In the eyes of several other gods except for the God of Radiance, this is an act of suicide.


However, the dark night is the head of many gods.

They all know that the Evernight Goddess is quite stable.

So she must be confident in doing so.

"Could it be that she was received from another world?"

Suddenly, the God of the Ocean thought of this possibility.

They have also been inspired by the reception from other worlds.

But if you are attracted by a world that is weaker than yourself, it is meaningless to go there, and you won't get much gain. Generally, you should send a clone to take a look.

But if you are attracted by a world stronger than yourself, you usually disconnect all the exercises in a hurry, so as not to be found by the other party.

Because in the heavens and worlds, the law of the dark jungle is also prevalent.

Once discovered by the gods of the same path in other worlds, the other party will definitely capture and devour him directly.

If you encounter a world inspiration that is stronger than yourself, you will disconnect immediately.

Under such circumstances, the place that the Evernight Goddess wants to go must be a world that is not weaker than the mysterious world, or even stronger than the mysterious world.

That's why the other party chose to leave at this time.

"No! The world channel cannot be opened!"

"The blockade of the Outer God Gate is too powerful, and the master of the mind is about to come!"


"I need power, great power!"

"All the extraordinary power of the dark night path will be turned into light for me!"


After the Goddess of the Night broke through Yang Xuan's shackles, she found that she could no longer maintain her strength to break through the blockade of the Outer Gods outside the world.

Fortunately, she still has a backhand.


real world.

Church of the Evernight!


All the transcendent items involving the power of the night trembled violently at this moment.

Then, they disintegrated and turned into endless light soaring into the sky.

All the extraordinary people who had taken the potion of the Way of the Night also felt uncomfortable at this moment, and then sprayed black blood from their mouths, and then lost consciousness one after another.

The black blood spurted out turned into black light at this moment, heading straight into the sky.

With the backhand of the Evernight Goddess, the entire real world, and all the power related to her path, turned into black light.

In other words, all the power of the dark night path in this world has disappeared.

This is the trump card of the goddess of the night, and it is also the last struggle of the goddess of the night.


above the spirit world.

After the goddess of the night gave up everything, finally all the light turned into a dark, shapeless door.

When the shapeless gate of the Goddess of the Night is about to condense.

Above the spirit world, the illusory black-red gate was suddenly suppressed.

Immediately afterwards, the black shapeless door suddenly shattered.

Then the goddess of the night turned into a beautiful human woman again.

It's just that her eyes were dull and her eyes were dull.

It was as if he had received a huge impact.

This is not only the Shanghai brought about by failure, but also because he has just been attacked by the power of the mind, which caused his heart to collapse a bit.


After half a minute.

The goddess of the night slowly came back to her senses, and then raised her head in horror.

At this moment, a temperament, appearance, and aura are far superior to the unparalleled youth of the gods.

He was standing in front of her, and gently pinched her chin with his hand.

"Want to leave?"

"Did I allow it?"

The young man said in a flat tone.

Behind him, there is a black and red door.

Inside the gate, there seemed to be endless black sea water flowing.

That is... the Black Sea of ​​Soul! Door.

Chapter 192 Mortal body against the gods (for subscription)

In fact, Yang Xuan's black sea of ​​mind has not yet broken through the restriction and completely descended into the spirit world in this world.

If you want to invade the spiritual world of this world, you must first turn the spiritual power of this world into a sea of ​​mind.

Then in a little bit of intrusion.


The door that Yang Xuan showed, and the black sea of ​​soul behind it, the function of prayer is actually a deterrent.

Although the black sea of ​​the mind cannot completely come down to this world.

However, the breath and omnipotence of the black sea of ​​the soul can be directly detected by the Seven Gods.

Especially the Evernight Goddess in front of her.

The authority of the other party has spiritual abilities.

Therefore, she can more clearly and more intuitively perceive how powerful Yang Xuan's gate of vision is.

"You are the master of the mind, the master of everything!"

"Your power is very pure, you are not those crazy demigods!"

"Do you know how dangerous this world is!"

"You are not crazy, there is still a long way to go from falling completely, or turning into fragments of the disk!"

"Why do we have to take this muddy water trip!"

"You will die!"

"There is a mysterious existence in each of us!"

"Our Seven Gods all know that he still has a huge backhand!"

"So we just want to escape, and we don't want to fight against the secret at all!"

"You come down so powerfully, it seems extremely powerful!"

"But in the end, it will only become the nourishment for the mysterious and advanced becoming plate!"

The Goddess of the Night looked at Yang Xuan in grief and indignation.

Because of Yang Xuan, she cut off her chance to escape just now!

"Hehe! You seem to be looking too invincible!"

"I'm really not as good as Pan!"

"But there's someone behind me!"

"Or, there is a more powerful existence behind me!"

"Your secrets are not the only ones I have seen!"

"It's not the most powerful existence I've ever seen!"

Yang Xuan's voice directly appeared in the soul of the goddess of the night.

"Zero Four Three" Then, the Evernight Goddess' expression became a little astonished.

"Not the only disc?"


"Even if there is diversity in the world, the Lord of Mysteries is also the most powerful existence!"

"Even the world I want to go to is actually inferior. The owner of that world only intends to start the coagulation disk!"

"But the secret, it's about to succeed!"

"Didn't you see those Outer Gods?"

"They are attacking this world crazily, they want to devour this world!"

"The reason why they do this is not only because they want to obtain the power of the secret, but also because they have all been marked by the secret. Once the secret succeeds, their end will be death!"

"That's why they will do their best to organize the secret recovery!"

Although the goddess of the night is wearing the face of a **** at this moment, her state of mind is not much stronger than that of ordinary people.

"Secret is the strongest?"

"It's just that you don't know much!"

"After all, just a great existence I have seen recently has actually condensed Pan!"

Yang Xuan said lightly.

Then, on his own mind, he began to visualize the Distortion Disk directly.

at the same time.

On the soul of the Goddess of the Night, a disk composed of countless laws also emerged, directly appearing on her soul.

Of course, this disk is only fleeting.

But even so, the body of Evernight Goddess turned into countless black lights in an instant, and began to distort and disperse, as if she would disappear completely in the next second, being pulled into a certain distorted space.

"Heart image seal!"

Fortunately, at this time, Yang Xuan made another move, directly sealing all of Evernight's knowledge of the Distorted Disk.

Even if the goddess of the night wanted to echo again, she couldn't echo.

After a while, she gradually recovered, and once again condensed into a human form.

But at this moment, as a god, her face became extremely pale, as if she had been fought for seven days and seven nights.

"Is that... a disc?"

"What a terrifying existence!"

"Just having acquaintance with him almost made me lose my mind!"

At this moment, the Goddess of the Night finally believed Yang Xuan's words.

It turned out that Yang Xuan had really seen an existence more terrifying than the secret.

A full plate.

"But why are you doing nothing?"

"Is this the peculiarity of the door you pushed open?"

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