"Because you four Heavenly Venerates, in the time of this long river of fate, have already been called the eleventh-order disk-level existence."

"You four Heavenly Venerates deal with me together, only you can save me with a powerful method, and suppress me at the bottom of the river."

"The other three have already died with me. Facing a powerful character like me, I don't think these Heavenly Venerates will easily come to the river to provoke."

"At that time, if you want to go to the heavens and the world, I can send you there, and you can come back at any time after playing enough."

"It seems like a long time in this world, but in the original world of your original life, it is only a few seconds or a few minutes."

Xuanmo Tianzun heard Yang Xuan call him over, but to arrange his next plan, at this time Xuanmo Tianzun knelt down on the ground and said to Yang Xuan.

"Tianzun Wan Dao is above, and the villain Xuanmo Tianzun is here to wait for the orders of Tian Zun Wan Dao."

At this time, Yang Xuan sent Xuanmo Tianzun back to his source of life on the river, and the other three Tianzun didn't find anything at all.

Chapter 252 Pretending to be Suppressed

Yang Xuan separated a trace of the power of the true spirit, and radiated a phantom clone of himself, only to see this phantom clone of Yang Xuan swimming from the river to the river surface.

This phantom clone made waves in the river. At this time, Xuanmo Tianzun used the power of his mind to summon the other three Tianzun.

The other three Heavenly Venerates, at this time, only 100% of their true souls are left. In fact, they don't seem to have changed much on the outside, but their inner strength is gone, and they are very exhausted.

But at this time they heard Xuanmo Tianzun's call to him, and the other three Tianzun didn't have much ability to distinguish the situation of reconciliation at this time~,

It was just a call from Tianhou to Xuanmo Tianzun to them, and hurriedly jumped into the river with Xuanmo Tianzun to suppress that extraterritorial Tianzun.

Several Tianzun jumped into the river, they couldn't see what kind of thing was in front of them at all, they just saw a black shadow in front of them and chased after it.

At this time, the phantom clone made by several Tianzun and Reasonable Yangxian wrestled together, stirring up waves in the long river of life.

At this time, many other Heavenly Venerates saw the long river of life, and there were waves. They knew that there was an extraterrestrial demon inside, and wanted to escape, creating chaos here.

So for other actions, Tianzun hurriedly came to the bank of the long river of life, and waited and watched the bottom of the river.

Over the years, in the River of Life, demons from outside the territory have come here many times, wanting to control the River of Life.

However, through the protection of many heavenly deities here, many extraterritorial heavenly demons were finally crushed by the long river of life.

This time, the River of Life, the extraterrestrial demon suppressed at the bottom of the river, has been suppressed by the River of Life for nearly a thousand years.

Unexpectedly, this time he was able to break through the long river of life and wanted to escape. It can be said that the skill of this extraterritorial demon is very powerful.

Although many gods came to the bank of the long river of life, none of them dared to go down to the bottom of the river at will when they didn't know the reasonable truth.

After all, the extraterritorial celestial demons who have come here for so many years are all very powerful in their skills, and they have all seen several celestial beings with strong skills before being wiped out by the extraterritorial celestial demons.

Most of the extraterritorial celestial demons who can come to the long river of life have strong skills, profound martial arts, super abilities, and super size.

So even though many Heavenly Venerates came running over, they didn't dare to move easily without knowing the truth, they just observed carefully on the river bank.

At this time, Yang Xuan was in his true spirit transformation tower, using his internal power to control this phantom clone and several other celestial beings, wrestling in the long river of life.

Afterwards, Yang Xuan's phantom avatar created by this trace of true spirit died together with several others, and a large amount of energy was released on the river.

I saw that the long river of life stirred up a huge wave, as if someone was blown away at the bottom of the river, this phantom clone of Yang Xuan died together with the other three Tianzun, but when they died together, Xuanmo Tianzun was spared .

Xuanmo Tianzun released a powerful technique at this time, suppressing Yang Xuan's phantom clone at the bottom of the river.

At this time, the river of life returned to its previous calm, as if nothing had happened just now.

At this time, I heard Xuanmo Tianzun release to the shore, calling in my heart.

"Now this extraterritorial celestial demon has been suppressed by me at the bottom of the river. I can't get out of the river of life for the time being. I hope the bronze man on the case will take good care of my sect."

"Once something happens to my sect, I will leave here and release this extraterrestrial demon."

These many Heavenly Venerates on the shore, because they never fought against this extraterritorial demon, they would all think that they would be able to come to the long river of life. The extraterritorial demons are all powerful Taoists.

Since Xuanmo Tianzun has already put this extraterritorial demon duck at the bottom of the river, no one wants to go down to the river again to find out what happened to this extraterritorial demon.

The numerous Heavenly Venerates on the shore heard the message that Heli Xuanmo Tianzun used the spell of psychological summoning to convey to them.

Numerous Tianzun hurriedly used the same summoning spell in their hearts, like Xuanmo Tianzun in the river to reply.

"Xuanmo Tianzun, thank you for using your powerful skills to suppress the extraterrestrial demons, and your devotion to the long river of life will be remembered by many of our Tianzun."

"As long as you reasonably suppress this extraterritorial demon, don't worry, we will take good care of your Xuanmo sect."


Many celestial beings saw the long river of life and regained their calm. The extraterrestrial demons have been suppressed by the mysterious demon celestial beings, so many other celestial beings have returned to their positions.

This time, Yang Xuan saw that the many celestial beings on the river bank had dispersed. At this time, Yang Xuan pulled Xuanmo celestial being into his mental image world again.

Xuanmo Tianzun was once again brought into the world of his mind by Yang Xuan.

Xuanmo Tianzun said to Yang Xuan.

"Respected Tianzun Wan Dao! Little Renxuan Demon Tianzun has helped you eliminate the other three Tianzun, only made illusions."

"Now, can you send me to the heavens and myriad worlds to see other worlds?"

Yang Xuan opened the gates of the heavens and worlds at this time, and said to Xuanmo Tianzun.


"I will do what I say. The gates of the heavens and worlds have been opened. Where do you want to go? Go by yourself?"

Xuanmo Tianzun was very excited when he saw that the gates of the heavens and worlds had been opened.

In this world of the Long River of Life, they have lived for thousands of years, but because of the control of the Long River of Life, they will never be able to leave this world.

This time Xuanmo Tianzun had the opportunity to visit other worlds, he was very excited, there are too many worlds to choose from. Xuanmo Tianzun, I really don't know which world to choose.

Yang Xuan also saw Xuanmo Tianzun's expression of being unable to choose, all the heavens and myriad worlds, every world has its own splendor, and every world has its own characteristics.

Yang Xuan saw that Xuanmo Tianzun didn't know how to choose, so he squeezed it casually, and immediately sent Xuanmo Tianzun into the heavens and worlds.

Xuanmo Tianzun was originally choosing where to go in Yang Xuan's mental world? Unexpectedly, it seemed to be sucked into a black hole in an instant.

Xuanmo Tianzun kept turning around in this black hole, and finally fell to the ground. Xuanmo Tianzun was sent to the original world where all people reincarnated.

Xuanmo Tianzun will continue to reincarnate in that world, and in the heavens and worlds, he will continue to enjoy life in each world.

Yang Xuan has arranged the affairs here, and he is going to take a peek at the current cultivation situation of his disciple Ye Qingxuan in the world of origin of life.

Chapter 253 Encounter with a Disciple of the Spirit Talisman Sect (please subscribe!)


The real world of the original world of destiny.

Ye Qingxuan lost the last power of creation that Yang Xuan gave him to Su Lingyun.

Su Lingyun accepted this power of good fortune with great emotion.

This power of good fortune can make an ordinary Taoist priest cultivate into a celestial being and complete sublimation.

It is also possible for an ordinary Taoist priest to improve his aptitude, enhance his essence, origin, true spirit, or directly improve his realm.

Or apply this power of good fortune to refining elixir, making magic weapons, etc., all of which are omnipotent use of energy.

Moreover, Ye Qingxuan can advance to become a half-immortal with this power of good fortune.

However, in order to appreciate Su Lingyun's care, Ye Qingxuan actually gave Su Lingyun the power of creation that Yang Xuan gave her.

"One Forty Zero"

Ye Qingxuan was created by Yang Xuan's supernatural powers stripped out in the past three years. After all, Yang Xuan's supernatural powers are many times stronger than ordinary people's.

Although Ye Qingxuan only has the power of the original **** now, Ye Qingxuan seems to feel that it is no problem for him to deal with people above the semi-immortal realm.

Ye Qingxuan bid farewell to Su Lingyun, and went to the secret realm alone to track Ye Yu and seek revenge on him.

Above the soaring Cangnan Ridge, a thin-faced girl appeared, and this person was Ye Qingxuan!

Ye Qingxuan knew about Sword Emperor Sect and several other sects of immortality, so the disciples of each group were exploring and testing in this aura valley under the Cangnan Mountains.

Generally, in a spiritual canyon like this, if the opportunity is good, you will explore a lot of magic tools and treasures to improve your energy cultivation.

Moreover, in such a canyon, there are various special medicinal materials that can be used to refine various high-end elixirs.

Ye Qingxuan looked down at the spirit canyon.

I saw that this aura canyon was surrounded by a faint purple aura. There are really not many aura canyons with this kind of aura intact.

Unexpectedly, the Sword Emperor Sect and other Taoist sects could find such an excellent place for cultivation.

At this time, Ye Qingxuan quickly searched above the Lingqu Canyon, trying to find the entrance of the Lingqi Canyon.

When Ye Qingxuan descended into this aura valley and found a suitable place to practice, he discovered that the aura of this aura canyon could quickly raise his level.

Ye Qingxuan felt that in this aura gorge, although he was only cultivated by the primordial spirit, he felt that his spiritual power was higher than mana.

This should be the unique power bestowed by this aura canyon.

Ye Qingxuan, after finishing his meditation, started his own tracking and found the entrance to the secret realm.

When Ye Qingxuan was in the Sword Emperor Sect, he often heard that those people went to some secret realm to explore and found various treasures.

I never thought that one day I would be able to enter this secret realm.

However, Ye Qingxuan has a certain cautious attitude towards secret realms. No matter what kind of secret realm or aura zone, it will carry certain risks.

Although this spiritual canyon is very suitable for cultivation, who can be sure that there are no other magic circles or some restrictions?

So Ye Qingxuan felt it was better to be careful.

At this time, Ye Qingxuan opened the ring Yang Xuan gave her, and found that the ring can hide his spiritual power at this time, making it impossible for animals or other people outside to find Ye Qingxuan.

Moreover, Ye Qingxuan used the spiritual power of this ring to carefully check the surrounding situation, and Ye Qingxuan found that there was a layer of lavender clouds surrounding this spiritual energy canyon.

Moreover, this lavender cloud seems to have very strong spiritual power. If a cultivator comes here, people can absorb a lot of spiritual power here and improve their level.

If ordinary people come here, they may not be able to resist this large amount of spiritual power. This large amount of spiritual power is a super powerful weapon for cultivators.

But for ordinary people, it may be a poisonous gas.

Ye Qingxuan continued walking along the path in the mountains alone, suddenly Ye Qingxuan heard footsteps and voices in front of him, Ye Qingxuan quickly turned around and hid behind a nearby tree.

Ye Qingxuan looked forward along the gaps in the branches, there were probably five or six people in black robes in front of them, looking at their attire, they were members of the Spirit Talisman Sect.

Ye Qingxuan saw a few of them holding a map to discuss how to go next, and pointed to a road ahead.

Ye Qingxuan looked at the road they pointed to, it was exactly where he wanted to go, Ye Qingxuan originally wanted to kill them...

But at this time, seeing that the place they were going to was exactly the way she wanted to go, it was better to let them be in the front, if there was any danger ahead, these few people should be the ones who walked for Ye Qingxuan.

Ye Qingxuan followed behind these five or six people, because the ring Ye Qingxuan Youyang County gave her concealed his aura, so the people in front couldn't find Ye Qingxuan behind him at all.

These few people were walking forward, and suddenly a person shouted.

"Look at the flowers, plants and trees here, all of them are black flower branches. This is the place we want to find."

Only at this time did Ye Qingxuan look up at the trees beside them.

It is true that the green trees there are black both in branches, leaves and tree trunks, and just behind these black leaves, there is a cave entrance.

Ye Qingxuan discovered that although these trees were all black, they were in front of this cave, but there were many thick weeds.

If it weren't for some cultivation, it would be impossible to see that there is a very precious medicinal material hidden in these weeds, which is a high-quality product for refining elixir.

A person from the Spirit Talisman Sect in front seemed to have also seen this superior medicinal material in the weeds, and I saw this person from the Spirit Talisman Sect talking to other people.

"You can see that among these weeds there are very rare and unique high-quality refining pills 5.6, let's pick them up?"

At this time, I heard other people from the Spirit Talisman Sect say.

"What are you thinking? We came to this Spiritual Qi Canyon, there are plenty of treasures here, and we are not the elixir sect, what's the use of doing these things?"

"Let's go into the cave quickly! See if there are any unique magic tools and treasures in the cave that are suitable for our Spirit Talisman Sect."

At this time, the disciple of the Spirit Talisman Sect who was going to pick herbs didn't care. They said that they lowered their heads and picked those special herbs in these weed piles.

Seeing that this person wanted to buy this kind of herb here, the other people walked quickly into the cave together.

Seeing that everyone else had entered the cave, the remaining one quickly ran over to follow.

Chapter 254 Flood Dragon Appears (Please Subscribe!)

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