"Start now, and we must not let him come down completely, or we will be finished!"

When Mephisto and the original evil said this, their eyes burst into a powerful red light.

Immediately after the pupils of the two people, a powerful imprint appeared.

That is the mark left by the king of **** on their souls.

It's just that they haven't used this mark all this time.

This is the only time the king of **** left this mark until now, and they used it.

"In the name of hell, I summon you!"

"A great existence, the king of hell!"

"The King of Hell, Olisis!"

Each of the three **** lords said a sentence.

The last person to speak is naturally the Dread Demon King.

As soon as his words fell, the marks on Mephisto and the original evil were soon transferred to the Dread Demon King.

Then, a beam of bright red light suddenly burst out from his eyes.

The beam of light shot straight into the sky.

Soon, a huge blood-red gate appeared in the sky.

That is the gate of hell!

"Huh! We caught up!"

When the Dread Demon King discovered this, he couldn't help but sighed.

It was really too dangerous just now.

"Yes! It's really dangerous!"

"Unexpectedly, our three majors are inferior to the monarch, and we will be forced to do so."

"It can only show that it is not easy to come!"

This is what the three **** lords are thinking at this time.

The three of them even looked at each other, and then raised their heads to look at Yang Xuan who happened to have completely entered his own world.

At the corner of his mouth, he couldn't help showing a cruel smile.

Facing the smiles of the three **** lords, Yang Xuan also smiled.

"It seems that you have a big opinion on me!"

"However, I also have a big opinion on you!"

"And, as expected, there really is a gate-level existence here!"

"But your door doesn't seem to be very perfect, a very weak door, or a door that is divided into two!"

"The gate of hell, a person with a gate, but a gate without gate-level strength!"

After Yang Xuan walked out, he couldn't help but tell the current situation.

"Gate level?"

"It's king class!"

"People from other worlds use so-called doors to divide power."

The three **** lords all analyzed some information from Yang Xuan's words.

But they all showed indifferent expressions, thinking that there was nothing worth caring about.

Although Yang Xuan's tone was very flat.

But all three of them think that once the king of **** appears, they will be in **** with them, and they will be on their home court.

Then even if Yang Xuan descends completely, he will definitely be driven away.


"But if it belongs to the King of Hell, then everything will be fine again."

A voice appeared directly above the minds of the three **** kings...

Then, the three of them were shocked.


"That's what we were thinking just now!"

"how come!"

The three **** kings looked up at Yang Xuan in disbelief.

But at this time, Yang Xuan was no longer visible in the sky.

The door summoned by Yang Xuan also disappeared.


"Where did you go?"

"I can't feel it at all, I can't even feel the breath!"

At this time, the three **** lords had bad thoughts.

So, they turned their heads and looked behind them one by one.

Sure enough, at this time, Yang Xuan was standing beside them.

"You can transmit thoughts directly to our hearts?"

The Dread Demon King couldn't help asking.

At this time, the fearful demon king discovered that fear was born in his heart.

In other words, he was frightened by Yang Xuan.

However, Mephisto's next words doubled his fear and fear even more.

"You asked us to summon the gates of **** on purpose!"

"You can interfere with our hearts, so not only can you make us kneel in fear, but you can also magnify the thoughts in our hearts."

"You want to take the opportunity to deal with the King of Hell!"

After Mephisto finished speaking, not only the pupils of the Dread Demon King dilated instantly, but also the original evil.

"What? Our inner thoughts, our thoughts of summoning the Lord of Hell, are all controlled by him?"

Primordial Evil couldn't believe this.

Not just him.

Even the Dread Demon King couldn't help but said: "Mephisto, are you sure? Can someone really do this?"

"If he can really do it!"

"Doesn't that mean that our current thoughts are not necessarily our own?"

"Our hearts, our thinking, may be controlled by him, or may not be controlled by him, but we don't know the specific situation at all?"

When the Dread Demon King said this, he suddenly discovered that the best way to spread fear is to make the enemy unable to tell whether 5.6 his inner thoughts belong to him or not.

"That's right!"

"That's it!"

"Our hearts should have been controlled by him the moment we fell to our knees."

"Everything we did next was actually under his control."

"This person is the real devil!"

"Compared to him, our methods are just cruel, but he is truly evil!"

After Mephisto couldn't help saying this, he raised his head in despair.

"O king!"

"You shouldn't have come!"

"Do not answer our call!"

Mephisto couldn't help but looked up at the sky, and now there was only one thought in his mind.

If the king of **** does not come, then maybe they will be useful and survive.

But once the king of **** descends, Yang Xuan has accomplished his purpose.

The three of them are useless.

Unfortunately, just as he was thinking about this, the king of **** had already arrived.

above the sky.

The blood-red door, the whispering door exclusive to the king of hell, has been completely opened.

Osiris, Lord of Hell!

It's coming! .

Chapter 198 The Despair of the King of Hell (Please Subscribe!)

Osiris, Lord of Hell!

In fact, he has not appeared in **** for a long time.

Moreover, when he doesn't show up, the three monarchs of **** are actually happy to see it happen.

Because no one likes their own head, and there is an immediate boss.

But in the past, none of the three Hell Lords had such a hope that Osiris would not appear.

"Damn it! I can't speak out what's in my heart!"

"My behavior is under control!"

"I obviously can't feel anything, so I'm controlled!"

At this time, the three **** lords also sadly discovered that their bodies and actions had completely disobeyed their own orders.

When Osiris opened the gate of **** and walked into hell, the first thing he saw was the three of them.

"Actually, if you don't summon me, I will return!"

"Because I sensed that the space of the **** plane was broken!"

"It seems that someone forcibly descended into hell, or a not weak existence, at least an existence that the three of you can't fight against!"

The Lord of Hell, the King of Hell, as soon as Osiris appeared, he looked down at the Three Lords of Hell.

As one of the two strongest in the world of the gods.

He naturally felt Yang Xuan's arrival.

So, he started looking for Yang Xuan as soon as he appeared.

The huge devil's thoughts directly covered the entire hell.

"King, when you just arrived, he left!"

Mephisto suddenly spoke, indicating that Yang Xuan had left.

"Sure enough, it is no longer in the plane of hell!"

Osiris also scanned the entire **** directly at 22 the entire time, confirming Mephisto's words.

However, even though Mephisto said so, he was extremely terrified in his heart.

Because he knew very well that Yang Xuan was standing behind him.

But his own king could not perceive his existence.

Obviously the other party didn't do anything!

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