beasts they cultivate, if they can't complete it by themselves, they can only use the power of human beings to practice together with human beings to reach a higher level of fire.

So the tiger spirit beast saw that Ye Qingxuan had conquered him, and he also saw that Ye Qingxuan's internal power and law were really strong, especially when Ye Qingxuan said that there was an ancient dragon in his spiritual power space.

The fierce tiger spirit beast knows that this kind of ancient dragon spirit beast cannot be touched by ordinary people. Since Ye Qingxuan can tame the ancient flood dragon, it shows that Ye Qingxuan's spiritual power is still super strong.

Following the cultivation of a fairy body like Ye Qingxuan, it seems that he can become a higher-level spirit beast faster, so this tiger spirit beast said to Ye Qingxuan.

"¨Since there is fate today, I am subdued by your subordinates, and since you can tame the ancient dragon to become your spirit beast, you are definitely not easy.".

Chapter 271

"How about this, I sincerely want to practice with the ancient dragon and the two fog beasts as good friends."

"Seeing that your immortal rank is not very high, I didn't expect that your mana and inner power, including your spiritual power, are really super strong. I can use your spiritual power to cultivate in space. I think I can rise to the immortal rank faster. "

Ye Qingxuan heard that since this fierce tiger spirit beast had agreed to become his spiritual pet, he silently recited the secret of subduing his spiritual pet in his heart.

Slowly the tiger spirit beast's fairy bone and Ye Qingxuan's fairy bone slowly fused into a contract link, and then Ye Qingxuan sent the tiger spirit beast to his spiritual power space.

When Ye Qingxuan saw this fierce tiger spirit beast first entered the spiritual power space, the ancient flood dragon and the two fog beasts were very repulsive to him.

Ye Qingxuan saw the few of them fighting and fighting in his spiritual power space. Their fighting made Ye Qingxuan's spiritual power space fluctuate constantly, which also affected Ye Qingxuan's mood.

At this time, Ye Qingxuan used his mind to enter the space of spiritual power, and persuaded them.

"Ancient flood dragon, although you are an ancient spirit beast, but your current immortal rank has not reached a certain level of cultivation."

"This fierce tiger spirit beast has reached the level of a Zhongxian. Since it can sign a contract link with me and become my spiritual pet, it is because of my destiny."

"I hope you can practice together in my spiritual power space, don't continue to fight like this, it will seriously affect my mana and my true spirit."

"We are able to come together by fate, it is our fate arranged by God, so I hope you don't do this."

These spirit beasts heard it, and since the master had come in to dissuade them, they were embarrassed to continue fighting. Although some of them hadn't merged together, at least they could calm down now.

Seeing that the spirit beasts had calmed down, Ye Qingxuan withdrew his thoughts from his own spiritual power space, and walked straight into the spirit beast garden.

Not long after Ye Qingxuan entered the Spirit Beast Garden, disciples from the Spirit Talisman Sect, the Sword Emperor Sect and other sects all came to the Spirit Beast Garden one after another.

Ye Qingxuan then entered the spirit beast garden and continued to walk forward. He saw that every plant and tree in this spirit beast garden was full of flowers and plants, which had a very strong spirituality.

But after walking for a while, he didn't find a spirit beast, which made Ye Qingxuan feel very strange. After all, this is the spirit beast garden, not the herb garden.

Ye Qingxuan was very curious, why there were no spirit beasts in this spirit beast garden, but all flowers and plants with super spiritual power.

At this moment, a ray of strong sunlight hit Ye Qingxuan's body. At this moment, Ye Qingxuan felt that it was the sunshine of the world. These spirit beasts made them uncomfortable. In this broad daylight, the spirit beasts may hide Went to the cave to practice.

Ye Qingxuan thought in his heart, since he came in, there must be other opportunities if he takes a turn around here, but he continued to walk along the path of the spirit beast garden, and saw that the vegetation in front of him was crushed and folded.

There seemed to be a fight here just now, Ye Qingxuan was thinking in his heart, could there be a war between spirit beasts and spirit beasts here just now?

Ye Qingxuan searched the surroundings carefully, but did not see any trace of the spirit beast, but behind a big tree nearby, Ye Qingxuan found a cave.

Because the inside of the cave was pitch black, it was impossible to see what was inside the cave. At this time, Ye Qingxuan checked the cave with his mind, and found that there were many injured spirit beasts in the cave.

Ye Qingxuan was thinking in his heart, since these spirit beasts are already injured, then don't bother them. Ye Qingxuan continued to think, looking for some spirit beasts with higher magic power and higher immortal rank.

Since these spirit beasts were injured, there must be spirit beasts higher than her immortal level that injured them, so Ye Qingxuan planned to continue searching in this spirit beast garden, and he would definitely find a higher immortal level spirit beast.

(ccfg) Ye Qingxuan continued to walk along the path of the spirit beast principle. At this moment, Ye Qingxuan saw a very large tree in front of him, and there was actually a spirit beast's lair under the trunk.

This spirit tree seems to be very rich in spirit power. The central part of this spirit tree has been hollowed out by a certain spirit beast, forming its own cave.

But Ye Qingxuan probed into the cave in the tree trunk with his mind, and found that there was no spirit beast in the cave, Ye Qingxuan was still thinking, since there is a cave for spirit beasts here, where did the spirit beast go?

At this time, Ye Qingxuan raised his head and looked at the surrounding books and periodicals, only to find that each of these spirit trees had a living bird's nest, but it was very large, much larger than ordinary bird's nests. .

Ye Qingxuan was thinking there, what it tamed were huge underground pets. He hadn't seen a bird's pet yet, but when he saw such a big bird's nest on a tree, he knew that there must be a bird's soul beast living here.

It would be great if I could tame a bird spirit beast here. After all, with a bird spirit beast, it would not need to use its own lightness skills when it went to the sky and entered the earth. After replacing the spirit bird, let him As your own mount, you can fly with him.

At this moment, Ye Qingxuan looked up and saw a bird's nest, with a small head protruding from it, which should be the chick of this spirit beast.

Ye Qingxuan saw that this kind of bird had a dark body, but its wings were very small. Because it was a fledgling, its body was also very small, not very big.

When Ye Qingxuan saw this kind of bird, he immediately thought of the skylark. The skylark is a kind of harmless and docile spirit beast. What he is best at is his speed, which is very suitable for a human immortal cultivator's mount.

Ye Qingxuan was watching here, but he didn't expect a big bird to fly back. Seeing outsiders entering their territory, he quickly flew towards Ye Qingxuan to attack.

Ye Qingxuan just used lightness kung fu to lift it lightly, then jumped up, flew into the air, and dodged the attacking big bird.

At this moment, Ye Qingxuan stood in mid-air and took a closer look at the big bird, only to realize that it was a big bird with a sharp beak, and it should be the mother of the chick.

This sharp-billed bird should be a variation evolution of the skylark, because as an ordinary bird like the skylark, it is very difficult to evolve into a spirit beast. After all, ordinary birds like them want to experience fairy bones is very difficult.

Unexpectedly, in this extraordinary spirit beast garden, such a very docile skylark can also evolve with super-strong spiritual power, mutate into a sharp-billed bird, and form a very high fairy-level spirit beast.

Chapter 272 The Earth Demon Bear Spirit Beast

The skylark belongs to a very docile bird, even if it evolves into a spirit beast, it is also a docile mount, but this sharp-billed bird is different, it is very aggressive.

Perhaps Skylark forcibly transformed himself into a super powerful aggressive spirit beast in order to cultivate into a spirit beast! After all, in this spirit beast garden, there are many beast races who want to cultivate immortality and become enlightened. They will come here and want to survive in this spirit beast garden. If they do not undergo mutation evolution, they will not be able to survive in this spirit beast garden. of.

Seeing Ye Qingxuan dodging his attack so easily, the sharp-billed bird was very angry, turned its head and attacked Ye Qingxuan again within a second at an astonishing speed.

This time the sharp-billed sparrow, although it looks very huge, but his scheming is really not as high as Ye Qingxuan's immortal rank, it is just a spirit beast of the lower immortal rank~.

Therefore, Ye Qingxuan doesn't have to pay attention to the spirit beasts whose immortal rank is lower than Ye Qingxuan's, and can easily avoid their attacks.

Seeing the second attack on Ye Qingxuan, the sharp-billed bird was easily dodged by Ye Qingxuan, and the sharp-billed bird also saw that Ye Qingxuan's heart knot was indeed higher than his, even mana And the skills are much stronger than him - a lot.

After noticing that this squirrel flew into the sky for a while, he saw about a dozen squirrels, came back here again, and began to attack Ye Qingxuan.

I saw this group of sharp-billed birds flapping their wings, rolling up huge waves of spiritual energy in the air, and staring at Ye Qingxuan with covetous eyes.

The little skylarks in the nests on the nearby spirit trees all showed fearful expressions at this moment, shivering and shivering in their nests.

In front of these sharp-billed kingfishers, one of their leaders saw this finger-tip-billed kingfisher, angrily chirped and flapped its wings, and attacked Ye Qingxuan.

I saw that very sharp beak attacking Ye Qingxuan, I saw Ye Qingxuan lightly waved his Tianjue Sword, and the beak of this sharp-billed bird was chopped off by Ye Qingxuan.

Seeing that Ye Qingxuan cut off his hard beak, the sharp-billed bird was immediately very surprised. What kind of powerful character was able to cut off their hard beak.

After all, as the sharp-billed sparrow, the most important attack weapon, this sharp beak is like a high-quality cast iron, which should not be cut off by ordinary weapons.

But Ye Qingxuan's Absolute Heaven Sword was so powerful that it broke its beak with just a slight swipe, which made this sharp-billed bird suddenly a little scared.

The other great finches saw it, their leader's. The beak weapon was easily cut off by the intruder, and the other sharp horned birds seemed to be a little frightened at this time, and they dared not continue to fly forward.

The sharp-billed sparrow saw it, and Ye Qingxuan was really powerful, so he quickly used their unique sound transmission technique to tell the other sharp-billed sparrows to fly to the cave, take their little skylark away, and fly away from here.

Ye Qingxuan was about to chase after him at this time, because he found that the sharp-billed sparrows should be a good choice as his mount, but he didn't expect these sharp-billed sparrows to run away when they saw that they couldn't beat them.

Unexpectedly, at this time, he was roaring wildly on the ground.


Ye Qingxuan looked down and saw a ferocious spirit beast with a body height of five meters, as strong as a strong iron barrel. This spirit beast has brown fur and a pair of fierce eyes, full of super strength Sensation and rage.

Surrounding this super powerful spirit beast, surrounded by a super-rich purple aura, I saw this super powerful spirit beast stomp its feet, and use its claws to shoot a super strong and direct inspired attack ball at Ye Qingxuan.

I saw Ye Qingxuan dodging the inspiration ball shot by this super powerful spirit beast with a front flip, Ye Qingxuan was suspended in mid-air again, this time he took a closer look at the spirit beast.

It turned out to be a super powerful earth demon bear spirit beast. Although this super powerful earth demon spirit beast looks very burly, its first knot has not yet reached the middle immortal, it is just a lower immortal, but it seems Soon he will break through to Zhongxian, which is a bit higher than the previous sharp-billed bird's immortal rank.

Although the connection of this earth demon bear spirit beast has not surpassed Ye Qingxuan, his huge body and the unique skill of spirit beasts are simply incomparable to Ye Qingxuan.

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