When the Gates of Creation locked every world in Osiris.

There was another pitch-black door, and reality appeared outside the **** of the world of the gods.

The location where this door appeared was also beside him.

This time, it was a plain black door.

Although the door looked damaged, it was still a door.

The original door!

Yang Xuan's third door also appeared!

After seeing this, only despair remained in Osiris' heart.

Chapter 199 The Destroyer Is Coming Soon

Osiris, who has six hundred and sixty-six worlds, has always been the king of hell!

His name, his law.

It radiated so many worlds.

This is something that even Zeus, the king of gods in the sky, could not do in the plane of the gods.

Zeus is actually using his divine power and divinity to radiate the surrounding world.

But Zeus miscalculated a little.

That is, people need demons more and yearn for **** more.

Because the gods are high above, they need people's worship and people's belief.

Occasionally, a miracle will be revealed.

Then tell all living beings that after you die, you have the opportunity to enter my kingdom and become the favored ones to obtain eternal life.

But that's only for the rich.

No matter which world it is, the rich are only a very small group.

And yearning for the gods, believing in the gods, and wanting to get the gifts of the gods, even for those rich and powerful, is extremely difficult.

Compared with the devil's behavior style, the difference is not a little bit.

First of all, no matter which world it is, there will always be many weak and helpless people who will think of seeking help from demons when they encounter problems.

And as long as the devil is a little more diligent and responds more to the opponent's words, then it will be easy to control the hearts of the world.

As long as there are enough demons and they are strong enough.

Then you can open the gates of **** and let us contribute to a world.

The king of hell, Osiris, has many titles in many worlds.

Some people call him Satan, some call him Lucifer, some call him the Devil, some call him the Lord of Hell, etc.

But no matter which name it is called, it finally reflects one thing.

That is, when people are in the most crisis, the first thing that people often think of is not gods, but demons.

Among the many worlds contributed by Osiris now, there is only one world called Constantine, which has not yet been captured.

Therefore, after feeling that Yang Xuan had three full gates, Osiris gave birth to the last glimmer of hope in despair.

"The will of the universe!"

"That Constantine can fight against me because he has the will of the universe!"

"If I bring the crisis into his world, for me, maybe there will be a glimmer of life!"

After thinking of this, Osiris directly started the world transfer when many of his worlds were occupied by Yang Xuan.

For a king of **** who condenses the door.

Traveling through the world with its own legends and imprints is an extremely simple matter.

Of course, it is extremely difficult for the real body to descend.

Because that needs an anchor!

But fortunately, Osiris still retains certain legends of himself in the endless world, and has a little understanding of those people with great luck in many worlds.

He knew what Constantine wanted most.

I also know that at what price I pay, I can get that kind of person with the will of the universe to help me, the lord of hell, the king of hell.

"Visitors from another world!"

"Although I have to admit, your strength is beyond my imagination!"

"But as a door, I can at least pull you to die together!"

The voice of Osiris appeared in Yang Xuan's ear.

This is his last madness.

Yang Xuan was not surprised at what a sect could do.

"The way you said to die together is to take me to another world, let the protagonist of that world come to help you, and let me face the will of the world?"

"If that's the only way, to be honest, I'd be very happy!"

"Go, let me see what kind of surprise you can bring me〃!"

"I am looking forward!"

Yang Xuan's voice still directly appeared in his mind.


"Aren't you afraid?"

"Then die with me!"

After Osiris said this, the door behind him, which was only one-third away from completely merging with Yang Xuan, changed its position in an instant.

Then the two came directly from the world of the gods to a brand new world.


Multiverse world.

In the disc of the universe!

Yang Xuan just arrived with Osiris, and felt a terrifying suppression in an instant.

Moreover, this suppression made Yang Xuan very familiar.

"A disc-level world!"

"This is one of the auras recorded in the imprint of the Reincarnation Tower in my true spirit, the aura of the Universe Disk!"

Suddenly, Yang Xuan thought of this matter in his heart.

"This is a powerful world!"

"A universe that records an almost endless variety of parallel worlds!"

"A different choice will cause a timeline to appear!"

"Countless worlds have bred countless strong men!"

"This world is indeed extremely terrifying!"

"And the name Constantine, I seem to have heard of it!"

After the world transformed, Yang Xuan immediately thought of something.

That's when.

Suddenly, a powerful force locked onto him instantly.

Immediately afterwards, endless shackles appeared from the void, and began to block him and Osiris layer by layer.

"The seal of the infinite dimension!"

"This is a seal from the multiverse!"

"Is it because I noticed my intrusion!"

"However, such a seal is very weak for the time being. I can hold on to this place for at least... half an hour!"

Under the huge information and computing power, Yang Xuan quickly got a time.

Because I am in the body, the multiple worlds evolved from one disk are constantly targeting me.

Yang Xuan knew that if the incarnation came, as long as the strength was lowered to a certain limit, and the original source was not brought, nothing would actually happen.

But the arrival of the main body directly caused a chain reaction in this world.

If Yang Xuan's body is not completely bound in this world before leaving.

Then, the multiverse-level shackles will finally pull Yang Xuan into the core of the multiverse.

The core here is naturally the mysterious disk of the universe.

Once facing the disk of the universe, there is only one end for Yang Xuan, that is to be swallowed by the disk of the universe.

This is what Osiris calls the same death.

"I already knew how powerful this world is, so I didn't invade this world!"

"Now, I'll give you a chance!"

"I will not ask for my door back, I will give you all the power you have swallowed!"

"But you want to let me go, and swear by your door that you will never deal with me again!"

Osiris also sensed the emergence of the shackles of the multiverse.

Therefore, he was also very happy.

Because he thought he had won the bet.

"You think too much!"

"This universe is indeed very powerful. Once this chain is deepened to a certain extent, even we can only fall here."

"But when I was completely pulled into the depths of the universe, you must have died first!"

"As for me, some of them left this world behind!"

"After all, the disk in this world seems to be a disk without subjective consciousness!"

Feeling the blessings of many chains, Yang Xuan already discovered that this world is not as scary as imagined.


It is indeed very powerful, and the door cannot compare to your existence.

But the disk of this world is more harmless than the disk of distortion.

As long as you don't touch its highest rule, you're not in the universe of this disk, and you're constantly releasing powerful door-level power.

Then it won't be swallowed up quickly.

Especially, after being chained like Yang Xuan, he didn't resist.

It can maintain the existence of the main body for a long period of time.

"Damn it!"

"You don't resist, but I will resist!"

"We are one now, and my resistance will deepen the law..."

"Huh? What am I trying to do?"

Osiris originally planned to say something.

He also planned to trick Yang Xuan a bit.

But suddenly, he found that his previous thoughts had disappeared.

He completely forgot what he wanted.

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