It's just unbelievable.

"Wang, that is a human-like existence. He is very likely to be a **** from another world, a human god, so we speculate that he should go to the human world!"

The Dread Demon King also spoke at this time.

Everything in his state was normal, but after he finished speaking, he was shocked.

Because that's not what he wanted to say at all.

"Wang, I recorded his aura, I believe it will be very useful to you!"

The original evil also spoke at this time.

He was already good at recording breaths, so he didn't arouse any suspicion from Osiris at all.

"give it to me!"

"This is not something you can participate in. Just report to me directly if you encounter any regional situation later!"

After Osiris finished speaking, he landed beside the original evil.

Then, the original evil also cooperated very well, releasing a breath.

That was the breath that belonged to Yang Xuan, and Osiris ingested him without any doubt.

But what Osiris doesn't know is.

At this moment, the original evil was calling out in horror in his heart.

don't want!

Please do not!

Do not absorb this breath, because it is not breath at all.

He is that powerful alien, himself!

It's a pity that no matter how he thinks about these words, it is impossible for Osiris to know them.

Because Osiris does not have the power to perceive the inner thoughts of others.

Perhaps, a person's inner emotions fluctuate greatly, which will attract the attention of Osiris.

But the three lords of **** under the control of Yang Xuan, let alone their hearts fluctuated greatly.

Their inner fluctuations at this time are super normal!

Not the slightest fluctuation.

When speaking, all the tone, intonation, and small movements are exactly the same as under normal circumstances.

This is the frightening thing about the power of the mind.

Control the enemy and let the enemy do things against his will.

However, no flaws will be revealed.

Because this is the person being controlled, who intends to do that from the bottom of his heart.

So there's no question of camouflage at all.


When the king of **** took away the aura given by the original evil, he immediately noticed the abnormality.

But when he realized it, it was too late.

"not good!"


"Original evil, you betrayed me!"

After Osiris absorbed Yang Xuan's aura, although he quickly discovered the abnormality.

But when he returned to God, it was already too late!

Countless spiritual powers rushed directly into his heart.


It was at this time that the gates of **** behind him were revealed.

The gate of hell, which was originally bright red, also began to turn dark with Yang Xuan's invasion of him.


"You're going to devour me!"

"The original evil didn't betray me, they were controlled, and it was a control that I couldn't even detect!"

"That's the power of the mind?"

"In this world, how can someone turn such power into such a powerful existence!"

"However, you underestimate me too much!"

"I, Osiris, control the hearts and demons that are countless times greater than yours!"

"If you want to devour me, then I will let you know what it means to have a complicated heart!"

After a short period of panic and panic, Osiris suddenly sensed the essence of Yang Xuan's power.

Then, he immediately found a way to deal with it.

That is to use people's hearts to fight against Yang Xuan's heart.

Osiris is the king of hell, the lord of hell, and all the beings in **** are actually controlled by him.

The number of those original demons and fallen humans is unknown.

He believed that if he let all those souls be released, Yang Xuan's true spirit would definitely be shocked to the point of collapse.

It even occupied Yang Xuan's heart in reverse, devouring Yang Xuan's door.

"Do you want to use people's hearts to devour me?"

"How many hearts can you control with a half-open door by yourself?"

"Although the world you are in is the Great Thousand World, which can radiate to hundreds of Small Thousand Worlds and tens of thousands of Hengsha Worlds around you, but do your doors transmit so many?"

To be able to become an existence in the Great Thousand World is still this kind of king of **** that even Yang Xuan has heard of.

Yang Xuan knew that he must have controlled not one or two worlds.

But no matter how many worlds the opponent controls, Yang Xuan doesn't care.

Because there are many worlds he controls, not as many as Yang Xuan's.

The more worlds he controls, the better for Yang Xuan.

Because once his gate of **** is invaded, those worlds will all belong to Yang Xuan.

With this in mind, Yang Xuan started to invade directly, completely ignoring Osiris' counterattack.


"Huh! My name, Megatron Ten Fang World!"

"Just let you know why I am the king of hell, the lord of hell!"

"The gate of hell, open to me!"

Osiris, who had just gotten rid of despair, no longer resisted Yang Xuan's invasion.

He directly opened his own door, and even took the initiative to merge with Yang Xuan's door.

Once the battle between the door and the door reached such a point.

Then the final confrontation is the essence of the door.

Whoever has the strongest essence wins.

This is the easiest way to duel, and of course the most terrifying way to duel.

Originally, after reaching the door level, even if there is a big gap in strength between the two, it is still very difficult for one door to kill the other door.

Although Yang Xuan succeeded in assassinating Osiris, he could directly kill his main body and obtain all the worlds controlled by Osiris.

But his battle this time may not be able to completely kill Osiris.

As long as he still has back hands in other places, he can continue to be reborn.

Even if one loses the door-level power after rebirth, it is still rebirth.

Although it is still doomed to face Yang Xuan's one-click tracking at that time, but it is definitely not death now.

But once you completely choose to let the two gates merge, let the law fight against the law, let the source in the door fight against the source.

Then once one party dies, it is a complete death.

Even the door is the same!

"bring it on!"

"It will be your biggest mistake to compete with the King of Hell in controlling the world and occupying the hearts of the people!"

Osiris roared frantically.

At this moment, he really looked like a king of hell.

under the fusion of his powers.

One world, ten worlds, a hundred worlds.

Six hundred and sixty-six,050 worlds!

In the end, a total of six hundred and sixty-six worlds were integrated into Yang Xuan's gate of mental images.

In fact, for a big world.

Being able to control more than six hundred worlds is already quite a lot.

"Haha! If you want to devour me, I'll see how you do it!"

"There are so many worlds, can your door bear it?"

Osiris continued to laugh wildly.

Although he was somewhat passive, at this moment he felt that he had won.

Until, Yang Xuan also spoke.


"Although there are a little less, the quality is quite good!"

A faint voice directly appeared in Osiris' heart.

Then, under the incredulous gaze of Osiris.

A pure white door slowly condensed out.

The moment he saw this door, he felt endless mysteries and endless good fortune.

As soon as it appeared, it spewed out endless power of creation, directly locking on the six hundred and sixty worlds of Osiris.


On every world controlled by Osiris, a door exactly like this pure white door appeared.

It is naturally the gate of good fortune.

"The second door?"


"Impossible, you have deduced the two laws and the origin to the extreme!"

"You actually have two doors!"

After Osiris saw the Gate of Creation appear, he finally panicked.

This completely overturned his cognition.

One person, two doors, seems impossible to him.

However, this is not the end.

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