Because without the intervention of the will of the Lord of Mysteries, this is a real treasure.

It is the most precious treasure in this world.

"I am the favored person who dominates the mind, I only need to be on the spiritual path."

Boutien smiled slightly, and then threw the ball of light to Aides.

"I see!"

Aidesi is not hypocritical, directly took the source of the gods and integrated it into his body.

Then, the endless light directly illuminated the whole world.

The Pillar of Light is back.

When Edsi became the pillar of light, he directly grabbed at the void.

Two light gates appeared directly.

This is not the door of origin, but an ordinary door of space.

After the door of space opened, several figures walked out from it.

Two of them are Catherine and Kunier.

The others are all angels and saints on earth.

As for the demigod gate, they were not summoned.

"Have seen the great Pillar of Light!"

"I have seen the spiritual pillar!"

After these people were summoned, they hurriedly saluted Edsi and Butyen.

The personality of the pillar of light can be felt just by "093" standing here.

It goes without saying that Aides is powerful.

The mortal body calculated his own gods.

Although Boutien is only a path, there is no need for everyone to say how strong the spiritual path is.

Especially, the world is now dominated by the mind.

Therefore, when seeing the two of them, of course everyone didn't dare to say more.

This is a real god, or an existence that surpasses half of the gods.

"Don't be too polite, get ready for the arrival of a great existence!"

Edsi waved to the crowd, and then he and Boutien saluted to the void.

Randomly, an extremely sacred light gate appeared.

Not only that, countless illusory angels appeared, and countless gods also appeared in the sky.

Moreover, the angels and gods that appeared this time are not illusory.

Among them, standing directly in front of many gods is a female **** holding a spear.

She is... the **** of wisdom and war, Athena.

"Welcome to the great King of the Gods!"

"Welcome to the great ruler of the mind, the Lord of Vientiane!"

"Welcome to the great Lord of the World!"

Countless voices of praise appeared around before the door was opened.

This scene shocked all the angels and saints in the mysterious world.

"What's this!"

"What a terrible breath!"

"It's a god! A **** from another world!"

"The heroic **** in front is so strong!"

"The one surrounded by thunder is even stronger!"

"Is this the other favored ones ruled by the great mind?"

"As expected of the existence that defeated the Lord of Mysteries!"

"I just don't know what will happen to us next!"

When the gods and angels of the world of gods appeared in this world one after another.

The world of the Lord of Mysteries is the first time to welcome the gods from the outside world.

that's all.

under the spotlight.

The gates of heaven above the sky opened.

The person who was born holy at first glance appeared directly in front of everyone.

"Praise be to you, the great master of the mind, the master of everything!"

"Your will is the will of the world!"

"Your will is our will!"

As soon as Yang Xuan came out, everyone began to show respect to Yang Xuan one after another.

"Edes, Butyen!"

"You two did a great job!"

"In order to express my coming to you, I directly returned all the origin of mysteries to you."

"This point, I think you should have felt it."

A magnetic voice was transmitted from that incomparably holy person.

"Thank you, the great master!"

"Your gift, we will always remember it in our hearts!"

"Your will is our mission!"

Under the leadership of Edsi and Butyen, everyone expressed their gratitude to Yang Xuan.

"Next, I don't intend to interfere in your world."

"But your world will be integrated into my many worlds."

"I believe you have also felt the concept of ascension and sublimation."

"In the future, you can ascend to a higher-level world, and some people will ascend to your world in the same way."

"I won't interfere with any of this!"

"But the only thing you have to pay attention to is that mass killing is not feasible!"

"Whoever sets off a war to destroy the world, I will personally take action, so that they can't survive or die, and they will fall into reincarnation forever!"

Yang Xuan's gate of the soul and the gate of the kingdom of heaven are all the more powerful the more living beings.

Although Yang Xuan also knew that the battles of the upper gods and monks would cause a lot of casualties every time, but these were all Yang Xuan could bear.

Only Yang Xuan could not accept the situation of destroying all living beings.

Especially in a world with super high personalities like the mysterious world.

Among all the worlds that Yang Xuan pulled into the Gate of Heaven, the Mysterious World is the strongest world so far.

Because this is a world at the Xuanjie level, and it is still a world with half a disk-level personality.

Therefore, although Yang Xuan also said that people in this world will ascend in the future, at least it is impossible now.

Now the mysterious world is the drunk top world among all the worlds of Yang Xuan.

Even if Yang Xuan pulls the Taishi Xuanjie into his own world in the future, its level will be below the mysterious world.

"Your will is the supreme oracle!"

Edsi and Boutien both expressed that there is no problem with being perfect.

Because that's what they want too.

"very good!"

"Then, rest and recuperate!"

"Butien, you've done a great job as my spokesperson!"

"As a descendant, I will give you an identity, an identity that allows you to see a wider world."

"I look forward to the fact that one day you can become the gate, the gate of fantasy, and then you can fight with me in a stronger world..."

After Yang Xuan left behind a last will, he disappeared.

As for Athena and the others, they also disappeared with Yang Xuan.

Yang Xuan didn't arrange for Athena and the others to be in this world, the reason why he asked them to come over and open the door for him was mainly because of the cards.

The gods open the way, how cool.

As for illusory gods and illusory angels, it is not impossible, but they are not shocking enough.

This is the world with the highest standard that Yang Xuan has obtained so far, so of course he has to make it more attractive.

After Yang Xuan disappeared.

He didn't actually leave, but came to the Eastern Continent.

The Eastern Continent has also experienced doomsday.

Here, above a small town.

Everyone is sorting out the ruins and rebuilding their homes.

Among them, a bunch of young couples were also talking about the valuables in their homes. They took out all of them and counted their property.

"Huh! This is a big loss!"

"This world is really too difficult. It not only traps our true spirit, but also encounters a battle of gods!"

"That level of **** war is enough to set off the doomsday **** war, it is simply more terrifying than the Holy Lord of our world!"

"I don't know what's wrong with Xuan'er, we are trapped in this world, I'm afraid we have broken the rules of the True Reincarnation Tower."

"Although we became demigods before, the gods in this world are easy to go crazy, and they all have great disadvantages. If we continue to advance, I'm afraid we will never be able to leave this world."

"It's better now. The Creator of this world has been defeated, and the terrible will that parasitizes all forces has disappeared."

"Next we can continue to advance, maybe when we become true gods, we can find our way home."

While tidying up the dilapidated home, the couple communicated secretly.

Not far behind them, there is a little girl playing with her toys sadly.

This little girl is only ten years old.

They are the 5.6 children that the couple adopted, and they were adopted from an early age.

But what they don't know is that this little girl has special talents.

The little girl heard the parents' secret conversation.

So she looked a little flustered.

"Father, are you going to leave?"

"They are not people from this world, but gods from other worlds."

"But they are all good people, not evil gods!"

"But what should I do, I don't want to leave them."

The little girl's heart was very sad.

Because she already knew the heart of her parents.

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