The river of fate.

at the bottom of the river.

This incarnation of Yang Xuan opened his eyes in a different way.

The incarnation at the bottom of the river, although not the real body.

But most of the power of the main body is here.

Therefore, even those Heavenly Venerates from the outside world did not realize that Yang Xuan came in an incarnation.

What's more, this incarnation carries Yang Xuan's supernatural power.

The most important thing is that Yang Xuan is not following the world system of Long River of Destiny.

All his strength is mainly reflected in the door.

As long as the door is there, the avatar can sometimes exert the same powerful combat power as the main body.

"Did you find me? It's earlier than I expected."

Yang Xuan raised his head and looked up.

On the calm river, there are four powerful deities.

One of them happened to be Xuanmo Tianzun of Xuanmozong.

Chapter 242 Invite the Heavenly Venerable (for Subscription)

The moment I saw those four Heavenly Venerates.

Yang Xuan actually planned to leave by hand.

However, after he saw Xuanmo Tianzun of Xuanmozong.

Then he had other thoughts.

If I can persuade this Xuanmo Tianzun of Xuanmozong to join my camp~.

Well, if you play a play with him, maybe you will gain even more.

After Yang Xuan thought of this, he began to mobilize his spiritual power.


The river of fate, on the river.


A wave suddenly flashed by.

In an instant, the hearts of the four Heavenly Venerates guarding here were shocked.

They stared at the river nervously, thinking that the extraterrestrial demons below had moved.

But after waiting for a while, nothing appeared.

This made the four Heavenly Venerates who were guarding here feel puzzled for a while.

Because of the waves just now, they all clearly felt it.

Logically speaking, it shouldn't be wrong to guess everything.

"The long river of fate will not dislike wind and waves for no reason!"

"No matter how small the wind and waves are, it's impossible."

"So, there must be something wrong. It should be what that person did to the river of fate."

Except for Xuanmo Tianzun, the other three Tianzun are very sure of this.

But Xuanmo Tianzun did not speak.

In other words, he just wanted to express his opinion, but because of other things, he was unable to express his opinion.


Mind image world.

Xuanmo Tianzun looked at everything in front of him in disbelief.

Just like when Su Lingyun was pulled in.

At this moment, he also saw a huge palace first.

Immediately afterwards, he appeared in the palace.

But exactly how it appeared and why it appeared suddenly, he had no idea at all.

"With my own powerful power, I directly interfered with the entire river of fate."

"In the space of the river of fate, I pulled my true spirit into your world!"

"This means! This power!"

"You are indeed an existence countless times stronger than that mysterious Tianzun."

"But what do you mean by pulling me over your world?"

"Come out, I know you're here."

Xuanmo Tianzun is also a powerful existence.

Moreover, he is not at the gate level, but at the disk level.

A middle-ranked Empyrean!

The middle Tianzun, in this world, is comparable to a disk-level existence.

Such an existence, even though it was extremely shocked by the powerful power displayed by Yang Xuan.

Even if Yang Xuan didn't show up at this time, it just showed a magnificent and empty hall.

However, Xuanmo Tianzun knew that the other party was here.

He must be watching himself in the dark.

"I've always been here, you have to look at it with your heart."

A flat voice came from all directions.

Immediately afterwards.

Xuanmo Tianzun seems to have realized something.

Then, his heart became extremely peaceful in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, he found that directly in front of him, at the top of the hall, was a figure sitting on the divine throne.

"You are the one!"

"Visitors from another world, powerful extraterrestrial demons!"

After Xuanmo Tianzun saw Yang Xuan, his mood became serious.

However, before Yang Xuan could answer.

The Xuanmo Tianzun suddenly felt suffocated.

Although, he hadn't felt that suffocating feeling for a long time, but at this moment he found that feeling again.

Even if he is now a true spirit.

"Avenues appear, and there are so many avenues!"

"Even, there is the Dao of Good Fortune that all monks want most. I know that many extraterrestrial demons can condense the Dao. This is the advantage of the extraterritorial demons, but you have more than a dozen of the Dao."

"Could it be that the extraterrestrial demons are such unique existences!"

No matter how shocked Xuanmo Tianzun was.

Because, the world laws and world foundations of the world of destiny origin are very tyrannical.

Therefore, creatures born in this world cannot leave this world.

And here, there is no True Reincarnation Tower.

Therefore, the Tianzun here has power comparable to that of a pan-level, but they are really not high in knowledge.

The gates of other worlds can condense their own Dao gates, but they cannot.

Their strength is all attached to the river of fate.

It is precisely because of this that it is extremely difficult to condense the Dao.

Because it is extremely difficult to condense the Dao by oneself, so seeing the current Yang Xuan, the former Lord of Mysteries, and other sect-level existences intruding earlier.

Only then did the extraterrestrial demons come into being, the idea that they are all blessed to exist.


But what they didn't know was that Yang Xuan and the others wanted to condense the door, and it was not as simple as imagined.

But if you compare it with the River of Destiny, then it is really countless times simpler.

Because the world of Long River of Destiny is too restrictive.

If Yang Xuan was born in the world of Long River of Destiny, then he might be able to advance to become a door-level existence.

It is also possible to advance to become a disk-level existence.

But even if it really becomes a disk class, it is impossible to condense its own way.

It is even more impossible to let one's Dao appear around like Dao Fruit.

This is true for one avenue, let alone more than ten.


Only when the Xuanmo Tianzun saw the Dao beside Yang Xuan did he feel that suffocating feeling.


"Are you blessed?"

"It can be counted!"

"Or, it can be said that being born in the original world of destiny, born on the long river of destiny, is not only your nebula, but also your misfortune!"

"So, I'll give you a choice!"

"Cooperate with me, I can help you get out of this world!"

"Let you become an independent existence, let you leave this world, and witness the mysteries of the heavens and worlds."

"At that time, you can also condense your own avenue."

Yang Xuan said so.

His answer, this explanation, and this invitation.

In fact, it represented his purpose of calling Xuanmo Tianzun over.

"Let me go to Heavenly Demon?"

"However, you extraterrestrial demons. Although you can invade our world."

"However. I've never heard of an extraterritorial celestial demon who can make us leave this world."

"You must know that you are not the first demon from outside the territory to make such an opinion to us."

"Some extraterrestrial celestial demons mentioned this cooperation before, and some people agreed."

"But the last extraterrestrial demon couldn't do it."

Xuanmo Tianzun has experienced many things.

He has seen this situation too many times since the birth of the original world of destiny.

Although, he had never seen such a powerful extraterrestrial demon as Yang Xuan.

But this kind of proposal is really not once or twice.

Therefore, he has great doubts about Yang Xuan's strength.

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