Fortunately, after persisting for so long, they finally got the news that made them very happy.

"not only that!"

"That great existence even gave me a great gift!"

When Boutien said this, he was a little excited.

Obviously as a **** of the spiritual system, but when he said this, he was a little excited.

After seeing this, Catherine and Kunier, who were not far away, could imagine that the reward that Boutien received must be very good.

Otherwise, how could a soul-type **** be unable to control his emotions.

Being able to make a person with a spiritual system so excited, even a look of joy appeared on his face.

"The great master of the mind has given me the origin of the world!"

"This source is enough for me to create a world!"

"A world 060 that can at least guarantee that 100 million people can survive independently after the world is destroyed."

"If you just live simply, not for enjoyment, a billion is actually fine."

"Moreover, I got a more advanced name!"

"That's a completely harmless name. Not only is it harmless at critical moments, but it can save my world. Of course, there is a price to pay."

"It's just a price to pay, and it doesn't matter at all to me."

After Boutien learned of the existence of the True Reincarnation Tower, he already understood that he was branded in his own origin.

That is the imprint of the Reincarnation Tower.

And suppress the main force of the mysterious will that is about to recover in his body.

In fact, it is the help of this True Spirit Reincarnation Tower.

Because the breath of the True Soul Reincarnation Tower is imprinted on the spiritual system.

The difference is that when it is weak, the power of this imprint is very weak.

After being strong, the power of the imprint will become stronger.

Especially after becoming a **** himself.

He is more aware of the connection between himself and the Tower of Reincarnation.

This connection, plus the reason of the spiritual system.

Let him know clearly that if he wants to, he can entrust his world to the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower when he encounters a crisis of mortal danger.

"This is the great mind master, give me my name!"

"Our spiritual system, Sequence One is not the only one!"

"Through my current strength, I can be sure that the spiritual sequence and the spiritual path can give birth to the highest three sequence ones."

"Also, it's not only our world that has a mind sequence."

"When you become a Sequence One, you will discover just how powerful the Mind Master is."

"In the future, you will compete for the other two Sequence One places with people from countless worlds that exceed the total population of our world."

"So, you two have to work hard."

"Otherwise, after the Sequence One quota is full, unless a Sequence One falls or is promoted, there will be no more rich quotas."

Boutien also shared some of the information he got after he advanced to become a god.

became the Taoist.

Perception can already go beyond the mysterious world and know some other situations.

Of course, this is also Yang Xuan letting go of the authority for him.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for Butyen to know this.

Because Yang Xuan has absolute control over his own spiritual path.

It is precisely because of this that Yang Xuan seldom used Tathagata palm and Sanqing swordsmanship later on.

Because he suspects that such power also comes from a more powerful existence.

Even after he achieved the door, he has already confirmed some.

"We're already pretty good!"

"Especially for the three of us, the great lord of the mind directly told us all the advanced ways of the mind sequence!"

"In other worlds, if you want to know the higher sequence formula, you need to complete the task to exchange it."

"Of course, our world also has our special features!"

"The great master of the mind, attaches great importance to our world."

"So you two work hard!"

When Butyen said this, Catherine and Kunier had more problems.

From their eyes, Butien could see that they wanted to ask him for advice.

But he shook his head, and stopped talking about the path of the mind sequence.

"That's all I can say."

"Other things, I can't say."

"If you want to find out, go improve your own strength!"

After Butyen finished speaking, he scratched at the void.

Then, an illusory sphere appeared in front of him.

That is the origin of the world that Yang Xuan gave him.

"Catherine, Kunier, we are the original Psychic Transcendents."

"So, I will leave a quota of 10 million people for each of you!"

"If you want, you can choose some people to go to my transition and live a normal life."

"If you don't want to, just pretend I didn't say it."

Boutien's meaning is very simple.

That is, once he enters his own world, his life and death are definitely up to Butyen.

(ccfg) Therefore, if there is a taboo, you don't need to join.

If there is no taboo, then you can let the person you care about directly enter his world.

"How can there be a chance, I will arrange people, our world is about to become a battleground for gods, and you have given me a huge business opportunity."

Kunier's eyes lit up.

He didn't expect Butyen to be so generous.

With a population of 10 million, it seems that Boutien only gave up 10%.

Or, if Boutien is not going to maintain the quality of life, choose the maximum number, maybe only one percent.

But even so, that is a super large population.

Especially Kunier, who is a business tycoon, knows how much the ten million quota is worth.

Perhaps, for those high-sequence powerhouses, knowing that entering the new world will definitely be controlled by Boutien, a large part of them are unwilling to leave.

But if it is those ordinary people, especially those nobles who have little power but a little money and status.

In their words, once they know the news, they would rather pay the price to go.

Therefore, this is a huge business opportunity.

Especially for those who know that the end is coming and this place will become a battlefield.

They can't wait for a new environment.

"Me too, the 10 million quota is very important to me."

"Thank you, Bryant!"

Catherine also looked at Butyen gratefully.

have to say.

Ten million quotas to go to the new world is an extremely powerful wealth for both of them.

This time, Boutien's generosity also made them recognize the gods of their path.

I plan to help each other wholeheartedly in the future.

"Next, our focus is to deal with the evil god!"

"There are only three evil gods that are still invading our world."

"However, each one is extremely powerful."

"I can't usually make shots easily, otherwise if I make too many shots, I will be forcibly pulled into the spirit world, just like the former Pope."

"So next, you two have to work hard."

After Boutien mentioned here.

Just grabbed at the void, and then two artifacts appeared directly in their hands.

One is the storm armor of the God of Storms.

One is the Earth Scepter of the Mother Earth Goddess.

This is the inheritance of the Seven Gods, and it was also given to him by a ray of light after he became a god.

That light, of course, was Edsi.


out of the world.

An evil light soared into the sky, broke through the barrier of the world, and landed in front of the snake that devoured the world.

Then, one message after another was delivered to him.

"Ha ha!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"Damn Misty was seriously injured, this is an opportunity, a huge opportunity!"

"Mystery and the mysterious door battle, both sides will lose. It is not necessarily a good thing to enter the world of mystery first."

"My incarnation even plundered part of his origin, so that I can directly forcibly awaken the mysterious part of his will, and then swallow it."

"This is a huge opportunity!"

The snake that devours the world, looking at his incarnation with joy.

He really thought that his chance had come.

I seized the opportunity of that new **** to advance, and successfully gained the power to turn things around from the previous defeat.

"Fallen Lord of All, our time is running out!"

"However, there is a huge opportunity in front of us now. Mystery is seriously injured. When the era changes, it will be our last chance!"

The snake that devours the world did not say that he had acquired a mysterious aura.

Because, he wants to count against the fallen Lord of all things.

Although he was very confused at times, he was exceptionally sober today.

Sober up, he didn't realize it himself.

In fact, my sobriety is not normal.

It stands to reason that he is a crazy door who only knows how to devour.

It should be a lunatic, even if he is sober, he can't make tricks.

But when the incarnation returned, he was unexpectedly sober.

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