This matter of concern.

It was Ye Yu.

"Ye Yu?"

"What level of cultivation is he now?"

Hearing Su Lingyun mention this name, Ye Qingxuan's expression changed immediately.

Even after several years, she has not forgotten that person.

The one who killed himself without hesitation.

"That's right!"

"According to reliable information, the younger generation of Sword Emperor Sect, a group of disciples headed by Ye Yu, are going to explore a secret realm."

"That secret realm can be entered by anyone below the immortal level."

"And the current Ye Yu is now a half-immortal and the strongest disciple of the Sword Emperor Sect."

"¨¨This time it's the joint exploration and trial of several sects on the side of the Immortal Dao."

"There are a lot of pride in it."

"So the choice to go or not is yours."

"Master told me, I don't want to block your thoughts."

"So now, if you go, I will arrange it for you."

"If you don't go, continue to retreat."

Su Lingyun asked Ye Qingxuan.

Although Ye Qingxuan's enemy is a half-immortal.

Although, Ye Qingxuan only had the cultivation base of Yuanshen stage.

There is a difference between two people.

But I don't know why, Su Lingyun thinks that if two people match up.

Ye Qingxuan's winning rate is 100%.

However, it is also risky to

Once Ye Yu is killed in the secret realm, it will definitely cause other immortals to attack.

At that time, if Ye Qingxuan is alone, it will be too dangerous.

"I'll go!" (well done)

"Although I'm only in the Yuanshen stage, I have my own cards!"

Ye Qingxuan chose to go without hesitation.

"It's just that I need a lot of pills!"

"Maybe I need to trouble my sister."

"In addition to pills, I also need certain immortal stones!"

Ye Qingxuan was not polite to Su Lingyun either.

She really regarded the other party as a senior sister, and she thought that she must pay back the price she paid now.


"I've got it ready for you."

"I don't know if these things are enough, but they are indeed the most I can come up with."

Su Lingyun took out a storage ring and handed it to Ye Qingxuan.

"Thank you, sister!"

Ye Qingxuan nodded to Su Lingyun, and then sent a breath to Su Lingyun's claw.

That is the power of creation.

Chapter 241 The location is exposed, the Heavenly Venerable appears (please subscribe!)

After three years of cultivation, he pointed directly at the primordial spirit, and pointed at the half-immortal with his sword.

This is Ye Qingxuan's current state.

However, the help given by Su Lingyun also made Ye Qingxuan unwilling to do nothing.

Therefore, during these years of hidden cultivation, she also tried her best to collude with Yang Xuan secretly, asking Yang Xuan to grant him some more powerful power.

Yang Xuan naturally agreed.

That's right!

Without Su Lingyun's knowledge, Ye Qingxuan had been communicating with Yang Xuan.

Yang Xuan stripped off a part of his supernatural powers, and invested so many true spirit points, so naturally he wouldn't just simply find a disciple.

Part of his will has actually come to the real world of the world of destiny.

When Ye Qingxuan spread the power of good fortune.

Yang Xuan's voice appeared in Ye Qingxuan's mind.

"Girl, you should understand that this power of good fortune is not the power of good fortune condensed by yourself, but condensed with the help of my magic weapon."

"This power of good fortune looks nothing special from the outside, it is just an ordinary power of good fortune in the primordial spirit stage."

"But its essence is a powerful power comparable to that of a Taoist master. In your world, it is the powerful 130 original power second only to Tianzun."

"And because it is the power of good fortune, it has many effects!"

"Even with the power I bestow on you, at most it can be condensed into one every year."

"This power of good fortune is enough for an ordinary celestial being to complete the sublimation, or improve the aptitude, or improve the essence, the source, the true spirit, or directly improve the realm, or refine the elixir, magic weapon, etc., that belongs to All-purpose practical energy.”

"The two powers of good fortune you got before were used to improve your aptitude. Now, don't you save the third power of good fortune for yourself to use when you advance to the semi-immortal stage?"

"Although the promotion of the power of good fortune will consume hundreds of times more than other ordinary exercises."

"But that power of good fortune is enough for you to advance to become a half-immortal."

"Or, enough for you to use a large number of one-click tracking."

This information seems to be a lot.

But Yang Xuan's power can naturally be very simple, he just injects all his words directly into Ye Qingxuan's heart in an instant.

"Senior Sister takes good care of me, she protects me very well, a power of good fortune is not enough to express my gratitude to Senior Sister."

"Of course, this power of good fortune was actually given to me by the teacher."

"So I am also very grateful to the teacher. No matter what the teacher asks me to do in the future, I will definitely do it."

Ye Qingxuan gave Yang Xuan a reply in his heart.

"Grateful, it's a very good virtue."

"Then as you wish."

"Next, I will fall into a deep sleep for a certain period of time, and you will have to walk on your own for a while."

"You make all the decisions yourself. I hope you will still be there when I wake up again."

Yang Xuan didn't continue to say more, his voice quickly disappeared.

However, under the circumstances that Ye Qingxuan couldn't feel it.

In a short period of time, Yang Xuan's will returned to his body.

The deep sleep he said was not really deep sleep.

But there was a problem on the other side of the river of fate.


On the long river of fate.


There was a sound of trembling river water.

Soon, a powerful incarnation of Tianzun holding a long sword rushed out of the river.

"No mistake!"

"That extraterrestrial demon has already taken root at the bottom of the river."

"I found his bearings, but Hanoi had too little power to mobilize."

"This incarnation of mine can last up to three minutes at the bottom of the river in the long river of fate."

"Moreover, the power exerted is extremely low."

"As long as the opponent continues to be at the bottom of the long river of fate, even if we attack, we will not be able to use any magic, Taoism, or supernatural powers. In the end, we can only evolve into hand-to-hand combat."

"Avatars don't work yet."

"If you want to expel the other party, you need to come down in person."

"But everyone should know the strength of the river of fate (ccfg). This is a battle with the risk of falling."

After Tianzun, who was holding the Dharma sword, finished his words, his face was dignified.

They have been looking for Yang Xuan for a long time.

In fact, it was a hundred years before Yang Xuan found the Child of Destiny he wanted, that is, Ye Qingxuan.

Many celestial beings began to send their avatars one by one to find Yang Xuan at each stage of the long river of fate.

And today, someone finally found Yang Xuan.

At the same time, they also began to think about how to attack Yang Xuan.

"We don't know how strong the opponent is, but judging from the fluctuations of the opponent's arrival last time, it is definitely a stronger existence than the Mysterious Heavenly Venerate."

"Now the Taoists are invisible, unable to contact and communicate, so we can only rely on us."

"And the extraterrestrial demons are often very powerful, so I suggest that at least 30 Celestial Venerates do it together."

"We will move like a thunder, with a force like a bamboo, and expel this extraterritorial demon in one fell swoop."

"The extraterrestrial demon has been at the bottom of the river for so long, and his body must not be able to enter the real world, but the extraterritorial demon is best at seizing opportunities. I believe he has already transmitted his will to the real world."

"There's no telling how much the real world is polluted without us knowing."

"He must be deported immediately."

Following the discovery of Yang Xuan's existence, the Heavenly Venerates in the world of origin of destiny immediately expressed their position.


Even if the main body ventured into the bottom of the long river of fate and risked serious injury or even death, he still wanted to expel Yang Xuan.

This is the idea of ​​many gods.

"I agree!"

"I agree!"

"I need to get ready!"

"One day, we each prepare for one day. After one day, we will have thirty Heavenly Venerates to do it together, and all the rest will sit above the river."

"If there is danger, continue to add people."

"We must expel that extraterrestrial demon."

After several Heavenly Venerates said this, they went to make arrangements.

Then, there were only four Heavenly Venerates who did not need to arrange an account, or in fact, the Heavenly Venerable who had already secretly arranged an account, continued to guard the river.

At the same time, they kept sending avatars to see Yang Xuan's situation at the bottom of the river of fate.


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