The fire of life seemed to be going out.

Because the power required to send a **** first is too great.

He has overdrawn everything he has.


"I'm dying!"

"But I can't die, I want to persevere!"

"As long as you persist for half an hour at most, the great Lord of Mind will definitely be able to handle the God of Radiance!"

"So I can't die, I have to persevere!"

While meditating, Edsi secretly encouraged himself.

Plan the gods, fight against the gods.

The feat of fighting against the gods with a mortal body was accomplished by him.

Next, as long as you wait, you can get the gift of the Lord of the Heart, and then replace the God of Radiance.

Therefore, he must wait.

But even though he thought so, his consciousness became heavier and heavier.

Not long after, his eyelids became black, and then he closed his eyes in a daze.

"Can't you hold on?"

"Is this my limit?"

"Obviously even the gods have been defeated, but in the end they couldn't hold on anymore?"

Eddie braced himself.

But consciousness eventually gradually disappeared.

But just when he was about to fall into a deep sleep.

Suddenly, a dazzling light descended from the sky and landed directly on his heart.

Immediately afterwards, Edsi found that his spirit recovered quickly.

Then, he opened his eyes.

At this moment, the world I see is different.

Endless brilliance appeared in front of his eyes, and there were all kinds of light.

Most importantly, he discovered that he had a slight connection with the sun in the dark.

Radiant God, this is the divinity of the Radiant God.

How could Edsi, who has been serving the God of Radiance all year round, not understand what this means.

So, he immediately smiled.

It was at this time that his body also began to recover.

The skin that was burned before has recovered visibly with the naked eye.

The pale hair also quickly became black.

Even his own face changed from an old look to a youthful look.

Rejuvenated, or in other words, gained a lot of vitality.

Edsi, who lost his figure, became himself in his youth.

Even his appearance has changed to a certain extent.

From the previous self, it has become somewhat similar to the God of Radiance.

This should be the reason for the rendering of divinity.

But Ades was originally a person who didn't care much about his appearance.

So he doesn't care what it looks like.

As long as you can get the authority of the gods, it will be fine.

Because in this way, it means that he will gain the power to resist when the end comes in the future.

"Finally, it's no longer a feeling of powerlessness〃ˇ!"

"The current me is at least thirty times stronger than before!"

"This is the gap between gods and humans!"

Eddie couldn't help but sigh.

Although, he was still proud of being a human being before.

But the moment he got the power of the gods, he knew how big the gap between himself and the gods was.

This time, the plan for the God of Radiance was successful.

For Edsi, apart from the coincidence and the calculation brought about by the information gap, the biggest reason is because of Yang Xuan's help.

When Edsi launched his second attack, summoning the Blazing Light.

The reason why Aidesi didn't suffer any harm was because Yang Xuan manipulated the law of the power of the mind, causing all living beings to have great resistance to the God of Radiance at that moment.

Yang Xuan grasped the timing very well, if it wasn't for Yang Xuan's help.

In fact, Edsy couldn't succeed.

So Edsi knew that he could succeed in replacing the gods, but in fact his own contribution was not very great.

It was because of this understanding that when Edsi completely merged his figure and became the God of Radiance of Sequence One, he immediately bowed to the void.

"Thank you, praise you, the great mind master, the master of everything!"

Eddie is showing submission.

He has completely believed in Yang Xuan.

"Great god, I can now summon you to come down once."

"But the price is that I will directly ascend to the spirit world and return to the Kingdom of Glory, and the time you can descend into the real world will not exceed three minutes."

Edsi advanced to become a **** in the real world.

But because he was human before, he can stay in the human world for a while.

Then, he ascended to the spirit world and returned to the kingdom of God.

But during this period of time, he is not allowed to make casual moves, and once he makes a move, this time will be shortened.

But as long as all the time spent in the mortal world is sacrificed, Edsi can give Yang Xuan three minutes to enter the real world.

This is an equivalent exchange, and it is what Edsi can do for Yang Xuan.

"I see!"

"I'll tell you when I need it!"

"What you have to do now is to help Boutien, and at least make him an angel of Sequence Two within ten years!"

Yang Xuan's voice reappeared in Edsi's mind.

Then, Yang Xuan above the spirit world disappeared.

He is going to continue to sleep.

This time, she slept for at least ten years.

"Yes, the great master!"

Aides naturally would not have any resistance.

Then, he found that Yang Xuan's sense of existence had disappeared.

The other party has left the spirit world, but is still in their world, but Edsi doesn't know where it is, and he can't see it.

"Have you left?"

"Not only the master of the mind disappeared, but also the Seven Gods completely disappeared!"

"During the time I became the God of Radiance, he has already dealt with all the Seven Gods!"

"It's really a great power!"

Eddie couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Then, he turned and left.

The moment he turned around, Buedsi, who was still wearing tattered clothes before, changed into a glorious robe in an instant, and at the same time, a staff symbolizing divine power appeared in his hand.

He takes a step forward.

In the next second, he returned directly to the Radiant Temple.


Glorious Temple, above the main hall!

The twelve red-clothed hierarchs had just been summoned, and they all returned to the main hall of glory.

"You said, why did the Pope call all of us here at this time?"

"It's because of the mind trickster. The people below reported that the mind cheater had a cardinal's help and escaped from the siege of the three demigods."

"More than that, the archbishop in red even ordered Tinia to flee with Boutien, and Tinia was very conflicted at the time."

"That is to say, there is a traitor among us?"

When the twelve red-clothed archbishops said this, they were all dark for a while, and then looked at their companions in disbelief.

They really couldn't imagine that some companions betrayed the church.

You know, being able to become a cardinal-level existence is very recognized by the church and very devout to the gods.

Who would have imagined that someone at the level of a cardinal would defect.

"Don't let me know who it is, if I do, I won't make it easy for him!"

"Old Neil, I suspect that person is you!"

"¨Bah! I doubt you are yours, Toyaf!"

"Stop arguing, maybe the Pope will tell us who the traitor is when he returns soon."

"That's right! No matter who it is, he sent the message just now in front of His Holiness the Pope. Perhaps those of us of Sequence Three can't detect his secret message, but if His Holiness the Pope, it will certainly be possible."

The cardinals basically thought of why they were taught to come here.

Because the previous incident of Butyen was too much trouble, and now other churches of the Seven Gods have begun to sue this glorious church.

Even the other popes of the seven major churches began to send questions to the glorious pope.

But the Radiant Pope did not give any response.

Until just now, he summoned the Twelve Cardinals, which will naturally make people think.


Sure enough, when the twelve cardinals were talking to each other.

Suddenly, a golden light flashed.

Immediately afterwards, Pope Ades didn't know what method to use, and without the twelve popes noticing any signs, he directly turned into a ray of light and descended into the main hall.

Then, the light dissipated.

Eddie's appearance appeared directly in front of them.

"Meet the Pope!"



"Impossible! My lord, what's wrong with you?"

The moment the twelve cardinal archbishops saw Aides, they didn't feel anything at first, but soon their faces changed drastically.

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