Then, often exhale


"This is a big decision for me!"

"A careless one may attract the wrath of the gods."

"However, for the future I want in my heart, for the prophecy of the end, and for my own salvation."

"I can only try my best."

After doing some ideological work in my heart.

This angel on earth is the Pope of one of the Seven Orthodox Churches.

In his own Pope's Palace, he closed his eyes and began to pray in his heart.

"The Great Master of Mind!"

"The Supreme Lord of All Things!"

"Praise you, thank you!"

"I beg your attention, I beg your response!".

Chapter 186 Seal the Seven Gods!

When Eddie prayed, he was very devout.

He was praying from the bottom of his heart, because he really hoped that such a great existence could save him.

However, when three minutes, ten minutes, and twenty minutes have passed.

Keeping his kneeling position, he prayed to that great existence in his heart.

But when the time lasted for a full hour, Aides finally felt a little disappointed.

"Can't you!"

"Is it because I am not pious enough, or because of my identity, or because the other party is not as powerful as I thought."

"Then what should I do now that I have done something that is not in line with the Pope's status!"

"Also, will the God of Radiance send down divine punishment next!"

"Or other cardinals, the judges in black will come here to eradicate me, a traitor?"

After Ed thought of this, his mood became sad.

He began to wait for the divine punishment to come, or the attack of his companions.

But when he waited for another full half an hour, he found that nothing happened.

God's punishment did not appear.

The companion's attack did not appear either!

No one seemed to care at all that he, the Pope, had just done something blasphemous.


"Sure enough, the gods have completely given up on us, and even brought me to do something blasphemy, but nothing happened."

"He is no longer perceiving the situation of the earth in the real world, and he has actively isolated everything here!"

"That is to say, now the gods have cut off their attention to the real world, or they will only take a look at the real world when they are bored."

"Although this is a terrible thing, it is also a good thing!"

"At least in this way, no matter what I do again, the gods will not interfere again."

After thinking about this, Ed felt a little relieved.

He didn't even consider that it was the gods who couldn't contact the real world, but determined that the gods had given up the real world.

This is because Edsi can clearly feel the vague connection between himself and the God of Radiance.

If the gods are forced to fail to contact this world, then in fact he will not be able to contact the gods and will completely disconnect from the gods.

But Edsi did not cut off the connection with the gods, because he was an angel on earth.

The situation today.

The situation between gods and humans in this world.

That is, he could contact the gods, but the gods ignored him.

This is what Edsie affirms, that the gods have given up on men.

In other words, the Seven Gods have already given up on the world.

"Since the Seven Gods don't care about us, let's save ourselves!"

"Although it is blasphemous to think so, the existence of gods also depends on sentient beings!"

"Relying on the gods of all living beings and giving up all living beings, then they will also give up their own hope."

"Gods, will eventually fall!"

Eddie couldn't help thinking about it.

But what he discovered more sadly was that without the gods, he seemed to be unable to do anything.

"Unless, I can replace it!"


When this idea was born, Edsi couldn't help but gasp.

My own thoughts, in just a few hours, actually deviated to this point.

He even wants to replace the gods.

"What's wrong with me!"

"This shouldn't be something I'm thinking about!"

"I have no possibility of becoming a god, but if the gods abandon us, even if we will be destroyed, the gods will never be alone!"

When Ed thought of this, he also had a trace of hatred for the gods in his heart.

Once upon a time, he would never be like this.


After hating, there was a deep sigh.

However, it was at this time that his expression suddenly became serious, and then he discovered an unbelievable thing in horror.

The world paused!

That's right!

While drinking water, he suddenly found that the water he poured out was stagnant in mid-air.

Immediately afterwards.

He turned his head to look around, and at the same time let go of his spiritual thoughts.

Then unexpectedly found that where I was, everyone and everything outside were still.

Complete stillness.


"Is it the power of the gods?"

"No! No!"

"It's not just the city where I'm standing still, but the whole world is still."

"This is something that even the Seven Gods can't do."

"Even the Seven Gods may be imprisoned."

"What kind of power is this!"

Eddie was shocked.

He never thought that there is a certain great existence that can stop the time of the whole world.

"Your heart tells me that you want to replace the God of Radiance!"

"But you rejected the idea again."

"The gods have abandoned you, which means they have abandoned themselves. Since they have abandoned themselves, why can't you replace them?"

A mysterious voice appeared directly in Edsi's mind.

As soon as this voice appeared, a thought in Edsi's mind was amplified again.


Replace the gods!

But Eddie quickly suppressed his thoughts again.

It's not that he doesn't want to become a god, but because he knows that he has more important things to do.

Because, he knew that the mysterious voice was the most important.

"The great master of the mind, the master of everything!"

"Your greatness makes the world stand still!"

"Thank you for answering my prayers!"

"I want to know, does our world still have a chance!"

Edsi suppressed the trembling in his heart, and bowed to the void.

A very solemn gift.

That was beyond the etiquette of the gods. Even when facing the God of Radiance, he had never used such solemn etiquette.

"Opportunities are only in your own hands!"

"Give me a chance to come, and I will give everyone in your world a chance to survive!"

"Even if your world really cannot avoid the consequences of destruction in the end, I can give you a chance to survive in other worlds!"

"A world where there are no evil gods around, and there is no crazy price to pay for extraordinary achievements."

"In that kind of world, I guess you will like it very much!"

"This is a guarantee I can give you!"

The ethereal voice appeared directly in his mind again.

"An opportunity to save the world!"

"Then what price do we have to pay!"

Eddie couldn't help but ask.

This is what matters most to him.

"There was a lucky guy who asked me this question just now!"

"Now, I will tell you the same answer."

"All I want is your whole world!"

"And, all the creatures in your world!"

"However, the minds of all beings in your world are very interesting. When I control your minds, I will actually redeem you."

"True salvation!"

"If you are an ordinary person, you should not understand my words, but you should be able to understand yours!"

A faint voice continued to appear in his mind.

"For a great existence like you, planning the world is in line with your personality!"

"And the lord of the soul, what he wants is the soul!"

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