He didn't expect Yang Xuan's ambition to be so great.

You know, even Dao Zun can't monopolize the river of fate.

The current river of fate is under the joint control of the ten Taoist priests.

And Yang Xuan actually wanted to kill ten Daoist priests, and dominate the river of fate by himself.

This idea is unimaginable for Tianzun like Xuanmo Tianzun and the others.

Even for the other ten Taoist priests.

Neither of them would want to kill the other nine Taoist priests, and then monopolize the river of fate for themselves.

Because in their view, this is completely impossible.

But after Yang Xuan finished speaking, although Xuanmo Tianzun was shocked, he did not believe it.

"So that's the case. I didn't expect your plan to be so big."

"This should also be the terrifying force behind you, giving you self-confidence."

"Of course, if it's me!"

"If behind me, there is also an existence greater than the river of fate."

"Then I will naturally, want to plan this river of fate."

Xuanmo Tianzun couldn't help but think of this, and his heart was filled with emotion.

"Forget it, now that we have reached an agreement and become an ally, I will naturally cooperate with you next."

"I just don't know what you're going to do."

"But what I need to remind you is that soon there will be hundreds of Heavenly Venerates coming to the river of fate!"

"Although you are at the bottom of the river, they have ways to deal with you."

Since Xuanmo Tianzun chose to join Yang Xuan's camp.

Naturally, they began to plan for Yang Xuan, how to do it.

He already had an idea in his mind.

Unfortunately, his idea was not what Yang Xuan wanted.

Because Xuanmo Tianzun's idea was to make Yang Xuan pretend to surrender.

Then he showed that he has a special ability, which can make many Tianzun leave this world.

With this as a condition, all the Heavenly Venerates will become Yang Xuan's allies.

But what he didn't know was that this was basically impossible.

If Yang Xuan announced his ability, it would only make those Celestial Venerates choose to attack Yang Xuan even more crazily.

Instead of choosing to cooperate with him all.

Because Tianzun is also selfish, who would want to let everyone leave.

"Xuanmo Tianzun, you seem to have stayed with me for a long time."

"Actually, it's just a moment outside."

"Next, after you return, I will create an illusion that I want to escape."

"When the time comes, you release a spiritual hint to them."

"Although the remaining three Heavenly Venerates are all Heavenly Venerates, I can feel that their spiritual cultivation is very low."

"With your cooperation, these three Heavenly Venerates will be controlled by my power."

"At that time, they will become my puppets."

"This is the first step in the plan."

Yang Xuan quickly said the first step of the plan.

"Can you control the three of them!"

"It's really a terrifying power. Even though it was suppressed by the long river of fate, it is still sure to deal with the three Heavenly Venerates in one breath."

"However, this is also understandable."

"After all, there are so many Daoists around you, even the legendary ten Daoist priests are not as strong as you."

Xuanmo Tianzun couldn't help saying.

He really didn't expect that Yang Xuan would have the breath to directly control the strength of the three Heavenly Venerates.

"As I said, my strength is beyond your imagination."

"As for the second step, the golden cicada escapes its shell."

"After I control the three of them, I will create a chance for them to 'die together' with me in the end, but it only caused me to be seriously injured."

"But in order to prevent being seen through by other Tianzun, you have to pay the price."

"You have to release your powerful method, and then enter the bottom of the river of fate to suppress me."

"In the end, the price is to let them take care of your sect, otherwise you can choose to release me and let me go at any time."

"Presumably, if the matter develops to this point, other Tianzun will not refuse."

"After this second step, it's time to wait."

"And once the second step is successful, you can leave this world. At that time, you can return at any time, or you don't need to return. It depends on you."

When Yang Xuan said this, he waved lightly at the projections of many worlds and gates that appeared around him.

Immediately afterwards, all worlds disappeared.

All the gates have also disappeared.

All that was left was a small mysterious tower that seemed to be the size of a palm.

This small tower seems to be only the size of a palm, and it stands to reason that you can see through several floors at a glance.

But when someone puts their eyes on it, they will find that there are endless layers on it, which are innumerable.

"Come on, sign a contract with it!"

"Using my Ten Thousand Clans Heavenly Venerable Yang Xuan as an appraisal, you will become a member of the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower."

"At the time, you will gain the ability of the true spirit to travel to the heavens and worlds."

After Yang Xuan said lightly to Xuanmo Tianzun, the projection of the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower flew directly in front of him.

"I see!"

Xuanmo Tianzun nodded, he had already decided to become an alliance, so naturally he would not refuse.

"Is this the great existence beyond the river of fate!"

"It turns out that above the long river of fate is the tower!"

"No, the tower is above the long river of fate, but the next realm is not necessarily the tower. There may be other existences above the long river."

"That is to say, it is true that the extraterrestrial demon in front of me said that he can take me away."

"However, this also exposed a problem."

"That is, this tower is not perfect, otherwise, if it is just a shot, it will directly suppress the river of fate."

Xuanmo Tianzun also saw many problems.

But these are all harmless.

Anyway, with the personality suppression of this tower, he can see the outside world.

At the same time, it at least guaranteed that Yang Xuan's plan was highly successful.

Chapter 245 A Contest of Mind Images (Please Subscribe!)

Thinking of this, the Xuanmo Tianzun continued to ask the extraterritorial demon.

"Is that all right?"

"In this way, I really became a member of this true spirit turning tower?"

"Originally we thought that the river of fate was the greatest."

"But I didn't expect that there is such a true soul reincarnation tower on this long river of fate?"

"It actually allows us to break away from the river of fate and go to other heavens and worlds!"

"But since you have such a powerful magic weapon, you can go to the heavens and the world, why did you come to the world of the river of fate?"

Yang Xuan said with a big laugh at this moment.

"Xuanmo Tianzun, I told you before that I want to control the river of fate.

"I told you before, you have also seen that I have great power beyond the river of fate!"

"But now I can't mobilize this power for some special reason."

"So I need to experience myself and advance to a higher level."

"You are a Heavenly Venerable in the Long River of Destiny, although you have the power to control part of the Long River of Destiny."

"But you will all be bound by the river of fate, unable to build your own avenue."

"Follow me, and I can let you go to the heavens and all worlds to build your own Dao world."

"Although you have some doubts about what I am lurking at the bottom of the river of fate."

"But these are things you don't need to understand. You just need to know how to cooperate with me, and I will let you leave here and go to the heavens and the world."

"And I have this ability, even if you don't cooperate with me, I don't think you will be able to leave here easily."

"So I advise you not to have too many thoughts, cooperate with me, and follow my arrangements."

In fact, Yang Xuan has already seen the inner thoughts of Xuanmo Tianzun.

It's just that Yang Xuan now has to rely on Xuanmo Tianzun, his power, to help Yang Xuan eliminate the three Tianzun and attract other Tianzun to come here.

After all, Yang Xuan's plan needs to be realized step by step, if he angers the Heavenly Venerable here too quickly.

Now Ye Qingxuan, his experience and building still need time to wait.

With the strength of Yang Xuan alone, it is still not possible to wipe out all these powerful Dao Tianzun.

So Yang Xuan needs to realize his plan step by step.

The moment Xuanmo Tianzun saw the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower just now.

He thought that Yang Xuan had such a powerful magic weapon, yet he would surrender to the bottom of this river of fate.

Xuanmo Tianzun was still thinking secretly in his heart, wondering whether Yang Xuan would be the same as the previous extraterrestrial demons, but with the ability to bewitch.

But looking at the world he is in now, it is obviously an illusory world of mind that transcends the long river of fate.

Being able to create such a mental world in the long river of fate can still show the strength of Yang Xuan's ability.

There is also Yang Xuan, who was able to open a passage to other worlds in the long river of fate.

Without superpowers, this simply cannot be achieved.

A very powerful extraterrestrial celestial demon just wanted to borrow power from his world, but in the end his entire world was swallowed by the river of fate.

And Yang Xuan actually opened a passage to other worlds in front of his eyes, in the long river of fate.

It was able to let him see the heavens and worlds, as well as the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower, which allowed him to reincarnate into other worlds.

It shows that this Yang Xuan is indeed very capable. If he follows Yang Xuan, he will be able to cross the river of fate to the heavens and worlds in the future.

Although in the world of the origin of life in the long river of fate, Xuanmo Tianzun can be regarded as a very high-level Taoist.

In this original world of the long river of fate, he has lived for thousands of years, but he can never escape the control of the long river of fate.

Although there are heavens and worlds, tens of thousands of worlds, colorful worlds, and too many novel worlds outside, these Taoist priests in the long river of redundant fate have no chance.

Even though they are the highest level Dao Zun in the Long River of Destiny, they can only control the Long River of Destiny, the world where life comes from.

Although they knew of the existence of the heavens and myriad worlds, as the Taoist here, they had never seen them.

This time, through Yang Xuan's mental world, he saw the heavens and worlds, and had some longing for the heavens and worlds.

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