Ye Qingxuan saw this attic like a mortal seeing a fairyland.

Seeing this virtual attic, Ye Qingxuan was very curious, so he took a light breath, saw his body, and flew into the air.

What Ye Qingxuan didn't expect was that what he saw on the ground was obviously a virtual attic, but when he flew up, he saw a real attic standing in front of him.

Ye Qingxuan saw a few large characters written on the door of the attic, "Spiritual Artifact Pavilion".

Seeing that the door of the attic was ajar, Ye Qingxuan pushed the door open and entered the attic.

After Ye Qingxuan entered the Spirit Artifact Pavilion, he saw that on the entire wall, there were some small grids like pigeon cages, and each small grid contained various magical artifacts.

Ye Qingxuan carefully checked the treasures in each grid in this aura grid, and Ye Qingxuan found that the treasures in each grid were magic weapons with extremely high mana.

At this time, Ye Qingxuan really wanted to incorporate all these magic weapons into his spiritual power space.

But Ye Qingxian found that his spiritual power space could not be opened in it, at this time, an old voice floated over this spiritual energy pavilion.

"The Lingqi Pavilion here is only for the winner of the Lingwu Sea Essence Yuanzhu to choose a magic weapon that he can handle."

"Although there are tens of thousands of artifacts here, you can only choose one, and you must not be greedy."

Ye Qingxuan heard that the Lingji Pavilion only allowed him to choose one, so he had to choose carefully.

Ye Qingxuan came to the wall at this time, and carefully inspected each spirit weapon, but Ye Qingxuan wandered around here for a long time, but he didn't find a spirit weapon that he could see.

It was only at this time that Ye Qingxuan discovered that the aura below the wall was very low-end, and the higher the level of the aura, the higher the level.

At this time, Ye Qingxuan jumped up slightly and floated in the air. He came to the uppermost grid of the Spirit Artifact Pavilion, and checked the spirit artifacts in each grid.

At this time Ye Qingxuan saw a grid on the top of these grids, inside which was placed a shining golden sword.

Ye Qingxuan couldn't help but be attracted by this sword. After all, Ye Qingxuan has been Ye Yu's sword servant since he was born. He has practiced swords with Ye Yu since he was a child, and he has a unique feeling for swords.

Ye Qingxuan hurried over, and when he reached the shining golden sword, he wanted to pick it up but found that he couldn't move it.

It was only at this time that Ye Qingxuan realized that this gleaming golden sword was actually so heavy.

Ye Qingxuan saw two characters on the hilt of the sword.

The word Ye Qingxuan looked carefully at the word "Heavenly Absolute".

It turned out that this sword was called "Heavenly Absolute Sword". At this time, Ye Qingxuan carefully observed this spiritual sword, and found that this spiritual sword is much wider than ordinary spiritual swords.

Chapter 265 Mysterious Spirit Illusion

Ye Qingxuan also discovered that there are many special runes on this sword.

Ye Qingxuan saw these runes, and through his special perception ability, he knew the records of this rune. This Tianjue sword was used when Pangu created the world.

Ye Qingxuan couldn't help being shocked. It turned out that this sword turned out to be an ancient spiritual weapon from Pangu's time. Ye Qingxuan only knew that when Pangu opened up the world, he chopped it with an axe. He didn't expect that when Pangu opened up the world, he also had a Heaven's Absolute Sword in his hand.

At this time, Ye Qingxuan used all his strength to grab the sword again, this time Ye Qingxuan finally took the sword into his hands.

For such spiritual energy, Ye Qingxuan needs to cut the connection first, and his own hand needs blood to recognize the owner. After this spiritual sword, he will recognize its owner.

At this time, Ye Qingxuan picked up the sword and swipe his finger lightly, and saw a drop of blood in Ye Qingxuan's body slowly flow out from the finger, and dripped onto the Tianjue Sword.

It didn't take long to see that the blood had completely merged into the Tianjue sword. At this moment, the Tianjue sword trembled, as if a golden light flashed.

Seeing this golden light rushing into Ye Qingxuan's forehead and entering his brain, Ye Qingxuan felt a series of special characters appearing in his brain at this time, Ye Qingxuan suddenly felt dizzy and had a splitting headache.

At this moment, Ye Qingxuan shook his head, and felt more or less conscious.

Then when the series of special characters slowly dissipated in Ye Qingxuan's mind, Ye Qingxuan slowly felt a little more comfortable at this time.

It turns out that there is a unique set of Tianjue swordsmanship in the body of this Tianjue sword. After this Tianjue sword recognizes its owner, this Tianjue swordsmanship will be automatically imported into its owner's mind.

Ye Qingxuan got the Tianjue Sword Art. At this time, Ye Qingxuan was secretly happy, because Ye Yu is the strongest disciple among the Sword Emperors, and he will become the Sword Emperor Tianzun of the Sword Emperor Sect in the future.

Ye Qingxuan wanted to use this Absolute Heaven Sword to win the strongest disciple of the Sword Emperor Sect and make the Sword Emperor Sect the most despised sect in the world.

Ye Qingxuan secretly made up his mind here, but although this Tianjue Sword has now recognized its owner, the Tianjue Sword Technique still needs to be re-fused with Ye Qingxuan through training and upgrading, otherwise Ye Qingxun will not be able to use the true meaning of the Tianjue Sword.

Ye Qingxuan held the Tianjue Sword in his hand, turned around and wanted to get out of the Lingqi Pavilion, looking for a place to practice the swordsmanship of the Tianjue Sword, at this time Ye Qingxuan turned around and found a meditator in the center of the Lingxi Pavilion. disc.

Surrounded by super spiritual energy, they are constantly inputting into this disc. Ye Qingxuan saw this disc for practicing meditation, and knew that this is the training seat prepared for him by the Lingqi Pavilion.

At this time, Ye Qingxuan sat cross-legged on the ground, put the sword in his hand, stood in front of his chest, and quietly comprehended the mystery of the Tianjue Sword.

Slowly, Ye Qingxuan felt that the real fire of the Danhai was constantly burning, and the Tianjue Sword slowly disappeared in Ye Qingxuan's mind, turning into a spiritual liquid that could enter the body.

I saw that the psychic liquid transformed by Tian Jue Jian slowly merged with the real fire of Ye Qingxuan Danhai, forming a very mellow purple aura sea.

Ye Qingxuan could feel that the sea of ​​purple aura was leading to all the meridians in his body, Ye Qingxuan could feel thousands of acupuncture points and meridians in his body being continuously impacted by this purple aura.

Ye Qingxuan had the feeling of releasing energy from the inside out, as if this energy had penetrated his entire body and penetrated his seven meridians and eight meridians.

Suddenly Ye Qingxuan roared twice, and a purple light radiated from the top of Ye Qingxuan's head to the outside. At this moment, Ye Qingxuan opened his eyes and saw the sword in his hand, which seemed to emit a faint purple charm.

Ye Qingxuan had a feeling that his body and the sword were fully integrated, and felt that the sword seemed to be a part of his body.

Ye Qingxuan was still sitting cross-legged on the cultivation disk in the center of the Lingqi Pavilion. But at this time Ye Qingxuan opened his eyes and saw that the surrounding Spirit Artifact Pavilion had disappeared.

I saw Ye Qingxuan sitting cross-legged, floating in mid-air, like a very beautiful fairy meditating in the sky.

Ye Qingxuan slowly restrained his aura, put the sword in the hilt, and flew down from the sky, preparing to continue exploring in this secret realm, wanting to find Ye Yu as soon as possible.

Ye Qingxuan continued to walk forward in the secret realm, at this time Ye Qingxuan saw a very grand gate ahead.

I saw the words "Mystery, Spirit and Magic" written on this magnificent gate. Ye Lingxuan looked inside, and saw the birds singing and flowers smelling inside, the buds breaking through the ground, budding, the grass growing and warblers flying, and everything was full of vitality. A faint purple aura is shrouded in the entire forbidden area.

At this time, Ye Qingxuan saw that there seemed to be a group of people in front of him. Ye Qingxuan looked at their clothes, and it should be the disciples of the Sword Emperor Sect and the Spirit Talisman Sect in front of him.

Ye Qingxuan hurriedly flew forward, wanting to see if there was any shadow of Ye Yu in front of him.

Unexpectedly, when Ye Qingxuan flew in, the environment suddenly changed, and the whole space suddenly became extremely frenzied.

The sun is shining brightly, the hot sun hangs high in the sky, it seems that the vegetation on the ground is slowly starting to dry up,

On the nearby trees, cicadas were chirping, just like a hot summer scene, Ye Qingxuan was wondering what was going on?

Unexpectedly, a gust of wind suddenly blew up, and the scenery full of spring just now suddenly turned into a harsh autumn.

Just now (Dema Zhao) the scenery of the grass growing and the warbler flying has completely disappeared, and I saw that in this fantasy world, the lush trees began to turn yellow in the howling wind, and the branches and leaves began to dry and wither. The yellow leaves were blown by the autumn wind. It fell to the ground rustlingly.

After a while, all the leaves on the entire forest were blown to the ground by the strong wind, and the whole land was dry and withered, barren and silent.

After the last few leaves on the entire forest fluttered down, the gust of wind suddenly turned into a biting wind and snowstorm.

I saw that between the heaven and the earth and all things, there were white snowflakes floating in the sky and the earth.

Ye Qingxuan seems to have experienced a cycle of spring, summer, autumn and winter in this fantasy world of mysterious spirits. The seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter are constantly alternating, like a giant wheel rotating through the years.

Ye Qingxuan felt the plants in the Xuanling illusion, from lush branches and leaves to withered and fallen leaves, until finally there was only a bare trunk left.

Chapter 266 Baicao Garden (please subscribe!)

The addresses of the Sword Emperor Sect and the Spirit Talisman Sect in front of Ye Qingxuan also entered the Xuanling Illusion, and several people were also sent to other places after changing seasons.

It turns out that this fantasy realm of the mysterious spirit is a virtual realm. If one wants to cultivate into a celestial being, one must awaken and purify one's mind.

So this Mysterious Spirit Illusion is a secret realm that provides spiritual awakening and purification for these immortals.

Ye Qingxuan slowly closed his eyes at this time, and became one with this mysterious fantasy. Ye Qingxuan seemed to be standing at the highest point in the world, watching the joys and sorrows of the world.

Ye Qingxuan looked down at the human world and saw the joy, anger, sorrow, joy, birth, old age, sickness and death in the human world, and in Ye Qingxuan's sight, the scene was constantly changing.

Ye Qingxuan saw the vast ocean, the vast grassland, the winding mountains, and the vast starry sky. At this moment, Ye Qingxuan seemed to feel the majesty and majesty of the world.

Ye Qingxuan seemed to feel that there was a kind of magical power between heaven and earth, which was constantly pouring into her body.

At this time, Ye Qingxuan felt that his body was continuously ascending, Ye Qingxuan opened his eyes and saw that he was still in this mysterious fantasy world.

But Ye Qingxuan flew to a door, and saw "Tianxuan Gate" written on the door.

Ye Qingxuan walked through this gate, and saw a 150 herb garden. In this herb garden, there are thousands of kinds of high-quality spiritual herbs for making elixirs.

Ye Qingxuan saw that the herb garden was colorful and full of various herbs.

There are also various flowers blooming in the Baicao Garden, and the rich purple aura in the whole Baicao Garden surrounds the grassland, making each herb look full of aura.

Ye Qingxuan saw so many high-quality herbs, so he just transplanted them into his spiritual power space. At this time, he saw Ye Qingxian hanging in mid-air, meditating and using his mind to transplant all kinds of high-quality spiritual herbs in this herb garden. into your spiritual space.

At this time, I saw the Herb Garden, as if there was an invisible hand, pulling out the herbs here one by one, but I couldn't see who was pulling them out.

At this time, I saw a few cultivators in Taoist robes coming to Baicao Garden. When they saw Ye Qingxuan meditating in mid-air, they couldn't help being shocked by Ye Qingxuan's beauty.

Ye Qingxuan himself is rather handsome, and his face will become more and more beautiful (ccfg) when his immortal rank is higher.

These people were staring at Ye Qingxuan stupidly, and suddenly one person realized that this person was secretly picking the spiritual herbs from the Herb Garden.

I saw this person yelling at Ye Qingxuan loudly.

"Where did the woman who didn't know the heights of the heavens and the depths of the earth come to the Baicao Garden to steal the spirit grass?"

"Don't you know that you will be punished for this? We will make the fairy bones on your body disappear."

At this time, a fairy next to him saw such a beautiful woman as Ye Qingxuan, so he didn't want to make a big fight with Ye Qingxuan and drive her away from the Herb Garden, so he continued with this person.

"Get out of here quickly! People from the Sword Emperor Sect and the Spirit Talisman Sect will come here to look for medicine in a while. You see, you have made our Herb Garden look bad."

"I see that you are also here for cultivating immortals, and your heart knot has reached an intermediate level. I don't want to lose your immortal bones because of this mistake, so you should leave here quickly!"

At this time, Ye Qingxuan was using her mind to continuously transplant spiritual grass from the Herb Garden to her spiritual power space. .

As for Jiaolong and the two objects in the spiritual power space, seeing so many spiritual herbs sent in by Ye Qingxuan, the three spiritual pets were very happy, running and playing in the vast spiritual power space.

Ye Qingxuan was also in the spiritual power space, playing with Jiaolong and two spiritual pets, and the sudden voices of these people woke Ye Qingxuan up.

Ye Qingxuan opened his eyes and saw several immortals wearing Taoist robes below, all of them were of the upper immortal level.

The following immortals in Taoist robes saw Ye Qingxuan opened their eyes. When they saw Ye Qingxuan's eyes, they couldn't help being fascinated by Ye Qingxuan.

Ye Qingxuan's eyes are really too beautiful. They have both the pure beauty of a cultivator and the charming charm of the human world. It can be said that his eyes can make people feel awe-inspiring.

Ye Qingxuan didn't intend to have any conflict with them at first, and planned to fly away from here, but at this moment, a group of disciples wearing Emperor Sword Sect and spirit talismans came to Ye Qingxuan.

At this time, among their crowd, someone discovered Ye Qingxuan, who was the fairy who had won the Lingwu spirit pearl with them.

I saw these people seeing Ye Qingxuan's involuntary encounter with enemies, and they were extremely jealous. In fact, Ye Yu was also here, but when Ye Yu found out that it was Ye Qingxuan, he secretly buried his head, trying to hide himself among these crowds.

Because Ye Yu saw Ye Qingxuan's skill and mana before, although he is only at the level of a middle immortal, Ye Yu feels that his mana and mana are even higher than the people in heaven.

Around Ye Yu, there are some disciples of the Sword Emperor Sect and the Spirit Talisman Sect. Ye Yu wanted to reduce his sense of existence when he couldn't figure out Ye Qingxuan. He didn't want to have a direct conflict with Ye Qingxuan. He wanted to see Ye Qingxuan what is going on.

Ye Yu planned to make a move after he had a clear understanding of all the situation, so Ye Yu slowly lowered his head and hid behind many disciples of the Sword Emperor Sect and the Spirit Talisman Sect.

I saw the addresses of the Sword Emperor Sect and the Spirit Talisman Sect. I don't know how many people were shouting at Ye Qingxuan from the bottom.

"It's just this lawless woman who took away the spirit pearl of Lingwuhai in our hands. This time we will definitely let you spit out this spirit pearl for us."

"I don't know where the immortal cultivator came from. It seems that it doesn't fit in with our hearts."

"Hurry up and obediently call out the spirit pearl of Lingwuhai. We will save your immortal bones."

"Give you a chance to become a fairy. If you don't obediently hand it over, be careful that we people will crush you."

Ye Qingxuan didn't intend to pay attention to these people, he didn't expect these people to be so rampant, only to see Ye Qingxuan gently swipe down with his hand, and a super powerful mana slashed towards them. "

I saw a strong golden light flying towards the disciples of the Sword Emperor Sect and the Spirit Talisman Sect, and the addresses of the Sword Emperor Sect and the Spirit Talisman Sect slowly fell to the ground.

Seeing that their companions were hurt, some addresses nearby also used their skills to fight Ye Qingxuan.

Chapter 267 Fighting Ye Yu (Please Subscribe!)

The disciples of the Spirit Talisman Sect are good at using the Spirit Talismans and various magic formations, while those of the Sword Emperor Sect are good at using the sword formation and swordsmanship.

At this time, Ye Yu saw that everyone was now fighting against Ye Qingxuan, so he was ready to show his skills and eliminate Ye Qingxuan with everyone.

I saw Ye Yu took out his body-protecting divine sword, poured his spiritual power into it, and silently recited the method of swordsmanship.

Only Ye Yu shouted.

"The Sword and Lightning Technique."

The sword for body protection in Ye Yu's hand was instantly shot towards Ye Qingxuan with streaks of light surrounded by thunder and lightning.

Ye Qingxuan was fighting back against the other disciples of the Spirit Talisman Sect and the Sword Emperor Sect, when Ye Yu's "Sword and Thunderbolt Art" woke Ye Qingxuan up.

Ye Qingxuan saw that Ye Yu was stabbing towards him with his body-protecting sword, Ye Qingxuan quickly used his Tianjue sword to fight against Ye Yu.

At this time, I saw Ye Qingxuan's Tianjue Sword and Ye Yu's Invincible Bodyguard. The swords were constantly clashing in the air, and they saw colorful shapes and brilliant lights shining around Ye Yu and Ye Qingxuan~.

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