"Konstantin, you can't promise him!"

"Konstantin, do you still remember the original intention of our team?"

The captain of the team, Sarah also disembarked from their spaceship at this time.

"This is an existence more terrifying than demons!"

"Since the Demon King died in his hands, no matter what kind of request the other party makes, we can't agree!"

"What's more, if he knows the existence of the multiverse world, he must also know that there is actually Asoma in every universe."

"Each Asoma may have a different experience, but they are all Asoma you know!"

"So, this request is absolutely unacceptable!"

When Sarah said this, she also took out her exclusive weapon and pointed it at Yang Xuan.

At the same time, the other team members also took out their weapons.

"You are a legendary team!"

"However, Constantine, as someone who is qualified to be remembered by the Demon King, I still give you the right to choose!"

"As long as you choose to trade, I can bring you Asoma, but at the same time I will take away ten parallel universes!"

"This transaction is to sign a magic contract!"

"You write the contract, and I sign it!"

"In this case, sincerity is enough!"

After Yang Xuan finished speaking lightly, he waited for Constantine to make a decision.

At the same time, he secretly calculated the time.

seven minutes.

Yang Xuan still has seven minutes.

However, this is under the condition that ten minutes of safety time are reserved.

"Ten parallel worlds!"


Constantine's body began to tremble.

Because he started to waver.

He knew that he really wanted to make this deal.

Whether it is ten universes or a hundred universes, in fact, he really wants to save the biggest regret in his heart.

"I'll give you two more minutes!"

"I'm in another world, and I still have things to do, so you have to make a choice now."

After Yang Xuan finished speaking, his body began to become unreal.

Obviously, he was urging Constantine.

"I do!"

"I will write the magic contract, the contract is very simple, this is the deal!"

Seeing that Yang Xuan was about to leave, Constantine immediately began to write the magic contract.

"don't want!"

"Konstantin, you can't do this!"

"Konstantin, absolutely not!"

His teammates all began to persuade Constantine at this time.

However, Yang Xuan glanced at those people indifferently.



The power of the huge mind appeared instantly.

The members of Constantine's team fell to their knees on the ground in an instant.

Then everyone's face became extremely confused, like a fool who only knew that it was almost time.

"No! Don't shoot them!"

"Otherwise, I would rather not trade with you!"

Constantine hurriedly begged to Yang Xuan. Although he was threatening, he knew that his threat was nothing at all.

(ccfg) "Their state is only temporary."

"If you do one more day, you can recover!"

After Yang Xuan finished speaking, he was relieved.

Moreover, what Yang Xuan said was the truth.

The essence of this world is very high, so his power will only last for a day at most, and then it will completely dissipate.

"I see!"

Constantine nodded quickly.

He believed in Yang Xuan.

Moreover, this treaty was written on the contract as a guarantee once.

Seeing Constantine's contract, Yang Xuan just smiled lightly, and then directly signed his name.

What the name says is, the mind dominates.

After finishing writing, Yang Xuan grabbed at the void.

Then, a door appeared behind him.

That is the gate of hell.

The gate of **** that has completely belonged to Yang Xuan.

After the gate of **** opened, a little girl came out with confused eyes.

"This is where?"

The little girl spoke in a low voice.

At the same time, Constantine showed excitement.



The two were surprised to see each other.

Then, Yang Xuan left directly.

There are a full ten dimensional universes accompanying him to leave.

These universes are directly integrated into the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower.

But Yang Xuan walked into the gate of hell.

When he reappeared, he returned directly to the **** plane of the world of the gods.


The world of the gods, the plane of hell.

"You said, does the King of Hell have a chance to win this fight?"

Mephisto couldn't help asking.

However, the primordial evil and the fearful demon king all smiled wryly.

"There is no need to think about whether you win or not. What Wang thinks about is whether he can survive!"

"Perhaps, the victory or defeat is only a second."

As if to confirm what they said.

Just as they finished speaking, a door opened.

This is the gate of hell.

It was Yang Xuan who came back.

When the three **** lords saw Yang Xuan coming back, they all looked at each other, and then fell to their knees on the ground without using Yang Xuan's power this time.

"See the king!"

"The King of Hell!"

"King of the gods!"

The three **** lords all know that their world is about to change.

The king of **** has fallen, is the **** king Zeus still far away?

"Very good, now I want to open a door, the door to the world, you send all the demons to find me a person!"

"One-click Tracking: Lord of Mysteries!"

After Yang Xuan returned, he immediately started tracking.

The Lord of Mysteries is his main target this time.

The two have become old enemies!

One has to die.

Soon, a large amount of energy was consumed, and Yang Xuan also directly locked on the position of the Lord of Mysteries.

Maybe the Lord of Mysteries didn't even know, so he just exposed his position.

"Lord of Mysteries!"

"This is a very cunning person, he is the Lord of Mysteries, the God of Mysteries!"

"He has many methods. I will provide you with targets. Your purpose is to consume his power and provide me with his information."

As Yang Xuan spoke, he directly passed a map to the hearts of all the demons.

Then his body disappeared again.

at the same time.

The world of the gods, the human world.


"Why did the moon turn red?"

"Look carefully, a door has opened on the moon!"

"The black and red gate? And it smells like hell!"

"No, the gate of **** has opened, who opened this gate!"

"The devil has come to the world. The last time the Devil's Gate incident happened was a hundred years ago. I don't know how many people died at that time!"

"Wait a minute, this is not the gate of the devil, this is the gate of hell!"

"The energy of the two gates cannot be compared in the same breath!"

"Contact the Exorcist Alliance quickly, this is a big trouble."

The human world is a technological world.

But under the cover of the technological world, there is actually a world of mystery.

Even the incarnations of some gods are hidden among ordinary people.

After the gate in the sky appeared, the gate of **** appeared in the human world, and the gods in the God Realm immediately knew about it.


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