This point is problematic.

Only he didn't notice.

Chapter 211 The Gate of Heaven, Birth! (seeking subscription)

As a gate-level existence, the World-Devouring Snake should have been aware of his abnormality.

But because of two powerful forces, one interfered with his mind, and the other made his mind a little stupid.

Under the two powerful forces, the snake that devoured the world was directly made to forget a lot of unreasonable information in a short time.

So much so that the snake that devoured the world didn't notice, how could the secret make such a big mistake.

Even at this critical moment, going to fight against another powerful existence will hurt both sides.

These are extremely unreasonable things.

"We can cooperate, but you must sign a chaos agreement with me!"

The Fallen Lord of All is not stupid either.

Although he occasionally gets confused, he still thinks of preventing being tricked at critical moments.

"Chaos protocol!"

"You are really cautious!"

"However, yes!"

The snake that devours the world naturally doesn't care, he is willing to sign a chaos agreement.

Because he knew that once he successfully devoured the Lord of Mysteries and the mysterious door, even the Chaos Protocol would not be able to make him pay too much.

"Then let's sign the agreement!"

The two sects at the level of extraterrestrial evil gods immediately signed an agreement.

Although this is a chaotic agreement, it is an agreement that these evil gods are particularly taboo and will not violate easily.

But the two foreign evil gods are very clear, if they can't win the Lord of Mysteries, then this agreement will indeed have a certain effect.

But if there are two of them, any one of them can take down the secret world.

Then the signed chaotic contract will actually not have any serious consequences, and if it is violated, it will be violated.

The biggest effect of this contract is actually to prevent the two from cheating each other before they succeed.

So, it has an effect.

It's just as big as I imagined.

"The signing is successful, and the next step is to wait!"

"Through our efforts, their world will have at most three years before the end comes."

"Make final preparations!"

When the world-swallowing snake said this, it stopped talking and continued to invade the mysterious world.


The mysterious world, the spirit world.


"The gate of devouring, the gate of depravity, I didn't notice the invasion of my mental image at all!"

"Three years is enough for me to plant a mind bomb in their hearts."

"This bomb will completely turn their gate into the purest source, and feed back to me the Tower of Resurrection."

"As for the doors of the two of them, they must not be swallowed!"

"This is a crazy door. Once it is swallowed, God knows what the consequences will be!"

Yang Xuan's incarnation directly appeared above the spirit world.

The incarnation of the snake that devours the world just now was released on purpose by Yang Xuan.

This is like when he was dealing with Daoist Wanling, Yang Xuan first controlled the opponent's body, and then gave up going back.

The power of the mind is too secretive.

Even though those two evil gods were both sect-level existences, they didn't realize Yang Xuan's tricks.

"Three years is enough for me to condense the gate of heaven."

Yang Xuan's avatar took a last look at the three evil gods above the spirit world, outside the world barrier, and then disappeared.

This incarnation is his backhand left in the mysterious world.


The world of gods.

Three years passed in a flash.

This time, the time of the world of the gods and the world of mystery have been synchronized.

Because Yang Xuan directly invaded the world of the gods with the help of the mysterious law and his own mental image law.

At the same time, he also summoned the Tower of Reincarnation, marking the world with his own mark.

Then, with the help of the power of the Reincarnation Tower, the time synchronization between this world and the mysterious world was obtained.

Today, at this moment.

Above the world of the gods.

on the sky.

The kingdom of the gods is directly revealed.

Countless gates of the kingdom of God opened, and the gods began to enter the world.

All the breath of gods and spirits began to merge with the human world.

This has brought great improvement to the human world.

Even those mortals gradually began to possess an extraordinary aura.

This means.

The human world is advancing.

This time, there are not just one or two, but thousands of them integrated into the divine kingdom in the human world.

And this rate is still increasing.

Every minute, dozens of new gates to the Kingdom of God open.

At the same time, a huge crack began to open in the ground.

Then the demons from **** also came to the world one after another.

Some people began to demonize because they were attracted by the devil's breath.

Many half-human, half-demons also began to be born.

There is even a certain fusion between gods and demons.

Some taboo creatures began to appear.

They are gods and demons.

Stronger than gods, more terrifying than demons.

"about there!"

"It's time to complete the unity of all worlds and create my own disk model!"

After the three realms of the world of the gods merged into one, Yang Xuan's body immediately closed his eyes.

He began to call for a great being to appear in his heart.

That great existence is naturally the Tower of Rebirth.

"Appear, True Reincarnation Tower!"

Following Yang Xuan's call in his heart.

A huge tower, although the top and bottom of the tower can be seen, but there are countless towers in the center of the huge tower, directly appearing on the world of the gods.

"The fusion of the two doors is just one step away!"

"But the greatest value of this door is not to unite the three realms of the gods world, but to integrate all realms to achieve the gate of heaven."

With the emergence of the Tower of Reincarnation.

What Yang Xuan helped harvest before, countless worlds also appeared one after another.

Without interfering with each other, all the worlds began to be sucked into Yang Xuan's Heavenly Gate.

The Gate of Heaven just after merging from the Gate of the Gods and the Gate of Hell.

In the beginning, it was just a very illusory door.

But with worlds thrown into the door one by one.

Soon, the gate of the sky began to solidify.

Ten, one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand.

Before long, ten thousand worlds were thrown into it.

When the gate of the kingdom of heaven accommodated ten thousand worlds, perhaps because too many worlds were integrated into it, so that the power was too strong, cracks began to appear in the gate of the kingdom of heaven.

Twenty thousand, forty thousand, fifty thousand!

Click! Click!

When many worlds were integrated to 50,000 levels, cracks appeared in the gates of the kingdom of heaven.

The entire gate is like broken glass.

It seems that in the next second, it is very likely to be broken directly.

"The Gate of Heaven is about to reach its limit, but this is not my limit!"

After Yang Xuan saw the Gate of Heaven, which had accommodated so many worlds, he couldn't help showing a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Because of cooperating with the Gate of Heaven, now Yang Xuan's own strength has been rapidly improved.

Countless worlds were thrown into the sky gate.


It is equivalent to many worlds united together, and after the gate of heaven reached its limit, Yang Xuan made another move.

"The original door, appear!"

Yang Xuan began to summon his original gate.

"Taking advantage of this opportunity, the Tower of Reincarnation, with your power, let me absorb all the fragments of the original gate from the world."

"The energy consumed is provided by me, the coordinates of the world are provided by me, and you are only responsible for using your magical powers!"

Yang Xuan whispered to the True Reincarnation Tower.

Immediately afterwards, a phantom came out of the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower.

That is the tower spirit of the Reincarnation Tower.

Moreover, it is not the tower spirit clone, but the real tower spirit.

That was Taling who had been sleeping and would not wake up easily.

At this moment, he responded to Yang Xuan's call and woke up.


As soon as Ta Ling appeared, he walked directly to the side he wanted from the void.

Then, Yang Xuan also began to secretly summon his supernatural power in his heart.

"One-key tracking: the original gate!"

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