At the same time, he began to secretly contact the senior members of the Radiance Church and the Spirit Church that he knew.

Because Father Yang felt that the other party was difficult to deal with.

There is nothing safer than reporting directly to the church and letting the church send someone over.

But after he passed the news on, the Church of Radiance sent him an extremely shocking news.

"The other party is not a threat!"

"The other party is the great mind master, the master of everything!"

The person who responded to Father Yang was one of the cardinal bishops of the Radiance Church whom he had the honor to meet once.

You know, the current God of Radiance has declared himself to be Yang Xuan's subordinate god.

Therefore, the feedback given by the archbishop in red naturally shocked Father Yang incomparably.

In fact, he is the demigod of the Radiance Sequence.

It is in this way that the people of the church can be called for rescue from a super long distance.

But when he heard the feedback from the church, he was shocked.

This situation is simply unbelievable.

"How can it be!"

"You are... that great existence!"

"How is it possible! How is this possible!"

Father Yang looked at Yang Xuan unknowingly, and then directly told his wife the reply he got.

After listening to Mother Yang, she also showed incomparable experience on her face.

"That's right! It's me!"

After Yang Xuan finished speaking, he turned to his predecessor's parents with a little emptiness.

Immediately after the two left, how he survived in the reincarnated world, and by a great coincidence, he quickly grew to this level.

This is Yang Xuan directly passing part of his essence to the two people.

Such a method is actually not very difficult.

Transcendents of the spiritual path can use this ability after reaching the status of an angel.

Not to mention, the person who used this method was Yang Xuan.

"How can this be!"

"How is it possible!"

The parents of Yang Xuan's predecessor didn't know what to say other than this sentence.

Because the situation in front of him was too shocking.

My own child, who hadn't seen him for a while, turned out to be such a great existence.

Maybe the time in the secret world is very long, but Yang Xuan's parents think that the time in the main world should not be too long.

But when Yang Xuan passed the situation of the main world to them through spiritual memory.

Only then did they realize that the main world had passed for so long.

Yang Xuan himself has become a reincarnator, and he has traveled through so many worlds.

And in the midst of countless crises, he seized the opportunity again and again, and finally became an existence that surpassed the Holy Lord and the Taoist Lord.

Even, in this terrifying world, he fought against those outer gods alone.

Not only that, Yang Xuan also defeated the Lord of Mysteries.

Moreover, when he appeared from the sky before, the terrifying power made them even more shocked.

Originally, even in this world, they who have achieved the existence of demigods planned to make up for Yang Xuan after returning.

They think that after their return, they should be regarded as one of the characters in the main world.

Even after returning, you can contact the supernatural forces of the heavenly court and the Taoist palace.

But who knows, her own child has become the strongest in this world.

This simply subverted their three views.

"Now believe it!"

"My state is just to prevent you from being directly assimilated by my power after seeing me."

"The me above the sky you saw before is already hidden by me wearing many layers of breath."

"And, because it was far enough away from you at that time."

"If I use that posture to face you, the moment you see me, you will be directly assimilated into my favored ones, that kind of weird favored ones."

Yang Xuan said helplessly.

Mortals cannot face God directly.

But Yang Xuan is not a god, he is a terrifying existence above gods.

Therefore, even a strong man at the demigod level will be directly transformed into a favored man if he faces Yang Xuan who has disguised tens of millions of layers.

Only Yang Xuan, who has completely restrained all his aura, can let the parents of his predecessor see him like this.

"Xiaoxuan, it's really you!"

"What did you go through to get to this point?"

After the parents of the predecessor confirmed Yang Xuan's identity, they couldn't help but think of this.

Although Yang Xuan just passed on the spiritual memory to them.

But both of them knew that the memory passed on by Yang Xuan concealed many things.

They just know a rough idea.

But in fact.

They think too much.

It is indeed not easy for Yang Xuan to walk this way.

But it's really not that difficult.

Even when he faced the Creation Daoist directly in a weak posture, there was actually not much danger.

Only in the world of cultivating immortals in the starry sky, there is a great risk when condensing into a spiritual master, and then advancing to become a gate of mind image.

Other times, it's actually safer.


"Don't feel sorry for me!"

"Next, I will send you back, and then I will seal your memory of me."

"Change everyone's perception of me."

"Because I'm going to a more terrifying world next."

"In that world, there will be enemies beyond your imagination."

"Even if I have reached the tenth level, I am not the strongest existence there."

"¨There are a few broken eleventh-order bits there."

"So for your safety, my existence will only be sealed in your hearts from now on, and she will replace me and be by your side."

Yang Xuan glanced at Yang Xi who was beside him.

This is his arrangement.

For his predecessor, this can be regarded as repaying the karma.

After all, if Yang Xuan's parents hadn't traveled here by himself, whether Yang Xuan's parents could return or not is unclear.


When Yang Xuan said this and made this decision.

He suddenly felt a sense of relaxation physically and mentally, a hidden power that traced back to the source more directly than the true spirit, and completely let go of the restrictions on Yang Xuan.

At this moment, Yang Xuan is completely Yang Xuan.

"Xiaoxuan, we..."

The predecessor's parents were about to say something, but at this moment, their eyes suddenly blurred.

When they woke up again, they had already returned to the world of reincarnators.

The previous parents, plus Yang Xi became a happy family of three.

They are all high-level officials in the Dao Palace, and they are attacking a world so far.

"That's enough."

After making arrangements for the parents of the previous life, and when the karma was settled, a gray-white gate appeared behind Yang Xuan.

That is the door of fate.

Behind the door of the gate of destiny, there is a long river that communicates with the boundless void.

That is the river of fate.

In the reincarnated world of Yang Xuan and others, his teacher and others retreated out, and went directly to the world where the river of fate is located.

This is also a last resort.

Because after the Lord of Mysteries sacrificed himself, Yang Xuan would never leave the True Reincarnation Tower for the rest of his life.

Otherwise, once he leaves the Tower of Reincarnation, he will be noticed by the river of fate.

Therefore, Yang Xuan had to go to the world of River of Destiny to settle the direct cause and effect of the two of them.

Of course, it's not the real body to go now.

Instead, first use the clone that condenses the will of the Lord of Mysteries to descend, so that the clone is completely controlled by the river of fate.

Then try to get ashore.

With such thoughts in mind, an avatar carrying his own aura appeared directly behind Yang Xuan.

Then, the avatar carried a part of the true spirit and directly entered the gate of destiny.


The world of destiny.

Crash! Crash!

Suddenly, all the people in the original world of destiny heard the sound of the river rippling.

All of a sudden, the powers of this world couldn't help but project their thoughts onto the river of fate, looking for the reason for such large fluctuations in the river of fate.

Chapter 231 Wealthy and Powerful (Subscribe)

In the original world of destiny, even if there is a disk-level power here.

However, the river of fate does not always fluctuate.

Even if there is an occasional fluctuation, it is an extremely simple fluctuation.

most of the time.

The reason why there are fluctuations is because there are great powers fighting, and then one party, or both parties mobilize the power of the river of fate.

Generally, after things have developed to that point, the powerful people in the original world of destiny will set their sights on the long river of destiny to see who is fighting to this point.

Then consider whether to persuade the fight, or secretly take some advantage.

After all, killing people and taking gold belts.

Especially the existence that can mobilize the long river of fate, each one is the power of this world.

"Strange? On the long river of fate, why is there nothing?"

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