Pope Edsi whispered something into the void.

This passage was passed directly to Tinia.

That is, after his words were finished, the cathedral returned to normal.

In fact, it took only a few seconds before and after.

"A miracle! It's a miracle!"

"The God of Radiance is blessing this couple!"

"Praise the gods!"

The ignorant people thought that there was a miracle, and they thanked the gods one by one.

However, only those extraordinary people knew that there was a demigod-level existence that exploded with great power.

"It's Tinia, he activated the Light of Holy Glory, and then left with Boutien!"

"No! It's not just Tinia!"

"There is also a saint on the ground, at least a Sequence Three, who cooperated with the Radiant World who released the Radiance Sequence, that's why Tinia was able to escape with Boutien!"

"Just now, a red-clothed archbishop made a move!"

At this moment, Tinia's two companions looked solemnly at the top of the church. The cardinals attending the wedding glanced at each other, then turned and left the church.

They knew that their actions today must have failed.

But it doesn't matter, they will truthfully tell the church behind them.

At that time, someone will naturally come to negotiate with the Glorious Holy See.

Because the next thing is beyond their ability to interfere.

It involves the matter of the archbishop in red, and it involves the problems of the saint level.

Even a demigod can only retreat.

Unwilling, the two demigods left the stage midway.

No one was surprised when they left.

It didn't get anyone's attention either.

But the red-clothed archbishops directly above have indeed discovered this.

"The light just now was caused by one of us!"

"The breath is hidden very well, completely isolating who made the shot!"

"Let Tinia take the shot first, and then use his breath to hide!"

"This method is really brilliant!"

"I already have a candidate in my mind. Sure enough, someone is secretly helping those extraordinary people who have become spiritual pathways!"

"Is it for the way of God!"

"Is there anyone who plans to rebuild it again?"

"In the glorious Holy See, there is such a big mistake, let's think about how we will explain to the Pope!"

On the surface, none of the cardinals spoke a word.

But in fact they are already discussing what just happened with each other.

Strangely, none of them thought that it would be Pope Ades who rescued Tinia and Butyen.

After all, the pope is the most devout believer of the gods, and the one who gives the most back to the gods.

But these are all in the past.


One out of the underground passage.

After Tinia brought Boutien here, he slumped to the ground, without the posture that a demigod should have at all.


"Why did things become like this!"

"Why did my faith collapse unexpectedly!"

"Although I really don't want to believe it in my heart, when I decided to take you away, in fact, 040, I have already proved it in disguise, the most true thought in my heart."

"God, abandoned us!"

"You must know about this, right!"


Tinia asked Butyen in a low voice.

He is very depressed now, because under the Pope's last whispers.

His heart, his faith, has completely collapsed.

However, under his gaze, Boutien didn't answer his question first.

Instead, in front of Tinia, he took out a bottle of potion.

"I'm going to be promoted!"

"If I succeed, I will definitely answer your question!"

"If I fail, you go to this place, there are all the answers you want to know!"

While speaking, Boutien threw a piece of paper to Tinia.

However, just when he was about to take the potion.

Suddenly, he thought of one thing.

So he slowed down his actions a little bit.

"Tinia, who is that person?"

Boutien couldn't help but asked what he cared most about so far in his heart.

Who is the person who has been helping me all the time?

"Ha ha!"

"Even if you are a psychic fraudster, a superhuman who claims to understand people's hearts best!"

"You must never have imagined who is helping you!"

"Let me buy a pass and give you a little hint."

"That's the person who helped you. I think it's the most unlikely person, and I think it should be the least likely person for you."

Tinia didn't directly say who that person was.

But after his reminder came here, Boutien's pupils also showed a look of surprise.

"It's him!"

"I didn't expect it to be this respectable lord!"

"Being recognized by that Your Excellency will be the greatest affirmation in my life!"

"Although I haven't communicated with him, I know that he must be the best elder in the world!"

"I really envy you, you can follow in the past, such an elder that people respect from the bottom of their hearts."

"If there is no doomsday, I also hope to be a member of that Your Excellency sitting down."

Boutien already knew who was helping him.

The news even made him happy from the bottom of his heart.

Then, under such a smile, he swallowed the potion!

Sequence 4 Mind Manipulator! .

Chapter 189 Confronting the Seven Gods and Asking Mingxin

In the case of only one audience.

Boutien took the potion directly.

But at this moment, it seemed that only Tinia was by his side, serving as his witness.

But in the cathedral just now.

Pope Edsi of the Glorious Holy See showed a smile at the corner of his mouth.

Then, he said to himself in his heart.

"Butien, there are many people behind you supporting you!"

"For the gods, the world can be abandoned, and the world can be abandoned, but for ordinary people living in this world, they all hope that the world can be saved!"

"So you are not fighting alone, there are thousands of people behind you!"

"Perhaps, you think that when you become a demigod, only those people from the Spiritual Salvation Society will be your help!"

"You may think that the chance of becoming the first demigod in the spiritual path is not very high!"

"Maybe under your estimate, only about 30%!"

"But the moment you take the potion, you will find that your chance of becoming a demigod is 100%, 100%!"

"Even if your strength is not enough to advance you to become a demigod, you will become a demigod in the end!"

"This may not be the will of the world, but it is the will of all beings!"

"Although I am not a transcendent person of the spiritual path, I think one of the ultimate manifestations of the power of the spiritual path is to change the will of the world with the hearts of all living beings!"

"So, let me congratulate you in advance for becoming a demigod."

Pope Edsi knew that his words could not be passed on to Butyen.

But he still couldn't help thinking of these in his heart.

That's when.

Aidesi just faced the couple in front of him and completed the marriage proposal.


"Thank you Pope!"

The first person to thank was naturally Boutien's sister.

The second person to thank was Boutien's brother-in-law.

However, when Aides smiled and signaled, ready to start to leave.

Suddenly, another voice appeared in his heart.

"Thank you, Your Excellency the Pope!"

"In my heart, you are the most qualified Pope!"

This voice of thanks appeared rather abruptly, and its appearance even surprised Pope Aides for a while.

"Just a demigod-level existence, can this be done?"

Pope Edsi couldn't help thinking in his heart.

But on the surface, he still pretended to be nonchalant and left directly.


In a hidden, abandoned underground passage.

After Butyen drank the potion, his heart was suddenly attracted by a mysterious force.



In the dark, he also heard the sound of a stormy sea.

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