"what do you know?"

"The Lord of Mysteries is the omniscient and omnipotent Lord of our world!"

"He is planning a resurrection. Once the resurrection is successful, it will be a disaster for the whole world."

"This is a more terrifying existence than the Outer God!"

"Because the mystery exists in everyone's heart!"

"Our sky, our earth, our sea!"

"These are Lords of Mysteries!"

"Once the Lord of Mysteries is fully recovered, maybe the Outer God Sect will escape, but our fate will definitely not be too good!"

Mother Earth 043.

Stand up at this moment.

Facing the questions of mortals, in fact, He could not give any answers.

But being asked by a mortal would make her feel very ugly.

In particular, the Seven Gods had discovered a secret at this time.

That is, right now.

Boutien is being promoted.

Boutien, who is talking to the Seven Gods.

In the dark, in the real world.

It has a certain connection with all human beings above the level of demigods, or other mythical creatures and creatures.

Their words will be heard by those people.

And it is transmitted directly to the soul.

And, this has no effect.

The words of the Seven Gods will be directly translated, and no matter what secret words they use, they will eventually appear in the hearts of all creatures above the demigods.

This is not Yang Xuan's strength.

But it was influenced by Yang Xuan's strength.

Because when Yang Xuan directly integrated his own door into the disc of mystery.

In this disk, relevant laws have already appeared.

This point, dialogue with the gods, will be transmitted to the hearts of all demigods, which is one of them.

Even Yang Xuan's separated will and true spirit woke up at this moment, and paid attention to the conversation between Butien and the Seven Gods.

He called this link, asking the heart!

Face the Seven Gods and ask your heart!

This is the last part of the test.


"How dare you answer like that at first!"

"Great Mother of the Earth, if the Lord of Mysteries recovers, he will definitely reclaim all divinity!"

"The Seven Gods are probably the first to bear the brunt, so you will all die!"

"But all living beings will live, because there is no need for him to kill all living beings!"

"Even you may not necessarily die, but your own divinity will be deprived, you will be knocked out of the dust, and become mortals like us!"

"But you who are high above have become gods, and you completely ignore these for your own selfish desires!"

"Actually, what we want is very simple, we just want to live!"

"If you want to give up the world and escape, then if you bring us with you, we can accept it!"

"But sadly, you didn't!"

"So, here I come!"

Just a few words from Boutien left Mother Earth speechless.

Although the Seven Gods really wanted to refute Butyen, this was the truth.

The dignity of the gods is the only thing they have left at this time.

So Seven Gods did not continue to quibble.

They just looked at Butyen coldly one by one, secretly using various means to break the aura that guarded Butyen.

Then, kill the blasphemer.

But under the rules of the world, no matter what they do, they cannot take the initiative to consume that aura shield.

After a period of observation by the Seven Gods.

It was also discovered that only when Boutien's mood swings were relatively mild, part of the aura shield would disappear.

However, that consumes too slowly.

In other words, the aura is too strong.

"Those auras are the thoughts of all beings!"

Suddenly, the Evernight Goddess, one of the Seven Gods, spoke.

As the great goddess in charge of the night, she has certain access to the authority of the human heart.

Therefore, He was the first to determine the nature of the aura.

"But why are there so many hearts!"

"You must have established an evil church in the real world!"

The Evernight Goddess looked at Butyen expressionlessly.

However, Boutien didn't have the slightest fear or fear.

He even wanted to laugh a little bit.

"Haha! Hahahaha!"

At the end, Boutien couldn't help laughing.

Because of his big laugh, a lot of aura started to dissipate.

But because the aura is too strong, even the Seven Gods have nothing to do with him now.

"The great seven gods, do you know?"

"Your question is the most ridiculous question!"

"Actually, before I met you, I had some doubts about what I did and the salvation I sought!"

"I wonder if the Outer God who helped me will destroy our world!"

"I doubt that the great master of the mind, the Lord of Vientiane, is just (ccfg) playing with me!"

"I doubt whether this spiritual pathway will swallow everyone up in the end!"

"But when I saw what you did and listened to your questions!"

"In addition, I don't know why these auras appeared, and why so many people recognized what I did!"

"I knew it!"

"The choice I made was correct!"

"And I will rely on my demigod power to welcome the arrival of the sea of ​​mind!"

When Boutien said the last time, his tone also changed from laughing, excited, to flat in the end.

Then, he slowly raised his hands.



Immediately afterwards, in this spiritual world composed entirely of spiritual energy, it actually began to rain lightly.

That's right, it's raining!

"This is?? Not good!"

The goddess of the night was the first to be shocked, and then her whole figure turned into nothingness, and she left to come here!

Next is the God of Radiance, the Mother Goddess of the Earth.

Then the phantoms of other gods and spirits dissipated.

They returned everything about themselves to the Kingdom of God.

They even began to manipulate the Kingdom of God to avoid the rain.

Especially the Lord of Storms, they even started to use their authority to stop the raindrops from falling.

"Don't let the spirit world become a sea of ​​souls!"

"These water droplets are eroding the spirit world!"

"Damn! That Outer God wants to devour us first!"

"His power is extremely special, it can seal the consciousness of the Lord of Mysteries!"

"Once we are all refined by him, then at least half of the power in this world will fall into his hands."

"Rather than this, we might as well revive the Lord of Mysteries!"

When the light rain turned into a downpour, Seven Gods finally realized the seriousness of the matter.

The birth of a spiritual path gave birth to the laws of God related to the path in this world.

If Yang Xuan's divine law is manifested, it is the sea of ​​mind.

This sea water is not very big now, but it can already invade the spirit world.

Once the spiritual world is completely transformed into a black sea of ​​the mind, there will only be one extraordinary system left in the entire mysterious world.

Of course, this also means that the Seven Gods will fall.

So at this moment, the Seven Gods panicked.

Their original plan was to run away the moment their world was broken by the God of Devouring Worlds.

And as many sets as they can escape, as long as there is a piece of divine sense to escape, they can be reborn. In order to survive and not to fall, it is acceptable to fall into an endless period of weakness.

But they now find that their actions have brought death closer.

Now, under the shackles of the mysterious world, they have no way to escape to the outer layer of the world, and they have no way to escape into other worlds.

But in their own world, there is another **** who is greater than them and begins to invade the spirit world.

There are wolves in front and tigers in back, and there is no way for them to retreat.

"Damn it!"

"Who will sacrifice!"

"Now the only way to go is to summon the initial recovery of the Lord of Mysteries!"

"Only the Lord of Mysteries can fight against the Lord of Mind!"

"We were calculated, we shouldn't give up the real world!"

"Damn it, the night, the light, and the earth, the three paths of you are the closest paths, so if you have to sacrifice, it is your sacrifice!"

"Why, why not the storm, the earth, the sea!"

"No! It should be Ten Thousand Beasts, Imperial Power, and Earth!"

Facing the crisis, although the Seven Gods of the mysterious world know that there is a way, they can definitely bring them an upgrade now.

But no one wants to be a victim.

Nobody wants to sacrifice themselves to save others.

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