Ye Qingxuan saw that the disciples of the Spirit Talisman Sect in front had all entered the cave.

He quickly came to the pile of weeds, and quickly found the unique high-quality herbal medicine that could be used to make elixirs from the pile of weeds.

Ye Qingxuan put this unique superior herb into his storage ring, and then quickly followed the disciples of the Spirit Talisman Sect.

Ye Qingxuan followed these disciples of the Spirit Talisman Sect and hid in the crevice of the rock beside him. He heard that several disciples of the Spirit Talisman Sect were studying there.

"Brother, look at the tunnel ahead, there are densely packed ants on both sides."

"Look at the other side. The inside of the corridor is extremely smooth and should be very safe. I think we should go there."

At this time, another disciple of the Spirit Talisman Sect said.

"We came here to look for magical artifacts and treasures. The smooth swimming lane looks lifeless at first glance. There is not even a little bit of spiritual energy in it. How could there be magical artifacts and treasures."

"If it's for safety, you shouldn't be here."

The other disciples of the Spirit Talisman Sect felt that 22 was very reasonable after hearing what their teachers and students said, and they all supported what the senior brother said, so everyone followed the senior brother into the secret path with dense ants.

These few disciples of the Spirit Talisman Sect seem to have relatively high energy cultivation bases. I saw them flying through the secret passage lightly, without touching any ants on the wall.

When the disciples of the Spirit Talisman Sect passed through this secret passage, Ye Qingxuan raised his legs and flew, followed behind them, and also passed through this secret passage.

After passing through this secret path, everyone saw a dark cave inside. After Ye Qingxuan entered the mountain path, he hung himself upside down on a rock wall of the cave.

Ye Qingxuan found a pair of eyes in this pitch-black cave, very brightly shining there.

At this time, the disciples of the Spirit Talisman Sect seemed to have also discovered this monster. They saw that these disciples of the Spirit Talisman Sect took out the magic symbols in the bag and prepared to attack the monster.

Unexpectedly, the spirit talismans thrown by the disciples of the Spirit Talisman Sect floated in the sky like ashes, and did not disturb the monster at all.

At this time, a disciple of the Spirit Talisman Sect said quietly.

"The strength emanating from this spirit beast is simply not something we can compete with."

"Let's get out of here quickly!"

At this time, their senior brother stopped this person and said quietly.

"Such a super powerful spirit beast, once we tame it to become our seat base, or our spiritual pet, it will be such an amazing thing."

"Such a powerful spirit beast is rare. Since we have encountered it, we must work together to take it down."

At this moment, Ye Qingxuan saw them preparing their various weapons and walking slowly towards the spirit beast.

Ye Qingxuan's gaze also followed their walk at this time, and came to this monster. These disciples of the Spirit Talisman Sect all activated the self-defense shield function.

So one by one, they took out their night pearls and illuminated the surroundings of this spirit beast.

It was only at this time that Ye Qingxuan saw that this monster turned out to have a very long body, more than a hundred meters long, and its body was covered with scales.

There are four claws under the scaled body, when Ye Qingxuan saw this spirit beast clearly, he was startled.

This spirit beast should be the legendary flood dragon. Once this kind of flood dragon reaches adulthood, its strength is the lowest and it has the magic power of a great immortal.

In the entire Spirit Talisman Sect, only one or two immortals can achieve this kind of power at the level of spirit beasts.

Legend has it that in ancient times, the immortals fought against the demon world, and the demon clan also participated in it. In this battle, the Jiaolong clan perished.

Since then, no spirit beasts like dragons have appeared in the entire world of cultivating immortals. I didn't expect that there would be dragons in this spirit canyon.

The disciples of the Spirit Talisman Sect saw the face of the dragon, and immediately broke out in cold sweat. Such an upper-level dragon cannot be easily captured by these small disciples.

However, one of the disciples of the Spirit Talisman Sect seemed to want to obtain this spirit beast very urgently. He used his magic power and took out his own unique magic talisman to capture the dragon.

Unexpectedly, before the spirit talisman of the disciple of the Spirit Talisman Sect was delivered to Jiaolong, several of them were shot down by the large amount of mana released by Jiaolong. Several of them hit the nearby mountain wall and fell down, dying.

Ye Qingxuan saw that there is a dragon here, and there must be a good place for cultivation inside the handle. In the world of cultivating immortals, dragons like this are usually the spiritual pets of people at the level of immortals, and they are all in retreat. Put it in front of the cave door to protect yourself.

Ye Qingxuan wanted to avoid this flood dragon, so he entered the cave guarded by this flood dragon to take a look, because Ye Qingxuan had a ring that Yang Xuan gave to hide his aura, so Ye Qingxuan easily avoided this flood dragon, and entered the cave behind.

But unexpectedly, after Ye Qingxuan entered this cave, he didn't find any immortal cultivators practicing here, but saw a lot of pink flowers and empty grass growing on the 140 sides of this cave.

Ye Qingxuan knew that these were the best products for refining elixir only in the ancient medicine garden.

He searched the cave carefully and found that there were indeed no other immortal cultivators here.

He collected all the pink long river lift-off grass in this cave and put them in his storage ring.

Ye Qingxuan discovered that this cave was a good one for cultivation. Ye Qingxuan knew that his current energy cultivation base was still relatively low, so he came across such a good place for cultivating immortals.

That's why Ye Qingxuan decided to improve his cultivation in this immortal cave. Ye Qingxuan knew that this is the best place to improve his immortality after he entered this spirit canyon.

Ye Yu, the disciples of the Sword Emperor Sect and other sects have already entered this aura canyon to practice, maybe they have raised their cultivation level in it.

Ye Qingxuan was originally only at the level of the original god, one realm lower than Ye Yu and the others.

If they have come here to practice, Ye Yu and the others must now have improved the realm of rest.

So Ye Qingxuan knew that if he wanted to completely defeat Ye Yu, there would be other disciples from various sects.

You must not miss this wonderful place for cultivating immortals in front of you.

Chapter 255 Subduing the Spirit Beast

Ye Qingxuan, meditating in this cave, which is perfect for cultivating immortals, is practicing. Ye Qingxuan will also combine the special herbs taken from the weeds in front of the cave with the ancient herbs collected in this cave, and use the secret of alchemy. Technique, carried out the refining of various elixirs.

Because only by refining all kinds of elixirs and having super powerful elixirs, can one be able to use a piece of tracking and a full-level supernatural power with greater power.

Because if using these two supernatural powers requires extremely high spiritual power, in this spiritual energy canyon, the most indispensable thing is spiritual energy.

Moreover, in this spirit canyon, the elixir refined from the upper layer of herbs is stored and taken out when needed. The spiritual power of this elixir is super high.

So at this time, Ye Qingxuan is going to say that when he is practicing here, he will make more pills for later use.

At this time, Ye Qingxuan was sitting there meditating, using his internal force to continuously send energy into a fireball pill furnace in the air.

I saw that in the fireball pill furnace in midair, slowly, the lavender light became heavier and heavier, and finally formed a golden halo that exploded immediately. There were many of them, but they had to fall from the furnace to Ye Qingxuan's body hand.

Ye Qingxuan put these high-quality pills into his storage ring and continued to meditate.

Ye Qingxuan was meditating here, and with the input of spiritual energy, he felt that the original red color in the veins gradually disappeared, and even some meridians no longer had red color. Ye Qingxuan felt gold appeared in many meridians, which proved his Gongfa is constantly improving.

After a while, Ye Qingxuan only heard two beeps in his mind.

Breaking through from the Yuanshen stage to the immortal level, it is now close to the skills of a half-immortal.

At that time, Ye Qingxuan slowly stretched his body, and found that his body was extraordinarily relaxed, with a feeling that his body and limbs could fly with one breath.

At this time, there was a lavender halo above Ye Qingxuan's head, which gradually turned golden, and then scattered around.

At this time, I slowly improved, and felt that I had absorbed all the aura in this agility, and exhaled slowly, feeling very relaxed, clapping my hands, ready to leave this cave .

Unexpectedly, as soon as Ye Qingxuan walked out of the cave, the disciples of the Lingfu Sect who were knocked out by the dragon's spiritual power woke up unexpectedly.

These disciples of the Lingfu Sect were still there, wanting to use their talismans and subdue that dragon.

With their little mana and spiritual power, how could they subdue that ancient dragon.

I saw the disciples in the talisman busy there, and suddenly saw a beautiful woman appearing in the cave. They all thought it was a fairy in the cave!

Originally, Ye Qingxuan was very beautiful and delicate, but through agile cultivation, she had raised her immortal rank, and now her facial features are even more beautiful.

The disciples in these talismans saw Ye Qingxuan coming out of the fairy cave, and couldn't help but froze there.

Ye Qingxuan didn't pay any attention to them when he saw their silly looks, but he was still very optimistic about the dragon next to him.

It was because Ye Qingxuan was cultivating in this fairy cave, or for some other reason, when Ye Qingxuan came out of the cave, the dragon looked at Ye Qingxuan very gently.

Ye Qingxuan wanted to use a little bit of spiritual power at this time, and connected to the dragon, Ye Qingxuan, using a little bit of spiritual power, the dragon walked towards Ye Qingxuan slowly and gently.

Then Yang Xuan, who was in the long river of fate, felt that Ye Qingxuan seemed to have a super powerful ancient spirit beast appearing beside him.

When Yang Xuan used his true spirit to connect with Ye Qingxuan, and saw Ye Qingxuan in the fairy cave, he couldn't help being very surprised. He didn't expect Ye Qingxuan to have such a fairy relationship.

Yang Xuan also felt it at this time, Ye Qingxuan's super spiritual power now surpassed Ye Qingxuan's current immortal level, and Ye Qingxuan's current semi-immortal level could not control the super super spiritual power of his body at all.

At this moment, Yang Xuan continuously conveyed his supernatural powers to Ye Qingxuan. At this time, Ye Qingxuan could transfer his superfluous spiritual power to Yang Xuan through his supernatural powers.

Yang Xuan didn't expect that in this world of the origin of destiny, there would be such a good secret realm, a place that could definitely improve immortality quickly.

Here, Ye Qingxuan, with the help of Yang Xuan, slowly matched his spiritual power with the immortal level. At this time, the super powerful ancient beast was just snuggling next to Ye Qingxuan.

Seeing Ye Qingxuan subduing a super powerful ancient beast, it is really inconvenient for Ye Qingxuan to travel with such a big beast by his side.

Here, I used my ability to continue to increase Ye Qingxuan's spiritual power level, so that he could control the dragon with his mind, and let Ye Qingxuan open up his own storage space.

The special space is to continuously upgrade the storage ring that Su Lingyun gave to Ye Qingxuan before, and create a space with spiritual power. This space can raise beasts and store Ye Qingxuan's panacea.

Through the concerted efforts of Ye Qingxuan and Yang Xuan, this special space was successfully created in Ye Qingxuan's mind.

Originally, at this time, he could use his mind to control this sacred dragon beast and send it into his mind space.

The few disciples in the talisman kept seeing Ye Qingxuan there, constantly practicing, and it seemed that there was a unique technique connecting with the outside world.

When they saw such a beautiful fairy with such a powerful formation, they couldn't help being stunned there (dead). Ye Qingxuan had finished recovering the dragon beast and was about to leave here when he saw a few spirits standing there Zong's disciple.

For such a few ordinary disciples, Ye Qingxuan didn't want to make a move on them, but just slid his hand lightly, and this memory was erased from the minds of these disciples.

I saw the disciples in these talismans leaving the cave as if they were walking dead.

Ye Qingxuan patted his hands, and then left the cave. When he left the cave and continued to walk forward, when he heard some special sounds, Ye Qingxuan turned his head and took a look.

In the cave he entered before, for some reason, some trees and grass were changing in front of his door. Slowly, the cave was hidden and could no longer be seen.

Only at this time did Ye Qingxuan realize that this kind of fairy cave is for people who are destined to be with him.

Chapter 256 Spirit Mist Sea (please subscribe!)

If it wasn't for Ye Qingxuan's predestined relationship with this fairy cave, he wouldn't have entered this cave, and he wouldn't have gotten this ancient spirit beast.

At this time, Ye Qingxuan knew that this was the fairy fate bestowed on him by the heavens. Seeing that the cave was slowly being hidden, Ye Qingxuan turned around and left here.

Ye Qingxuan continued to walk forward for a while, and found that the spiritual fog in front of him was getting heavier and heavier. From a distance, Ye Qingxuan looked at it like a sea of ​​fog.

Seen from a distance, the entire sea of ​​mist was filled with purple air, and Ye Qingxuan couldn't help but gasped when he saw the sea of ​​fog in front of him.

If he absorbs such a super strong spiritual power, the power of the true spirit in his body will increase a lot. Using some of the exercises Yang Xuan gave him, especially the one-key search and one-key full-level function, it will greatly increase his spiritual power. Will have to use hands.

However, Ye Qingxuan also discovered this super powerful spiritual mist sea in the distance. If your immortal level does not reach a certain level, it will be dangerous to enter here.

Because of this super spiritual energy, if the immortal is not of a high enough level to use such super powerful spiritual power into his body and integrate with his body, then his body will go mad and self-exposure 143, and die in the Inside this spiritual mist sea.

Ye Qingxuan is only attacking to the level of a fairy now, close to the level of a half-immortal, and Ye Qingxuan doesn't know that his body has entered this sea of ​​spiritual mist.

Ye Qingxuan didn't know if he could use this spiritual mist to improve his level, and better absorb the spiritual mist from the spiritual mist sea into his body.

Ye Qingxuan activated his spiritual communication at this time, and connected with Yang Xuan who was in the river of fate. Yang Xuan discovered the sea of ​​spiritual mist in front of Ye Qingxuan.

At this time, Yang Xuan secretly rejoiced. If such a super strong spiritual mist sea can absorb all the spiritual power of this super strong spiritual mist sea into his body, he may conquer him in the future when he fights against the river of fate. will make you more confident.

Yang Xuan said to Ye Qingxuan at this time.

"Ye Qingxuan, with me here to accompany you, you can enter this super powerful spiritual mist sea, but since you can find it, I think the disciples of other sects will also find it here, so there are other sects in this spiritual mist sea. Disciple in the middle."

"This sea of ​​spiritual mist (ccfg) cannot be controlled by any immortal. Without a good innate slimming and high level, one will go crazy in the sea of ​​spiritual mist."

"So when you cross this sea of ​​spiritual mist, you must also protect yourself. Those disciples who cannot make good use of this piece of spiritual mist and cannot transform and merge with their own bodies will be very ill after they go mad. fear."

"So you are crossing the sea of ​​spiritual mist, in addition to absorbing more spiritual mist, transferring it into your own body, merging it with your own body, and protecting yourself."

"When you find a suitable location after entering the sea of ​​spirit mist, I will help you guide this spirit mist to your storage space, so that you can raise more spirit beasts in your storage space in the future, and they will continue to grow upgrade."

After Ye Qingxuan heard what Yang Xuan said to himself, he was no longer afraid to enter the sea of ​​spiritual mist.

Yang Qingxuan walked slowly towards Lingwuhai, Ye Qingxuan came to the edge of Lingwuhai, and saw a reminder written on this side.

[There is a super-strong spiritual energy in Lingwu Sea, only those who are above the level of immortals and have upper-level mana can enter. If there is no upper-level law for the super-powerful spirit fog, transform the spirit fog with your own fairy-level, and your body. If they are integrated into one body, they will go crazy and explode their bodies. There are still a large number of fog beasts coming in and out in the sea of ​​spirit fog. Misselling has super fighting power against the ancestors in the past. Please pay attention to the immortals who entered the sea of ​​spirit fog in the past. All consequences will happen. Take responsibility on your own, if you don’t have any ancestors with superior mana, please seriously consider entering the Spirit Mist Sea]

Ye Qingxuan has already connected with Yang Xuan, and with Yang Xuan's company, Ye Qingxuan has nothing to be afraid of Lingwuhai.

After all, if he runs and transforms well in Lingwu Sea, he will get a lot of real spiritual power. In this way, he will have too much spiritual power to exchange with him by using a tracking system and a full street system provided by Yangxian. When you get up, you will be able to do a job with ease.

Therefore, it is a rare experience for Ye Qingxuan to enter the sea of ​​spiritual mist and absorb more spiritual power.

Ye Qingxuan sat cross-legged on the edge of the sea of ​​mist, readjusted his body, and when he was ready, Ye Qingxuan strode towards the sea of ​​mist.

When Ye Qingxuan walked into the Lingwu Sea, he found that there was a main road here, and several carriages were parked on the main road. Ye Qingxuan saw five or six people fell down on the ground next to the carriage. Looking carefully, they were all immortals. level.

There were still a few people rolling in the carriage. Just as Ye Qingxuan passed by the carriage, he saw the people in the carriage come out of the carriage with red eyes and attacked Ye Qingxuan.

Ye Qingxuan originally had Yang Xuan's supernatural power input, so his mana and force surpassed his level, but when Ye Qingxuan saw these immortals who attacked like him, it seemed that Ye Qingxuan felt a sense of fear in his heart.

Ye Qingxuan knew that these immortal disciples had become obsessed because they could not absorb a large amount of spiritual mist conversion, so their current attack power is super strong.

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