But when this thought first appeared to her, Yang Xuan, who was at the top, spoke again.

"Let's go back!"

"If you still want to save your world!"

"Then try to become a dreamer of Sequence 0, and condense your own dream gate."

"You can pray to me and recite my name if you encounter any difficulties during this period!"

After Yang Xuan finished speaking, he waved his hand!


Soon, the three of them disappeared.

After the three returned, a smile appeared on the corner of Yang Xuan's mouth.

"The Lord of Mysteries is in a state of deep sleep. He wants to return to one, and the returned **** has not yet grown up!"

"But he has a lot of chess pieces!"

"Even the seven gods, the existence of the seven Taoist masters are all his pawns."

"But the Seven Gods seem to have noticed something. After they become gods, they are after the ninth level of Taoist masters."

"They are all huddled in their own kingdom of God, not thinking about devouring other gods, not thinking about going further, they must know that once they continue to advance and try to condense the door, they will be revived from the body by the Lord of Mysteries, and then replaced .”

It didn't take long for Yang Xuan to think of this.

"I'm also very curious about the mysterious medieval world!"

"Especially at the end of the world, many strange and extraordinary people all appear!"

"It would be a shame if I wasn't involved."

Yang Xuan thought so in his heart.

Immediately following this mysterious space, it was covered by a pure white mist.

And Yang Xuan gradually closed his eyes.


Eastern Continent.

Kunier slowly opened his eyes.

"A god! A great god!"

"I obviously drank the potion of a magician, but in the end I became a spiritual spectator."

"Moreover, all the pathways of this sequence, all the formulas of potions, unexpectedly appeared in my heart."

"This turned out to be the road to becoming a god."

"A road to becoming a **** is actually so simple that I know it, and it still directly appears in the heart."

"It's not mysterious at all, it's like gold coins falling from the sky."

Kunier is a businessman, he knows that in this world, there is no such thing as gold coins falling from the sky.

The other party is so generous and invests so much.

It means that the opponent's plot is even bigger.

Of course, that mysterious and great existence directly said that what he wanted was the whole world.

So, I now have two choices.

Try to improve the sequence and become a god.

Or, give up the advancement of the spiritual path and treat it as a dream.



"There is no need to choose at all!"

"Sacrificing our world and becoming the gods of the great existence, even if it is from the gods, this is an extremely good thing!"

"So, there is no need to choose by yourself, I will definitely become a god!"

Kunier's eyes gradually became firm.

He knew that this was his chance.

It's a huge opportunity.

What's more, that great existence also said that if you are really in danger, you can try to call his name.

Maybe, the other party will give him some help.

"A formula for the Path of the Transcendent, if you reach Sequence 8 or 7, you need at least one percent of my wealth to buy it."

"If it's a Sequence 6 or Sequence 5 potion, then it's hard to buy with money〃!"

"As for Sequence 4, according to the person who gave me information last time, it is a demigod-level personality!"

"The price alone actually sold all my possessions!"

"Then, there is no possibility of purchasing compensation for Sequence 4."

"And the great **** I'm about to follow actually gave me a sequence potion formula for the whole path, which is a huge fortune in itself."

"So I can use this power to reversely invade that cult organization."

"I continue to join that cult, and then gradually use the power of my mind to influence them!"

"Finally, a new potion was revealed to make them become Extraordinary in the spiritual path."

"I'm announcing that this is a gift from my lord. It might be possible to directly replace that evil **** with my lord!"

After Kunier thought of this, his mood became agitated.

I saw him pacing back and forth in his study non-stop.

After a while, he gritted his teeth and began to check the windows and doors of the study.


He began to chant Yang Xuan's name in his heart.

"The great master of the mind, the master of everything!"

"I beg you to hear, I beg you to watch!"

"I intend to publicize your honor, your greatness, and spread the spiritual path!"

"My plan is to start with an unpopular cult!"

"This is a cult that claims to be the savior, and it believes in the God of Savior!"

"I don't know if my method is feasible!"

Kunier spoke out his plan in his heart.

Then, he began to wait quietly.

He also didn't know if his words would be heard by Yang Xuan.

But he had a feeling that that great existence would definitely hear it.

Maybe even give yourself a certain reply.



It's just that less than three minutes later, Kunier, who had been kneeling on the ground, didn't dare to get up.

Suddenly, a message was received.


This is the voice that arises directly above the mind.

Moreover, it is still so clear.

"Praise the great master of the mind, the Lord of all phenomena!"

Kunier suppressed his excitement and excitement.

He didn't get up immediately, but thanked and worshiped Yang Xuan first.

Then, he got up and left his study.


Holy Nix Empire.

After Catherine came back to her senses, she immediately looked around in horror.


She found that she was still in her secret room.

Don't look at this as the Grand Duke's mansion, it stands to reason that there can be no secret room that the Grand Duke doesn't know about.

But Catherine, as a person who has survived from the last era and knows some ancient secrets.

She also managed her own power in the Grand Duke's mansion.

Even the Grand Duke's favorite little granddaughter, his own half-sister, has actually been controlled by her.

when! when! when!

That's when.

A knock on the door came from outside.

Catherine seemed a little lost.

when! when! when!

It wasn't until the second sound of door opening came that she came back to her senses.

Then he walked to the gate and opened it.

"Master Bishop, have you succeeded?"

After the door is opened.

A beautiful, pure blonde girl asked in surprise after seeing Catherine.

This is the man who guards the gate for her.

Also in this Grand Duke's mansion, the little princess with a very high status.

The Grand Duke's granddaughter, Catherine.

"I succeeded!"

"Moreover, after receiving the gift of our Lord, I became a Extraordinary, a very different Extraordinary."

Catherine said with a smile.

She controls this younger sister who is partly related by blood, with the help of the doomsday prophecy.

Catherine claimed to be the one favored by the gods, and she came to this family to lead Catherine.

She said that Catherine is a saint, an existence that can be redeemed.

At the beginning, Katerine naturally didn't believe it.

However, over time.

Catherine told little by little a lot of secret information that even the Grand Duke didn't know.

That is related to some secrets of the last era.

When one, two, many secrets are confirmed.

Catherine believed it, and was very new to Catherine.

Basically, she wouldn't doubt anything Catherine said.

It was even because of Catherine's request that she took out the Transcendent Sequence potion formula at home behind the Grand Duke's back.

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