The place they are in is the river of fate, and they can pull their true spirits into such a world in the space of the river of fate.


Sword Emperor Tianzun secretly thought in his heart, is this extraterritorial demon really so powerful?

This extraterritorial celestial demon, who has been suppressed by them for nearly a thousand years, can still use such a powerful force in the long river of fate.

It seems that this new extraterrestrial demon is countless times stronger than the original mysterious Celestial Lord.

At this time, Sword Emperor Tianzun rushed to the empty hall and shouted loudly.

"Which world do you, an extraterrestrial demon, come from? Why do you have such a powerful ability? Can you pull me into your world?"

"Who the **** are you? Come out quickly?"

Yang Xuan just sat in the hall and looked at him silently, ignoring him.

Yang Xuan had just been dismissed, and Xuanmo Tianzun didn't have much energy to talk to him now.

At this time, I saw Sword Emperor Tianzun looking around in this hall.

Sword Emperor Tianzun can feel the breath of this powerful Tianzun, and Jiandi Tianzun can feel it. The cultivation level of the energy of Tianzun who pulled him into this world is comparable to them.

This inexplicable person must be a mid-level Celestial Venerable, and in this world, he is also comparable to a disk-level existence.

Sword Emperor Tianzun took out the invincible sword in his hand, because Sword Emperor Tianzun and his sect have been masters of sword dancing for thousands of years.

As the Tianzun of the Sword Emperor Sect, the sword in their hands seems to be just a weapon, but it has been integrated with them and has the existence of the soul.

Chapter 248 Sword Emperor Tianzun is **** (subscribe!)

When the Sword Emperor Sect has cultivated to a certain level, their ghosts will merge with their bodies and possess the existence of souls.

So when Yang Xuan called Sword Emperor Tianzun into his mind image world, the soul of the sword that followed him also followed the true spirit of Sword Emperor Tian Zun into Yang Xuan's mind image world.

At this time, Tianzun Jiandi covered the sword in his hand, ready to attack the master of this world.

Yang Xuan saw that the Sword Emperor Tianzun had already taken out his sword, ready to fight him. Yang Xuan had been suppressed in this river for nearly a thousand years.

It has been a long time since he wielded swords and swords, and his body seems to be a little rusty. Seeing the state of Sword Emperor Tianzun, Yang Xuan became interested in fighting him for a while.

Yang Xuan also wanted to exercise his muscles and bones. At this time, Yang Xuan used his thoughts to conjure up a sword and held it in his hand, flying like a sword to "one three three".

Sword Emperor Tianzun suddenly saw a figure flying towards him holding a sword.

Sword Emperor Tianzun hurriedly held the sword to meet him, still thinking in his heart.

"Dare to dance swords with our Sword Emperor Tianzun, I really don't want to live."

At this time, Jiandi Tianzun flew away like this figure and shouted.

"Where did this ignorant **** come from, to dare to wield a sword with our Sword Emperor Tianzun?"

Yang Xuan originally wanted to fight with the Sword Emperor Tianzun for a while, but he didn't expect this Sword Emperor Tianzun to be so ungrateful and look down on him so much.

Yang Xuan used a little power of the true spirit, and within a few strokes, he knocked out the sword in the hands of Tianzun Jiandi, and pressed the sword against Tianzun Jiandi's forehead.

Sword Emperor Tianzun was so powerful when he saw this person, he was able to knock off Sword Emperor Tianzun's sword within a few strokes, and it hit his forehead.

At this time, Sword Emperor Tianzun finally saw the face of this person in this world clearly, and Jiandi Tianzun found that it turned out to be a very handsome young man.

This surprised Sword Emperor Tianzun even more! It's just such a small boy who has such a powerful skill.

At this time, Sword Emperor Tianzun was thinking in his heart, maybe this person will be invincible in youth beauty! To have such a young face.

After all, this extraterritorial celestial demon has been suppressed by them at the bottom of their river for nearly a thousand years.

The most important thing is that this extraterritorial celestial demon can actually condense its own Dao Gate.

For the Heavenly Venerates of their various sects here, they all have powers that can be called pan-level, but their powers are all attached to the long river of fate.

No matter how high their level is, they can't condense their own Dao Gate, they can't create other worlds, and they can only rely on the rules of the world of the fate of the river of fate.

And the person in front of him was able to create his own world, his own gate of the Dao, and only then could he create his own world law.

So this person in front of him really shocked Sword Emperor Tianzun.

Sword Emperor Tianzun saw that this person had already pressed his sword to his forehead, but in fact, for those innocent people like them, they were immortal.

But for this person's sword against his forehead, Sword Emperor Tianzun suddenly had a feeling that he was about to perish.

This feeling made Sword Emperor Tianzun tremble all over his body. Although his body was shaking all the time, Jiandi Tianzun's courage was not inferior to others.

At this time, Jiandi, Tianzun asked Yang Xuan loudly.

"Who the **** are you? Where is this place? Did you create this world yourself?"

"In the Long River of Destiny, one must depend on the Long River of Destiny to survive, and one cannot break through the strength and cultivation of the Long River of Destiny.

"The world binding force of the River of Destiny is really too strong, and the energy of the River of Destiny is really too strong. How could you create such a world of your own in such a strong River of Destiny."

Yang Xuan couldn't help laughing out loud when he heard the series of questions asked by the Sword Emperor Tianzun.

"Sword Emperor Tianzun, I didn't expect you to have so many questions."

"But I was able to come here thanks to the advice of the Mystic Heavenly Venerate."

"If it weren't for the mysterious Tianzun's instruction, I would never know that there is a river of fate."

Sword Emperor Tianzun heard Yang Xuan's mysterious Tianzun.

Sword Emperor Tianzun couldn't help but think of that extraterrestrial demon tens of millions of years ago.

He also came to their world to make troubles, and was confronted by their ten great celestial beings. "

"The extraterrestrial demon wanted to borrow power from his world, but what he didn't expect was that he failed in the end. He and his entire world were swallowed by the long river of fate..."

"According to legend, that person's true spirit was swallowed by the river of fate, and it floated away from here, and went outside to create another world."

"It is said that that person is the Mystic Tianzun, and finally I heard that the Mystic Tianzun was wiped out by a very powerful external energy."

When Jiandi Tianzun heard the mystery mentioned by this person, Tianzun couldn't help being surprised.

Could it be that the mysterious Tianzun was wiped out by this person in front of him?

No! If that were the case, it would be downright horrific.

At this time, Sword Emperor Zun seemed to be a little more scared.

Sword Emperor Tianzun said tremblingly there.

"Who are you? Who are you? How could you create such a world of your own in this river of fate?"

At this time Yang Xuan said to Sword Emperor Tianzun.

"Immortal Cultivator Eternal Happy Soul, Martial Arts Indestructible Body."

"This deity is the source of all dharmas, the master of all ways, and the gate of all gates."

"On the imprint of the long river of fate, the name of this deity is Wan Dao Tianzun!"

At this time, Tianzun Jiandi kept meditating on a voice in his mind.

"The source of all dharmas, the lord of all ways, and the **** of all ways."

Those who dare to call themselves Wan Dao Tianzun can say that among the ten Tianzun in the long river of fate, no one has dared to call themselves such a title.

At this time, Sword Emperor Tianzun still refused to admit defeat and said to Yang Xuan.

"The Lord of Myriad Dao 5.6, Myriad Dao Tianzun, did you build this sect yourself?"

"Your sect is not recognized by others! I didn't expect you to be lawless and dare to call yourself the master of all ways."

Yang Xuan has had enough fun with this Sword Emperor Tianzun at this time, and he doesn't want to listen to his rambling anymore.

At this time, Yang Xuan pointed with both hands, and a tall and large stone pillar appeared on the main hall of his mind image world.

Yang Xuan pointed Sword Emperor Tianzun with his finger, and saw a special material, a thick black iron chain, binding Sword Emperor Tianzun to this pillar firmly.

Sword Emperor Tianzun was tied there and struggled constantly, Yang Xuan pointed at it casually again, and saw Sword Emperor Tianzun's true soul flew out, was thrown by Yang Xuan casually, and was thrown into the True Soul Reincarnation Tower.

Chapter 249 The Arrival of Martial Dao Tianzun

Sword Emperor Tianzun saw part of his true spirit thrown into a tower by Yang Xuan, wondering what was there?

I only heard Sword Emperor Tianzun shout loudly while being tied to a pillar.

"You gave me back my true spirit, what are you going to do?"

"What kind of demon are you?"

Yang Xuan looked back at Sword Emperor Tianzun and felt that he was too disturbing to the people, so he pointed at him immediately, only to see that Sword Emperor Tianzun could no longer make any sound.

At this time, I only saw the Sword Emperor Tianzun being tied to the stone pillar, he couldn't make any sound, he could only struggle vigorously.

At this time, another part of Sword Emperor Tianzun's true soul has been thrown into Vientiane reincarnation by Yang Xuan.

This reincarnation world can use the power of reincarnation to consume the opponent's will and control the opponent's mind. The remaining true soul of this person will go through continuous reincarnation, and finally make this person's true spirit continue to dissipate.

At this time, Yang Xuan transported a little bit of 22 true spirit of Sword Emperor Tianzun back to his body, and erased all the memories of Sword Emperor Tianzun here.

Originally, Yang Xuan could absorb some of the true spirit of the Sword Emperor Tianzun, but Yangxian wanted to keep a trace of the true spirit of the Sword Emperor Tianzun in his mental image world, so that he could use it as his own puppet in the future.

Therefore, if he wanted to be a puppet's true spirit, Yang Xuan could not absorb their true spirit, otherwise it would be difficult to manipulate this puppet.

This Sword Emperor Tianzun came to Yang Xuan's mind image world, much faster than Xuan Mo Tianzun left, it only took one second in the original world.

After getting rid of the Sword Emperor Tianzun, Yang Xuan invited another Martial Dao Tianzun into his mental world.

This Martial Dao Tianzun was shocked by a wave on the river just now, and he was staring at the river nervously.

The four of them were sent by other Heavenly Venerates on this river of fate to take care of this extraterritorial demon at the bottom of the river of fate.

They thought that this extraterrestrial demon wanted to escape from the long river of fate, or wanted to do some bad things.

Everyone was staring at the river nervously. Once this extraterritorial demon jumped out of the river, they would rush forward together and try their best to catch this extraterritorial demon.

They stared nervously for a long time, but did not notice any movement in the river.

These four Heavenly Venerates are very clear that the long river of fate has always flowed peacefully and will not cause various storms for no reason.

Generally, the turmoil in the long river of fate is caused by Tianzun fighting here, or other extraterrestrial demons come here to make trouble.

But the waves stirred up, and then calmed down again, which made the four celestial beings feel very strange. The four celestial beings were all staring at the river, and they couldn't help but feel puzzled.

What kind of situation just now has caused the calm river to stir up waves!

I didn't expect that I was still thinking about why the noodles caused waves on the river just now, but in an instant, Martial Dao Tianzun came to an inexplicable hall.

Martial Dao Tianzun, seeing him coming to the inexplicable hall, knew that he was pulled into another illusory space by some demons from outside the domain.

Martial Dao Tianzun quickly clenched his hands into fists, put them on his chest, and prepared to attack. The Martial Dao sect is number one in this world.

When it comes to boxing skills, only martial arts disciples are the most powerful. As a martial arts god, it can be said that he is the number one martial artist in this world.

I saw Martial Dao Tianzun tightly clenched his fists in front of his chest, ready to punch at any time.

When Yang Xuan saw Martial Dao Tianzun coming here, seeing his posture of preparing to punch, he couldn't help itching his hands.

Seeing Yang Xuan flip forward, he jumped in front of Martial Dao Tianzun.

Martial Dao Tianzun was fast, like Yang Xuan punching, Yang Xuan dodged Wu Dao Tianzun's fist with lightning speed.

Unexpectedly, Martial Dao Tianzun's fists and kicks were very powerful. When Yang Xuan hid, he hit Yang Xuan with a back turn.

Even though he hit Yang Xuan, Yang Xuan just sucked away the third-level true spirit of Martial Dao Tianzun, and Yang Xuan couldn't help but be shocked.

In the past when encountering such a situation, Yang Xuan would kill the Martial Dao Tianzun with a single blow, and he could directly **** away all the true spirits of the Martial Dao Tianzun.

Unexpectedly, at the bottom of the long river of fate, I have been sleeping for nearly a thousand years. I don't know whether it is my own force value that has decreased, or my own force value, which can be controlled better if it is restrained.

Yang Xuan casually inquired about his current situation with his mind, only to find that his force value had dropped somewhat.

Seeing his current situation, Yang Xuan had no choice but to quickly use the true spirit points it carried to exchange for some force value.

Unexpectedly, Martial Dao Tianzun shot so fast that he didn't give Yang Xuan any room to maneuver. Originally, Yang Xuan planned to exchange his true spirit points for some force value.

But Martial Dao Tianzun didn't give Yang Xuan time, so Yang Xuan had no choice but to continue fighting with Martial Dao Tianzun, but he didn't expect to absorb 50% of Wudao Tianzun's skill.

In this way, Martial Dao Tianzun was absorbed 80% of his skills by Yang Xuan, leaving only 20%, and now he has tried his best to fail.

Seeing the appearance of Martial Dao Tianzun like this, Yang Xuan wanted to keep a little of his true soul and send it back to his body.

Because of Yang Xuan's strategy, they still need three of them, so Yang Xuan no longer continues to fight with Martial Dao Tianzun.

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