At this moment, he secretly regretted in his heart.

"Catherine, Catherine, you are the protagonist of Destiny revived from ancient times!"

"Encountering adventures should be extremely common, but how can you be so flustered when you meet a true god?"

"In the end, it will be a great opportunity for performance, and it will be cheaper for others."

Catherine, fifteen years old.

An awakened being with consciousness from birth.

In other words, she is an ordinary commoner in this world, in the last era.

He is an ancient person who has experienced the destruction of the world by the outer gods.

She didn't know why she was reborn, and it was still at the end of the era.

But she knew that she was very dangerous.

Especially after she grew up and began to understand the history of this world, she didn't even need to step into the mysticism.

He already knew that his world was about to be destroyed again.

But because he is not a transcendent, not the kind of transcendent who knows the ancient history well.

Therefore, even with the help of the Grand Duke's mansion, he could only inquire about many signs of the doomsday.

As for the specific end time, according to Catherine's inference, it is about 20-50 years.

That's why she secretly collected materials in such a dangerous place as the Grand Duke's mansion, and finally took them and became a superhuman.

The extraordinary path she chose is an astrologer.

It's not the same as a fortune teller, but it's close.

But when she was taking the potion, she also clearly saw that the potion in her hand suddenly changed from blue and white potion to bright red.

In the next second, what she experienced was exactly the same as that of Butyen.

After coming to the spirit world, Catherine also saw the Kingdom of the Seven Gods for the first time, and saw the giant snake coiling around the world.

Thinking the same as Catherine, besides Boutien, there is also an old man named Kunier.

That's right!

The third person to become a spiritual audience is an old man!

A chaebol in the Eastern Continent, the extraordinary profession he chose is a magician.

In the end, he was directly influenced by Yang Xuan and became a spiritual audience of the spiritual pathway.

As an old man, he also knows better than Butyen and Catherine how lucky it is to be blessed by a true god.

Because this old man, Kunier, also knew information about the end of the world from the secret organization he belonged to.

After all, in recent years.

The whole mysterious world is full of all kinds of doomsday prophecies.

Many churches surrounding the doomsday were born as a result.

A lot of talk about the end, and finally formed a lot of cult organizations.

As for Kunier, he actually knew about the existence of supernatural beings early on.

But at the same time, I also know that becoming an extraordinary is a very dangerous thing.

He even invested in a few good Transcendents, but those people eventually fell into madness and became monsters.

Originally, the rich Kunier didn't intend to become a Extraordinary himself.

But as an old man, he was tricked by one of his grandsons.

According to a grandson, he was bewitched by the doomsday cult, so that the whole family was targeted by that evil organization.

Even the other party didn't estimate the Church of the Seven Gods at all, and found him directly.

The other party's words were extremely crazy, and for the sake of the family, Kunier finally chose to join this organization.

Then at their request, a lot of money was invested in them.

Such a situation made Kunier want to obtain extraordinary power, so the old man chose to take the magician's potion.

But who would have thought that it would become like this.

But he has no regrets, because the changes in front of him are better for him.

So just now when Catherine was the first to speak, she thanked the great existence that she couldn't see but protected her in the dark.

He also hastily added a sentence to express his respect and gratitude.

But what he didn't expect was that under such circumstances, the young man who appeared first but was always dumbfounded could do better than himself.

"Is it because I have forgotten how to be humble because I have been in the top position for a long time? I have to correct this point!"

Kunier secretly reminded himself in his heart.


That is, when the mood of the three of them stabilized a bit.

Suddenly, a huge black dot appeared above the sky.

Immediately after that was the giant snake wrapped around the entire world, the rotten ancient trees nearby, the many evil gods not far away, and the terrifying man who lived directly above but was hanging upside down.

They all cried out at this moment.

Immediately afterwards, endless light illuminated the entire spiritual world.

For a moment, none of the three of them could open their eyes.

The light lasted for nearly a minute.

When the light dissipated, they found that their positions had changed.

From the previous middle level of the spirit world, they came to the upper spirit world inexplicably.

Because subconsciously looked down.

Boutien, Catherine, and Kunier were all horrified to find that the country they got up was trampled under their feet.

This is blasphemy.

How can mortals be above gods.

If the Beyonders of the Church of the Seven Gods knew about this, they would definitely hunt them down to the ends of the earth.

However, the real shock is not over yet.

Because when they raised his head, he stopped looking at the Kingdom of the Seven Gods below.

The three of them suddenly discovered that the real shock is the picture in front of them.

This moment.

Above the Kingdom of God where they are.

A huge dojo stands here.

At the same time, a vague, but seemingly very clearly visible.

Phantoms full of two contradictory concepts, clear and fuzzy, finally intertwined into an extremely sacred and majestic figure.

This figure sits on a huge divine throne.

The seat of God is unparalleled.

Just for people to see, there is a feeling of wanting to worship.

"There are only three people!"

A faint voice appeared in the ears of the three people.

At the same time, Yang Xuan's will couldn't help but secretly sighed:

Sure enough, this is a sign of the end of the world.

After releasing so much spiritual power, only the three of them have the qualifications in the end!

Although Yang Xuan separated very few true spirits, after the black hole exploded, it injected a lot of spiritual power into this world.

The powerful spiritual power directly changed the laws of the world.

Invading the real world with mental imagery, and directly creating a potion with an extraordinary sequence of minds.


After Yang Xuan sighed.

Then in the next second, the surrounding space instantly reappeared.

From the previous appearance, it became a huge and deep palace.

With the change of the scene, it looks even taller now.

"Is this the palace of the gods?"

Boutien couldn't help but let out a sigh of emotion.

Then, he straightened his expression, and performed a very respectful etiquette to the phantom in the first seat above.

"I have seen the gods and the Lord of the Mind!"

Although Boutien was very calm, his heart was already very excited and trembling.

As a result, the performance of the spirit body is extremely trembling.

In fact, as a rich man, Bunier is no better than him.

Catherine, who had an adventure before, was the calmest among the three.

Catherine soon discovered this.

However, in her heart, she was still extremely shocked.

Because an idea came to her mind.

The figure in front of me is probably not a god.

He is an existence beyond the gods, a terrifying existence beyond the sequence.

In the last era, she vaguely remembered when the end came.

Someone in the place where she is said that our world has lost the existence of transcending sequences, and lost the great master beyond the gods.

So the world is about to be eaten.

Catherine didn't care about these at the time.

But now it seems that the world is really being eaten, it's just that the other party still can't eat it.

So, she immediately had an idea.

The great existence that summons oneself has a position beyond the gods, so the gods are trampled under his feet.

But his current state is unstable, maybe he was injured, maybe he was sealed by the Outer God.

Therefore, he wants to let power invade the real world, looking for the possibility of recovery.

"Could it be that what he wants are believers?"

"Want to preach?"

For a moment, Catherine quickly thought of this.

Then she passed Boutien, who was saluting, and Bunier, who was still in shock.

He walked directly in front of the two of them.

"The great lord of the mind, the supreme existence beyond the sequence!"

"May I ask if yours is for the end?"

Catherine couldn't help asking a question.

She is not only a person who has lived through an era, but also a person from the Grand Duke's mansion, so the news and knowledge are the strongest among the three.

"I came here because of the doomsday, but not to save the world!"

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