"Your conditions are also very lenient to us!"

"I am willing to help you come to this world."

Eddie directly expressed his attitude.

He didn't doubt Yang Xuan's words, not at all.

Because he could feel that this was what Yang Xuan wanted.

"The power of the mind!"

"Salvation in the depths of my heart!"

"What he wants is the power of the mind, so the heart of a creature is the greatest treasure for him!"

"That really fits our situation exactly!"

Eddie was very happy at this moment.

Because he knew he had found the right person.

No, I found the right God.

Although this **** is a great existence beyond the God of Radiance.

But because in Edsi's cognition, the strongest is God, so he regards Yang Xuan as a god.

For this point, Yang Xuan did not try to explain.


For this world, he is a god.

Just the greatest gods.

"Okay, help those people secretly, and control your church at the same time!"

"As for the Seven Gods, don't worry!"

"Since they don't want to pay attention to your world, then I will make it impossible for them to send any news to the real world."

"And you can try to control the entire Church of the Seven Gods!"

"In this way, it will be more helpful to help me descend into this world."

"Also, you have achieved Sequence Two, but the series I bestowed on the world cannot be transferred halfway!"

"Therefore, you must use all the power you can, and try to reach a certain number of Extraordinary people who have become spiritual pathways within thirty years."

"At the same time, we must also help the existence of those mind sequences, at least become the existence of sequence one."

"If there are no geniuses among them, if they can't achieve sects in a short time, or even if they can't become true gods, then my minimum requirement is to have ten Sequence Twos."

"Only in this way, my chances of winning will increase."

"Otherwise, when the end comes, even if I can take some people away first, the final outcome of your world will not be very good."

"My coming this time has exhausted the power I sent to this world!"

"Then I'm going to sleep!"


"I will temporarily transfer all the prayers directed at me to you!"

"Next, if you pretend to be me, I will wake up again in thirty years!"

"At that time, if you still can't meet my minimum requirements, our cooperation will come to an end."

Yang Xuan's words finally appeared in Edsi's mind.

Then, the world returned to normal.


That is, at the moment when the world is restored.

The cup in Eddie's hand fell to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, he felt something even more shocking.

"The Seven Gods are sealed!"

"My perception with the God of Radiance has been completely severed!"

"That great existence sealed the interference of the Seven Gods in the real world!"

"That is to say, from now on, the only person who can convey the oracle is the great master of the mind, the Lord of Vientiane."

"He actually relied on his own power to seal the Seven Gods so easily!"

"This this……!"

Pope Eds was so shocked that he didn't know what to say.

So powerful.

In the past, he didn't even dare to think about it.

This upended his position to the gods.

It was at this time that he finally knew what realm that great existence was.

Because in his mind, a sequence of potions appeared.

He knew that this was given to him by that great existence.

Above the true god, there is actually another level.

Call it a door!

"Come on!"

He casually summoned a servant of God, asked some questions, and asked him to start cleaning the room.

In the end, if he was surprised, the servant of God didn't notice anything.

You know, the **** servants who are qualified to guard outside his door are at least the existence of Sequence Seven.

But the other party didn't notice the changes in their world at all.

This seemed very scary.

"Sure enough, this is a great existence that surpasses the power of the Seven Gods!"

"No! Not only surpassed the Seven Gods, but also surpassed other Outer Gods!"

"The crisis of the world comes from the invasion of foreign gods!"

"And when all the Outer Gods were waiting for a specific day, that great existence actually stepped in first."

"But for some unknown reason, he couldn't come down completely!"

"Cooperating with him is actually tantamount to betraying our world, but this is the best choice for all of us!"

"So, next, I will do my best to help those three little guys!"

"Unexpectedly, there are three lucky ones, I really envy them!"

"However, I can also cultivate my own people, because I also got a sequence path that belongs to that great existence in my heart!"

"Sequence 0 Visionary!"

The door of fantasy! Door.

Chapter 187 How Could It Be You! (seeking subscription)

That is, beyond the true **** sequence!

"Above Sequence 1, there is actually another sequence."

"This may be the only known sequence that surpasses the real body."

"My Sequence, Sequence Two is the Angel of Light, Sequence One is the God of Radiance, and Sequence Zero may be the Gate of Radiance."

All gods, once advanced.

Then it will be the door.

Even I didn't know such mystical knowledge.

Eddie couldn't help but whispered.

He never imagined that one day, he would be able to obtain such knowledge.

The more you get in touch with occultism, the more you know about this world.

Knowledge is the most precious wealth.

"It's such a great existence. It's so simple to give me a path beyond the true god!"

"Such secret knowledge, even the gods will be crazy about it."

"However, we who have already fixed the path, there is no way to change the path."

"I just don't know if those gods can change their paths through the reincarnation of the true gods."

"It seems possible!"

"Among the secret records, the Lord of Storms in ancient times secretly carried out the reincarnation of the true god, and then planned the position of the mother of the earth."

Pope Edsi couldn't help thinking of many things.

But in the end, he still put his mind on the mental sequence path.

Because this is the sequence that could save the world.


"The outer gods who invade our world and want to tear our world apart are all gate-level gods!"

"That's why the Seven Gods gave up on us, planning to run away as soon as the world shattered!"

"Because of every Outer God, "Zero Four Zero" has the power to hunt and kill them directly!"

"So the Seven Gods are also desperate!"

After Edsi learned about the relationship between the real body and the door.

It almost gave birth to desperate thoughts.


It was an existence beyond his cognition.

"The formula of the mind potion is really a magical formula!"

"Mobilize the power of the heart!"

"I do know a few little guys who seem to be very talented in this area!"

Aides has already begun to think about how to cultivate geniuses in the spiritual path.

It is conceivable that there will be a storm about the spiritual path next.

Because this is the true messianic path, and a path that truly transcends everything.


Three years later.

Western Continent, Godsend City.

In the Tianen Cathedral.

With a slightly decadent voice, Butien stood at the corner of a huge church, attending a beautiful woman's wedding.

"Elsa, I wish you happiness!"

In the dark, Boutien smiled and sent this sentence in his heart.

A joyful smile appeared on his face.

Because this girl is Boutien's younger sister.

It's just the current Boutien, but he is a wanted criminal jointly by the Church of the Seven Gods.

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