They plan to train themselves to become demigods, and then let themselves go out and make a living.

"Little girl, what's your name?"

At this moment, a magnetic voice came to the little girl's ears.

The little girl followed her gaze and saw an 'ordinary' boy directly.

The boy was a few years older than her.

It looks a little ordinary, but I don't know why.

Seeing this boy, the little girl felt quiet, peaceful and comfortable for a while.

Chapter 229 I Can't Imagine (Please Subscribe)

The sudden appearance of the boy surprised the little girl.

Because, on the surface, this little girl looks like an ordinary little girl.

But in fact, she is a Transcendent of the Psychic Sequence.

So under normal circumstances, as long as someone comes to her side, she can sense it.


Without the knowledge of outsiders, the little girl has already joined a mysterious organization above her heart.

Although, she is still only a candidate member of that organization, a peripheral member.

But because of his outstanding talent, he was born to be favored by the sea of ​​soul in this world.

Therefore, she has been accepted as an apprentice by a core staff.

Now, he has become a Sequence 8 spiritual path transcendent.

But with her powerful talent, she could hear clearly even the secret communication of her parents at the demigod level.

But the boy who appeared suddenly just now, the little girl really didn't notice.

The appearance of the other party was very abrupt.

It was as if Fu was born out of thin air.

Not only that, if it wasn't because the other party spoke, the little girl would not be able to detect the other party's existence now.

Although the boy was just standing in front of him, it gave the little girl the feeling that there was no one in front of him.

"Who are you?"

The sudden change made the little girl a little scared.

She even thought of a lot of bad things.

For example, a certain cult captures a little girl, and after a while that little girl has a little girl.


There are also many horrific rumors about the girl who appeared after being taken away.

So he's really a little scared now.

"I am your brother!"

The boy opened his mouth slowly.

He seemed to feel the girl's fear, so he reached out and rubbed her head.

Then, the little girl was not so afraid.

All fears disappeared in an instant.

This young man who suddenly appeared was naturally Yang Xuan.

"elder brother?"

"I have heard a lot about their children from the hearts of my father and my mother."

"Are you that worry-free brother!"

"This is really great, my lord father and my lord mother have been looking for my lord brother!"

The little girl was very excited.

She did not doubt the authenticity of Yang Xuan's identity.

Because, relying on her special talent, she sensed that Yang Xuan was not lying.

Of course.

This is also because he doesn't know the gap between himself and Yang Xuan.

If she knew Yang Xuan's identity, she knew Yang Xuan's realm.

You won't trust your perception.

Because no matter how strong the talent is, when facing Yang Xuan, it will appear vulnerable.

Not to mention, the little girl's talent still comes from the sea of ​​souls created by Yang Xuan, which belongs to this world.

"My name is Sylvia, but both my father and my mother like to call me Yang Xi!"

"At first I didn't quite understand the meaning of this name, but later I understood that this is a very meaningful name given to me by my father and my mother."

Yang Xi said so.

In the mysterious world, even in the Eastern Continent, there is a gap between the culture and the eastern part of the reincarnated world.

So when Yang Xi didn't have the ability to hear the inner voice of Yang Xuan's predecessor's parents.

She didn't move at all, why did her parents give herself a two-character name.

Later, although she knew it, she was also afraid.

Because Yang Xi is worried that her parents are Outer Gods, and now the crisis of Outer Gods is over.

Yang Xi's worry has not stopped, because she is worried that her parents will be liquidated by that mysterious mind master.

Yang Xuan could easily hear these worries.

"Don't think too much about it, your parents will be fine."

"And I'm here now to take them away, let them return to the world they want to return to, and at the same time let you follow them, without worrying about being left in this world by them."

Yang Xuan's trip was to bring back his predecessor's parents.

Moreover, because of his own reasons, he did not intend to re-recognize his relatives.

After all, the source of the true spirit has been changed, the current Yang Xuan is not the previous Yang Xuan.

Coincidentally, the previous parents adopted another daughter.

And he still cared about this daughter very much, so Yang Xi just happened to be with the two of them, so it wouldn't make the parents feel lonely.

As soon as he thought of this, Yang Xuan pulled the little girl and walked directly towards his predecessor's parents.

The parents of Yang Xuan's predecessor were completely unaware of the situation here.

The two of them continued to be busy while communicating secretly.

"Hey! This world is really full of disasters!"

"Cthulhu, Outer God, Lord of Mysteries, Master of Mind, these powerful beings are constantly fighting."

"Now that the master of mind has won, I hope that the days to come will be better."

Father Yang couldn't help saying this.

"By the way, just now you saw the many gods that suddenly appeared in the sky!"

"If I'm not mistaken, those are all gods from the outside world!"

"That is to say, the mysterious master of the mind has the supernatural power to travel through the heavens with his own power."

"Perhaps, he has the ability to bring us back to the Tower of Reincarnation, maybe."

The father of Yang Xuan's predecessor couldn't help but think of this.

As for the fact that Yang Xuan summoned the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower when he was dealing with the Lord of Mysteries before, he actually didn't know about it.

Because at that time, because of their own mysterious power, they were directly sucked away by the Lord of Mysteries.

Yang Xi, on the other hand, saw the Tower of Reincarnation, but she didn't know what the Tower of Reincarnation meant to her parents, and she didn't know what the Tower of Reincarnation 093 represented.

Otherwise, she would have told her parents directly.

"Of course I saw it, and I can be sure that the other party can travel through the worlds of the heavens with his own power."

"So, the water in this world is quite deep!"

Mother Yang couldn't help but sighed.

At this time, there was a sudden sound of footsteps coming from behind.

Immediately afterwards, Yang Xuan's parents couldn't help turning their heads back.

Then the eyes of the two of them changed dramatically one by one.

The eyes of the two people were full of disbelief.

They couldn't believe what they saw.

"How is this going?"

"Xiaoxuan? Why are you here?"

The parents of Yang Xuan's predecessor, after seeing Yang Xuan, opened their mouths in surprise, and couldn't help asking.

However, after being trapped in this world for so many years, the two of them did not rush straight to Yang Xuan.

But in addition to being shocked, there is also a certain degree of vigilance.

After all, in this place, he suddenly met his own child.

No matter how you think about it, it's impossible.

As for the fact that Yang Xuan is the master of the mind and the master of everything, they would never even think about it.

Never thought this would happen.

After all, who would have imagined that one's own child could grow to this extent.

Chapter 230 Destiny Origin World (for subscription)

Seeing the cautious appearance of the two, Yang Xuan was not surprised.

Because if it were him, he would do the same.

"it's me!"

"Your caution is meaningless, after all, this world has already fallen into my hands."

"Although I haven't seen you for a long time, you can use the identification symbol of the Reincarnation Tower to confirm my identity."

"By the way, you can contact the Tower of Reincarnation now, because this world has been sacrificed to the Tower of Reincarnation by me, and it belongs to both me and the Tower of Reincarnation."

Yang Xuan stated this fact in a flat tone.


After he finished speaking, the parents of Yang Xuan's predecessor were all confused.

They didn't understand at all what Yang Xuan meant.

"What are you talking about? What is the Reincarnation Tower, what are you the master of this world, are you kidding me?"

"This world originally belonged to the Lord of Mysteries, but now it belongs to the Great Mind Master, Lord of Vientiane."

"Where did you come from, the evil god!"

The father of Yang Xuan's predecessor was the first to express doubts.

It's been a long time since I started to prepare for battle.

Because he didn't believe what Yang Xuan said at all.

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