So they all thought that the person who secretly supported Butyen must be one of the cardinals.

Even Butyen himself thought so.

So Boutien thought that even if he lost for a while, that existence would help him leave.

The archbishop in red is second only to the pope.

In this world, only the strongest Sequence Three can be the Cardinal Archbishop of the Radiance Church.

In a church, it is naturally impossible for there to be only twelve Sequence Threes.

But there are only twelve places for cardinals.

Therefore, anyone who can become a cardinal is very scary.

If there was a cardinal in secret helping Butyen, the three demigods might not be able to hold out for ten seconds.

But it is also impossible for them to stand up and criticize.

Because they don't know who it is, they have no evidence, and they are not sure that the other party will definitely make a move.


"Tinia Cotter!"

"Assist Butyen to complete the advanced ceremony, protect Butyen when the ceremony is completed, take the mind potion, and make him a demigod of Sequence Four."

"Then, you have to defect from the Church of Radiance, always follow Butyen, and assist Butyen with all your strength."

That is, when the three demigods were alert to the surrounding situation.

All of a sudden, that demigod Tinia Kote of the Radiance Church received a message in his mind.


"No! Impossible!"

"How could it be you!"

"Why it came out like this!".

Chapter 188 The Mind Deceiver (for Subscription)

Why, it will be you!

This was the question that Tinia Kote kept thinking about.

He really couldn't imagine why things would develop like this.

This has overturned his heart.

In fact, he already knew that in his church, there was a person who helped Butyen.

He always thought that it would be a cardinal.

Although the betrayal of a cardinal would make Tinia Cotter feel unacceptable.

But this moment.

He sincerely hoped that it was a cardinal who betrayed the church, not that existence.

"Why! Your Excellency!"

"Why do you do this!"

Tinia lowered her voice.

He hadn't looked up yet to look at the person who was talking to him.

Because he knows he can't!

Otherwise, the entire Glorious Holy See will fall into chaos.

So he just whispered softly.

Even though Tinia was extremely terrified in his heart, he couldn't help but wanted to see the person who was talking to him.

But he finally restrained himself.

"Tinia, who is it?"

"Damn it, is it really your red-clothed archbishop? He is using some means to talk to you?"

The other two demigods were startled when they suddenly heard Tinia's words.

Because they knew that the mysterious man had appeared.

"I can't tell!"

After Tinia heard the questions from his companions, he was extremely struggling in his heart.

However, he didn't tell them in the end.

Who is the person who is secretly communicating with himself?

"Tinia, what's the matter with you!"

"Tinia, many important figures are here today, and they all know about our plan!"

"Tinia, tell me who that person is, it doesn't matter who he is, we can deal with it!"

The two demigod-level companions all looked at Tinia solemnly at this moment.

Even they have begun to become vigilant.

Being able to become a demigod 22 would naturally not be a fool.

Therefore, they could all clearly feel that Tinia was struggling.

The person who secretly communicated with him must be very important to Tinia.

But they don't know who that person is.

After all, there were twelve cardinals, and they might not even be cardinals, but someone else who was more familiar with Tinia.

But if you want to know this situation, you have to be a member of the Radiance Church to know.

In case, there are not one or two people who are respected, friendly, and familiar to Tinia.

Then you have to check carefully.

So right now, letting Tinia speak out by himself is the best result.

But unfortunately, they are not demigods of the spiritual path, and they don't have the ability to interfere with other people's hearts.

So he could only strengthen his tone and tell Tinia how serious the matter was.

"Has it appeared, the person who helped me!"

"I'm also very curious, who the **** has been helping me secretly!"

Boutien also showed curiosity.

He even opened up his extraordinary power, opened up the power of his mind.

But he found nothing.

He has not become a demigod, although he can rely on his own way to directly observe the hearts and minds of other people.

But when the personality gap is too large, he also has the hearts of many people, and he can't see it.

For example, those red-clothed archbishops, and those black-clothed deacons.

Boutien couldn't see through their hearts now.

Therefore, he couldn't find out who was helping him secretly.

Therefore, he also hoped that Boutien would tell him who that person was, of course not openly.

But in the heart.

At this moment, when a demigod's heart begins to be chaotic.

Boutien could already perceive his inner situation.

"Your Excellency! Why do you want me to do this!"

"Your Excellency! Give me an answer!"

Tinia asked in a low voice.

He completely ignored his companions around him, as well as Boutien.

Because he really wanted to know why that existence would do this.


"The answer you want is on Butyen!"

"If you are just a simple believer and don't care about the survival of the world, the lives of believers, or the life and death of relatives and friends, then you can choose to ignore my orders!"

"But if you still care about the people around you, the smiles on the faces of those civilians, then go and protect Butien."

"His life is more important than you and me."

The mysterious voice appeared directly in Tinia's mind again.

Because the strength of the opponent is much stronger than him.

So even if that existence does not have the power of the mind, it can still have a dialogue with him directly.


"If this is your will, then I will pursue the so-called answer!"

"But if the answer makes me dissatisfied, I will expose you, even if I die for it in the end, I will not hesitate!"

Tinia continued to speak in a low voice.

Because he had no choice but to secretly send a message to the person he respected so much.

So he can only simply whisper.

"no, do not want!"

"Tinia, you are a demigod with a sense of justice and love!"

"Your humanity is much higher than your divinity!"

"You cannot surrender to the evil god!"

The two teammates were still trying to persuade Tinia.

Because they all recognized Tinia's personality.


"Boutien, prepare to break through!"

Tinia's sorry, I said to my two teammates.

Then, in the next second, a dazzling light directly illuminated the entire church.

For a moment, everyone lost their vision.

Not only vision, but even other senses are gone.

But when all the people became like this, there was a smile on the corner of one person's mouth.

That's Pope Eddie.

"Tinia, if it were you, you would definitely understand me!"

"Because you are loving!"

"It's official, that's why I chose to let you go after Boutien!"

"During the time you were looking for Butyen, you should have discovered something compared to him."

"It's just that you instinctively chose to ignore it!"

"On the way you leave, carefully recall everything you know about Butyen!"

"Then ask your own heart, do you want to believe in the gods, or save the world!"

"Think about it, if God really loves the world, why would he abandon us?"

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