"very good!"

"That's good!"

"From now on, you will be my disciple!"

"I know that you have a great hatred on you, and you only want to take revenge with your own strength!"

"So I will teach you the method and give you powerful supernatural powers."

"A supernatural power that allows you to quickly increase your strength without side effects."

Yang Xuan was naturally very happy when he saw Ye Qingxuan agreed.

That is, after Ye Qingxuan agreed, soon there was a mysterious force that directly tied the fate of the two together.

In this way, Ye Qingxuan can use the two natal supernatural powers that Yang Xuan extracted before.

That is a powerful supernatural power that allows Yang Xuanwei to overwhelm the heavens and the world.

He believed that with the blessing of these two supernatural powers, Ye Qingxuan would grow very fast.

After accepting Ye Qingxuan.

Yang Xuan also looked at Su Lingyun not far away.

Then, he also asked Su Lingyun.

"Would you like to become a disciple of this deity?".

Chapter 237 Extraterrestrial Demon (please subscribe!)

Yang Xuan's question obviously shocked Su Lingyun.

She didn't expect that she would have a share in this great opportunity.

A Daoist-level strongman asked himself if he would like to be a teacher.

Do you still need to ask this question?

Her answer, of course, was yes.

As for the fact that she already has a teacher and is still the ancestor of her family, she doesn't care at all.

Leaving aside whether her teacher agrees with her or not, even if she disagrees, she will worship Yang Xuan as her teacher.

What's more, Su Lingyun believes that even if her teacher knows, she will only agree and not refuse.

Even, maybe my own teacher will think about switching to the teacher's school~.

There is no way, who knows that in the entire world of the origin of destiny, there have only been ten Dao-Zuns throughout the ages.

And now, everyone can't see Dao Zun anymore.

After thinking of this, Su Lingyun immediately began to salute.

"Master, please accept the disciple's three respects!"

The same three prostrations and nine prostrations are also the greatest etiquette.

This represented Su Lingyun's respect for Yang Xuan, as well as the excitement in her heart.

Tianxian naturally has his own arrogance, but the existence of Dao Zun level is something that cannot be met or sought for him.

Even Su Lingyun is very clear, if you let your master know the situation here.

Then, his teacher might find a way to come over to learn from him.

"Su Lingyun, I accepted you as my apprentice because of the guidance of fate."

"But the fate between you and me is not that important!"

"You just made the most important, best, and perfect choice when the opportunity came."

"But this is also your chance."

"So, you can choose your own path."

"This is your chance too."

Yang Xuan has chosen the path of good fortune for Ye Qingxuan.

The gate of good fortune is a man-made gate. The former master of good fortune, now reincarnated in Dao Yi of the Taishi Xuan Realm, has given up the gate of good fortune and the way of good fortune.

So Yang Xuan began to choose Ye Qingxuan as his successor for the way of good fortune.

Because the way of good fortune, even if it is placed in the heavens and worlds, is an extremely precious way, and it is also an extremely high-level way.

But Su Lingyun was just an accident.

Although Yang Xuan accepted the other party as his apprentice, he would not personally choose a path for the other party.

Instead, let her choose.

"Thank you, Master!"

Being able to choose the avenue by yourself made Su Lingyun even more excited.

Immediately afterwards, she saw the way of creation at a glance.

Yang Xuan did not put away the way of good fortune, if Su Lingyun was willing to choose, Yang Xuan could also teach her the way of good fortune.

At this time, Su Lingyun can naturally see that the way of Ye Qingxuan's body is the way of good fortune.

So she subconsciously wanted to choose the way of creation.

After all, this is the path that the mysterious Daoist in front of him personally chose for Ye Qingxuan.

So this path must be very powerful.

However, just when she was about to walk out of the choice, she fell silent again.

Because she thought of a lot in an instant.

"Master doesn't mind if I choose this path myself, but if I choose, wouldn't I be the same as Ye Qingxuan?"

"Moreover, only one Daoist can appear on a road."

"Although I don't know, Master, why there are so many paths, it is definitely a bad idea to choose the path of good fortune."

"So, I should choose another path."

After stopping what she was about to speak just now, Su Lingyun turned her gaze to other paths.

"Original, eternal, unified, sublimated, mysterious..."

Many roads appeared little by little.

Every time he sees an avenue, Su Lingyun can get the corresponding brief introduction information.

Soon, she turned her attention to Gui Yi.

"Return to one! Return to one!"

"All ways return to one!"

"This is the path I've chosen! It's the path that suits me so well!"

Su Lingyun made a choice immediately.

This choice made Yang Xuan a little surprised, but it felt reasonable.

"very nice!"

"Your choice is very suitable for you!"

"The technique corresponding to the Gate of Return to Unity, I call it the Heaven Swallowing Dao!"

"Swallowing the sky is devouring everything!"

"With everything, perfect yourself!"

"This will be a very fast method of advancement, and it is also a very terrifying method."

"Once you practice this power, you will become the enemy of all monks in the whole world."

"Because if you practice this exercise to the end, you may even swallow the river of fate, so as to become your own river."

The simple words subverted Su Lingyun's three views in just an instant.

Because the information revealed here is not a little big, but really too big.

Even the river of fate will swallow it up?

This is something that Su Lingyun can't even imagine.


In particular, she knows very clearly what the river of fate is like.

Ye Qingxuan on the side may not feel anything.

In her view, the river of fate is just a kind of energy, a manifestation of energy.

But Su Lingyun is very clear that the existence of the river of fate represents their world.

That is the foundation of the world.

The world I live in is attached to the long river of fate.

Moreover, the two concepts are not yet equivalent.

Everything about them is based on the long river of fate.

For example, if the world is destroyed, all sentient beings will be destroyed.

But as long as there is not a certain powerful existence, the river of fate is broken.

Then the destruction of the world will also destroy it, and then the long river of fate will surely give birth to a new world.


The new world will become stronger and bigger little by little, and finally become a world like them.

Therefore, it is definitely better for the world, all living beings, and all things to the Long River of Destiny. It can increase fate and fate, so that the Long River of Destiny can last for a long time, gain strength continuously, and slowly improve.

But without the current world, all sentient beings and all things are nothing.

Because she can also give birth to a new world.

Although if there is no world, the river of fate will also dry up.

But when it comes to the concept of river level, it is not difficult to breed a world.

at this point.

From Yang Xuan's confrontation with the Lord of Mysteries, he directly created a low-level endless reincarnation world for the opponent.

And, the Lord of Mysteries for his own promotion.

It can be seen that the mysterious world was created by directly incarnating all things.

Creating a world is not difficult.

The more powerful an existence is, the less it cares about the world attached to itself.

Because they themselves are the source, they can create the world.

But now, Yang Xuan said that the path Su Lingyun chose is to devour everything, the world, and in the future, the entire river of fate.

This point, besides showing Yang Xuan's strength and the strength of the path he chose, also represents another thing.

That is, Yang Xuan doesn't seem to be from this world.

As soon as this idea appeared, Su Lingyun's previous doubts were resolved.

That is why she has never heard of Yang Xuan, the mysterious Daoist.

Because the other party is not the Daoist of his own world.

Extraterrestrial Demon! Door.

Chapter 238 Wan Dao Tianzun (please subscribe!)

It's not that Su Lingyun has never heard of the information about the demons outside the territory.

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