But when the young Ye Yu finished speaking, she still endured the heavy injury and tried to raise her head.

"Take my sword bone, kill my parents, and make me your concubine? Do you still want me to thank you?"

"Ye Yu, even if I die, I won't let you go if I become a wronged soul."

Ye Qingxuan used his last strength to say these heavy words.

"Don't worry, you won't become a wronged soul, you will die completely if you die under my sword."

When Ye Yu said this, he swung his long sword again.

Then a sword directly pierced the girl's heart.

For those who have not become immortals, a pierced heart is already a certain death.

After Ye Yu killed the girl who had been with him for fifteen years, he also sighed.

He felt a little regretful, but not a little sad.

So, he kicked the opponent off the cliff with a lift of his foot.


In the long river of fate.

Yang Xuan suddenly felt a call.


"The person who fits my disciple has appeared."

Yang Xuan slowly opened his eyes from his deep sleep.

After such a long time, there finally appeared a person who met Yang Xuan's conditions.

The river of fate even directly projected Ye Qingxuan's situation onto Yang Xuan's mind.

"The root bone was taken away, the parents were killed, the freedom was adopted by the enemy, and the young man who took his root bone was served, and he was almost accepted as a concubine by the other party."

"Later, I realized the truth, and my cultivation base was abolished, and then I pierced my heart with a sword and kicked off the cliff."

"This is really miserable enough!"

"Although she is a woman, she perfectly conforms to the rules of the protagonist."

"This woman, if you give her a chance, she should be able to soar into the sky."

Yang Xuan thought secretly, and then began to mobilize his true spirit, and at the same time took out a full 100 billion true spirit points, and then exchanged a fate crystal with the river of fate.

With the help of fate crystallization, Yang Xuan integrated his own will and some characteristics of some sects into it with his natal supernatural powers.

In the end, he spent another 100 billion true spirit points to crystallize this destiny into a ring.

And, let the ring appear directly beside the young girl Ye Qingxuan.


Sword Emperor Sect, under the mountain peak behind the outer gate.

Ye Qingxuan is just a third level of swordsmanship, compared to the monk realm, he is just a swordsman at the alchemy stage.

So although her physical body is good, it is not very strong.

Because Sword Emperor Sect practiced swords.

Before achieving the body of a sword fairy, most sword cultivators had strong attack power but extremely poor defense.

What's more, Ye Qingxuan's cultivation has been abolished.

If she just fell directly to the bottom of the mountain like this, she would definitely fall to her death and never die again.

But. Just at the critical moment.

A ray of light directly appeared beside her through the air.


This light protected the falling Ye Qingxuan.

Then, her wound recovered visibly to the naked eye.

This made him not die in one breath, and was rescued back.

She didn't die.

"It's a serious injury. It seems that I have to use up all the remaining energy to save your life."

"I hope you don't disappoint me!"

Before Ye Qingxuan completely lost consciousness, this voice suddenly appeared in her heart.

Then Ye Qingxuan completely lost his will and fell into a coma.

But just after she fell into a coma.

Yang Xuan directly handed over all the remaining true spirit points to the river of fate.

"Reverse the universe, tamper with the fate!"

After spending so many true spirit points, Yang Xuan finally saved Ye Qingxuan.

At the same time, in the long river of fate, the other party's information was erased.

In this way, even Ye Qingxuan's enemies, who have the existence of the tenth rank, or even the eleventh rank, will think that she is dead if they go to investigate Ye Qingxuan's situation.


Because Yang Xuan brought Ye Qingxuan a new identity after consuming so many true spirit points.

Today's Ye Qingxuan has completely disappeared in the long river of fate.

In this way, it will be difficult for those powerful figures to plot against Ye Qingxuan again.

It can be said that Ye Qingxuan is free from fate.

And in this world of the origin of destiny, if you want to realize the freedom of destiny, you must at least become a Taoist master.

Beyond the Taoist Lord, he is called Tianzun in this world.

The tenth rank, door level, is the lower Tianzun.

The eleventh rank, disk level, is the middle Tianzun.

Those who have surpassed the disk level and controlled a certain amount of authority over the River of Destiny, but have not completely controlled it, are called high-ranking celestial beings.

Most of the upper Heavenly Venerates have completely fallen asleep, because they have all been severely injured.

But above the plate level, above the upper Tianzun.

There is also the twelfth level, which is the river level.

In the past, the master who controlled the river of fate was the river level.

Known as Dao Zun.

But those Taoist priests are not complete Taoist priests.

Because it was too difficult to completely control the River of Destiny, ten Heavenly Venerates joined forces to refine the River of Destiny.

In the end they became ten Taoist priests.

But even if ten people are in charge of the river of fate, each of them can easily crush any high-ranking celestial being.

If it weren't for the catastrophe of this world, the river of fate would have changed.

Those ten Taoist priests will last forever.

Now, more than half of Dao Zun has been killed or injured, and those who are not dead are completely asleep, and they don't know when they will wake up.

Otherwise, not only the former Lord of Mysteries, but even the current Yang Xuan would not have any chance to invade the middle door of this world.

Chapter 233 Existence is Disaster (please subscribe!)

"The injury is too serious. If it is my body, it will only take a moment to heal such an injury."

"But now, it will take a month to recover from the power of good fortune and heaven in her body."

"This month, I will also sleep deeply to help her practice the exercises!"

"At that time, the exercises will slowly restore her body and at the same time bring her a little protection."

"The next step is to see if this girl has the protagonist's life. If she has the protagonist's life, she can get through the most difficult and dangerous period of the month."

"If there is no protagonist's life, I will return to the Tower of Reincarnation and plan again."

"The previous investment was in vain."

"But at least the hidden danger of self-sacrifice about the Lord of Mysteries has been resolved."

After Yang Xuan secretly calculated in his heart, he began to completely bind himself to the girl.

Only then can his will come ashore.

After sacrificing so much, Yang Xuan went ashore in this world under the surveillance of many sect-level bosses and disk-level bosses.

It didn't even attract their attention, so that "120" and the others were still monitoring the river of fate.

Therefore, the next month is crucial.

Although Ye Qingxuan's wound had healed, the blood on her body was still there.

In the beginning, there were beasts.

But those wild beasts are very weak, so Yang Xuan's Heavenly Art of Creation can expel those wild beasts.

But twenty days later, the real crisis came.

A group of three saw Ye Qingxuan lying on the ground.

"Huh? Young master, there is a person who is still breathing!"

"This is the forbidden area behind the Sword Emperor Sect. Judging by the situation of the other party, it has been here for a while."

"Don't say that wild beasts will haunt here, there are monsters, and she is not dead."

"I'm afraid, there are quite a few secrets in me."

A slightly old voice came from one of the three.

"The Sword Emperor Sect is a decent family on the surface, but what they do in secret is not as good as our Xuanmo Sect."

"The little girl in front must have offended the other disciples of the Sword Emperor Sect, and then was brought here to be beaten and killed."

"It's just that the person who did it was still too young to kill that little girl directly."

Among the three, the one on the left couldn't help but say something.

"Elder Hai, take her away and treat her if possible. The Sword Emperor Sect is our old enemy."

"Since this little girl was abandoned by the Sword Emperor Sect, she will become one of our people, and she can provide us with some information no matter how bad it is."

Among the three, the one standing in the middle also spoke.

It was a very crisp sound, which sounded very pleasant and pleasant.

"Young master, you are still too kind. This is a disciple of the Sword Emperor Sect. What if she doesn't think so!"

The one called Hai Lao didn't really want to save Ye Qingxuan.

"I also agree with Hai Lao's idea. This person's cultivation base has been abolished. Although there are no obvious wounds on his body, he has become a mortal without any qualifications."

"Let's kill him directly, and it can be regarded as helping him to be free."

The other person is not quite like saving lives.

The monks of Xuan Mozong are generally too lazy to save people.

"No, save her!"

"This little girl is not an ordinary person!"

"I saved her not out of kindness, let alone softness, but because this little girl is special!"

"I will recommend her to become the teacher's disciple. Maybe she will be the young master of the Xuanmo Sect in the future."

However, the woman known as the girl directly uttered news that shocked the two guardians.

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