The great master of the mind, the Lord of Vientiane.

Its personality has surpassed the seven gods, and even changed the laws of the world.

In his heart, there is a perfect spiritual path.

But these seem great, terrifying, and shocking, but to the Church of the Seven Gods, they are blasphemy!

Boutien knew that once he told about these experiences.

Although the Church of the Seven Gods will attach great importance to it, I am afraid that it will be directly silenced.

Change it to the previous words.

Boutien, who has great faith in the Seven Gods, and who has been taught by his teacher since he was a child, will definitely tell the truth without hesitation.

But now, Boutien hesitated.

"The end of the world is imminent, and the Seven Gods can clearly feel the raging of the many gods outside the world."

"But they didn't do anything!"

"There are only two possibilities, either the Seven Gods don't have the strength to fight against the Outer Gods, or the Seven Gods don't want to fight!"

"They don't intend to save the world at all, and they may not even save their own believers."

"Although I don't know why 040, this is the attitude of the Seven Gods towards the Outer Gods, and it is also the attitude of the Seven Gods towards the end of the world."

"So the master of the mind and the master of everything is the only choice to save the world."

"I trust what my spirit sees, and I trust my judgment!"

"If you want to save this world, only that supreme being can do it!"

"Although the reward may be that the whole world will fall into his hands, that great existence does not have any malice towards the living beings. Unlike those outer gods, it seems to want to eat the whole world."

"If it is replaced by the master of the mind to control our world, for ordinary people, it is nothing more than changing from believing in the seven gods to believing in the great existence of the master of the mind."

"I think that's perfectly acceptable!"

After Boutien thought of this, he turned his gaze to the guard who was in charge of guarding him outside the cell.

"Mind influence!"

After Butyen thought of this, the power of his mind was activated instantly.

Although he is only at the bottom of a psychic sequence, he still has psychic power.

What's even more inconceivable is that Boutien, who was handcuffed to imprison the Extraordinary Power, can still easily mobilize the power of his mind.

In other words, the essence of the power of the mind must be above the confinement handcuffs.

"I am someone who has the ability to save the world, and you don't want all your relatives and friends to perish when the end comes."

"You should be able to see my condition, I am not crazy, nor have I become a monster!"

"So let me go and give the world a chance!"

"This is the best choice!"

Bryant spoke softly.

His speaking speed was neither fast nor slow, but it seemed to have an inexplicable power.

at the begining of.

The guard simply ignored him.

But at the back, the guard actually felt (ccfg) Butien was right the more he listened.

He even violated the rules of a nearby prison guard and ran over to chat with him on his own initiative.

Then, his heart became more and more appraised, and he thought what Butyen said was reasonable, so he actually let Butyen go.

"Thank you!"

"I will do my best in the future!"

When leaving, Boutien made a very solemn promise.

This time, he did not use the power of the mind, but was very sincere.


Holy Grace Cathedral.

Above the Temple of Glory.

"Have you left?"

"A new path Extraordinary, the patron of the Outer Gods!"

"As soon as it appeared, it directly changed the laws of the world, so that even if Wei Li is the God of Glory..."

Although the person who whispered looked like he was meditating with his eyes closed.

However, he seemed to have seen the whole process of Butyen leaving the prison.

He is the mysterious world, one of the seven righteous gods, the **** of brilliance in the real world, Pope Edes.

At the same time, he is also the Transcendent of the Radiant Path Sequence Two, the Angel of Light.

A true terrestrial angel.

A pope who kept praying to the gods, hoping that the gods would give him enlightenment, and hope that the gods would tell him how to fight against the doomsday.

As the pope, one of the seven righteous gods, Aides naturally knew that the doomsday prophecy was true.

Although, he couldn't feel the existence of many foreign gods, such as the snake that devoured the world, the tree that decayed in all worlds, the lord of all fallen beings, and the demon of boundless flesh and blood.

But he knew very well that countless evil forces had begun to invade the real world.

Sometimes, the sudden emergence of a consciousness will make him, the Pope, feel terrified.

That's right!

It is fear.

In the real world, Sequence Two is the strongest in the real world.

That is angels.

In fact, the God of Radiance is also Sequence One, which is the true God level.

Sequence 0 is the Gate of Radiance.

But the God of Radiance must not dare to advance to become a door, because once he advances to become a door, he will be replaced by the will of the Lord of Mysteries.

So Sequence Two is the strongest in the real world.

As for the true god, it has been three thousand years since he came to the real world.

Specifically why, Pope Edes didn't know.

But he kept praying, hoping that the true **** could give him a reminder.

At first, the God of Radiance would accept his communication, but would not answer his questions.

But until the beginning of the last five hundred years, Pope Edes discovered that the God of Radiance was no longer responding to him.

That feeling is like abandoning the church and the world.

As the Pope, Aides knew very well.

Of the churches of the seven righteous gods, this situation is definitely not limited to the Guanghui Church.

The same goes for several other churches, such as the Church of the Storm and the Church of the Earth.

Therefore, no one knows how dangerous this world really is than the Pope of the Seven Great Orthodox Churches.

It is precisely because of this, but the Pope received the following report about the incident about Butyen.

He paid attention immediately.

What concerned him the most was that just a second before Boutien returned, he relied on his status as an angel on the ground.

Clearly, the perceived world has changed.

A new approach has been quietly integrated into the world system.

Moreover, the extraordinary power of that path looms above all series.

Afterwards, Boutien returned, and while being imprisoned in supernatural handcuffs, he escaped from the prison by using superhuman powers that the Pope could not even detect.


Originally, Boutien couldn't escape.

But the pope temporarily transferred all the other extraordinary people from his place.

Those who remained were ordinary people in the Holy See.

Those ordinary people naturally couldn't resist Butyen's spiritual power.

Moreover, in order to free Butyen, the pope also directly handed over the key to the handcuffs to an ordinary guard on duty.

So after Boutien left, not only did he uncuff the handcuffs, but he was also very relaxed.

It seemed that no one noticed his departure.

Even Boutien himself thought that he was lucky and that the higher-ups didn't pay enough attention to him.

But in fact, his being valued surpassed everyone at this moment.

"A great **** has watched our world!"

"That **** seems to have enlightened Boutien!"

"If I pray to that god, it is definitely possible to get an answer!"

"But if this is the case, my behavior will be no different from defecting to the Radiance Church."

Pope Edsi couldn't help but think of this.

As an angel on the ground, he is obviously the strongest in the real world.

But the end is coming.

He also has nothing to do, the only thing he can think of is to ask for help from a greater existence.

Ever since, Edsi thought of some information obtained by observing Butyen's situation.

"The master of the mind, the master of everything!"

Eddie already knew this title.

But after knowing it, he became entangled instead.

Do you want to pray to this great existence, ask the other party about the end of the world, or even ask the other party to save your world.

This made Aides fall into an extremely entangled state.

"What the **** am I struggling with!"

"Actually, from the moment I struggled, a decision had already been made."

"If I am still a qualified believer in the gods, a qualified glorious pope."

"Then what I should do is to kill Butyen directly, kill all the people who have spoken to Butyen, and completely seal up the relevant information."

"But I didn't do that!"

"So my heart has long made a choice!"

After Ed thought of this, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

This is a relieved smile.

At this moment, he knew what he wanted.

"It turns out that what I want is to save the immediate world!"

"It's not how great I am, but my family descendants, the bishops, priests who serve me, and the people I often see living around me."

"Believers in other churches, people in other cities, I don't care about the lives of those people."

"But I like my city very much, so I want to save my city, even if I sacrifice my name for it!"

After making the decision, Edsi thought about it.

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