"However, if I can get enough benefits, I don't mind being your savior."

"After all, the savior of your world has fallen!"

Yang Xuan responded to Catherine.

If it weren't for the weird laws of this world, there was no way for Yang Xuan to continue to transfer the power of the mind into the real world. He didn't need to communicate with these three people, and he could directly manipulate the hearts of the three of them. , and pass tasks to them.

But now, when Yang Xuan saw the three of them, he did an experiment.

As a result, he found that his power was interfered and suppressed. He might be able to kill the spirits directly, but he couldn't let the power of the mind affect them.

That feeling is very weird and mysterious.

After thinking of this, a flash of inspiration flashed in Yang Xuan's mind.

"Secret! Secret!"

"Mysterious and unpredictable!"

"Secret world!"

"Seven Gods, Mystery!"

"I understand, this place is a plate of fallen power!"

"No, it's not a disk, it's half a disk at most!"

"This plate condenses seven doors, and the seven doors complement each other."

"Dark night, brilliance, earth, thunder, ocean, imperial power, myriad beasts!"

This world is a created world.

This world is a disk.

The disk is also this world.

That Lord of Mysteries, the great existence of the lost half of the disk.

Found a way to become a disc, that is to evolve the world.

"No! He's not dead yet!"

"This world is him, and he is this world!"

"Every person, every stone, every drop of sea water, and even every ray of light in this world is the division of the Lord of Mysteries."

"So he is not dead yet, and there is a possibility of him returning!"

"In other words, there are protagonists in this world!"

"When the world is in crisis, the Lord of Mysteries will definitely plan to recover, completely regain his personality, and then swallow all the doors that come to attack him in one go."

"Use this to complete the disk!"

"Good calculation! Really good calculation!"

With a flash of inspiration, Yang Xuan quickly understood that the mysterious world and those sect-level existences outside were fighting to the death.

That's right!

This is the real fight to the death.

Either the Lord of Mysteries will be eaten, or all the doors will be swallowed.

The Lord of Mysteries uses them to fill his own world laws, and he can completely become a disk without becoming crazy, but has reached a certain balance.

"It's just that, when the Lord of Mysteries withdrew his own laws of reason, he let the gates of flesh and blood, the gates of corruption, and the gates of decay replace the rules of the world and achieve a balance with his reason."

"Then it is tantamount to sacrificing all the creatures in this world."

"How pitiful are the creatures in this world!"

"The Lord of Mysteries won 040, they are going to die! Go crazy!"

"The main secret is that if they lose, they will die and go crazy!"

"It seems that I really am their savior."

"It's a big fight."

After realizing this, Yang Xuan made a decision.


Danger is opportunity!

This world has the atmosphere of the world of reincarnators, and the parents of the predecessors were trapped in this world.

So if there is no fight, once the Lord of Mysteries and the Outer God Sect decide the outcome, the world of reincarnators will be affected.

Maybe, when the time comes, the owner of the World of Reincarnation Tower will become the Lord of Mysteries, or those outer gods.

Therefore, no matter what the reason was, Yang Xuan couldn't leave the stage.

Yang Xuan changed his mind, after knowing these secrets, he also understood why he couldn't control the hearts of people in the mysterious world.

Because everyone here is essentially half a plate.

They will be crazy, also just mental.

It’s okay to mentally pollute them and manipulate them, but it’s not okay to directly plant a door of mental imagery in their hearts.

This is the rule of the mysterious world.

"Interesting, it seems that this time, I will be a master behind the scenes."

Yang Xuan already had a plan.

He glanced at the three of Catherine again, and then tapped lightly towards the void.

Soon a long square table appeared in front of everyone.

There are two rows of square tables with classical seats made of white mist.

Yang Xuan, on the other hand, did not know when he was at the top of the long table.

"I am the Outer God, titled Master of Mind Image!"

"Whoever believes in me will have eternal life!"

The end of this world is coming, only those who believe in me will live.

This is Yang Xuan's declaration.

As soon as he finished speaking, the three of Catherine secretly said that it was true.

While the body is excited, there is also a little bit of worry.

Because the outer gods, that is, the gods outside the world, are all extremely malicious towards them.

"Great master, what do we have to do to allow you to save our world."

Catherine also raised the question again at this time.

She gritted her teeth and asked.

She knows that there will be no pies in the sky.

What's more, it's something like saving the world.

All the gifts of fate have clearly marked prices.

"It's easy!"

"What I want is your world!"


As soon as Yang Xuan finished speaking, the entire spiritual world trembled.

Then I saw Yang Xuan raised his hand, and his power spewed out crazily in an instant, and the will of the whole person began to merge with the will of this world.

Then, a door appeared.

It was a black and red door.

That is the door of the mind image.

As soon as the Mind Image Gate appeared, it began to merge with the world. At the same time, a message appeared in the hearts of the three of Catherine.

Sequence 8: Mind Reader

Sequence 7: Psychoanalyst

Sequence 6: Psychic Hypnotist

Sequence 5: Spirit Worldwalker

Sequence 4: Mind Manipulator

Sequence 3: Mind Weaver

Sequence 2: Visionary Seeker

Sequence 1: Mind Image Writer

Sequence 0: Visionary, the gate of fantasy!

Law invasion, realm invasion.

Yang Xuan actually modified the rules of this world directly out of thin air.

Created a complete extraordinary sequence for this world out of thin air.

This is something that no other Outer God can do.

But Yang Xuan did it.

"Modify the world, add rules!"

"He is! The strongest foreign god!"

After feeling the message from her heart, Catherine's spiritual body changed from shock to fear.

That's right!

It is fear!

Fear of superiors.

Chapter 184 Interfering with reality, I am the savior

With your own mind, tamper with the laws of the world.

In Catherine's perception, even the seven righteous gods could not do such a thing.

That's why she looked extremely terrified.

Before that, she still had the idea that she had an adventure and met the true god.

He even fantasizes about whether he can become a true **** one day.

But just now, she realized that her thoughts were too naive.

No longer thinking that in front of the supreme and great existence, the true **** is nothing.

Because of this great existence, it has done things that even the true gods cannot do.

"That silly boy, that old man, is still looking at each other in doubt, obviously he has received the message in his heart."

"However, judging by the silly looks of the two of them, you can tell that they don't understand what it means."

"A great existence beyond the true God!"

"Unexpectedly, the ruler of the outside world is so terrifying!"

"However, it seems that he has tampered with the rules of the world and made him weak!"

"So that even the mysterious space that maintains this piece of spiritual world has become a little dimmer."

"Could it be that what we are simplifying is not his body at all?"

"Or, he is not as great as I imagined?"

After a brief panic, Catherine thought of these again.

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