Just casually, a trace of the true soul of Martial Dao Tianzun returned to his body, and more than 137% of his true soul was tied to the stone pillar in his mental image world by him again.

This time Martial Dao Tianzun entered Yang Xuan's mental world for a shorter period of time. When he returned to his body, it took less than a second.

Martial Dao Tianzun returned to his own body and didn't remember what happened here at all, but they all felt that their bodies seemed to have collapsed a lot.

In their hearts, they didn't even know that they had come to Yang Xuan's mental world.

At this time, Martial Dao Tianzun and Sword Emperor Tianzun both came to Yang Xuan's mental image world, and both of them felt very exhausted after returning.

The two of them were still thinking about what kind of skill this Outer Domain Heavenly Demon was. I only saw a flurry of flowers on the river surface, but I haven't seen his entity yet.

It actually caused the two of them to consume a lot of internal energy and feel a little bit exhausted. What kind of skill is this?

This time Yang Xuan fought with Martial Dao Tianzun, and found that his internal strength seemed to have dissipated due to the nearly thousand years of sleep.

Yang Xuan was going to build, re-mobilize and gather these internal forces, but fortunately, the True Reincarnation Pagoda was brought into the river of life by Yang Xuan.

With the help of the power of the True Spirit Turning Tower, Yang Xuan readjusted his internal strength.

Chapter 250 Xuanming Tianzun (please subscribe!)

After some repairs, Yang Xuan's inner strength once again returned to its full strength. At this time, Yang Xuan brought the last Tianzun Xuanming Tianzun to his mental image world.

Xuanmingzong has always experienced some special martial arts. Although Xuanmingzong's martial arts are not very powerful, he is so superb that people can't catch the rules. This is the characteristic of Xuanmingzong.

Xuanming Tianzun is observing the waves on the long river of fate, what is going on?

He thought that the extraterrestrial celestial demons under the river of fate were about to escape and were preparing to fight with the extraterritorial celestial demons.

Unexpectedly, Xuanming Tianzun came to a magnificent palace all of a sudden, and he couldn't help being surprised when he saw this magnificent palace in front of him.

I saw Xuanming Tianzun turned around under this magnificent hall, ready to fight back, and he looked around again.

Xuanming Tianzun knew that this was an illusion, but he didn't know who the owner of this illusion was. After all, in the long river of fate, no one could resist the energy of the long river of fate.

It is impossible for someone to show his phantom space in front of the long river of fate. At this time, Tianzun Xuanming secretly thought, could it be this extraterritorial demon.

Could it be that this extraterritorial celestial demon is really so powerful that he can break free from the control of the river of fate, and can open his own phantom space under the river of fate.

The Xuanming Tianzun walked back and forth, left and right, under the hall for several times, but he didn't find anyone in the hall.

The more he couldn't see people, the more he felt guilty, so he couldn't help shouting loudly in this hall at this time.

"Is anyone there? Who the **** is here? Where is this place?"

Yang Xuan sat on the top of the main hall, looking at Tianzun Xuanming coldly.

Yang Xuan knew that Xuanmingzong's martial arts were very weird, so he really wanted to negotiate with Xuanming Tianzun and learn about Xuanming Tianzun's skills.

At this time, Yang Xuan sat in the high hall and said coldly to Xuanming Tianzun.

"Tianzun Xuanming, here I am! Can't you see me〃?"

At this time, Xuanming Tianzun turned his head and saw a dark shadow on the tall hall.

Seeing this black shadow on this magnificent and empty hall makes people feel creepy.

Xuanming Tianzun could feel the intimidating power of this black shadow in the hall.

He couldn't help but tremble in his heart. He didn't expect this extraterrestrial demon to be so powerful. They could feel the intimidating power of this black shadow before they had fought against each other.

Because Yang Xuan had readjusted his internal strength just now, and now he is in a state of full strength, of course Xuanming Tianzun couldn't help trembling in front of him.

Xuanming Tianzun quickly used his best invincible phantom clone to attack this black shadow, although Xuanming Tianzun had already used his whole body's internal strength.

But when his invincible phantom clone attacked like Yang Xuan, Yang Xuan just turned around slightly, and absorbed all the skills of his invincible phantom clone into his palm.

Yang Xuan said with a slight smile on top.

"Xuan Mingzong is good at illusion, but your illusion is not so good!"

"I heard that your Xuanmingzong's martial arts are extraordinary, superb and unexpected. Otherwise, let's compete with each other."

At this moment, Yang Xuan was seen flying over from his main hall, and came in front of Xuanming Tianzun.

Xuanming Tianzun, at this time I can see Yang Xuan's appearance clearly. It turns out that he is a relatively handsome young man. Could it be that this is an alien demon? He has been sleeping at the bottom of this river for nearly a thousand years.

I didn't expect such a handsome young man to have such a powerful skill.

Xuanming Tianzun said loudly to Yang Xuan at this time.

"Are you the visitor from that other world, the powerful extraterrestrial demon?"

"How can you have such a great skill to reveal your own world and your own fantasy space in this long river of fate?"

"In this long river of fate, we all have to be attached to the long river of fate, and it is impossible to have our own world."

"I didn't expect you, an extraterrestrial demon, to be able to reveal your own world and your own way in the river of fate."

"And I can see that there are countless avenues condensed on you. Who are you?"

At this time, Yang Xuan couldn't help laughing out loud when he saw Xuanming Tianzun like this.

"Tianzun Xuanming, your analysis is not bad! I didn't expect you to be quite self-aware!"

"I have always been very curious about Xuan Mingzong's superb and unexpected illusion martial arts."

"To stay with you for such a long time today is entirely because I want to learn from you."

"Come on! Xuanming Tianzun, I am going to give you three rounds!"

Tianzun Xuanming saw Yang Xuan despising him like this, although Tianzun Xuanming knew how powerful Yang Xuan was in his heart, but when he was in harmony with the river of fate, Tianzun was able to be provoked by Yang Xuan's contempt, of course it was very anger.

At this time, Xuanming Tianzun used the internal strength of his whole body to transform into countless magical phantom clones, attacking Yang Xuan.

Yang Xuan saw Xuanming Tianzun transformed into countless phantom clones surrounding Yang Xuan. At this time, Yangxian also transformed into countless phantom clones with a thought, attacking Xuanming Tianzun's phantom clones.

At this time, I saw countless people fighting in this magnificent and spacious hall. From a distance, I thought it was a battle between the two armies!

He didn't know that these were phantom clones transformed by Yang Xuan and Tianzun Xuanming, Tianzun Xuanming,

Among the four great celestial beings, martial arts and martial arts are relatively superior. If it was the other three celestial beings, they might have been subdued by Yang Xuan at this time.

But Xuanming Tianzun's martial arts is still quite powerful, and Yangxian wanted to see Xuanmingzong's special phantom clone magic, so Xuanming Tianzun had the opportunity to fight Yang Xuan a few times round.

Yang Xuan conducted some research on Xuanmingzong's phantom clone magic, and when it was thoroughly studied, he sucked it with both hands, sucking away 50% of Xuanming Tianzun's true soul.

Xuanming Tianzun saw that he had 50% of his skill, and he took a breath when he was washed, although they, as Tianzun, have the skill of immortality.

But when Tianzun Xuanming saw Yang Xuan, he had the feeling that his confidant would be destroyed in his hands.

This couldn't help but make Xuanming Tianzun very scared, only to see Xuanming Tianzun couldn't help but backed up, and said goodbye to Yang Xuan in fear.

"¨Who on earth are you? Why do you have such a strong foundation, but you can only be suppressed at the bottom of the long river of fate."

"Who the **** are you? Where the **** did you bring me here?.

Chapter 251 Solving the Three Heavenly Venerates

At this time, Yang Xuanxuan stared at Xuanming Tianzun very contemptuously.

Xuanming Tianzun looked at Yang Xuan's eyes, was very scared, and couldn't help but kept stepping back.

Seeing Tianzun Xuanming like this, Yang Xuan couldn't help approaching Tianzun Xuanming step by step, and followed Tianzun Xuanming coldly.

Seeing Yang Xuan approaching step by step, Xuanming Tianzun was even more frightened, and said tremblingly.

"Who the **** are you? Where are you from? What are you going to do?"

"Are you trying to destroy us?"

Yang Xuan approached Xuanming Tianzun step by step, and said coldly.

"Hahahaha, destruction? Why should I destroy you?"

"Destroying you is not enough for my little benefit."

"My goal is the river of fate? Do you know that?"

Yang Xuan approached Xuanming Tianzun and said viciously to Xuanming Tianzun.

"It's easy for me to destroy your world."

"But my goal is the river of fate."

"I'm going to destroy all of your ten Heavenly Venerates."

"I want to control this river of fate!"

At this time, Xuanming Tianzun saw Yang Xuan's state and said again.

"Are you a lunatic? The River of Destiny is a great existence, a river that he naturally conceived in the endless void of 137."

"Our ten super powerful Tianzun level can only control a little bit of energy in the river of fate."

"Although you have some abilities, but you have only reached the tenth level, it is really wishful thinking if you want to control the river of fate by yourself."

"Before so many foreign demons with profound Taoism were thinking about the long river of fate, but in the end they were not swallowed by the long river of fate."

"It's really wishful thinking to want to control the river of fate with your little energy cultivation base."

At this time, Yang Xuan raised his hands in the empty and majestic hall and laughed, turned around and came to Xuanming Tianzun again, and said coldly.

"I am the source of ten thousand dharmas, the master of ten thousand ways, and the ten thousand Tao Tianzun."

"Just because I am Myriad Dao Tianzun, I will definitely control the river of fate."

Yang Xuan stretched out his hand and grabbed Xuanming Tianzun, and sucked away 30% of Xuanming Tianzun's true spirit at one time, leaving 10% of the true soul, which was placed in his mental image world and bound up.

Yang Xuan sent the other 100% true soul out of the space of mind image, and in less than five seconds, Yang Xuan solved the other three Heavenly Venerates!

Because Yang Xuan had to rely on the energy of the True Soul Reincarnation Tower now, once Yang Xuan left the True Soul Reincarnation Tower, he would be swallowed by the river of life.

So Yang Xuan once again brought Xuanmo Tianzun into his mental world.

For Xuanmo Tianzun, he felt as if he had just left here and was brought back by Yang Xuan.

Xuanmo Tianzun came to Yang Xuan's mental image space, and knelt down to his highness Yang Xuan.

"Wandao Tianzun, the villain has just left here and called the villain back. What can I explain?"

At this time, Yang Xuan said to Xuanmo Tianzun in the high hall.

"Just now, I have sucked away the true souls of the other three Heavenly Venerates, a large part, and now they still have 100% of their true souls in their origin."

"Look back, I didn't let them completely destroy them. There is still a part of my true soul tied here, maybe I will need it in the future."

Xuanmo Tianzun looked back at this time, and saw that the other three Tianzun were tied to the pillars next to the main hall.

But Xuanmo Tianzun knew that these three Tianzun were just the true souls of the three Tianzun above.

When he saw the shadows of the other three Heavenly Venerates, he was startled.

Xuanmo Tianzun felt that it took only two or three seconds, but these three Tianzun had already been **** by Yang Xuan.

Xuanmo Tianzun was thinking secretly in his heart, he didn't expect that Wan Dao Tianzun was really so powerful.

Unexpectedly, this Wan Dao Tianzun was suppressed at the bottom of the long river of life (ccfg), and he actually solved the other three disk-level Dao Zuns within three seconds.

Unexpectedly, this Wan Dao Tianzun is really terrible.

It seems that it is really a wise choice for him to follow this Wan Dao Tianzun and join the alliance.

At this time, Yang Xuan said like this Xuanmo Tianzun.

"In a moment I'll send out a part of my real soul, create a phantom clone, swim from the bottom of the river to the surface, and pretend I'm trying to escape."

"Because I am suppressed by the long river of life, I can't leave the bottom of this river, but I can use the doctor's true spirit to create a phantom clone, disturbing the river and causing waves."

"At this time, you release a spiritual hint to the other three Heavenly Venerates."

"Insinuating that they are the demons from the outer domain in the river, they seem to be about to run away if there is any movement, and you plan to take a few of them to chase me."

"In this way, a few of them, following your spiritual call, can jump into the river together and fight against the phantom clone created by my trace of true spirit."

"This will startle the waves of the long river of life and attract other Tianzun to come here."

"During the fight, I will use my magic weapon to bring you all to the bottom of the river and die with the three of them, so that the three of them will self-destruct."

"At this time, you can release your greatest method, pretending to enter the river to suppress me."

"At this time, you can ask the Heavenly Venerable above to help take care of your sect. If you know that they have not taken care of your sect, you can choose to release me at any time and let me go."

"I think you have such a request for those Tianzun above, and none of them will agree to you."

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