His happiness comes from the fact that this world can accommodate 100 million people.

In other words, he has obtained a guarantee.

That is, even if the end really comes.

Even if Yang Xuan failed in the end, he could at least save 100 million people in his own world.

For a disk-level world, 100 million people may not be many.

But what Butyen cares about people is at least guaranteed.

He is not the Virgin, if the time comes to choose.

He will definitely choose the people and places he cares about.

"You earned it!"

"If you want to construct your own mental world, you need at least half a year to complete it."

"After you're done, you can directly summon it in the real world, and then cover an area, allowing the person you choose to enter."

"If you encounter danger and irresistible risks in the future on 5.6, and you can only choose to sacrifice yourself in the end, you can entrust this world to a greater existence."

"True Reincarnation Tower!"

"Keep in mind this great existence, he is your last guarantee!"

When Yang Xuan's avatar said this, it completely disappeared.

Disappeared with him was the incarnation of the world-swallowing snake.

After Yang Xuan left, Boutien's spirit body returned to his body.


In the mysterious world.

Catherine and Kunier stared at Butyen.

They all knew that the success of Butyen would affect the fate of the world.

Moreover, for a moment just now, both of them felt a powerful aura from outside.

It was the breath that once brought disaster to their world.

Chapter 208 Spiritual God Kingdom (please subscribe!)

As people who have dealt with cult organizations several times, they are most familiar with this breath.

Because, that is the breath of the Outer God!

It was the most recent time, and it successfully came to the real world, with the angel-level incarnation of the world-swallowing snake.

"It's the breath of the evil god. He actually once again brought his will to the world."

Catherine also became an angel.

So she was also aware of the changes in the nature of the world in the first time.

Ever since, the nerves of the whole person tensed up.

Now Boutien's advancement ceremony is not over yet, if another Sequence 2 evil angel appears at this time, then she really doesn't know who else can fight.

Although everyone is at the second level of Sequence.

But after fighting against the incarnation of the evil **** once.

You will clearly realize that even if they are all Sequence Two, there is a gap.

After all, as an evil god, or an evil **** from the outside world, its essence is a door.

Those are all existences beyond the essence of gods and spirits.

Ordinary superhumans may not know this information.

But the high-level people of the spiritual sequence path basically know that there is a higher level of existence above the gods and spirits.

"Don't panic, the evil **** has not descended into the real world, but the spirit world!"

"Moreover, I felt that his breath was diluted by the breath of the sea of ​​mind."

"The great ruler of the mind, the ocean left in the spirit world is enough to prevent the breath of the snake that devours the world from coming directly to the real world."

"What we need to do is to organize those cults to perform summoning rituals in the real world."

"As long as there is no summoning ceremony, the snake that devours the world will never appear in the real world."

"The things above the spiritual world are not something we can fight against. We only hope that Boutien can survive this invasion of evil gods."

"I believe that the evil god's invasion this time is aimed at Boutien."

Kunier is the most seasoned transcendent, secretly controlling the real king of the Eastern Continent.

He quickly analyzed what the presence of the evil god's breath represented this time.

It was also because of this that he didn't seem so anxious.

Because this is also a matter of not being in a hurry.

He deeply understood that if Butyen failed.

Then you can only look at the master of the mind, and whether there are other back-ups.

If finally, no matter what needs to be done, they will cooperate.

Moreover, if there is, there should be instructions directly in their hearts.

But if not, everything can only be left to fate.

As for going to the spirit world to help Butyen, Kunier knew that was the most unwise choice.

Because they are not Boutien, although they have also become angels of the mind sequence.

But the heart, divinity, and humanity are not as powerful as Butyen.

It is acceptable for them to face the will of the evil **** and escape with serious injuries.

What I fear most is parasitism, which is more terrifying than death, becoming the incarnation of evil gods.

Such self-knowledge is also a good thing.

Although Catherine and Kunier are somewhat jealous of Boutien's excellence and strength.

But they all knew that this was paid for by Boutien's sacrifice.

Therefore, they chose to believe in Butyen.

After all, there is no other way, is there?

What's more, Kunier and Catherine both know one thing.

That is, the game between the gods is not something that angels like them can participate in.

Even more than those mortals can participate in.

"I was too flustered!"

Catherine nodded, indicating that she understood.

Then, she looked up to the sky.

Although the ceiling above was the ceiling of the house, her spiritual eyes penetrated through layers of space and directly saw the situation in the spirit world.

Of course, she didn't dare to penetrate the sea of ​​mind in the spirit world, and let her mind's eye appear above the sea of ​​mind.

Once that is done, it is tantamount to facing the evil god.

But only in the spiritual sea of ​​the spirit world, the problem is not very big.

"There is no abnormality in the sea of ​​hearts. This is the protection given to us by the great ruler of the soul. Without the sea of ​​hearts, I am afraid that the spirit world will fall."

"I don't know how many extraordinary people will lose control, be polluted by evil gods, and become the incarnations of evil gods."

Catherine was also very happy after seeing that there was no change in the sea of ​​mind.

Then, she also saw the huge beam of light.

Although not as boundless and great as the sea of ​​mind.

But throughout the entire spiritual world, even the extremely dazzling beam of light inside the sea of ​​mind still makes Catherine feel a little emotional every time she sees it.

Because she knew that this was the former Radiant Pope and now the Radiant God.

It was also He who bought time for his own world.

It was also him who gave Boutien the opportunity to advance to become the **** of the mind sequence and the writer of mind imagery.

"Great God of Radiance, Pillar of Light, please bless Butien!"

After seeing the beam of light, Catherine couldn't help praying secretly.

Although she is a Transcendent of the Psychic Sequence, her current belief is Yang Xuan.

But she still respects the God of Radiance, that is, Aides.

Especially after knowing that the person who has been answering the prayers of Butyen and the three of them and giving them great help and protection in the early days is Edsi.

She vaguely regarded Aides as her father.

Moreover, Edexcel has always been so reliable.

After the secret prayer ended, Catherine's spirit body returned to her body.

Exactly, this is the time.

Bryant slowly opened his eyes.

"I made it! 060"

"Right now, I am the Sequence One of the Mind Sequence, the mind image writer!"

"It's also the **** of the soul!"

The moment Butyen opened his eyes, countless spiritual lights burst out from his eyes.

A huge burst of divine power instantly filled the entire room.

Then, in an instant, a small town, a city, a mountain range, and a country were covered.

A new **** is born!

The mind sequence has a corresponding god.

God's name is Butien!

The **** of the soul, the subordinate **** who dominates the mind image.

Catherine and Kunier, who happened to be by His side, immediately felt that they had found their home.

Their destination is the spiritual kingdom in Butyen's eyes.

Because he became a **** with the help of Yang Xuan's path, before Boutien's mental image world was created, the external image was the spiritual kingdom of God.

The spiritual kingdom attached to the sea of ​​the soul.

Although, it is not as great as the sea of ​​hearts.

But just by being seen in his eyes, there is a feeling that he is about to fall into the depths of his heart.

Such a feeling.

Even Catherine and Kunier, who have become angels, are hard to resist for a while.

He sank directly into the spiritual kingdom of the other party.

As long as you can't extricate yourself in a short period of time, you will become the opponent's puppet.

Don't be detached!

Do not die!

Eternal life for the other party trend! .

Chapter 209 The Gods Are Not Transcendent (Please Subscribe!)

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