"You didn't die!"

"How can you not die!"

"A mere human, a mere believer!"

The state of mind of the God of Radiance collapsed at this moment.

You don't need to be infected by the power of the mind, and you don't need to be provoked by someone with a heart.

Just because of Edsi's words, the God of Radiance was completely plunged into madness.

But for some reason, Edsi smiled contentedly when he saw the state of the God of Radiance.

It seems that this is the psychological satisfaction brought about by fighting against the gods with a mortal body.

"Great god!"

"Once upon a time, you were the most devout belief in my mind, but your choice gave up human beings. However, what you don't know is that these people you call mortals are also the cornerstone of your becoming a god."

"The moment you give up on us, the **** will automatically give up on you."

"And I am the one chosen from the world, and I will give you the final blow!"

"We'll replace that later."

"I will be the new God of Radiance!"

Edsi's words, like a declaration, appeared directly in the surroundings.

This time, the God of Radiance fell into a short period of sluggishness.

But soon, his mood became more agitated and irritable.

Endless light began to emanate from his body.

The scorching light caused sparks to appear in the surrounding air.

"In the endless flames, die, eternal flame."

The God of Radiance once again launched a powerful attack.

However, this time Edsi did not make any defenses.

He didn't release his own light, but just stood there quietly, watching the God of Radiance attack him.

In the eyes of the God of Radiance, Edsi's move was completely waiting for death.

But what surprised the God of Radiance was that when he mobilized his divinity, he released his divine power.

After summoning the endless light, the scorching light.

However, he found that these lights penetrated Edsi's body just like that, without causing any harm to Edsi.

"This! Why is this happening?"

The God of Radiance couldn't comprehend what was happening in front of him at all.

Can't understand why this happens.

Obviously he had summoned the eternal flame, but it didn't cause any substantial damage to Eds.

"what have you done?"

The God of Radiance couldn't help but ask Edsi.

Although, this will make him feel very aggrieved, but there is no way to do it.

Because of the God of Radiance, I really don't know why it happened like this.

The situation in front of him has overturned his cognition as a god.

So, he wants to ask Eddie for advice.

But he also knew that his request made him very embarrassed.

Because when he publicized his name to the outside world, he said that he, the glorious god, was omnipotent and omniscient.

But now, in front of his former believers, there is one thing he doesn't know at all.

"Great God, haven't you seen through your own essence now?"

"You are not that kind of innate god, you just rely on collecting beliefs and become a **** under the belief of endless creatures."

"But now, all living beings are suffering, and the end is coming. You have no intention of saving these people at all."

"So, you have lost the qualification to become a god!"

"Of course, if you don't reincarnate from the spirit world to the real world, then you are still a god, and that divinity still belongs to you."

"But now you are just a Sequence Two angel. Then the divinity is only entrusted to you temporarily."

Aides still explained with that god-like tone.

But it was because of 043's tone that the God of Radiance felt even more aggrieved.

Edsi clearly spoke respectful language, but his tone really made people want to beat him up.

"Impossible, the inner thoughts of mere mortals also want to shake my **** position."

"It's a fantasy!"

The God of Radiance spoke unwillingly, he didn't believe Edsi's statement at all, and thought it was simply nonsense.

But although the myth of glory said so, in fact, he is very clear about the current situation, and Edsi's statement is very credible.

"Great god, your era is over, and the next will be the era of the ruler of the mind and the lord of all phenomena! And I will be his assistant, continue to illuminate the world instead of you, and lead people to find the true way out."

Edsi's tone was still so respectful, but his words made the God of Radiance feel frightened.


"This is impossible."

"I don't accept this ending."

"A mere mortal wants to replace me?"

"I'd rather die with you."

"Follow me into nothingness, Eds, my pope."

The God of Radiance's final struggle was self-destruct.

But unfortunately, he had just brought up this idea, and suddenly felt a burst of relief in his heart.

For a moment, he felt that everything was indifferent.

Live or die.

It seemed that everything was no longer the most important thing, and his mood seemed to have become very, very flat and indifferent at this moment.

Then a voice appeared in his mind.

"If I don't let you die, you can't die."

This voice also appeared, causing a drop of crystal to flow from the corner of the God of Radiance's eyes.

That is the tear of God.

Because he knew his time was really over.

At this time, Edsi suddenly turned into light, and then whispered to the void: "Vientiane Sacrifice!"

As soon as his words fell, the person reincarnated by the God of Radiance was directly transmitted to the spirit world by a huge formation. above.

He was sacrificed.

The target of the sacrifice was Yang Xuan.

Chapter 194 The Birth of a New God (Subscribe)

above the spirit world.

Yang Xuan knew the plan of the God of Radiance a long time ago.

That's why he contacted Pope Edsi three years ago and told him what he wanted to do.

Then, Eds was asked to replace the God of Radiance.

A **** in his hands will give Yang Xuan greater confidence in dealing with the will of the Lord of Mysteries.

So Pope Edsey is his back-hand.

His main pawns, the bettors, are three people: Boutien, Catherine, and Kunier.

Today's Boutien did not disappoint Yang Xuan.


After the God of Radiance was sacrificed, a ray of light soon appeared in front of Yang Xuan.

This light is the sacred light of the Lord of Radiance.

Its manifestation at this time is the golden holy light.

However, inside the Holy Light is the lamentation of the Lord of Radiance.

A **** was actually sacrificed as a sacrifice.

In fact, if the God of Radiance is still a complete deity, with his power, it is impossible to be sacrificed by others.

Even if he was really sacrificed, Yang Xuan couldn't accept the sacrifice.

Because Yang Xuan is now a person who descended into this world, he is not allowed to accept a god-level sacrifice.

Because the gods are unique.

But the God of Radiance was wrong, he shouldn't have been reincarnated as a true god, and then hid in the real world.

However, even if the God of Radiance didn't do that, in fact the end result would be the same.

It can be said that when Yang Xuan's eyes fixed on this world.

The fate of the Seven Gods is already doomed.

If they behaved a little more usefully, they might have a chance to join Yang Xuan's command in the end, and fight against the secrets together as a submissive.

But unfortunately, their choices were all wrong.

"God of Radiance, I see all your plans!"

"Your end is already doomed!"

"I will not accept this divinity of yours, I will give it to Eddie!"

"I believe that as a god, he will do better than you!"

Yang Xuan said lightly.


Then, he tore hard at the ball of light in front of him, and directly tore the ball of light off.

That is the divinity of the God of Radiance.

When a **** loses his divinity, he will naturally fall into a lower personality.

"give me a chance!"

"Please, give me a chance!"

The God of Radiance couldn't help but want to struggle.

He chooses to beg for mercy and live with ivory.

However, Yang Xuan ignored him at all.

He directly pointed the fairy down, and threw it down seemingly casually.


at the same time.

In the real world, Edsi looked even more embarrassed.

After sacrificing the God of Radiance, he felt as if he was about to fall.

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