Even the gods are the same.

Seeing what the Seven Gods are doing now, I feel the spiritual thoughts of the Seven Gods communicating with each other.

The corner of Butyen's mouth showed a smile again.

"Is this the face of a god?"

"God, that's all!"

"I, Butien, hereby welcome the great ruler of the mind, the Lord of Vientiane, to come to the spirit world!"

"The rotten seven gods are no longer your opponents!"

After Bu Tien finished speaking, he bowed to the void very solemnly.

His actions seemed to be welcoming a certain great existence.

And his actions stunned the Seven Gods who were arguing.

Then, fear filled their hearts.

Chapter 191


Endless fear!

Qishen's heart at this moment was completely overwhelmed by fear.

Because they all heard Butyen's words clearly.

Boutien is calling for a great-existence.

It was also the great existence that directly disconnected them from the real world, making it impossible for them to contact their believers, or even convey the oracle.

I was disconnected from this matter.

Actually they knew it from the start.

But later, that is, in the next three years.

They discovered that the great existence seemed to have exhausted its strength after finishing this task.

So much so that during these three years, they refused to listen and try to continue communicating with the real world.

But sadly, none of them succeeded.

But because he couldn't feel the huge threat, he didn't continue to wait in panic, as if waiting for death to come every day.

Time is enough to smooth out all emotions.

Including fear.

After losing the fear of that great existence, the Seven Gods have even forgotten that the other party may come at any time.

In other words, they are beginning to deceive themselves in their hearts.

They kept telling themselves that the great, mysterious ruler of the mind and the Lord of Vientiane, like other outer gods, had no possibility of entering their own world.

But this moment.

When Boutien started to greet him and showed a look of excitement on his face.

They knew that they seemed to have forgotten this terrible thing.

The other party is here!

This time, it really came.


"Make a decision now!"

"Draw lots! Draw lots in the oldest way!"

"Whoever is drawn will be resuscitated!"

"There is no other way, we must revive the Lord of Mysteries before the opponent completely descends!"

"Otherwise, we'll all die!"

The Seven Gods are still communicating and talking non-stop.

Even they thought of the old ways.

But even when things got to such a serious level, they didn't choose to surrender.

Such a situation made Boutien want to laugh even more.

No, not trying to laugh!

Instead, he laughed.

Ha ha! Hahaha!

He let the raindrops hit his face.

At this moment, it was a little unclear whether he was crying or laughing.

Or maybe both.

"World! Goodbye!"

In his heart, Boutien said a word to his own world.

When he said this, although there was a lot of special rain on his face, that is, the rain condensed by the power of the mind.

But in the next second, all the rain on Butyen's face and body disappeared in an instant, and instead, there was a stream under his body.

"Hello World!"

At this moment, the expression on Boutien's face was a smile, a sincere smile.

Because he knew that his world was about to usher in a new life.

The doomsday prophecies that haunt the world will be partially broken at this very moment.


"don't want!"

"That's too late!"

"It's late! It's too late!"

"Why are you hesitating, why are you refusing to sacrifice!"

The roars of the Seven Gods are still coming out.

They've actually drawn lots at this point.

However, when those three unlucky gods were chosen to be sacrificed, and then merged to awaken the initial recovery of the Lord of Mysteries.

Their sad discovery.

I am stuck.

Trapped in his own kingdom of God by the endless power of the mind.

That is the boundless and endless power of the mind.

At this time, the spirit world, although it has not completely turned into the sea of ​​the soul, but one-third of it has already been reduced to the sea water of the sea of ​​the soul.

And around the Kingdom of the Seven Gods, a huge water prison appeared directly.

The water prison tightly sealed the Kingdom of the Seven Gods.

Although, the connection between them cannot be isolated.

But it also cut them off, trying to condense the initial recovery plan of the Lord of Mysteries.

"We failed!"

"Hesitation is equal to defeat!"

"Is it too late to surrender now?"

"The great lord of the mind, the master of everything, I am willing to submit to you and become your subordinate god. I beg you to give me a chance to survive!"

When the Seven Gods found that they could not fight against Yang Xuan.

Finally, the **** of imperial power was the first to choose to surrender.

He is the **** who created imperial power, the **** of power, and the symbol of power.

However, when power reaches a certain level, it will be corroded.

So the road of power, even if it condenses Dao Yun, is still extremely weak.

Although, the gods in this world have also reached the level of Taoist masters.

But let alone facing Yang Xuan, even if the former Creation Taoist came over, one person could directly sweep the Seven Gods here.

They are all at the level of Daoist masters, but there is not a slight difference in their Dao heart and combat power.

"I am also willing to surrender! I am in charge of the ocean. Seventy percent of our world is ocean. Among the seven gods, my power ranks third, second only to the night and the light, so with my help, you It will definitely be easier to control the world!"

The **** of the sea, this one also surrendered.

"I am the mother of the earth, and I can cultivate a lot of magical herbs for you. I even know some secret arrangements. If you are willing to accept me, it will definitely gain a lot for you."

The Mother Goddess of the Earth also chose to surrender at this moment.

Following their statements, other gods among the seven gods.

In the end, there were only two left, and they did not choose to surrender.

Night, light!

"Guanghui, resign to fate!"

"I see, night!"

These two gods are the most powerful gods in the mysterious world.

One represents light and the other represents night.

The church of the two of them is also the most powerful church in the world!

That is to say, after the two of them finished speaking, a door just appeared in the sky above the spirit world.

It was a very illusory door.

Although it is very unreal, but vaguely, you can also see that he is a black and red gate.

When the gate appeared, the faces of the Seven Gods became extremely ugly.

However, except for the night and the light, the other five gods have lost their will to fight.

They don't seem to be fighting this mind master at all.

Because the other party's real body did not reward them, they were sealed in the Kingdom of God.

Once the opponent comes completely, God knows what kind of great power it will be.

However, Heiye and Guanghui looked at each other.

Immediately afterwards, one of the kingdoms of their two gods turned into endless sacred golden light.

A dark light that turned into pitch black.

"Give up the Kingdom of God, give up everything!"


The body turns into light, which also belongs to the power of the Holy Lord and the Taoist Lord.

"The concept of the night, help me break through the shackles of this world!"

The Evernight Goddess was the first to launch.

The boundless black light quickly shrank into a point, and then broke through Yang Xuan's spiritual prison.

Immediately afterwards, this little black dot quickly flew towards the spirit world, and she was about to run away.

Moreover, he intends to break through the world directly, face the encirclement and suppression of many foreign gods, and run away.

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