the reason is simple.

That's because Adyx has rejuvenated.

In fact, even if His Excellency the Pope rejuvenated, it would not necessarily make the twelve red-clothed archbishops gasp.

After all, if one receives the blessings of the gods, it is not impossible to gain a hundred years, or even hundreds of years of life.

Gods can survive for a long time.

It is very normal for them to think that the angels sitting on the seat of the gods are given a lifespan of a hundred years or a thousand years.

But what shocked the twelve red-clothed archbishops was not Edsi's rejuvenation, but his current appearance.

Those who have been worshiping the gods for a long time, even the Twelve Red-clothed Patriarchs who have occasionally seen the clone of the God of Radiance, all have a certain understanding of the appearance of the gods.

So when they looked at Aides, they immediately saw the shadow of a great existence from Aides.

It was because of this situation that the twelve great red-clothed archbishops all showed expressions of disbelief, and even gasped.

"My lord, have you received the oracle?"

"Master Pope, just now all the artifacts in the church turned into light. Is this what Lord God is doing?"

"Lord Pope, it seems that the matter of Lord God has succeeded, and you have also been blessed! I wonder if we will be lucky enough to meet Lord God and express our devotion to Lord God face to face!"

After a while of guessing, the twelve cardinal archbishops finally instinctively believed that Edsi had received a gift from the gods, which is why he became like this.

As for replacing the gods, they don't think about it at all.


"The work of the gods has not been completed!"

Eddie spoke slowly.

As he said, the thing that the God of Radiance wanted to escape failed, so there was no success.

"Ah? Then you have received the gift of the gods. I think you must have done a very thoughtful operation this time, and you have won the favor of the great god. We should learn from the leader!"

One of the archbishops in red felt extremely embarrassed for a moment.

So, he hurriedly echoed and said something, which was regarded as a relief for Pope Eds.

Edsi was very familiar with the peacemaker who spoke suddenly, and that was his personality.

If it were the same as before, maybe Edsy would just buy this and stop talking about it.

However, today is different from the past.

After the cardinal spoke, Aides shook his head again.

"The **** is dead, buried and sacrificed by himself!"

"From now on, I will be the God of Radiance!".

Chapter 195 The Lord of Mysteries Appears!

The gods are dead!

The new **** ascends the throne!

Edsi's answer made everyone in the Radiance Church hold their breath.

The answer was completely beyond their imagination.

The incomparably powerful God of Radiance, the God who once illuminated the entire time.

In the last second, he also released his incomparably powerful divine power.

But now, Eds said that he had been killed by himself, and Eds became the new God of Radiance.

In such a situation, for the 12 cardinals present here, it was as if they were listening to the scriptures, and they couldn't believe it at all.

However, the sacred aura emanating from Aides made them have to believe it.

Of course, the most important point is that the God of Radiance did not punish Ades after he said these words.

No divine punishment descended, no gods descended into the world.

All of these points to a problem, that is, the Lord of Radiance has fallen.

"The gods have fallen!"

"Aides, do you know what you did?"

The two extremely devout believers suddenly looked at Aides with ferocious expressions.

At the same time, their own power of brilliance also exploded completely.

Although because of the last eruption of the God of Radiance just now, all divine items were recovered.

But the twelve great red-clothed archbishops still have the strength of Sequence Three.

They themselves are powerful weapons.

"The God of Radiance is a symbol, a symbol!"

"A **** should serve all living beings, because it does not become a **** by virtue of its own power."

"You may not be sure about this before, but I have personally tested it!"

"You should have felt the attack of the gods just now!"

"If it is said that the great **** uses his own power, then I am already dead at this moment!"

"But I didn't die, it was Him who died, so this represents one thing, a very obvious thing 047!"

"The gods abandoned people, me, and you, but what he didn't understand was that the moment he abandoned us, the gods also abandoned him."

Edsi's words were very plain, and there were no provocative words or impassioned speeches.

It's just that he said the matter between himself and the gods so plainly.

"The gods have abandoned us?"

"Is it a doomsday prophecy!"

"The seven great gods have been disconnected from the real world for three years. How can you prove that what you said is the truth, not that you betrayed the gods and secretly planned the great God of Radiance!"

Influenced by Aides, some cardinals have chosen to believe.

But there is still a part that has a little bit of doubt.

"Three years ago, I thought it wasn't just me. I kept praying to the gods in private, praying for how to face the end!"

"At that time, think about it carefully, did the gods reply to you?"

"Also, now I can tell you openly that the coming doomsday crisis is the invasion of foreign gods!"

"The realm of the outer gods is an existence beyond the level of the gods."

"If you use sequence, I am now Sequence One, I used to be Sequence Two, you are Sequence Three, and the former God of Radiance is also Sequence One, but the Outer God is Sequence Zero!"

Sequence 0, the existence of gate level.

The true **** who surpassed this world, when the seven gods faced one, they didn't even consider the terrifying existence of a frontal battle.

This kind of existence is also the reason why the Seven Gods completely gave up the real world.

"So, the Seven Gods have been planning to escape, and they are no longer worthy of being called gods!"

"But an Outer God chose to help us at this time, and of course his help comes at a price!"

"I accept that price, and I think you will accept it too!"

"The price He wants is the hearts of all living beings in this world, to recognize that great existence in their hearts, it's that simple. (ccfg

"Of course, the simpler things are, the more precious they are. It's like free games and free chances, and they often end up paying more."

When Aides said this, his performance was very flat.

But after he finished speaking, his expression became serious.

After seeing this, the twelve great red-clothed archbishops immediately understood that it was their turn to focus.

They all understand that after Edsi finished the next paragraph, they will make a statement.

If you don't make a statement, that is, if you choose to be neutral, you will actually be on the opposite side of Aides.

After all, everyone knows Eddie's character.

Maybe the other party has become a **** and has a certain degree of divinity, but his personality as a human will definitely not change much.

"Next, I will express my personal thoughts!"

"The above words, what I said are not empty words!"

"Now I have also become the subordinate **** of the outer god, who is also a great existence that surpassed the seven gods, and even from the other party who was able to break through the crystal wall of the world for the first time, he was able to transmit his power to reality a long time ago The world will see."

"His power should be the most powerful among all Outer Gods!"

"At the same time, among all the Outer Gods, he has the most friendly attitude towards us, and the one who can make us pay the most acceptable price in the end!"

"So, I have become her subordinate god!"

"If you don't plan to assist that great being like me, occupy this world, and get rid of those outer gods, then you are my enemy!"

After Edsi finished speaking, a huge burst of golden light erupted from his body.

The golden light condensed a long sword directly in front of him.

That is the sword of divine punishment.

"Whoever intends to launch can say now."

When Eddie said this, his eyes had completely lost their previous look.

At this moment, he has sealed his humanity and replaced it with endless divinity.

The huge divinity covered the entire hall in an instant.

All the archbishops in red thought of a certain scene they saw when they advanced to Sequence Three.

That scene is the scene when meeting the gods.

"A god!"

"Sure enough, the God of Radiance has been completely defeated by him."

"A new **** is born!"

"I am willing to serve you, the great mind master!"

"What I have newly sealed is the glorious **** who protects mankind, so since the master of the mind is willing to save us, then I will naturally offer my faith!"

"Me too!"

The twelve cardinal archbishops soon began to express their surrender one by one.

But at the end of the day, there were still two people struggling.

Those two archbishops in cardinals stood up to question the bishop of Ades at the beginning.


The two archbishops in red looked at each other, and then their eyes became calm little by little, planning to say words of surrender.

However, Eddie pointed lightly at the two of them.

"God's punishment!"


"Wait a minute!"

The two cardinals immediately shouted loudly.

But everything is too late.

After Edsi said those two words, the powerful God's Sword of Retaliation flew towards them.


The existence of the two Sequence Threes didn't even have the slightest ability to resist, so they were directly turned into light and evaporated.


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