"What's going on? Why do I seem to forget a lot of things."

"Also, I don't want to resist now!"

"Since you want the power of this door, then take it!"

"I'm tired, so tired!"


For a while, Osiris' consciousness sank slowly.

Then his gate of **** began to be absorbed by Yang Xuan at a speed ten times faster than before.

In the end, his gate of **** was completely integrated into Yang Xuan's gate of mental imagery.

as of now.

The gate of **** has completely become one of Yang Xuan's strengths.

And the time calculated by Yang Xuan was completely pulled into the depths of the multiverse, and it was only ten minutes before the time to face the disk of the universe.

In other words, Yang Xuan can still stay in this world for 20 minutes.

Of course, for safety reasons.

Yang Xuan wanted to set aside some extra time to come out.

Therefore, Yang Xuan did not leave directly.

Instead, he turned his head and looked not far away.

not far away.

A stream of light quickly appeared, followed by a spaceship full of sense of technology, which directly appeared in the direction Yang Xuan was looking at.


Aboard the Time Miracle.

For some unknown reason, Constantine, who joined a team called Time-Space Correction, was anxiously urging a captain with a fiery figure.

"¨ Hurry up! Hurry up!"

"The demon king from another world just contacted me for help!"

"He promised that as long as I can help him this time, he will return Asoma to me!"

"That little girl has been controlled by the devil for too long, because of our mistake, he was dragged into **** by the devil!"

"And that demon king in another world is an existence that can completely compete with Satan!"

"As long as you help him, Asoma will be saved."

Constantine kept pacing back and forth on the Time Miracle.

He was also very excited when he left.

Seems eager to help Osiris.

"Konstantin, calm down!"

"What we have to face is the Demon King!"

"So be careful!"

"Also, this is most likely a conspiracy!"

The fiery captain Sarah couldn't help persuading her.

"No problem! I can feel that he is in a hurry!"

"Besides, he said that he didn't want me to help and kill his enemies, but to escape from his enemies!"

"Escaping is what I'm best at!"

"And I have spells here to expel demons, expel angels, and expel gods."

"No matter what the identity of the other party is, I can drive them away!"

Constantine seems to be thinking about things very well.

Or, he really wanted to make up for the regret in his heart.

That is (of Li's) when several people are talking.

Finally, they arrived at the destination given by Constantine.

beep! beep! beep!

But when the spacecraft came here, all the alarms sounded immediately.

"Alarm! High-energy warning ahead!"

"An ultra-high-energy warning that exceeded the range was detected, and the initial prediction is a world-killing level!"

The system in the spacecraft directly gave a warning.

"Gideon? How is that possible?"

"You are a multiverse-level superintelligence, you should know what the world-destroying power represents!"

Sarah was the first to question.

"It doesn't matter, even if it is a world-killing class, I have to go see it!"

Constantine seems to have completely ignored the system's warnings.

Even though, he knows what the so-called extermination level represents!

"Konstantin, don't!"

Sarah wants to stop Constantine.

But when she spoke, Constantine opened the door directly and jumped out of the spaceship.

The other team members also hesitated for a moment, and then went out directly.

Their team is like this, everyone is passionate.

Although Constantine does not get along well with everyone, the purpose of this team is not to abandon or give up.


When they stepped out of the spaceship, they faced a black and red gate at the polar place on Blue Star No. 33.

Their hearts were all plunged into endless shock.

Destruction, rebirth, time, space!

The birth and death of the world!

The big bang of the universe!

That is the beginning and the end!

He is not only the Lord who created everything, but also the demon who destroyed everything.

He is the origin of the world, the Lord of Vientiane.

Chapter 200 Hell Comes, Gods Fight

Multiverse world, world thirty-third.

On Earth, at the poles.

Just when Yang Xuan turned his head to look not far away.

Suddenly, a figure jumped off the Miracle of Time.

Then, that person looked at Yang Xuan in a daze.

"Ah? What's going on here?"

"You are the enemy of the Demon King, and he passed on your appearance to me."

"But why are you the only one here?"

When Constantine said this, he already had some thoughts in his mind.

"You are Constantine, Osiris used the liberation of Asoma as a condition to let you deal with me!"

"No, it's not for you to deal with me, but for you to help him escape!"

"After all, your level of strength, even if it is tens of millions of times stronger, can't be my opponent!"

The voice appeared directly in Constantine's heart.

Then Constantine's eyes turned red.

"The demon king from another world was killed by you?"

"No! He must not be dead, after all, he is the king of demons!"

"He has many tricks. Our team has been fooled several times. I don't believe he will die so easily!"

When Constantine spoke, his expression was a little crazy.

His feeling was the kind of performance that he had hoped for, but then fell into disappointment directly in the end.

"Konstantin! The opponent is very strong, super strong!"

"My combat readiness and equipment are already off the charts!"

"Konstantin, let's go, before the other party gets angry, let's go immediately!"

"Stop **** off the other party, Constantine!"

Constantine's teammates all came to his side carefully at this time, intending to pull him away.

However, they couldn't move their legs because they were all terrified.

Their bodies were trembling non-stop.

"John Constantine, the detective of hell, has causal existence among more than 050 devil kings of hell!"

"The biggest regret in life is not saving a little girl!"

"What you want is to save that little girl from **** in another dimension, right?"

Yang Xuan did not attack Constantine because of his rudeness.

Instead, he said what Constantine wanted most.

When Constantine heard this, his dark colors suddenly changed.

His teammates all looked at Yang Xuan immediately.

Because when Yang Xuan said this, he obviously had a purpose.

"John Constantine, do you want to save that little girl?"

Yang Xuan faced Constantine and asked this question that made him extremely interested.

"You want to help me?"

"Why help me?"

Constantine looked at Yang Xuan in disbelief.

With his personality, he naturally couldn't understand why Yang Xuan would do this.

"It's very simple, my plan is big!"

"For you, I may have helped you!"

"But if you want to be redeemed, you will sacrifice at least a few parallel worlds."

"But those worlds have nothing to do with your team!"

"So, are you willing to sacrifice those worlds to save Asoma?"

Yang Xuan's words were like the whispers of a devil.

Pay a few parallel worlds, a few parallel worlds that have nothing to do with me, and then redeem the biggest regret in my heart.

"Don't promise him!"

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