However, his consciousness is still relatively clear.

It's just that the maintenance time will not be too long.

For this reason, the God of Devouring the World took advantage of this opportunity and hurriedly put conditions on Boutien.

He hoped that Boutien would become his favored one.

He even promised to give Butyen a door.

"I naturally know the existence of door level!"

"But unfortunately, if it is you, let alone whether I believe you or not, even if everything you said is true, I will not be your favored person!"

Boutien gave him a serious answer.

In this regard, the snake that devoured the world was very puzzled.

For a person who is struggling at the end of the day, he has already proposed such a preferential treatment, but he still doesn't accept it, it is simply not polite.

"Your seven gods can't hold up to one look from me!"

"Mystery is just finding the door of the Pan Road!"

"Perhaps, you don't know what a door represents at all, so you reject me!"


"So I will give you the last chance now, surrender to me!"

"You will be the door!"

The snake that devoured the world thought that Boutien didn't know what a door represented.


"I understand the power of doors very well!"

"After all, the one I believe in is a great gate."

"That great existence, surrounded by many of your evil gods, entered our world, saved our world, and saved me!"

"And the reason why I'm telling you so much now is to provide that great existence with an opportunity."

When Butien said this, he suddenly showed a smile.

Then, the incarnation of the God of Devouring the World suddenly changed his expression.

The erect pupils showed a gloomy expression instead.

"You plot against me!"

"You actually..."


The snake that devours the world wants to roar.

But at this time, a space ripple appeared directly above him.

"No! Explode me!"

The snake that devoured the world felt the crisis, and he wanted to explode himself.

Unfortunately, even though he said so, he unexpectedly discovered that he didn't want to die in his heart.

So, he didn't kill himself.

That's when.

The space gradually stabilized.

The black and red door reappeared.

Then a hand stretched out from the door.

This hand seemed very ordinary, but when he pressed it on the head of the snake that devoured the world.

Soon, the little snake's heart was controlled.


Betrayed his own body.

Became Yang Xuan's servant.

This is the power of the mind.

And the person who appeared was naturally Yang Xuan.

However, it was just an incarnation of Yang Xuan.

But even so, Yang Xuan directly occupied the active door.

Chapter 207 The Origin of the World, Promotion Rewards (Subscribe)

In the confrontation between incarnation and incarnation, Yang Xuan won the victory without any surprise.

By the time the incarnation of the world-devouring snake realized that he was being calculated, it was already too late.

After he discovered this, it was too late to explode himself.

Even, because of the barrier of the world barrier.

He didn't even have time to tell his own body about the dangers and difficulties he encountered.

Therefore, before this incarnation was completely controlled by Yang Xuan, he knew very clearly that he would suffer a big loss because of it.

But this is also impossible.

Because then he completely lost consciousness.

"Boutien, you did a great job!"

"Of the three people I chose at the beginning, you are the most outstanding one."

"And you, now you have also become the **** of the soul, a mind-like writer!"

"This not only helped your world, but also helped me fight against the mysterious "057" in the future."

"So, as a reward, I will give you a copy of the origin of the world!"

"The origin of this world is the origin common to all worlds."

"Of course, when encountering a high-level world, the personality will be compressed, but it can also be used."

"You can use this source of the world to construct your own mental world."

"Originally, in terms of your realm, the world that can be constructed is at most a fictional world, and it lasts for a period of time at most."

"Only in the spiritual world of this world can you construct a spiritual kingdom."

"But with my origin, you can construct a portable world that can exist in the real world for a long time."

"A world that belongs to you, with you."

"Although this may only be a Hengsha world-level origin, as far as your personality is concerned, it can provide at least 100 million people with a normal life so far."

"But such a world cannot be promoted by itself."

"He won't be like the normal world. After accumulating enough origin, he will advance to become a small thousand world, and he won't give birth to natural creatures."

"If you want to conceive creatures, you have to rely on the power of your mind. All the creatures you create are also created by gods, so it is very difficult for you to upgrade this world."

"But he is also an extremely rare source, the purest and ownerless source that even the snake that devours the world can't give you."

Before Yang Xuan finished speaking, the avatar gently grabbed the front of him.

Then, an illusory ball of light directly appeared in his hand.


The sky is round.

The sun, the moon, and the stars lie horizontally.

There is endless pure source power flowing inside.

The pure original breath makes this illusory ball look beautiful.

Anyone who sees it will be attracted by it unconsciously.

But this is also a forbidden area for mortals.

Only existences at the level of gods, or in other words, those who have become the Transcendents of Sequence One, or the masters of the Eastern practice system, are qualified to control such a world source.

Otherwise, even if it is only a Hengsha world-level origin, it will be enough to collapse the will of existence below the Taoist master.

Even an existence at the level of a Taoist master wants to obtain the origin of the entire Hengsha world level.

There will be great risks.

And the origin that Yang Xuan took out is the purest.

It is also the least risky.

Therefore, it is absolutely no problem for Boutien to control it and use it as the foundation to write his own mental world.

Even the laws of the world can be written by him.

But it cannot be in conflict, once the laws conflict and become chaotic.

Then the constructed world is very likely to be chaotic and explode.

At that time, Butyen himself will be seriously injured.

Yang Xuan didn't say these directly, but he has stored many taboos in the origin of the world.

The reason why Yang Xuan was more concerned was because Boutien really gave him a great advantage in the confrontation with the secret.

It is the whole world that is mysteriously laid out.

The entire mysterious world is his pawn.

Yang Xuan's chess pieces are four people.

Among them, Edes and Boutien are the most outstanding

Although the performance of the other two was mediocre, at least they did not hold back, and even facilitated Boutien's growth.

But in the final analysis, the person Yang Xuan admired the most was Boutien.

His mental imagery door is very special.

You can create another hallucination under your own gate.

That door is called the door of fantasy.

As for the owner of the Gate of Illusion, Yang Xuan did not intend to designate a candidate.

But whoever can condense, let whoever becomes the door of his own fantasy.

Its status is just like the subordinate **** beside the master god.

At the beginning, Yang Xuan thought that this door would eventually appear in the world of cultivating immortals in the starry sky.

After all, in the world of cultivating immortals in the starry sky, Yang Xuan left behind the inheritance of the spiritual sequence earlier...

But now it seems that Boutien of the mysterious world is already far ahead.

"Crisis comes with opportunity!"

"Opportunities are also accompanied by crises!"

"This is really one of the universal rules in all worlds!"

After Yang Xuan handed over the origin of the Hengsha world to Butyen, he couldn't help feeling a sigh in his heart.

Boutien, on the other hand, accepted the reward excitedly.

"Thank you, my lord!"

After Boutien got the origin of the world given by Yang Xuan.

Even the spirit body showed a look of ecstasy.

His joy is not because he has obtained a world source that can increase his strength.

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