Although Xuanmo Tianzun is not sure whether the alliance with Yang Xuan this time can achieve the goal he thought in his heart.

However, he saw the real existence of Yang Xuan's super ability. Although he didn't know why Yang Xuan had such a super ability, he was surrendered to the bottom of the river of fate.

But God arranged for them to meet, so that he could have the honor to know Yang Xuan and have the opportunity to cooperate with him in an alliance.

It can let him escape from the control of the long river of fate, go to the heavens and myriad worlds to have a look, and use his own ability to create his own world and create his own way.

If such an opportunity hadn't been met with Yang Xuan, there might never have been such an opportunity.

So although Xuanmo Tianzun still has a lot of doubts about Yang Xuan's true identity, such an opportunity is rare for him.

If he hadn't been allowed to see the existence of the heavens and the world, and hadn't let him see the appearance of the heavens and the world, maybe it wouldn't be moved.

But when he saw the existence of the heavens and worlds, and saw the appearance of the heavens and worlds, his heart was ready to move, and he had such an idea.

For Xuanmo Tianzun, once this idea breeds, it will become an existence that will never be restored. This idea of ​​wanting to break through the long river of fate and go to the world of the heavens always beats Xuanmo Tianzun's heart.

This kind of thinking has already attracted Xuanmo Tianzun, and there is no room for resistance. Even if he loses this bet, he will risk his life to gamble.

At this time Xuanmo Tianzun said to Yang Xuan.

(be well)

"¨Since I have signed a contract with you, I have become a member of the Tower of Reincarnation〃."

"Dare to ask Tianzun, which sect do you belong to? Since I followed you and became your disciple, I still don't know which sect I belong to."

At this time, Yang Xuan was heard, speaking loudly like a bell.

"I am the source of ten thousand dharmas, the lord of ten thousand ways."

"You can call me Wan Dao Tianzun."

At this time, I heard Xuanmo Tianzun kneeling on the ground, bowing to Yang Xuan.

"Wandao Tianzun, please accept the worship of Xuanmo Tianzun."

"Xuanmo Tianzun, is willing to work with Wan Dao Tianzun to plan this fate together."

"Xuanmo Tianzun, willing to follow the teachings of Wan Dao Tianzun, and together with Wan Dao Tianzun, help Wan Dao Tianzun to overturn the long river of fate."

"May Wan Dao Tianzun take me out of the control of the long river of fate as soon as possible, and see the heavens and the world.".

Chapter 246 The request of Xuanmo Tianzun

Yang Xuan saw the appearance of Xuanmo Tianzun, Xuanmo Tianzun had surrendered to his feet now, and Yang Xuan secretly rejoiced for regaining Xuanmo Tianzun.

At this time, Xuanmo Tianzun asked Yang Xuan to ask.

"Wandao Tianzun, what should I do next?"

"Although I have merged with this river of fate, those Heavenly Venerates will not be able to detect that I came from the outside world."

"Although you have been here for a long time, you were only outside for a moment."

"Their spiritual cultivation is relatively low, so I don't want to recruit them to be my subordinates. I don't think they are worthy of being my subordinates."

Hearing Yang Xuan's words, Xuanmo Tianzun couldn't help but feel very proud and happy.

Xuanmo Tianzun stood there, his eyes couldn't help showing joy and pride.

Xuanmo Tianzun stood there, thinking secretly in his heart, he never thought that Wan Dao Tianzun would be able to look up to him, it was really an honor.

Xuanmo Tianzun, originally looked down on the other three Tianzun! But in that world, the other three Heavenly Venerates are slightly better than him.

Therefore, Xuanmo Tianzun has always been looked down upon by those three Tianzun, but one day, Xuanmo Tianzun will surpass them.

Xuanmo Tianzun knew what Yang Xuan said. Yang Xuan wanted to destroy the three heavens, the three Tianzuns.

133 Although they have already reached the level of the Immortal Heavenly Venerate, if they encounter a higher level, they will be a more advanced and deeper Heavenly Venerate.

For their Celestials, there is also a situation where they will fall. At this time, Xuanmo Tianzun knows that Yang Xuan can't keep those three Celestials, and the other three Celestials may perish.

Xuanmo Tianzun felt sorry for the three Tianzun for Yang Xuan's decision, but in this world, he saw Yang Xuan's strength.

At this time, Xuanmo Tianzun wanted to intercede for the three Tianzun, although the three Tianzun usually did not respect him very much and were not very friendly.

But after all, we have known each other for so many years, and it is enough to let them learn some lessons. If they are really wiped out completely and lost thousands of years of Taoism, Xuanmo Tianzun really can't bear it.

Xuanmo Tianzun, said to Yang Xuan quickly at this time.

"Wandao Tianzun is above, I have something to ask for, I hope Wandao Tianzun can give the other three Tianzun a chance."

"For the Taoism that we have practiced for hundreds of millions of years, it seems that (ccfg) is a bit too inhumane and too cruel if it is completely destroyed by Myriad Dao Tianzun."

At this time, Xuanmo Tianzun knelt on his knees, before Yang Xuan's hall.

"Wandao Tianzun is above, and the villain is below. I implore Wandao Tianzun here to save the other three Tianzun a chance!"

"Although we have been kind and grudged for so many years, we have stumbled and stumbled, but if Wan Dao Tianzun, you want to make the other three Tianzun completely annihilated."

"I'm a villain, but I still can't bear it. I hope Tianzun Wan Dao can be merciful and give them a chance."

In fact, for Yang Xuan, it is the people who cannot accommodate so many people in his current mental image world, and they are all of the tenth rank or above of the Tianzun level.

Moreover, Yang Xuan can only lurk at the bottom of the river of fate now, and cannot go ashore and jump out of the river of fate.

So if you want to get rid of the three Celestials together, if you bring them into your new image world, your current ability will not be able to fight against the three Celestials for the time being.

Recovering a Xuan Mo Tianzun as his subordinate is already very good. With Yang Xuan's current ability, he can let the other three Tianzun become his subordinates together, although it can be done.

However, too many true spirit points would be used, and in his current situation, saving more true spirit points would be of great benefit to him.

And if some strategies are used to eliminate the three Heavenly Venerates, it will gain greater energy cultivation base and true spirit points, as well as greater laws.

Therefore, Yang Xuan wanted to destroy these three innocences completely, absorb the energy cultivation base and true spirit points of these three celestial beings, and strengthen himself.

Therefore, the decision Yang Xuan made was to destroy these three Celestial Venerates. Since he wanted to eliminate these three Celestial Venerates, he needed to use the magic power of Xuanmo Celestial Venerate for the time being.

So Yang Xuan wanted to say this, to arouse the pride of Xuanmo Tianzun even more, and to increase his loyalty to Yang Xuan in his heart.

Seeing Xuanmo Tianzun's proud eyes and momentum, Yang Xuan knew that his words had really moved Xuanmo Tianzun.

However, seeing Xuanmo Tianzun, he was able to kneel down in front of his hall again and intercede for the other three Tianzun.

Yang Xuan knew that Xuanmo Tianzun still valued love and righteousness very much. At this time, Yang Xuan thought to himself, how should he execute the other three Tianzun next.

Yang Xuan's purpose is to occupy the box of destiny and get rid of all the Taoists here.

However, with its current energy and cultivation base and the current situation, it seems difficult to completely eliminate these Taoist priests who occupy the long river of fate at once.

So for Yang Xuan now, it is very important to control them little by little. Originally, Yang Xuan wanted to completely eliminate these three Heavenly Venerates and absorb their true spirit power.

But Xuanmo Tianzun, who had just been taken back by Yang Xuan, made such a request to Yang Xuan. Yang Xuan didn't want Xuanmo Tianzun to know that he was too cruel.

At this time, Yang Xuan was thinking in his heart, why not absorb the true spirits of the three Heavenly Venerates into his mental world first.

Because the true spirits of the three Heavenly Venerates are very powerful, although Yang Xuan's mental world is also very powerful, but now it is suppressed by the river of life.

Yang Xuan's mind image world cannot exert its full power, so Yang Xuan temporarily wanted to bind the true spirits of the three celestial beings 100% in his own mind image world, which is somewhat unrealistic.

So now Yang Xuan must attract the true spirits of the three Heavenly Venerates to the world of mind image, and then use his avenue to disperse some of their three true spirits into the world of reincarnation.

So after Yang Xuan decided to send Xuanmo Tianzun back, he attracted the true spirits of the other three Tianzun here.

Temporarily bind the true spirits of the three Heavenly Venerates in his mental image world and become Yang Xuan's three puppets, and then send part of their true spirits to the world of reincarnation through the gate of reincarnation.

Yang Xuan felt that only such an arrangement could make Xuanmo Tianzun feel more comfortable and solve the three Tianzun in front of him.

Yang Xuan thought about it, and felt that such an arrangement would be more appropriate for the current Xuanmo Tianzun to understand, and he was going to tell Xuanmo Tianzun about his arrangement.

Chapter 247 Sword Emperor Tianzun (please subscribe!)

At this time, Yang Xuan said to His Royal Highness Xuanmo Tianzun.

"Xuanmo Tianzun, originally I didn't want to keep these three Tianzun, I must let them perish immediately."

"But since you have said such a prayer, I have to give you this face."

"So I decided that I would stay on top. These three Heavenly Venerates have a chance."

"In a while, I will send you back to your body, and I will bring the true spirits of the three of them to my mind world."

"However, if the three of them come to my mind world together, it will definitely cause a fight. With my current strength, if I launch a war against the three of them together."

"Although I still have a certain chance of winning, it will consume a lot of my true spirit points, so I don't think it's worth consuming a lot of my true spirit points for the three of them."

"So I decided to transfer them one by one into my mental image world. I will break up their true spirits, part of their true spirits, and bind them in my image world."

"And I will send some of their true spirits into my gate of reincarnation, let them enter the world of my reincarnation, and after thousands of reincarnations, they will perish little by little.~"

"This is also the biggest face I've given you!"

Xuanmo Tianzun heard Yang Xuan's plan, and felt that as long as the three Tianzun could not let them perish completely, he would be satisfied.

After all, Wan Dao Tianzun's Taoism is too deep, and it is already merciful to save a little bit of true spirit for the other three Tianzun.

At this time, Xuanmo Tianzun knelt down on the ground in gratitude and said to Yang Xuan.

"Wandao Tianzun is above, thank you Wandao Tianzun, you can leave the other three Tianzun with a glimmer of life."

At this time, Yang Xuan saw Xuandao Tianzun's groveling appearance, so he knew that Xuanmo Tianzun had been completely conquered by him this time.

At this time, he waved his hand to Xuanmo Tianzun and said.

"This little thing is nothing to worry about!"

"When I bind all the true souls of these three Heavenly Venerates in my celestial world, I will send a little bit of their true spirits to the bodies of these three Heavenly Venerates."

"At this time, I will pretend to escape. The four of you can follow me together, and I will detonate the three of them."

"Obviously I'll let the three of them die with me."

"You can follow me to the bottom of the river and release your powerful method."

"At this time, other Tianzun will come here. You release your powerful method and pretend to have subdued me."

"At this time, you can make requests to other Heavenly Venerates."

"Ask other Tianzun to take good care of your sect, otherwise you will ask to release me at any time and let me go."

"I think I can detonate the other three Heavenly Venerates and die with them. They should also be able to see my energy."

"Since they saw you suppressed me at the bottom of the river, I don't think any of them would be willing to come to the river and subdue me again."

"In this way, they will be on top and take care of your sect. At this time, your task will be completed."

"I can send you to any world in the other heavens. You can live in those worlds, and you can return at any time, or you can survive there and never return."

"These are all up to you to choose, as you wish."

Xuanmo Tianzun heard Yang Xuan's order and knew that Yang Xuan had already arranged all these things properly, so he just had to follow and execute.

At this time, Xuanmo Tianzun said to Yang Xuan.

"Wandao Tianzun is above, the villain is at your disposal at any time."

At this time, Yang Xuan had almost explained to Xuanmo Tianzun, so with a thought, he sent Xuanmo Tianzun back to his body.

Xuanmo Tianzun returned to the river, looked at the sky and found that he had stayed in Yang Xuan's mental image space for so long, it seemed that he was only outside for a second or two.

Xuanmo Tianzun couldn't help being even more surprised at this time.

The power of Wan Dao Tianzun is simply too terrifying. The energy cultivation base of this Wan Dao Tianzun is really too strong, seeing the current situation.

This Wan Dao Tianzun accelerated their own thinking dozens of times and hundreds of times without interfering with time.

Only in this way can it be possible to reach the situation that he has entered the mind image world of Wan Dao Tianzun for as long as he just entered, but in the real world, it only takes a second or two.

Right here, Xuanmo Tianzun was secretly thinking about the fact that he entered the mind world of Wan Dao Tianzun just now.


Here, Sword Emperor Tianzun has been brought into the world of his mind by Yang Xuan.

Sword Emperor Tianzun was still thinking about the fluctuations in the river of fate just now, what happened? Is it reasonable that the extraterrestrial celestial demon has moved and wants to escape?


mental world

Unexpectedly, at this moment, he actually appeared in a large hall, and Sword Emperor Tianzun saw the splendid palace next to him.

Sword Emperor Tianzun secretly thought in his heart, what is going on, why did he suddenly come to this world?

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