"I lost! But what I lost to was not your plan, your calculation, nor your strength!"

"Because you are actually not strong enough to crush my existence!"

"Your strength lies in your unparalleled luck!"

"Perhaps some people will say that good luck is also a kind of strength."

"But all good luck is actually marked with a price!"

"The owner of this tower must not be you. I am looking forward to what price you will pay for this tower when the owner of the tower meets you."

After the Lord of Mysteries finally yelled into the void, he completely lost consciousness.

The next cycle has started.

He failed to sacrifice himself, so he continued to reincarnate.

Of course, although the sacrifice this time failed, most of his origins have been completely captured by Yang Xuan.

Those origins have returned to the mysterious world one after another, making the people who were unconscious in the mysterious world return to normal, and completely got rid of the mysterious.

And the secret itself is getting weaker and weaker.

After reincarnating a hundred times, his memory began to blur.

He started to live in the identity arranged by Yang Xuan, and then reincarnated little by little until the nine hundred and ninetieth time.

The Lord of Mysteries has fallen.

That's when.

The mysterious world, above the sky.

Three gates appeared directly in front of Yang Xuan.

Mystery, Domination, Destiny! .

Chapter 227 Return to the source (for subscription)

The door of mystery, the door of domination, the door of destiny.

After his complete fall, the three gates of the Lord of Mysteries automatically appeared above the entire mysterious world.

This moment.

All of his origins are stamped with Yang Xuan's imprint.

Those origins have also returned to the bodies of the people in the mysterious world.

Yang Xuan didn't absorb them all, and then continued to condense the disc of mystery.

Because the Disk of Mysteries is not the path of Yang Xuan.

What he wants to stop the Lord of Mysteries, advances to become a disc.

One reason is because he knows that the Lord of Mysteries will threaten him for his advancement.

After the advancement is successful, it will definitely threaten yourself.

Second, it was because he wanted to know more about the secrets of the disc, and to get the door of the Lord of Mysteries.

The three gates of the Lord of Mysteries, in Yang Xuan's view, the power of each gate is only slightly weaker than the gate of heaven.

It is much stronger than the Gate of Unity and Gate of Ascension that Yang Xuan refined before.

If Yang Xuan wanted to go out, he would fight against a certain formidable master.

Then these three gates must be the core, and the gate of unity and the gate of ascension can only be regarded as auxiliary.

The Gate of Heaven is one of the hole cards, and the Gate of Mind Image is the second hole card.

And the three mysterious gates will be the core of Yang Xuan's battle direction from now on.

Especially the Gate of Destiny, one of the Gates of Mystery.

This door reminded Yang Xuan of the Changhe that just appeared.

The river of fate.

"Destiny wishes the world!"

That is to say, when Yang Xuan set his sights on the gate of destiny, soon one after another of messages directly appeared in Yang Xuan's heart.

Those are the memories of the Lord of Mysteries.

Lord of the Mysteries, unwittingly acquired memories and information about a powerful world.

A great existence beyond the mysterious world, beyond the personality of the disk.

The people above do not practice external methods, but only cultivate the source of the true spirit.

The local monks in that world rely on powerful magic weapons.

The magic weapon contains the power of the true spirit.

It is the kind of power that Yang Xuan could not understand before.

The power of the true spirit is extremely powerful.

This true spirit reminded Yang Xuan of the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower and the True Spirit Point in an instant.

The real magic point is infinitely useful.

It can make people travel through the heavens and worlds. The stronger Yang Xuan is, the more he understands that the essence of this true spirit point is extremely high.

Now after getting the information from the Lord of Mysteries, he finally has a further recognition of the true spirit point.

True spirit points can indeed have other uses.

It is used to activate the Reincarnation Tower to reincarnate into other worlds, or use the Reincarnation Tower to deal with enemies.

It can also be used in worlds with rivers.

Because if you want to mobilize the power of the true spirit, the minimum standard is to have a long river of origin, such as the existence of the long river of destiny.

This is why, Yang Xuan has never been able to find a way to use the true spirit point.

Because there is no suitable world.

As for the True Reincarnation Tower, although it can accommodate countless worlds, it is not a world after all.

And the Tower of True Reincarnation is not in its heyday now, otherwise, the value of the entire Tower of True Reincarnation would be absolutely huge.

But that river was different.

Yang Xuan could clearly perceive that even though the river was in a weak state, it could at least display 80% of its strength.

However, it is unconscious.

This 80% power is the power that can be used by people in that world.

And it's still recovering.

It's just that the way the river of fate is used is not directly controlled by a certain person.

Instead, it was mobilized by a large number of people comparable to door-level and disk-level, and many powerful magic weapons were refined.

So the way they use it, in fact, they can't even exert one percent of the power of the river of fate.

They can only use the essence of the river of fate, but because of their own realm, they can leverage up to one percent of their power.

If they join forces, they may be able to leverage more power.

Needless to say, the essence of living beings is conquest.

Perhaps there is a strong external force interfering, and they will unite.

But without the intervention of a strong external force, they are their own people beating their own people.

Not just them, but most of the world.

"Fate is endless, I will definitely go and see that world!"

"But for now, for now, I'd better find my parents in this body and bring them back to the world of reincarnators."

Yang Xuan waved at the three gates.

Soon, countless sources of power were poured into the gate.

After the three gates had Yang Xuan's aura, they directly merged into Yang Xuan's gate of heaven.


The Gate of Heaven can not only be used to store the world, but it can also be used to store doors.

After closing the door, Yang Xuan began to return to the mysterious world.


Mysterious world.

Boutien looked nervously at Edsi in front of him.

When the mysterious will was recovered just now, Edsi was completely recovered immediately.

Except for Aides, all the people who did not join the spiritual path were taken back by the Lord of Mysteries.

Just now that Yang Xuan returned to their origin, these talents returned to normal.

It's just that Edsi has the most origins.

As the God of Radiance, he has absorbed a lot of energy, extraordinary power.

That's why he was the last one to wake up.

After everyone in the whole world woke up, Aides slowly opened his eyes.


"I woke up!"

"It seems that the great mind master has completely won!"

"Our world is saved!"

Eddie slowly opened his eyes.

His face was full of excitement.

After becoming a god, he had been happy, but rarely excited.

But at this moment, he was very excited and excited.

Because they solved the puzzles that plagued the entire mysterious world.

Especially Eddie.

For this decision, he betrayed his own beliefs.

If he didn't succeed in the end, his heart would be broken.

But when I saw that my choice was right, my choice saved my world.

Although this is tantamount to betraying the Creator who created their world, when the Creator wants to destroy the world, most creatures will resist.

"Yeah, we did it!"

"And all of this, although I am completely grateful to the great mind master, the most important thing is because of you."

"Without your existence, I would not be able to grow up, and I would not have the opportunity to create opportunities for the great master of the mind!"

"So, glory to you, you are still the pillar of this world!"

When Boutien said this, he also took out two light clusters.

That is the origin of the two gods!

It is the power that can still make Edsi return to the pillar.

"This is…"

After Edsi saw the source of the gods and the godhead that Boutien had brought out, he was a little bit shocked for a moment.

Chapter 228 The Predecessor's Family (Please Subscribe)

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