But strangely, his sister Elsa was blessed by the Radiant Pope.

The original words of the Radiant Pope are.

One person's fault only needs to be borne by that person.

Whether it is his family or his friends, as long as the other party has not made a mistake, they should not be implicated.

That is why.

The brilliant general Edsi also wielded Elsa's sword himself, and even blessed her, and said that he would become the godfather of Elsa's child.

This is a great honor.

these years.

I don't know how many people feel envious and jealous for this.

At the same time, Boutien also went further and further down the road of sin.

From Sequence 9, to Sequence 8, to Sequence 7, a little bit in these three years.

Boutien is finally going to reach a new height today.

This time when he came to the wedding, he also brought the potion.

Moreover, the potion this time is the potion of Sequence 4.

Sequence 4 Psychic Manipulator.

Once you become a mind manipulator, you can gain divinity.

The divinity of the mind then manipulates the minds of most people.

During these three years.

The low-level potion of the mind-sequence potion has already been circulated.

But there are only four people in the whole world who are in charge of higher sequences.

Boutien happened to be one of them.

At the same time, he is also the one who grows the fastest.

It doesn't matter who the Duke's mansion is, or the rich man from the Eastern Continent.

Or none of the people trained by Aides can compare to Boutien, who has no resources and no backing, and only relies on his own hard work.

However, Boutien's expression was also very tired.

Obviously he's been through a lot.

While Butyen was observing the wedding ahead, three people suddenly walked up to Butyen and blocked him tightly.

"Mind Trickster Boutien!"

"We officially announce that you have been arrested, accused of spreading evil, spreading the evil **** sequence, intending to let the evil **** descend and destroy the world!"

The deep voice appeared directly beside Butyen.

"The three demigods personally acted, and the three major churches of Guanghui, Yeye, and Earth joined forces. You really think highly of me."

"However, you didn't kill me directly, the purpose was also the legendary sequence of gods."

Boutien didn't seem to care at all about being surrounded by three demigods.

On the contrary, I am in the mood to chat with them.

"Facing the three demigods, you don't panic, you are worthy of being a powerhouse of the Psychic Sequence!"

"The intelligence says that you are only a Sequence Six, but we have always believed that you should be a Sequence Five."

"From the time you were first influenced by the evil **** to the time you were transferred from the Church of Radiance, it took only three years before and after, and you actually became a Sequence Five existence."

"Speak, which high-ranking member of the church is guarding you!"

Among them, the demigod of the Radiance Church asked Boutian a question in a low voice.

"This question has actually been considered by Boutien!"

Since three years ago, he inexplicably became a Transcendent of the Psychic Sequence.

He found that although he often encountered difficulties, as long as it was related to the church, he would be very lucky.

Very often, not only can I stagger the action of being arrested, but I even get reminded by passers-by inadvertently.

Even in the end, at some dangerous juncture, the high-ranking church officials who were chasing him would have to leave because of temporary errands.

In this case, it is absolutely impossible that every time is a coincidence.

So Boutien was also very curious.

Because he obviously doesn't know any senior members of the Church of the Seven Gods, but the strange thing is that someone is still secretly helping him.

Until he was questioned face-to-face by people from the three major churches today, he asked the other party back.

Because he also wanted to know who was helping him.

He even persuaded the Pope without implicating his family.

At the beginning, he planned to arrange for his family to leave the Western Continent and go to a remote town in the Eastern Continent, and then use his spiritual power to intervene to make that town treat his family better.

But who would have thought that the pope would take the initiative to show the kindness of the gods before his idea had been implemented.

This time, the Radiant Holy See actually gained a lot.

So Boutien always believed that someone took advantage of this opportunity to influence the Pope's decision, which not only brought great fame and fortune to the Pope, but also protected his family.

Can let him have no worries.

So as time goes by, as his sequence gets higher and higher, the power of the mind becomes stronger and stronger.

Finally, he finally realized one thing to go.

That is, I have been bearing the gift of a certain mysterious existence.

No matter what he thinks, in fact, even the top leaders of the church think so.

That's why they asked Boutien this question.

"Butien, it's useless even if you help him hide!"

"You should know that we have many ways to make you speak!"

"Also, we won't get your God's way, but none of us will continue to walk on that way!"

"That is the path of the evil god!"

The demigod of the Church of the Earth, a female demigod full of natural aura, spoke to Boutien in a cold voice.


After nearly an entire era, the seven major churches have great experience in torture.

Because they will not only use force, but also use some roads and methods.

Even crazy followers of cults, as long as they are caught by them, they will be asked about some things.

"The way of the evil god!"

"I don't deny this!"

"Because in your cognition, as long as it is not the path of the seven righteous gods, it is the path of evil gods!"

"However, the three of you are also demigods!"

"The end is coming, have your gods responded to you recently?"

"Your gods, did you tell you that those outer gods are going to tear our world apart?"

"Did your gods say how to save our world from those foreign gods?"

"Do you know the titles of those Outer Gods?"

Suddenly, Boutien introduced the painting style to the doomsday prophecy...

Immediately afterwards, the three demigods fell silent.

As demigod-level existences, they cannot deceive themselves.

The doomsday is coming, as long as one becomes a demigod, one will definitely be able to notice it.

Even in the recent spiritual world, there will often be terrifying evil spirits.

This proves that the doomsday prophecy is true.

And before the end comes, the first to be impacted is the spirit world.

A Transcendent with a relatively low sequence would naturally not discover this.

However, it is impossible for the strongest of the highest sequence to be unable to perceive anything.

"Why don't you talk anymore, I don't use the power of my mind now."

Boutien glanced up at the wedding, then joined the audience in applauding.

Because at this time, it happened to be the time when my sister and brother-in-law returned the ring.

At this moment, Butien really wanted to go up and drink a glass of wine toasted by his sister.

But he held back and didn't go up.

"Butien! Today you are doomed, but we give you time to attend your sister's wedding."

"Later, you take the initiative to cooperate with us to leave!"

"Do you know who your sister's wedding witness is today? Don't say that the three of us came here today. Just because of that noble presence, you have no chance to leave."

The demigod of the Radiance Church also spoke at this time.

He didn't continue the topic of doomsday prophecy.

Because he was afraid that if he continued to speak, he would be shaken.

You know, within these three years.

The church members who went to chase Butyen, especially the members of the Radiance Church, had hundreds of Transcendents, and finally defected from the church.

They began to follow Butyen, believing that Butyen was the one who saved the world.

A secret organization was even formed.

Soul Salvation Society.

However, the Spiritual Salvation Society does not have demigod-level members, so no pope from the Seven Great Orthodox Churches has personally acted.

"I know, the Pope has come in person."

"That's why I dared to attend my sister's wedding because the lord came here in person."

"If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't dare to come here!"

When Boutien said this, he felt more relaxed than ever.


"Not good, be careful!"

"Be wary of your surroundings!"

After the three demigods heard this, they were all surprised.

Because they vaguely thought of something.

"The high-ranking church official who kept helping you is also here?"


"Is it really the high level of your Radiance Church?"

Except for the demigod of the Radiance Church, the other two demigods expressed dissatisfaction with the Radiance Church.

Because that's the way they've been made all along.

But the people of Radiance Church have always denied it.

But today's sister Butyen's wedding, because of the appearance of the glorious pope, all the twelve cardinals, as well as the 5.6th floor of the law enforcement officers in black, whoever had time, came here.

The Pope and the others never thought about it.

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