The other two doors are the door of deception and the door of secrecy.

The door of Yang Xuan's natal life is the door of mental images.


The other two gates are the gate of good fortune and the gate of originality.

But the Gate of Creation was still a little bit behind before it was fully restored.

The original door is a little bit worse.

But even so, one person with three doors is far beyond other ordinary doors.

In particular, Yang Xuan's Gate of Mind Image is very strong!

That is the top-level attribute.


As space ripples flashed past one after another, Yang Xuan's body completely disappeared in the world of reincarnators.

In the next second, he came to the world of the gods.


The world of gods.

A world divided into three dimensional spaces.

The core is the real world.

Above the real world is the dimensional world where the gods live.

Under the real world is the dimensional world where demons and devils live.

People in this world call the three dimensional spaces God Realm, Human World, and Hell.

It is very difficult for gods and demons to come to the world.

Arriving not only requires a lot of energy, but also a certain amount of power will be sealed.

Also, the real world is very protected.

When people from other worlds come, the first place to appear will definitely not be the real world.

Just like now.


above hell.

Promise's thunder appeared directly.

Countless demons and devils looked up at the sky one after another.

Those with lower status have already started to kneel down on the ground, trembling.

Those with higher status are fully armed.

"Is that guy Zeus coming? Why is there such a big movement?"

The core area of ​​hell.

Three Lords of Hell, Mephisto, Primordial Evil, and Dreadlord.

They all contacted each other at the same time, and then gathered together, staring solemnly at the core area where Endless Thunder appeared.

The three of them all knew that the existence that could make such a big commotion that even the entire **** plane began to tremble must be very powerful.

In their world, there are only two such existences.

One is Zeus, the king of the gods.

The other one is Osiris, the king of **** who has been sleeping in hell, and even the three of them don't know where they are.

However, this sudden appearance was obviously not either of them.

So they thought of the third possibility.

"Visitor from another world!"

"A powerful visitor from another world!"

After the three **** lords looked at each other, they took out their exclusive weapons together.

Because, no one knows what is the purpose of this person who descended directly with the help of a powerful force.

Click! Click!

That is, while the three hellish monarchs are waiting.

Space, broken.

Then a door the size of a normal human room appeared directly in front of them.

That door is actually a mysterious door in black and white.

But soon, it was replaced by a black and red gate.

That is the door of the mind image.

"Sure enough, it is a world at the level of the Great Thousand World, so I want to descend in full body, and I have to use my own power, and I have to contend with the will of the world!"

"Fortunately, I am already very strong now, otherwise my real body would not be able to enter this world!"

That voice spoke of the last world, and finally opened the door to communicate the two worlds.


It was also the moment the door was pushed open.

The entire **** plane trembled in an instant.

Countless demons and demons were stunned by a powerful force.

Even the three monarchs of **** felt such great pressure that they could no longer hold the weapons in their hands.

when! when! when!

When the person's body walked halfway through the door.

The weapons of the three great demons fell on the ground of the **** plane.


"Fake it, what a power it is!"

"A terrifying existence comparable to Zeus, the king of gods, and Osiris, the king of hell!"

The three **** lords all gritted their teeth and revealed each other's strength.

Then, they also unexpectedly discovered that their bodies were involuntarily bending their knees and bending over.


Immediately afterwards, the three **** lords who were feared by countless people knelt down on the ground and closed the door.

Chapter 197 All demons surrender, the monarch bows down (please subscribe!)

Hell plane.

Under the tremendous pressure caused by Yang Xuan's arrival.

Even with the exception of Osiris, the king of hell, who doesn't know where he is, there are only three people in the entire **** plane, and they still maintain a clear will.

These three people were also unable to withstand the huge and terrifying pressure brought by Yang Xuan.

The body involuntarily knelt down in front of Yang Xuan.


"how so!"

"I know he is strong, my body is shaking, I know we have an insurmountable gap, but I shouldn't kneel down!"

The three **** lords roared out involuntarily.

The reason why they live in **** is because of their arrogant personalities, they are completely unable to bear the shackles and rules of the God Realm.

They are rule breakers.

Especially after reaching the level of the three great monarchs of hell, even facing the **** king Zeus who is a level higher than himself, he is the one who wields his sword.

But now.

The opponent's body was only half out, and the three of them knelt down.

This situation made the hearts of the three monarchs unacceptable.

But what's even more sad is that they found that they couldn't get up.

On his body, there is obviously no force restraint, no major pressure.

But I just can't get up "Zero Four Seven".

It's as if my heart doesn't want to wake up.

That kind of feeling is very strange, as if one's own thinking and will mean that no matter how strong the other party is, they will die at worst, and they will never rise or fall.

But in his heart, he controlled his body and fell to the ground.

The three of them couldn't understand or imagine such a weird situation.

However, as the most intelligent one among the three monarchs of hell.

That is, the demon named Mephisto said, "It's the heart! The other party has the power to control the heart."

"This strong man in another world has the power to influence and magnify the heart!"

"Because we are afraid, we will become more and more afraid in our hearts, until death or complete surrender!"

"This is a great existence that can crush the entire plane of **** with just its aura!"

"I don't know how such a great existence entered our world, but we are not opponents. Only by awakening the king of **** can we compete with him!"

"The original evil, the king of fear, remember the mark that the king of **** gave us three!"

"When the catastrophe comes, the three of us have the right to mobilize that power and directly summon the King of Hell to our side."

"I guess now, what is that **** playing in the human plane 100%!"

Mephisto couldn't help saying something.

With the current situation, it is really impossible to see that this great **** lord is still deliberately mocking his king at this moment.

"The heart dominates the body, but because we are all the lords of hell, our will is blessed by the plane of hell, so our will is still free now."

"In other words, if we left the plane of hell, the three of us would have been completely reduced to each other's slaves now."

The original evil also raised a possibility at this time.

As soon as he finished speaking, Mephisto and the Dreadlord fell silent.

"Let me come. Among the three of us, I am the most powerful. It is useless for you to deny it!"

"So the mark of opportunity is based on me!"

The Dreadlord wasn't waiting, he knew the sooner the better.

Because above the sky, the cheeks of the figure walking out of the black and red gate almost completely appeared.

He is very clear, that is because they are in the world they are in, the plane they are in.

The world and the planes are trying their best to resist the invasion of the other side.

Otherwise, they are finished.


"I agree!"

Mephisto still has the original evil, and he planned to say something else at first.

But in the end, both of them were silent.

"we support you!"

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