It seems that the mysterious power that summons oneself is a sea of ​​Wang Yang.

That is the sea condensed by endless spiritual power.

"Sea of ​​Soul〃!"

In just a moment, Boutien thought of this concept.

That is to say, after this concept emerged in his heart, he suddenly found that his position had changed out of thin air.

His consciousness kept rising.

From flesh to sky.

From the sky, to the spirit world.

When his consciousness reached above the spirit world, he raised his head and saw above the spirit world, the Seven Kingdoms of God shining with divine brilliance.

"Look again, the great Kingdom of the Seven Gods!"

"The last time I saw it, it was so brilliant and magnificent, but why do I feel a little dazzling when I see it now!"

"It's so dazzling, I hope they can be extinguished!"

Bution couldn't help thinking this in his heart.

Then his astral body continues to ascend upwards.

This promotion even brought him a little closer to the height of the Kingdom of God.

But this time, Butyen was very calm.

There was no fear in his heart.

Everything seems to be a very normal thing.

Even when his spirit body directly overlapped with the Kingdom of God, Butien didn't feel any excitement.

Because, one of the conditions for the promotion of the spiritual sequence demigod is.

Look straight at the true God without disturbing your mind.

So for this moment, Boutien had already prepared mentally.

When his spirit body was really pulled directly to the height of the Seven Gods Kingdom by that mysterious force, his mood was a little ups and downs at first, but it soon calmed down.

The effect of this promotion ceremony.

That is, once in the Kingdom of God, there will be great fluctuations in the mind.

Then the mysterious power guarding him will disappear directly.

At that time, he will rely on his spiritual body to face the Seven Gods alone.

And if a Transcendent who is advancing to the fourth level uses his spirit body to face the Seven Gods, he still runs to the same height as the Seven Gods.

Then the consequences, if you think about it with your toes, you know it won't be too good.

Also, the power to keep Butyen's spiritual body is how many people recognize him in their hearts.

"There are so many people who recognize me!"

"Sure enough, not only the Pope, but also many churches of the Seven Gods, they are all praying for salvation!"

"Many manifestations of the doomsday prophecy have come out, so everyone is seeking salvation!"

"Many people already know that the gods have given up on the world!"

"Especially those high-ranking people, although they all have their own selfishness, they are also helping me!"

"They all want me to grow up, it's a hope from the bottom of my heart!"

"It turns out that there is so much help behind me without my knowledge!"

After Boutien discovered that his guardian spirit power was actually so powerful, his heart was full of gratitude and gratitude without much fluctuation.

And under this ceremony, because many causes and effects are connected, his desire to hurry was directly transmitted to the hearts of those people.

It is precisely because of this that Pope Edsi also heard his thanks.

"Huh? Who are you?"

"Mortal, stand down!"

"A mere mortal, the spirit body has come to the peak of the spirit world!"

"Wait a minute, this is not a simple mortal, this is a mortal who is sprinting towards a demigod!"

"He has the aura of that foreign god!"

"Sure enough, that foreign **** has already begun to invade the real world after blocking our connection with the real world."

"Not only that, he also directly modified the laws of our world!"

"A new path, a path that leads directly to that Outer God!"

"Damn mortal, he betrayed our world, which will lead to an early end!"

At this moment, the seven voices containing endless divine power all appeared in Boutien's ears.

That's right, it's on the ear, not on the heart.

Boutien, who was protected by endless spiritual power, at this moment, even the Seven Gods couldn't directly bless his thoughts into his heart.

Now Boutien's inner tenacity is comparable to that of a god.

Although this is the use of external force, after the promotion of consciousness is over, this external force will disappear.

But this is also enough to show that the spiritual path is powerful.

"Mortal? Without us mortals, how did you gods appear?"

"Everyone is the incarnation of that one, you don't know that, do you?"

"¨Although I've just achieved Sequence 5 and am hitting Sequence 4, I can already feel the will of that one."

"That one is seeking to wake up."

"As long as three of your seven gods choose to sacrifice, then the will that resides in our bodies can be awakened."

"Once he wakes up, the threat of the Outer Gods is negligible!"

"Once awakened, the Outer God will run away!"

"Even the great existence I believe in now will choose to withdraw from our world. I don't believe that the 'great' Seven Gods don't know about it."

When Butyen was speaking, he glanced at the seven figures that gradually appeared in front of him.

Full of mystery, the goddess of the night.

The God of Radiance who exudes endless divine brilliance.

The Mother Earth that carries the earth and nurtures all things.

In charge of thunder, the **** of thunder who lives on the top of the sky.

God of the sea who controls the seven seas.

Establish the aristocratic and imperial power system, so that people in this era will eventually evolve into the **** of imperial power.

The **** of beasts who controls birds, beasts, insects and monsters.

Seven figures, seven gods.

As soon as they appeared, Butyen's heart was shaken again.

At that time, the surrounding spiritual shields were greatly shaken.

A large amount of spiritual power began to fall, and he lost his protection!

However, just when Boutien was a little flustered.

He suddenly discovered that the shield on his body was so terrifying!

A wave of inner (good) heart actually consumed a lot of shields.

However, Boutien was surprised to find that he had clearly shaken his heart once, which should be very dangerous.

But the guardian's spiritual power actually seemed to be the same as if it hadn't been consumed at all.

"This is... everyone's recognition of me!"

"Acknowledgment from the heart!"

"There are so many people who recognize me?"

"How do they know me? How much do they know about me? Just recognize me like that?"

Boutien was very unbelievable about everything that happened in front of him.

However, without any hesitation, he quickly stabilized his heart.

"Great Seven Gods, mighty Seven Gods, how dare you answer my question now!"

"Obviously sacrificing three gods can be exchanged for the salvation of the world. Why don't you all dare to sacrifice?"

"Could it be that the gods are also afraid of begging?"

"Do gods also fear death?"

"If this is the case, everyone present may not be as good as me!"

"Because of me, I am not afraid of death!"

After feeling a lot of recognition, Boutien has completely lost his fear of the gods.

He even began to look sharply at the seven gods, and then questioned them from the deepest part of his heart.

Are you afraid of death? .

Chapter 190 God, but that's all! (seeking subscription)

Are you afraid of death?

When a mortal raises this question to the seven gods.

Even the gods were silent.


Are you afraid of death?

Of course I'm afraid to die!

The more you become a god, the more you can feel the beauty of the world.

Control the world, control all beings.

This is not only the thinking of many humans, but also the thinking of many gods.

Having been worshiped by people for so long, even the Seven Gods don't feel that tired.

Not only will they not get bored, but they will even hope that this time can last forever.

But the changes in the world are beyond the control of even the Seven Gods.

Even the Seven Gods can't do anything about the invasion of the Outer Gods!

So when the matter developed to the point of force majeure, the Seven Gods were ready to run away.

They intend to abandon all sentient beings and live alone.

Because after reaching the realm of the Seven Gods, one can also perceive the surrounding world.

Even, they all know that even if they run away, they will sacrifice a lot.

But they all made such a choice.

All of the Seven, without exception.

As for sacrificing the three gods, in exchange for a revived Master of Mysteries.

Such a choice is completely out of their consideration.


"Stupid mortals!"

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