Chapter 243 The Obedience of Xuanmo Tianzun

In fact, in the original world of destiny.

Those Heavenly Venerates have long known that this world is a kind of **** for them.

The Taoists divided up the control of the river of fate, although they were either seriously injured or fell.

However, if you are seriously injured, you can sleep and recuperate, and if you fall, you can wait for the opportunity to return.

This is the power of Dao Zun.

Therefore, unless one day, all the Taoist priests will fall.

The River of Destiny is not controlled by anyone, so they have the opportunity to occupy the control of the River of Destiny, obtain part of the original power, and then condense their own avenue.

But how difficult it must be.

Basically, all the Heavenly Venerates do not have such illusions.

The reason why Xuanmo Tianzun didn't directly agree to Yang Xuan.

It was because he thought Yang Xuan was fooling himself.

After all, there was once Tianzun who was fooled like this.

In the end, not only did "One Thirty Zero" leave this world of origin of destiny without the help of that extraterritorial celestial demon.

He was even cast aside by his own world, and was finally chased and killed by countless Heavenly Venerates, and then fell.

"Xuanmo Tianzun. If you want, I can help you escape from this world of destiny."

"I'm not a Tianzun who can only speak sweet words like Mimi, not to mention Mimi has now become my strength."

"My strength is far beyond your imagination."

"Help me plan this destiny together, the original world is definitely the best choice in your life for you."

After Yang Xian said this, he tapped lightly on the void.

Immediately afterwards, a powerful breath appeared instantly.

Countless worlds, countless doors have appeared one after another.

In front of Xuanmo Tianzun's eyes, first there was an endless avenue, and then many worlds appeared.

He had never seen such a shocking sight.

"This is! Ten Thousand Realms?"

"Is this the heavens and worlds?"

"How can you show such strength in the long river of fate?"

"It stands to reason that once the channel of the world is opened on the river of fate, wouldn't it be invaded by the river of fate?"

"I once saw a silly extraterrestrial demon. He just wanted to borrow power from his world on the river of fate, but in the end the whole world was swallowed by the river of fate."

"Even in the world domain they temporarily created, the fate is the same."

"But only you!"

"Among all the extraterrestrial demons I have ever seen, you are the only exception!"

"What kind of situation is this?"

Xuanmo Tianzun looked at Yang Xuan in shock.

He had no idea why everything the young man in front of him did so subverted his own cognition.

"It's easy!"

"Xuanmo Tianzun, you should be able to think of why this happened."

"After all, you are also an existence at the level of Tianzun."

"So think boldly."

"Why, the river of fate didn't reversely invade the world I manifested."

"It's actually a very simple question."

After Yang Xuan said this, he calmly watched Xuanmo Tianzun.

Facing his gaze.

Sure enough, Xuanmo Tianzun immediately thought of a possibility.

Moreover, it is only the only possibility.

In other words, the former Xuanmo Tianzun had already thought of this.

It's just that he dare not admit it.

Because there is only one possibility.

According to what Yang Xuan said, this may be the worlds that Yang Xuan summoned.

The great existence that makes all the worlds attached.

It is a great existence beyond the long river of fate.

After thinking of this, Xuanmo Tianzun's face gradually became more shocked.

this expression. It's also that he hasn't appeared in a long time.

Even before he would become a Celestial Venerable.

Even when he was just a fairy.

There were very few things that could shock him so much.

But today, there was indeed more than one thing that shocked him.

Yang Xuan also saw the other party's expression, and then he showed a slight smile.

Because he knew Xuanmo Tianzun, he had already thought of the specific reason.

Immediately afterwards. He whispered a question to Xuanmo Tianzun.

"Now you should have guessed why I said I can represent you in this world."

"The most important thing is that you should have already understood that what I said is not empty words, because I do have this ability."

After Yang Xuan finished speaking, he waited for the answer from Xuanmo Tianzun.

This time, Xuanmo Tianzun thought for nearly a minute.

After he finished thinking, he continued to ask Yang Xuan.

"How can you guarantee that you will take me away? Let me see the heavens and worlds outside."

Xuanmo Tianzun's question stunned Yang Xuan.

Then, he felt a little funny.

I feel that Xuanmo Tianzun seems to be a little naive.

After all, they are all at the level of Tianzun, and they still ask such stupid questions....

However, for the sake of the other party's heartbeat.

Yang Xuan continued to ask questions.

"There are no guarantees!"

"You are also a Demon Lord, you should know about existences like us. Many times when faced with a choice, you are testing your own eyesight!"

"If you believe in me, if you think that cooperating with me can give you better and higher opportunities, then we will cooperate. If you don't believe me, then we will become sworn enemies."

"The right to choose, I leave it to you. Then it's up to you to make a choice."

Yang Xuan racked his brains and expended a lot of energy to pull Xuanmo Tianzun into his mental world.

The purpose is not just to let Xuanmo Tianzun become an ally with himself.

If Xuanmo Tianzun refuses, Yang Xuan can also directly destroy the true spirit of Xuanmo Tianzun here.

Although this consumes a lot, Yang Xian thinks everything is worth it.

Once the true spirit of Gorefiend Tianzun is eliminated.

Yang Xuan would use the power of the True Reincarnation Tower, plus his own power.

Using the true spirit of Xuanmo Tianzun, create an extremely powerful true spirit bomb.

This is the method used to deal with those Heavenly Venerates later.

Facing the pursuit of hundreds of Heavenly Venerates in this world, Yang Xuan did not intend to fight them to the death.

After all, there are some powers of Heavenly Venerate that have reached the existence of disk level in the outside world.

Facing such an existence, Yang Xuan has no chance of winning if he fights recklessly.

Therefore, as long as there is a true spirit at the level of Tian 5.6, let him use it as a bomb.

At that time, there will definitely be enough confusion, and then Yang Xuan can fish in troubled waters and leave directly.

The river of fate is so big, even though he can't go ashore now, it is extremely easy to find a place to hide.

Xuanmo Tianzun didn't know that Yang Xuan had already made these plans.

But although he didn't know what Yang Xuan was thinking, he could probably figure it out.

After all, now that Yang Xuan is so powerful, and he has been pulled into the cave by the other party, he doesn't think he can leave safely if he rejects Yang Xuan.

For people in the original world of destiny.

The mental world where Yang Xuan is now is the blessed land and the cave.

So Xuanmo Tianzun thought about it carefully.

Then he bowed deeply to Yang Xuan.

Seeing his movements, Yang Xuan also showed a smile at the corner of his mouth.

Because this represents that a Heavenly Venerable has surrendered.

Chapter 244 Personal Suppression, A Powerful Tower (Subscribe)

At the beginning, Yang Xuan just had the idea of ​​giving it a try.

He also didn't expect that Xuanmo Tianzun actually agreed.

However, if you think about it carefully.

This is also as it should be.

After all, the monks in this world don't have much future.

Unless all Dao Zun are all fallen.

Otherwise, those Heavenly Venerates would not be able to find a way forward at all.

It was because of this that Yang Xuan easily made Xuanmo Tianzun his partner.

"Xuanmo Tianzun, as long as my plan can succeed, I will definitely let you leave this world."

"And your guess is not wrong, I have a great power that surpasses the long river of fate."

"Although I can't easily mobilize that power, at least it makes me in character, so that the river of fate can't suppress me."

"As long as I can successfully leave the bottom of the river of fate and enter the real world, I can arrange countless creatures from other worlds to come to this world."

"Then let them integrate their fate into the long river of fate, so as to occupy a certain share of the long river of fate."

"The subsequent plan is very simple, that is to find those Taoist priests and let them fall completely."

"Once they fall, I can occupy the river of fate."

Yang Xuan didn't hide anything, and directly said what he wanted!

22 It turns out that what he wants is the river of fate.


Xuanmo Tianzun took a breath after listening.

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