Even without a chance to resist, he was directly recruited.

Fortunately, Boutien is not their enemy.

Otherwise, Catherine and Kunier would have become his spiritual puppets at this moment.

After Boutien discovered this, he also hurriedly restrained his spiritual divinity.

I saw that his eyes became ordinary in an instant.

The whole person has also changed from the previous state of the true **** to the appearance of an ordinary person.

It's not just that he looks like an ordinary person, but that he is an ordinary person now.

With the power of the heart, he transferred his power to the hearts of those who believed in him, believed in him, and trusted him.

In other words, he has become the **** of the soul, and he already has the supernatural power corresponding to the Taoist master.

body into light.

And his light is naturally the light of the soul.

A transcendent of the spiritual path can let the light of his own soul not only attach to those who know him, but also to attach to the minds of people who don't know him but are weaker than him.

Therefore, in this state, Butyen looks like an ordinary person.

But this ordinary person cannot be killed.

Because the Him in front of him is just one of thousands of Him.

His being is no more, but in other words, His being is everywhere.

Such a situation shocked Butyen himself.

Because this path was not created by him, he only had a half-knowledge of the powerful supernatural powers before he became a god.

Only after becoming a **** of this extraordinary path, did he gain a certain understanding in a short period of time.

not to mention.

He had just become a god, so he couldn't control his breath.

as gods.

It is still a spiritual path whose natural personality is half a level beyond other sequences.

Once you become a god, you immediately have the strength comparable to a pillar.

There isn't even any risk of getting out of hand.

Moreover, at this moment Boutien even found that his spiritual power had suppressed the secret will in his body.

His current state of omnipresence is actually very weak compared to the Lord of Mysteries.

Because Boutien belongs to the spiritual ubiquity, and this ubiquity also has a range.

For example, now he directly covered the three countries in the western continent.

Among these three countries, he can be anything if he wants.

This thing is not just a creature.

He can also be flowers and trees, birds, beasts and insects.

But although this is not the limit of Butyen, it is almost the same.

Moreover, he does not represent everything.

For example, although he covers this space, it doesn't mean that the corresponding spiritual world is also like this.

Also, the air is not inferior to his coverage.

The many laws, essences, and origins here are not included in his scope.

So Boutian is limited everywhere.

But the Lord of the Mysteries is different.

He is literally everywhere.

In the entire mysterious world, every person, every item, and every source.

Air, earth, stars, rivers.

Everything is the Lord of Mysteries.

Even Bution is considered a part of the Lord of Mysteries.

It's just that the will of the Lord of Mysteries is too scattered, and he actively fell asleep in order to complete the advanced stage.

As a result, although the current Lord of Mysteries is in the ubiquitous state of the entire world, there is no way to completely wake up.

The ubiquity of the Lord of Mysteries is many times stronger than that of Boutien.

But it is also because his ubiquity is so strong that it is extremely difficult for him to wake up.

This is the gap between the two.

It was also one of the reasons that the Lord of Mysteries himself could not have imagined.

if not.

The appearance of the two pillars is enough to revive the Lord of Mysteries.


The Lord of Mysteries should have woken up when Edsy was incarnated as a pillar.

But where did he predict in advance that some would appear out of thin air and directly control 30% of his will.

Many changes have caused the will of the Lord of Mysteries to show no signs of recovery.

Boutien became a god, and after becoming a god, he was like a pillar.

This is yet another great blow to mystery.

Because his becoming a **** not only failed to promote the recovery of the Lord of Mysteries, but actually helped Yang Xuan to suppress the will of Mystery more thoroughly.

If Yang Xuan and the Lord of Mysteries controlled the mysterious world before, it was said to be 50-50.

Now is the moment when Boutien becomes a god.

Then it becomes 49%, and 51%.

That's right!

At this moment, Yang Xuan occupies 51% of the mysterious world.

And the Lord of Mysteries has become forty-nine percent.

This may seem like a difference of only two percent.

But it was this critical gap that caused the Lord of Mysteries to completely lose his initiative.

If he had no other backup, the battle in the mysterious world could be declared to be Yang Xuan's victory.

In the entire mysterious world, half a disk-level existence will become Yang Xuan's power.

Therefore, it is of great importance to Yang Xuan that Boutien becomes a god.

"Boutien, congratulations on becoming a god〃!"

"Perhaps, I should call you the God of the Soul!"

Catherine came back to her senses soon after Boutien withdrew her divinity.

Then, she looked at Butyen warily.

The other party just fought against the snake that devoured the world, and she didn't know what the state of Butyen was like now.

After all, she and Kunier almost became each other's spiritual puppets just now.

"Just call me Bution. The end is approaching. I already knew that the so-called gods are just powerful humans."

"Of course, it's okay if you're not a human!"

"So if we have to distinguish the gap between mortals and gods, either it is because the gods are too arrogant and mortals are too ignorant, or it is just to provide a division for the realm."

"¨At least in my opinion, the meaning of the title of **** is only used as an incarnation."

"The great ruler of the mind, the master of everything, doesn't he call himself a god!"

"Actually, even those outer gods don't call themselves gods!"

"So the meaning of the title of god, in my opinion, is just to divide the realm and let us know where we are."

"But the previous Seven Gods were pure ignorance and arrogance."

Bryant spoke slowly.

It was precisely because of his words that Catherine and Kunier also looked at each other, and then breathed a sigh of relief.

Obviously, Butyen's answer perfectly matched their ideas.

The gods are just a state, not transcendent.

This concept is actually the thinking of all transcendent spiritual systems.

"It seems that you are not affected!"

"Sure enough, you are the strongest among the three of us!"

"Although I don't want to admit it, but don't say it, I'm not as good as you!"

After listening to Butyen's words, Kunier had a smile on his face.

The master behind the scenes of the Eastern Continent, (the king's) hasn't shown such a sincere smile for some time.

But today, he smiled very happily.

The same is true for Catherine on the side.

Moreover, after Kunier finished speaking, Catherine hurriedly asked a question that she was most concerned about.

"Boutian, you are the strongest among us, and you are also the most valued by that great existence!"

"So, have you seen him bow?"

After asking, Catherine looked nervous, waiting for Butyen's answer.

Although Catherine hardly left the Grand Duke's mansion, in fact the entire Grand Duke's mansion was already under her control.

Therefore, she seldom shows emotion at ordinary times.

But when she asked about Yang Xuan's situation, Catherine's expression became a little excited.

It's not just Catherine, who will appear a little excited when inquiring about that person.

Even Kourney on the side seemed extremely excited at this moment.

He also wanted to know the answer to this question.

Therefore, the two angels of the Transcendent Path of the Spiritual System both set their sights on Bution, the newly promoted god.

Chapter 210 Reason That Shouldn't Appear! (Please subscribe!)

Facing the inquiry from the two angels of the same sequence, Boutien didn't make a fool of himself, and nodded to the two of them directly.

"I saw it!"

"However, it's just an incarnation of that great being!"

Boutien directly told Catherine and Kunier what he saw in the spirit world.

When the two heard this, their eyes lit up.

"You actually saw that great existence!"

"Although it's just an incarnation, it's enough to show how much that great existence attaches importance to you."

Although Catherine and Kunier did not see Yang Xuan's incarnation with their own eyes, they were very happy to hear that Yang Xuan's incarnation had appeared in the spirit world.

Even, I felt even more relieved.

The doomsday was approaching, and the previous two incarnations of evil gods once made the two people who knew the situation of the world think that Yang Xuan might have given up their own world.

If it weren't for the spiritual pathway still being there, they might all be in despair.

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