Physically weak, mechanical soaring.

Mechanical immortality, upload consciousness.

This is the circuit that the Lord of Mysteries walked out of. He completed immortality in the technological world, and then began to look for a way to break the situation.

He even created a technological **** kingdom.

The entire reincarnation world created by Yang Xuan is under his control.

Although every era, there will be a 'protagonist' appearing to resist him, but it is not a mysterious opponent.

But as time passed, he finally discovered a problem.

That is, the protagonist is getting smarter and getting to know him better, and he won't even make the same mistake twice.

Then he knew he was being counted.

"That despicable master of mental images, he gave that rebel the power of reincarnation. Every time that person is killed by me, in fact, it is not a real death, but a new birth〃."

"In this way, I, who seemed to be strong, fell into endless passivity."

"Because he can fail countless times, and every time he fails, he can start all over again."

"But if I fail once, I will reincarnate again!"

"Every reincarnation, a lot of my essence, origin, and consciousness will be completely stripped away, and then become a mysterious world, those people I created."

"This mental image master, he wants to completely divide me!"

After discovering this, the Lord of Mysteries finally panicked.

He doesn't know why Yang Xuan's power of reincarnation is so strong, and now he has no way to ask or recognize it.

Now, the only thing he can do.

It is confrontation, looking for opportunities to leave.

But what makes the Lord of Mysteries feel broken is that Yang Xuan's reincarnation world seems to be only at the level of Xiaoqian world, but its essence is extremely high.

Moreover, when he was reincarnated.

It was forced to be reincarnated as a true spirit, and all power, except the power of the true spirit, was not brought in.

So he can only rely on himself, constantly accumulate strength, and then break the shackles of the world, rushing out of the world of reincarnation set by Yang Xuan for him.

As a powerful gate, if Yang Xuan didn't show up, it would be the Pan's gate.

The Lord of Mysteries has found a way to break Yang Xuan's situation.

However, it is more difficult to do.

But at least he thought of a way, for many people, if it is to switch to other doors.

Then, in the face of Yang Xuan's unsolvable spell, I'm afraid he doesn't know how to fight it.

What's more, every world also has a protagonist against him.

The protagonist who targets him will also be endowed with powerful power.

Just like the protagonist in the starry sky technology world, his ability is infinite rebirth.

"¨Destroy the world!"

"Destroy the world and rebirth!"

"Just destroy all creatures in this world!"

"No more newborns are born, let's see how that person is born again!"

Facing the crisis of the "protagonist".

In the end, the Lord of Mysteries thought of a solution.

Since the other party can regenerate without limit, then simply prevent this from happening from the root cause.

It's just that if this happens, you don't even need to think about it, it will definitely cause a rebound in this reincarnation world.

But the Lord of the Mysteries is confident he can do it.

In this way, in a war that spanned a hundred years.

The Lord of the Mysteries...failed!

When he made a move to destroy the world, it naturally caused the whole world to fight back.

Especially in the starry sky technology world, the population is so large.

When one person discovered the actions of the Lord of Mysteries, the entire human race was completely united.

Even so, the Lord of Mysteries was already strong enough to dominate the starry sky.

But in the face of the doomsday crisis, people often unite beyond imagination.

Then under the leadership of the protagonist, the secret (Qian Zhao) failed naturally.

Then comes the fourth reincarnation and the fifth reincarnation.

Every time he reincarnated, he lost a lot of his true spirit.

Little by little, the Lord of Mysteries found that even his own consciousness, will, and memory began to disappear.

"Is this the power of reincarnation!"

"Every reincarnation will draw away my origin!"

"If this continues, I will be completely lost."

"My world has almost fallen into his hands."

"However, I'm not reconciled!"

"I can't die like this!"

"Burn all my true spirit sources, and communicate with the long river of fate in the dark!"

"The great root river that exists beyond the world, I sacrifice my destiny to you!"

"I would like to fall to the bottom of the river forever, in exchange for your supreme mighty power, so as to pull my enemies into your river, so that they will never be able to go ashore!"

When despair comes.

The Lord of Mysteries finally launched his final counterattack.

It was the Hall of Countermeasures, which was almost an end in itself.

Chapter 226 The Lord of Mysteries Falls! (seeking subscription)

In order to fight against Yang Xuan, the Lord of Mysteries directly sacrificed himself in order not to let everything about him be obtained by Yang Xuan.

Anyone who can become a door-level existence will generally have knowledge about sacrifices.

In a world where mystery is condensed, sacrifice is one of the very common things.

So the Lord of the Mysteries naturally knows how to sacrifice.

And he was splitting his will, allowing part of his will to enter the world of the gods, and part of his will to enter the mysterious original world and some other worlds.

In fact, everyone left behind.

But the backhand of those many worlds, except for that powerful original world, other worlds can't change the status quo of the Lord of Mysteries.

Even that original world can change the status quo of the Lord of Mysteries.

But it was just to let him die a little more decently.


outside world.

With the self-sacrifice of the Lord of Mysteries.

Soon, a huge illusory long river appeared directly outside the True Reincarnation Tower.

However, just when that illusory long river was about to cut through the void 090 and rush into the Tower of Reincarnation.


The Reincarnation Tower moved.

It just spins a little.

Then, the illusory long river was broken.

Not only that, some river water turned into raindrops and fell on the top of the tower of the True Reincarnation Tower.

"I actually found it, and I also found the main body of the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower that I don't know the exact location."

"The essence of that long river is very high!"

Yang Xuan, as the authority of the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower, naturally saw this.

Moreover, he felt it very clearly.

In order to resist the illusory long river, the True Reincarnation Tower consumed a full 60% of its power in one breath.

Of course.

This 60% power does not mean the power of the True Reincarnation Tower in its heyday.

Instead, after the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower was damaged, he got many worlds from Yang Xuan, restored a certain (ccfg) source, and recovered 60% of his power after recovery.

But even so, it gave Yang Xuan a lot of experience.

Because he knows that the essence of the Tower of Reincarnation is very high.

It stands to reason that even a terrifying existence like the Distorted Disk would not be able to detect the Tower of Reincarnation.

However, the river that surpassed the plate level found it here under the call of the Lord of Mysteries.

Although this has something to do with the incomparable weakness of the True Reincarnation Tower.

But it also proves a point from the side.

That is, the so-called River of Destiny summoned by the Lord of Mysteries.

When facing the True Reincarnation Tower, it is no longer as unreachable as a gate-level existence.

At least.

The river of fate can see the back of the True Reincarnation Tower, although in the end, it was still crushed by the True Reincarnation Tower.

But it is no longer out of reach.


Inside the Reincarnation Tower.

In the reincarnation world created by Yang Xuan.

"Haha! Master of Mind, accompany me into the long river of fate!"

"Once you fall into it, you won't even have the chance to go ashore until you become a puppet of the river of fate!"

"Even I, in my heyday, can't face the river of fate!"

"That is to say, the river of fate belongs to the existence of no owner, otherwise all the surrounding worlds will be controlled by it."

"but why!"

"Why is such a powerful river of fate so powerless in the face of it."

"You shouldn't have such a powerful force."

"If you have such a powerful force, how can you still need to calculate me, you can just crush me directly."

The Lord of Mysteries shouted in disbelief in the world of reincarnation.

However, he waited for a long time, but there was no answer.

Yang Xuan would not give him an answer.

After all, they are life and death enemies.

And the Lord of Mysteries is about to fall.

There is absolutely no need for Yang Xuan to answer.

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