Even, her teacher, that is, the ancestor at the level of Tianzun, told her about it.

Sometime hundreds of years ago, the River of Destiny rioted.

All the gods projected their true spirits onto the river of fate.

In the end, there was only one thing they could be sure of.

That is, the River of Destiny riot this time was not some powerful Tianzun fighting, thus mobilizing the power of the River of Destiny.

And in the extraterritorial world, there is a certain person who is very good at concealment and extremely powerful, sneaked into the long river of fate.

That person is not even weaker than the mysterious Tianzun back then.

It is even much stronger than the mysterious Tianzun.

This is a secret that only Tianzun knew at first.

The reason why Su Lingyun knew was also because Xuanmo Tianzun of Xuanmo Sect told her personally.

At the beginning, Xuanmo Tianzun told her this news on "127", mainly to let Su Lingyun encounter something in the future, if it is not something particularly important, don't call her.

Because the things in the long river of fate are the most important things.

But what Su Lingyun didn't expect was that the person her ancestor and teacher was on guard against had already overcome the river of fate and passed on her power to the real world.

From Su Lingyun's point of view, Yang Xuan can transmit power to the real world, erase Ye Qingxuan's fate, reverse the other party's life and death, and finally pull himself and Ye Qingxuan into this mysterious space.

All the means represent that the other party has won the victory under the surveillance of many Heavenly Venerates and the struggle against the river of fate.

First, Yang Xuan changed the laws of the world.

Secondly, all the Heavenly Venerates don't know that the extraterrestrial demons have begun to invade the real world.

He even has to teach his own Dao.

If it is not for her to meet by chance, she is still worshiping under Yang Xuan's sect.

I'm afraid Su Lingyun, a celestial being, thinks that the invasion of celestial demons from outside the territory is something that is far away from him.

But what she didn't expect was that she would meet her now.

It is even earlier than my own master, ancestor, and other celestial beings.

"Master, aren't you the Daoist of our world?"

Su Lingyun was extremely shocked in her heart, and finally couldn't help asking a question.

Because she felt that since Yang Xuan said those words just now, she did not intend to hide her identity.

What's more, Yang Xuan just said that he saw through Ye Qingxuan's heart.

Therefore, Su Lingyun felt that her thoughts could not be hidden from Yang Xuan at all.

"That's right!"

"I am not the Daoist of this world. I am currently at the bottom of the river of fate. If I want to go ashore, I need your strength."

"And once your true spirits leave my mental world, you won't be able to tell what happened here."

"Your heart will stop you from speaking out."

"If you use external force to forcibly tell the things about you in this mental image world, then you will explode and die!"

"This is also one of the costs of becoming my disciple, or even if you don't choose to become my disciple, you still have to bear this price."

"This is one of the costs of knowing that I exist and coming to this space."

Yang Xuan didn't deny his identity as a visitor from outside the region, but he didn't say the specific reason either. He just expressed that he wanted to leave the river of fate and enter the real world completely.

"I see!"

"Master, will you destroy our world?"

Su Lingyun asked another crucial question.

Perhaps this question is not important to Ye Qingxuan, who is bent on revenge and who thought he was dead but survived by accident.

But to Su Lingyun, it is very important.

She didn't know why she asked such a question. After all, in the world of the weak and the strong, as long as Yang Xuan is strong enough, even if he wants to destroy the world, others have nothing to say.

"Why should I destroy your world? The world bred by the river of fate is very powerful."

"If I want to destroy your world, even I will need a long time, enough patience, and a lot of layout."

"What's more, if I destroy your world, although I will get some gains, it will never be proportional to my efforts."

"So of course I'm not going to do that!"

"I came to this world with a very clear purpose!"

"My goal is the River of Destiny!"

Yang Xuan did not intend to hide his purpose and thoughts.

"The River of Destiny is a great existence, and she is an ownerless river naturally bred in the endless void!"

"Although there have been ten Taoist-level existences born in your world, they only control one-tenth of the long river of destiny."

"If they join forces, it will naturally be equivalent to controlling the river of fate, but unfortunately, when faced with another great world comparable to the river of fate, both of them will suffer losses, and several of the ten Daoist priests will also fall. ..."

"The remaining Daoist priests also had to fall into a deep sleep due to serious injuries."

"So there are many people who are thinking about the long river of fate. The mysterious Tianzun who appeared in your world before is also one of them. It's a pity that he failed."

Yang Xuan's voice directly appeared in the hearts of Ye Qingxuan and Su Lingyun.

"So that's the case, thank you, Master!"

Su Lingyun hurriedly thanked her, and she also knew that she shouldn't have asked too much, but for some reason, there was an obsession in her heart, and she wanted to ask these questions.

Yang Xuan, of course, also saw this.

"Master, although we know that you are Master, we still don't know your name!"

At this time, Su Lingyun hurriedly asked another key question.

Master's name.

"Immortal Cultivator Eternal Happy Soul, Martial Arts Indestructible Body!"

"This deity is the source of all dharmas, the ancestor of all ways, and the gate of all gates!"

"On the imprint of the river of fate, this deity is named 'Wandao Tianzun'."

This time, after Yang Xuan delivered the news.

Before the two of them could say anything, they suddenly felt a blur in front of their eyes.

At the same time, in the hearts of the two women, the cultivation methods corresponding to their respective paths emerged.

Ye Qingxuan is naturally a good fortune.

Su Lingyun is the law of returning everything to one law.

When they opened their eyes again, they found that they had left Yang Xuan's mental world.

Although, they don't understand what the world of mind is.

But it can be guessed that it was created by Yang Xuan, an independent world attached to the long river of destiny 5.6.

It exists independently, and only those invited by Yang Xuan can enter it.

It's like the blessed land and cave of heaven.

The difference is that Tianxian's portable paradise is not independent, even the Hengsha World is not considered, it is just a piece of dimensional space.

But Yang Xuan's 'Dongtian' is a powerful space with the essence of the Great Thousand World.

This space alone is enough to suppress the entire Destiny World and all ninth-level Taoist masters.

This is the essential difference.

Although Yang Xuan is only the tenth rank, he is an incomparably powerful tenth rank, and has touched the terrifying existence of the threshold of the eleventh rank.

But he is not the eleventh rank after all.

With a big realm, to coerce all the people below the realm, and there are strong people of the same level, it can be said that no one can do it except him.

Chapter 238 Ye Qingxuan's Plan

The real world of the original world of destiny.

When Su Lingyun and Ye Qingxuan came back to their senses, they immediately realized that they were still in Qingluan Shenniao's sad luxury car.

It seemed that everything that had just been experienced was just a dream.

But when the two of them echoed, they immediately discovered that their respective spells had been imprinted on their hearts.

That is.

Everything they experienced before is true.

"Master, what a terrifying power!"

"I checked Qingluan's situation, and found that we have existed in Master's world for so long, but in reality, only a second has passed."

"Obviously we stayed so long and had so many conversations, but in reality it was only a second."

"This represents the powerful power of the master, which has interfered with the mind."

Su Lingyun still has a lot of knowledge, after all, she has an ancestor master at the level of Tianzun.


She knew that Yang Xuan was not interfering with the time, but interfering with the perception of the mind.

This is equivalent to speeding up their own thinking by tens or hundreds of times without changing time.

At the same time, their perception was also slowed down.

Without interfering with time, this has achieved what just happened.

"Then I shall call you...!"

Although Ye Qingxuan received the good fortune bestowed by Yang Xuan, she still didn't quite understand Su Lingyun's shock.

What she is struggling with now is what to call Su Lingyun.

"Call me Senior Sister, after all, I am much older than you."

"From now on, you will be my little junior sister."

"However, this can only be our private identity."

Su Lingyun didn't want to make her bigger, but she really made Su Lingyun a lot older.

Moreover, after she returned, there was a message in her mind.

That was the message Yang Xuan gave her, asking her to take good care of Ye Qingxuan.

At the same time, teach Ye Qingxuan the common sense about cultivating immortals.

But don't interfere with all Ye Qingxuan's decisions, no matter whether her decision is right or wrong.

Even in the deadliest moment, there is no need to deliberately save her.

In the end, this message also told Su Lingyun that Ye Qingxuan would grow very fast, super fast.

She needn't be too surprised by this.

"Yes, Senior Sister!"

"To the outside world, I call you teacher!"

"I know, Master let you know that I practice."

"Although we have all obtained our own inheritance of skills, I have almost no experience in other aspects, such as combat, attributes, and the mutual generation and restraint of spells."

Ye Qingxuan still respects Su Lingyun very much.

not to mention.

Yang Xuan had already said it just now.

Although he was the one who killed Ye Qingxuan, Su Lingyun did save her life.

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