Ye Yu didn't have any influence.

After this picture disappeared, soon another picture appeared in front of them.

That was the moment she was kicked off the cliff, in a huge palace that came from an unknown place and looked like a seabed.

In the palace, an ancient, profound, and powerful figure woke up from a deep sleep.

He suddenly snorted lightly, and then a little smile appeared on his face.

Then, this mysterious person directly condensed the power that made Ye Qingxuan feel frightened just by seeing it in his memory.

That power directly turned into a ray of light.

It broke through the void and traveled through space.

Arrived, on the cliff where Ye Qingxuan fell.

In the end, it turned into a ring and landed on Ye Qingxuan's palm, protecting her who was about to fall to her death.

Not only that, after this ring protected Ye Qingxuan, it also activated a supreme method to stabilize Ye Qingxuan's injury, and then slowly repaired her body.

During the period, when wild beasts attacked her many times, the kung fu worked on its own to form a rain cover, protecting Ye Qingxuan.

During this period, all the consumption, all the energy used for defense, that is, the aura, was provided by that ring.

And the owner of this ring is the mysterious person who appeared in front of them now.

"¨So it was you who saved me!"

"Otherwise, I'm completely dead, and I can't die anymore!"

Ye Qingxuan expressed his gratitude to Yang Xuan.

Only then did she know why she survived.

It turned out that it was not Su Lingyun who saved her, but this mysterious, great, and supreme existence in front of her.

"Miss Ye, Dao Zun didn't just save you, but used the Supreme Dao to revive you."

"In other words, you should have been dead at the time, at least for a minute or so, but Your Excellency Dao Zun changed your fate!"

Su Lingyun is not Ye Qingxuan.

She is an existence at the level of a fairy, (getting good) relying on the picture given by Yang Xuan.

She could clearly feel that Ye Qingxuan should have died at that time.

His cultivation was abolished, his heart was pierced, and he completely lost consciousness.

In terms of Ye Qingxuan's situation at that time, Su Lingyun thought he was his ancestor.

That powerful Heavenly Venerable exists, if he is by Ye Qingxuan's side at this time, there is no way to do it.

Because Ye Qingxuan is just a deposed low-level monk, no different from ordinary people.

With a weak body and no spiritual thoughts, such a person has suffered such a serious injury, even if Tianzun comes in person, there is nothing he can do.

Su Lingyun has been in contact with Tianzun, so although she knows the greatness of Tianzun, she also knows that Tianzun also has limits.


What if the person in front of him is not Tianzun, but Daozun?

Then things are naturally different.

Just like that, Su Lingyun was also very excited at this time.

Because Dao Zun is an existence in legends.

Chapter 236 You are willing to become a disciple of the deity (please subscribe!)

"I am dead?"

"And live again?"

After Ye Qingxuan heard Su Lingyun's words, his head was buzzing.

She never thought that such an incredible thing would happen to her.

That's right!

Even in this powerful world of cultivating immortals, resurrection from death is an incredible power.

"That's right! Although you are a little cultivator, it stands to reason that you can hold on for a while with such a serious injury."

"But don't forget, your cultivation base was abolished at that time."

"During that time, your body was not as good as that of an ordinary child."

"So when your heart is pierced by that magic weapon-level long sword, you are already dead."

"When you fall off a cliff, you're dead."

Su Lingyun tried to turn her head while talking, instead of continuing to watch the video given by Yang Xuan, she went to look at Yang Xuan.

In the end, to her surprise, she could actually look directly at that mysterious and great existence.

After seeing each other, there will no longer be all kinds of information flooding into her mind.

This let Su Lingyun know that the other party recognized her.

After discovering this, Su Lingyun hurriedly bowed to Yang Xuan.

Because she knows that no matter if it is an existence at the level of Tianzun or Daozun, they can actually control their own dao rhyme and aura.

If the existence of Tianzun and Daozun level really wants them to see it, they will restrain their aura.

Just like now.

In fact, Su Lingyun also knew that when she saw Yang Xuan before, she was able to get some news from the other party, and she hadn't been transformed yet, it meant that the other party had no malice towards her.

But with the majesty of Dao Zun, even he couldn't look directly at the other party.

Now that I can look straight at him, I just took the opportunity to have a lot of fun with each other, especially those Dao Yuns.

"What a powerful force!"

"Those dao rhymes are unprecedentedly powerful, but they cannot be understood now."

Su Lingyun kept observing the situation inside.

Not long after that, she suddenly discovered the great existence above the fairy throne, and spoke again.

"Ye Qingxuan, you are my chosen bag disciple, and you are also the one chosen by the river of fate."

"Therefore, are you willing to worship me as a teacher and become my true disciple?"

A faint voice resounded in this area.

After hearing this voice, Su Lingyun was extremely excited, although she was not the one who was asked if she was an apprentice.

But as a person who came from a great sect, no one knows better than her how good it is to get a Taoist-level (ccfg) teacher.

If, this teacher is put outside.

I don't know how many people will break their heads and sharpen their heads, and they also want to come to worship each other as teachers.

Even, if the news gets out.

Those hidden masters of many sects, that is, existences at the level of Tianzun, will wake up from their deep sleep, and then come to Yang Xuan to worship as teachers.

Of course, if there is an existence at the level of Tianzun, there is a little possibility. He will see through that Yang Xuan is actually not Dao Zun, but Tian Zun.

Dao Zun corresponds to an existence beyond the disk level.

But Yang Xuan, even with the status of Tianzun, corresponds to only the middle Tianzun, not even the upper Tianzun.

But he couldn't stand it anymore, he invested too many soul points in the river of fate.

Although there is no right to control the river of fate, the conscious space manifested now is indeed contaminated with the breath of the river of fate.

Even if there is a Tianzun who is pulled into this space, he will be disturbed by this space at the first time, thinking that Yang Xuan is a certain powerful, Taoist level existence.

As for the chance of being discovered, there is, but not much.

And the existence under Tianzun has no honor, as long as it has seen other Tianzun, or even Daozun.

Then he would definitely mistakenly think that Yang Xuan is a Daoist-level existence.

There is no way, Yang Xuan's aura is too bluffing.


Facing Yang Xuan's question, Ye Qingxuan hesitated a little.

She hesitated, not because Yang Xuan's request was unattractive, but because it was too attractive.

Another reason why she hesitated was that she felt that she was not worthy.

The other party saved her own life, but she still wants to become the other party's true disciple. She thinks this is really too regrettable.

This is a man with a broken heart.

Yang Xuan naturally read the other party's heart.

But before he spoke to persuade the other party, Su Lingyun had already spoken first.

"What are you still thinking, hurry up and agree!"

"This is Daoist!"

"Do you know what level this Daoist is?"

"That is the strongest existence in the entire world, and it is an existence that surpasses Tianzun!"

"Although the current state of Master Dao Zun seems to have not fully awakened, as long as you become a disciple of Dao Zun, you basically don't have to worry about revenge."

Su Lingyun said nervously.

She really can't wait to agree now instead of Ye Qingxuan.

"Senior is very strong. He saved my life and accepted me as an apprentice. I am naturally very grateful."

"It's just that, if I worship the teacher with the idea of ​​revenge, then don't I want to take advantage of the kindness of my predecessors."

"So, I can't do it!"

Ye Qingxuan couldn't help expressing his thoughts.

After hearing this, Su Lingyun was stunned.

In today's world of cultivating immortals, is there really such a simple person?

Could it be that this girl is pretending?

Is your acting so good?

Playing hard to get?

For a while, Su Lingyun thought of many possibilities.

But Yang Xuan spoke at this time.

"I can see your heart, so I naturally know that you think so."

"However, you becoming my disciple is a kind of help to me."

"Because my current state is not very good. Our world has suffered a catastrophe. In order to help our world, I was seriously injured and fell into a deep sleep."

"It's just that before I fell asleep, I left behind."

"And your will activated the backhand I left behind."

"So you have to be my apprentice and help me completely recover and get rid of this weak state."

Yang Xuan didn't beat around the bush either.

The other party is a very principled monk, so when facing such a person, all you need to do is express your request directly.

"Is that so!"

"Then I am willing to be your disciple. Master, please accept three respects from my disciples!"

Ye Qingxuan talked about the world here, and directly bowed three times and nine times to Yang Xuan.

This is an absolute gift of apprenticeship.

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