"I didn't die, even with such a serious injury!"

"Did you save me?"

Only then did Ye Qingxuan discover something unbelievable.

She is not dead.

She couldn't believe it.

But it's not impossible, because she can feel that she is in a place with extremely strong aura.

This place is no less than the main cave of the Ye family of the Sword Emperor Zong.

And it's still mobile.

A moving fairy house, the aura is comparable to the master's cave.

Just this one condition, you know that the person who sits facing you must be a big monk.

Strong kind.

"I am a true disciple of the Xuanmozong, and I am also a direct descendant of the Su family of the Xuanmozong."

"I saved you, so you will be my disciple from now on."

"After all, depending on your situation, there is also a big revenge to avenge."

Su Lingyun said very simply.

She couldn't see the changes in Ye Qingxuan's body, so she really thought that she saved Ye Qingxuan's life.

After all, in her mind, if she didn't take Ye Qingxuan away, once someone from the Sword Emperor Sect found her, she would probably die.

"That's right, although I don't know the specific situation!"

"But my enemy is the Ye family of the Sword Emperor."

"I have heard of the Xuanmozong, but I have no impression of the Su family of the Xuanmozong."

Ye Qingxuan used to be just a maid of the Sword Emperor Zong Ye Family Tianjiao.

Of course, he is not qualified to know about major events in the outside world.

Her world view of the outside world was actually formed from the Ye family.

If she left the Ye family, she wouldn't even know how to live.

However, after getting the truth about herself and her parents, she has no regrets.

She wants revenge, she wants power.

Even if you join the Xuan Mo Sect, it doesn't matter.

The premise is that Xuan Mozong is not afraid of the Ye family.

"Ha ha!"

"Little guy, you really made me laugh."

"The Ye Family of the Sword Emperor Sect is very strong. It is one of the three major families of the Sword Emperor Sect. The strongest ancestor in the clan is a middle-ranked Celestial Master!"

"That's an existence you can't imagine now."

"However, the same is true for my Xuanmozong Su family. My teacher is also a middle-ranked celestial being."

"What's more, revenge has to be done step by step. Your current enemy should not be a little guy who exceeds the level of a fairy."

Su Lingyun laughed, this time it was really a happy smile, which was amused by Ye Qingxuan.

Because from Ye Qingxuan's body, she seemed to see herself who had come out of the mountain for the first time.

At that time, she also had a lot of ridiculous ideas and a naive worldview.

"That's right! My current enemy is only a person who has just condensed a golden core and is about to break into a baby."

"However, his accomplices are all angels at the lowest level."

"So I need power, great power!"

Ye Qingxuan briefly talked about his situation.

She has nothing to hide.

Anyway, it is estimated that the other party can find out if they want to check.

So, after she finished speaking, she looked at Su Lingyun with fiery eyes, hoping to hear from the other party that strength was not a problem.

"Adore me as your teacher, and I will teach you the first chapter of the most advanced inheritance of the Xuanmo Sect!"

"In the future, as long as you work hard, you can become the true heir of my Xuan Mozong!"

"It seems that although you haven't seen anything in the world, you should know about the Sword Emperor Sect's once-in-a-hundred-year sword ceremony."

"The next time it will be opened is thirty years later."

"If you work hard, maybe you can kill the kid who hurt you first, and make the other's parents depressed for a while."

Su Lingyun directly made a suggestion.

A suggestion that made Ye Qingxuan excited after listening to it.

"Okay, then I'll..."

After Ye Qingxuan said this, he wished he could learn from his teacher immediately.

However, just when she was about to worship.

Suddenly, space and time seemed to be frozen.

Immediately afterwards, Su Lingyun's eyes widened, with an expression of disbelief.

Then both of their eyes went dark, and they lost consciousness for a short while.

However, before Su Lingyun fell into a coma, she seemed to hear a sentence.

"Want to rob my apprentice?"

"no way!".

Chapter 235 Bringing back the dead, the power of reincarnation (for subscription)

The words that surfaced in Su Lingyun's heart.

Come fast, go fast.

Before Su Lingyun was dizzy, she was sure that she heard what the other party said.

But when she returned to her senses and found that her consciousness had left Qingluan's car, she simply forgot that sentence again.

That feeling, as if no one had ever spoken in her heart.

Even Su Lingyun, a powerful celestial being, didn't notice anything.

"So what happened."

Su Lingyun, who came back to his senses, was immediately stunned by the scene in front of him.

Because, at the last second, she was still in her own car.

In the next second, without knowing when, he came to an incomparably sacred and huge palace.

Above the palace, a young man who couldn't see his face clearly, but gave off an inexplicable sense of perfection, sat quietly on top.

Beside the young man, there are countless Dao Yun trash.

Creation, Eternity, Primordial, Mystic, Unification, Sacred, Hell, Devour, Sublimation.

Many dao rhymes, yin and yang, are opposite and blend with each other.

In the end, it turned into a towering Taiji diagram of good fortune, which gathered under the young man.

"This is!"

"The avenue favors!"

"One, two, three... fully exceeded the favor of ten kinds of avenues."

"This is Tianzun!"

"No, it's not Tianzun, it's Daoist!"

"Since ancient times, there have been ten Taoists!"

"This is what Master personally explained to me, and he clarified the position of Daoist Master."

"But none of the ten Taoist priests corresponds to the person in front of me!"

"But it's not a lie to be favored by the Daoist!"

"I just glanced at it briefly, and I have already comprehended a lot of knowledge and experience in practice."

"Besides, the other party has suppressed my own personality, otherwise I would have turned into the other party's puppet just by taking a look at it."

"But even if this Supreme Daoist suppressed his breath, I still feel a burst of mental pain at this moment."

"I can't continue to look at each other directly."

When Su Lingyun thought of this, she already lowered her head, not daring to look at Yang Xuan anymore.

At this moment, she glanced at Ye Qingxuan beside her from the corner of her eye.

But unexpectedly found that Ye Qingxuan was still looking straight up.

Look, that supreme existence that made her look directly at it, and Xiannian began to show signs of collapse.

"How can it be!"

"how so!"

"Who is this little girl I saved!"

"Could it be that she is a descendant of this Daoist? A direct descendant?"

Su Lingyun couldn't understand the scene in front of her, so she could only make up her own brain.

Dao Zun's strength is unquestionable.

And Ye Qingxuan is really just an ordinary person now.

Therefore, Su Lingyun was very sure that Ye Qingxuan, who was favored by him and planned to guard his disciple, this person whose destiny was nothingness, must have a special bloodline.

Therefore, this kind of thing happens.

"Master, where is this?"

Ye Qingxuan, who didn't know why, couldn't help but asked Su Lingyun beside him.

Moreover, she also called Su Lingyun her master.

Obviously because the relationship was confirmed just before entering.

"Wait a minute!"

"Little girl, that little girl is not suitable to be your master."

"Although she has a karmic relationship with you, the name of your master and apprentice was signed in the long river of fate."

"If you worship others as your teacher, your fate will return to the original time again!"

"I think that is not a fate you are willing to accept!"

Before Su Lingyun could speak, Yang Xuan called Ye Qingxuan by name.

Then, he tapped lightly against the void.

Immediately afterwards, a picture appeared in front of Ye Qingxuan and Su Lingyun.

This scene is the scene when Ye Qingxuan was killed by Ye Xuan, whom he had followed for many years, and the scene after he was killed.

When killing, it's all the same.

After killing it, it's different.

In the picture Yang Xuan showed her, after Ye Qingxuan was killed, he was also kicked off the cliff.

Then wild beasts appeared and devoured her directly, and finally everything returned to nothingness.

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