An illusory voice appeared directly on the river of fate.

Immediately afterwards, the second voice appeared.

"I also discovered this, why no one appeared on the river of fate!"

The sound is also very heavy.

Because they are all people who are familiar with the long river of fate.

So we all understand that there are such powerful fluctuations in the river of fate, and if they unite and don't notice any problems, then things will be troublesome.

"Perhaps, the problem lies within the river of fate!"

"It should be said that judging from the current situation, it can only appear inside."

"But if you calculate it this way, things will be troublesome."

"Do you still remember the last time when there were fluctuations in the long river of fate? At that time, a person who claimed to be the Mystery Venerable appeared and directly brought huge fluctuations to the whole world."

"At that time, there were three Tianzuns who fell. The mystery was just a low-ranking Tianzun, and he hadn't achieved the upper-ranking Tianzun. However, it created conflicts, so that many people were fooled by him at that time."

"Even now, there are people who are secretly practicing mysterious and evil methods, because his method of practice is indeed too convenient."

"Mystery technique, although the upper limit is not high, it is difficult to achieve, but the threshold is extremely low, especially suitable for those mortals who want to obtain powerful power."

"Now the interior of the River of Destiny has changed again, and it seems that a new catastrophe is about to come."

"And judging by the magnitude of this fluctuation, I'm afraid it's even stronger than the extraterritorial heavenly demon, the Mysterious Heavenly Venerate."

"Hey, eventful autumn!"

The sighs of many great powers from the origin world of destiny appeared directly on the long river of destiny.

At the same time, many projections of true spirits began to appear on the river of fate.

These projections are all projections of true spirits that are differentiated by great powers.

They do this to divide a large part of their minds.

At this moment, many powerful beings began to retreat.

Because they want to closely monitor the situation of the river of fate.

Once something bad happens, you must be ready to deal with it immediately.

This is not the first time that the original world of destiny has been invaded by extraterrestrial demons.

Not only the Lord of Mysteries, but also other door-level and disc-level terrorist existences have invaded here.

It's just that this time the river of fate fluctuated.

The biggest, scariest ever.

Therefore, many great powers let go of their mutual hostility at this moment, let projections fall on the long river of fate, and monitored various places in the long river of fate.

Even in the reality of the original world of destiny, many sects are no longer fighting each other.

Even if there is some friction occasionally, it is a small friction.

The Great War just doesn't happen anymore.

Because everyone knows that the real enemy comes from the outside world.

It doesn't matter how we fight within ourselves.

Even at the end of the killing, all the existences at the level of Tianzun disappeared, and only those Daozuns who had been sleeping for a long time were left, that was their business.

But if an outsider is allowed to secure the status of the Heavenly Venerable in this world, and even advance to the position of the Daoist.

That is absolutely impossible for the Heavenly Venerates in this world.

Therefore, when there was such a big fluctuation in the river of fate, the whole world of fate became peaceful because of this incident.

This peace lasted for hundreds of years.


The world of destiny.

Hundreds of years later.

"I finally woke up and got rid of the suppression of the River of Destiny!"

"In order to enter this world of destiny and complete the hidden danger of self-sacrifice before the Lord of Mysteries, (ccfg) consumed tens of billions of my true spirit points in one go."

"At the same time, it also made me fall into a passive sleep for five hundred years!"

"The price is really quite high."

"However, there are benefits!"

"I am now, this incarnation has been completely integrated into the original world of destiny."

"Those projections on the river, even if you try your best to monitor me, you won't get any valuable news."

"Because now I am also considered a part of the original world of destiny, not an outsider like the Lord of Mysteries before."

"In it, there is also the credit of the True Reincarnation Tower."

Of course Yang Xuan knew how troublesome it was to come to this world.

A large number of reincarnation points, five hundred years of deep sleep.

Coupled with a lot of invisible sacrifices, this made Yang Xuan achieve his current state.

"The next step is to find a way to go ashore!"

"Although I have awakened, I am completely sealed at the bottom of the River of Destiny!"

"Fortunately, sacrificing so many true spirit points, coupled with my own personality and the anchor left by the Lord of Mysteries in this world, allows me to pass on my will."

"And just passing on the will doesn't help me much."

"I should directly turn myself into a magic weapon, anyway, this time I carry enough true spirit points!"

"Raise a child in this world and let him become my disciple!"

"Then subvert the world in one fell swoop!"

"Now you can choose a protagonist first, a person whose heart is higher than the sky and whose life is thinner than paper!"

"It's best to be a person who dies frequently, has enough hatred, and the target of hatred is relatively high!"

"If you think about it this way, it's not easy to find a protagonist!"

"No wonder it is said that such a person is a model of the protagonist, because such a life experience and experience are my favorite behind-the-scenes people."

"Just looking for one like this is not easy!"

"Fortunately, I still have enough true spirit points."

"This time, I brought 300 billion true spirits with me."

"The return of hundreds of thousands of worlds has given me endless wealth."

"River of Destiny, go and help me find a person of symmetrical destiny."

"My request has been passed on to you, so go find it for me!"

Yang Xuan directly threw 100 million true spirit points to River of Destiny, and he planned to be the shopkeeper.

Although the River of Destiny has no subjective consciousness, Yang Xuan has a certain understanding of the River of Destiny during the five hundred years of sleeping.

He knew that River of Destiny was very thirsty for true spirit points.

Because the true soul points are helpful for the restoration of the river of destiny.

The current River of Destiny is not the River of Destiny in its heyday.

It only has 80% of the power of its heyday.

As for how this happened, Yang Xuan didn't know at first, there must be records inside the River of Destiny, but Yang Xuan still can't get it.

He paid so much, but only got integrated into the river of fate, from an outsider to his own.

Other benefits, and no.

There are no permissions or anything.

But Yang Xuan was not worried because he was rich and powerful.

100 million True Spirit Points will be credited directly.

The long river of fate, this powerful existence that surpassed the disc-level personality and reached a new level, turned into a worker at this time.

Chapter 232 Looking for the Protagonist Template (for Subscription)

The world of Destiny Origin is very big.

This powerful world, if calculated by area.

Its area will be larger than the combined area of ​​hundreds of thousands of worlds on Yang Xuan's side.

With such a large area, Yang Xuan's spiritual power cannot directly cover the entire world of the origin of destiny~.

Moreover, if you are here, you will be suppressed by the original world of destiny.

As a result, Yang Xuan's ability to invade the mind - even lower.

Moreover, if the power of the mind is used to invade an area, it will also lead to the discovery of other powerful existences.

For this reason, Yang Xuan never thought about controlling an area by himself.

What he wanted was to train a disciple who was strong enough.

With his help, as long as that disciple has the protagonist's template, he will definitely not disappoint Yang Xuan.

But it is actually very difficult to find a disciple who meets Yang Xuan's expectations.

For Yang Xuan to wait, another three hundred years have passed.


Three hundred years later, destiny originates in the world.

Sword Emperor Sect.

Exterior doors.

An incomparably heroic young man looked expressionlessly at a girl who was lying on the ground and was seriously injured.

Holding a long sword in his hand, the boy strolled up to the girl.

Then a sword was directly inserted into the opponent's shoulder,

"Ye Qingxuan, you said that you have already become an outer disciple of the Sword Emperor Sect, why do you have to pursue the so-called truth."

"I didn't want to do anything to you, and your parents' death was their own fault."

"As for the sword bone on your body, it is impossible to take it back now."

"Originally, my parents, clan elders, and patriarchs meant to kill you to avoid future troubles."

"But I saved you, made you my sword servant, and also made you an outer disciple of the Sword Emperor Sect, intending to give you freedom."

"I even plan to arrange for you to become my concubine, so that you can live the life of husband and son with peace of mind."

"But you insist on pursuing the so-called truth!"

"Now you know the truth, but what's the point of it all."

"Let's not talk about how weak you are!"

"Even if you rise up now and are strong enough, you can't be the Ye family's opponent."

"And I asked myself, I am not sorry for you, and taking your sword bone is not what I want."

"I, Ye Yu, have never bothered to take away the roots of others. What happened in my childhood was not my will."

"But I also know that I owe you, so I always make up for you!"

"It's also been keeping you away from the truth."

"Because once you know the truth, I have no choice."

The consciousness of the young girl Ye Qingxuan was a little blurred at this moment.

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